Strength of Thousands (PF2 AP) by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Spire Dormitory Map

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You leave the gates of Magaambya and head to the market, but then you realize -- the problem with walking to the market is that you don't know where it is...

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

As Iovia realizes that key lack of knowledge, she pauses and laughs aloud.

"We did not ask where it was, and they did not tell us. I'm willing to bet that the real task is finding the market."

She turns to Nyandra. "Miss Ravenheart, you are the closest we have to being a local, as you have been in the area for a while. What do you know about the market, if anything?"

If Nyandra doesn't know anything, Iovia will suggest asking local residents for directions.

You have been to the Kafesi market before. And you know that the market is a wandering bazaar made of foldable tables and umbrellas that is never in the same place twice.

Secret Checks:

Nyandra Nantambu Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 Female (she/her) Seer Elf Bard 1 HP 20/20 | AC 12 | Perc +6 |F +7 R +11 W +6 | Perc +6 | Rapier +3 1d6 P | Dagger +3 1d4 P/S | Sling +3 1d6 B 50 ft | Spd 30 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: | Hero points: 0 | Arcana +5 Nature +4 Occult +5 Religion +4

Nyandra nods, but frowns. "I'm afraid I must answer both yes and no: for I have been to the market before, but that's the thing--it moves around, it's... it's actually like a traveling theater troupe. It's rarely in the same place twice. I agree, I do think finding the market is the real task."

This doesn't deter or dismay her. "I'm sure we can find someone in town who can direct us to where the market is today. We're in the very middle of the city, so any direction is equally likely to have people who know where to go. Unless someone has a better idea, I suggest we head south." She points toward the bridges over the canals leading to the rest of the city.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba says "Unless it's a very secret market, I think it would be in their best interest to be easy to find. I don't think it's going to require much asking around."

He goes with Nyandra, asking around as they go.

AoN says that Gather information is a secret check. My diplo is +4

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

Iovia stays with the group but lets others do the talking. Others are much more suited to this than she is.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"It moves around? Mmm possibly to avoid consequences for shifty behavior or bad deals? South is fine with me." Seeing M'Baba's point, and also inquires of folks

Also Diplomacy +4

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

Ntuni follows along, annoyed. If this was the real task, then they should have said so.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

On the way, M'baba asks Ikto "Say, do you know anything special about these chickens? Do they turn invisible or something of the sort?" He had once had bad experiences with animals with magical abilities. He tries to remember something about these specific animals himself.

Recall knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto notices Ntuni has gone quiet and is tempted to offer a proverbial copper for her thoughts, when M'Baba starts one up with him first.

"Well, I hear Bisola's family used to keep Ojofiri chickens and that they could hatch anything. I also heard they're rare because they aren't good layers, and there maybe some at this market we're going to," a smile escapes him, as he tries for a bit of humor , "But as you were there to hear what I did, I imagine that's of little use. Still... I'll think on what my old mentors from my home may have mentioned of them if anything." He does make an effort to recall what he can of them.

Recall Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

After a moment, he shakes his head, "I'm sorry, my parents taught me of weaving, my elder storm druids taught me more of tempests than chickens. A bit embarrassing for me really, as a druid I should know more. But at least we have their description."

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Za Minyahil wakes the next day early, as they always do, and steps outside, wearing little more than their trousers. They seek a place on the campus as open to the sky as possible, to try and seek as much exposure to the sun as possible, greeting the dawn and soaking up whatever sunlight they can, rain or shine.

Once this is done, they return to the Spire Dorm and get fully dressed, before joining the other initiates for their first task.

They note Esi's nonchalant response to replacing Anchor Root. It seemed to them that she was the type to insert herself into others' affairs, whether that was out of some misplaced sense of generosity or a prideful belief that she knows best, it remained to be seen.

Their brow furrows a bit as the task is described to them.

"There were markets like this all over Quantium, I had to deal with a few of them to obtain the books that were ruined on the journey here. Usually they're not dedicated sellers but collections of people with things they want to sell, and people who want to buy, spontaneously gathering for convenience."

For gathering information, my Diplomacy is +3.

They think on the description of the chickens as M'baba mentions, wondering if they'd encountered wealthy master mages who'd buy such creatures solely because they were rare.

Recall Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Unfortunately, none of you know anything more about Ojofiri chickens than was explained before you left the Magaambya.

The group of initiates leave the school heading to find someone who knows the whereabouts of today's Kafesi Market. M'Baba and Ikto helm the discussion with various townsfolk, shopkeepers, police officials and other bystanders. The process is long and the walk is far. Several people refuse to speak to the group at all, looking with some surprise at Za Minyahil, whose kind has rarely if ever been seen in Nantambu. One person says they will not tell the location of the market, another explains to Ikto that the market moves around all the time. A few people are able to say where they believe the market is, but many more are not sure. One man asks why you want Ojofiri chickens when Ngata chicks are far superior and he just might have some for sale...It does seem that cleverly hiding your strings of beads has likely aided your quest, as a few native townsfolk say they could not tell those from the magic school anything about the Kafesi's location.

Following the preponderance of the stories, you feel like you are getting closer, but the dawn sunlight has turned to mid-morning. After about two hours of asking and walking, the stories come down to two slightly different tales. M'Baba has learned the location of the market, and has been told they should seek out a seller named Seydou, a man with grey hair and white-blue body paint under a purple umbrella. Ikto is told to seek out Makena, a bald woman with large hoop earrings. They are each told they are only ones who have Ojofiri chickens for sale.

Soon, the group turns a corner and finds the Kafesi Market right in front of them. There is a buzz of noise as commerce is conducted and a crowd of people shop loudly among the brightly colored umbrellas, folding stands, and small stand up shops that make up the market.

Secret Checks:

Gather Information Ikto: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Gather Information M'Baba: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.

Beads hidden, Za Minyahil regards the others.

"Do we try to hit the sellers one by one or simultaneously? If they become aware the other has sold their chickens, they might raise their prices in response."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

"Perhaps split up then? I will go to this Makena. If permitted, I'll take half the gold we were given for purchases and head there now. Anyone want to come with me? Or bargain with her instead of me?"

I just re-read what was posted above, and want to be very clear about it. Ikto was told the only Ojofiri chickens in the market were sold by Makena. The same thing was said to M'Baba about Seydou -- he was the only one who had them for sale. Clearly, both of those stories can't be true.

Grand Archive

Rogue 1 | AC 17 | HP 17 / 17 | no conditions

M'baba is extremely confused about this market. "Big cities are weird", he thinks. To him, a market's whereabouts should be as loudly shouted in all directions to attract more buyers. He shrugs this off as the morning search is very exhausting to him. Doing tedious door to door work is not what gets his blood pumping.

When the group finally finds the market, he sighs relieved, even forgetting what they were doing here in the first place. As Za and Ikto talk about the chickens, M'baba is a bit lost about what to do, but his mind races a bit and he finally says "Well, I can think of 3 ways to handle this. The first, more direct is just Za's suggestion. We find the people we heard of and ask them directly. Another way is to ask around for sellers of rare animals, birds in particular. This would be a little less obvious and we would seem a bit less desperate. The third way would require a bit more patience of us, as we walk the market and keep our heads low, listening and watching for clues that might expose the seller to us. This would be the least conspicuous path and a bit more passive, with a small risk that we don't actually see or hear anything."

He says "I don't really like to draw attention to me, so I prefer the third option, as we have a higher chance of seeing or hearing something with so many eyes and ears in our group. But I'll follow what you guys find best. My way doesn't always turn out to be the best."

For secret rolls purposes: Diplomacy is +4, Stealth is +6 and Perception is +5

Female Human Cleric 1| HP 18/18| AC: 15/16| Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +9 | Init: +7 | Per +7 | Stealth +5 |DC 17| Spd 25 ft. | Hero Points: 1| ◆ ↺ ◇, XP 230/1000

"It seems to me that we are here to buy a commodity that we were told is in short supply and often sells out rapidly, and we have learned who might sell it. Time may be of the essence."

"Mr. Banashee and I will find Makena. Two of you can look for this Seydou, and Mr. M'baba and the remaining member of the group can follow his third option, just in case our information is incorrect."

Iovia offers her arm to Ikto. "Shall we, Mr. Banashee?" she asks with a smile. If he takes her arm or not, Iovia walks into the market, acting like all the other people that are here to shop. She pauses at stalls, inquires about products that catch her eye, and asks about Makena to find that particular merchant.

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

AH, thank you, DM. I did miss that only ones thing.
At first Ikto stares at the offered arm as if the gesture confuses, then noting others in the crowds of the city doing the same, he grows sheepish and takes the arm gently, "We shall, Miss Iovia" He does say to the others "If only one really has the chicks we seek, we should be cautious of..what is it? A scam. Remember what we were told the Ojofiri looked like. And maybe one of you is good at catching someone in a lie. Regardless, good luck."

And he, and Iovia, head out. He follows Iovia's lead, and with her seeks out Makena, mindful of the warning time might be a factor.

Female NG dwarf fighter 1 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 18, F: +7, R: +6, W: +6 | Perc: +8, darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none.

"I'll look for this Seydou then and I agree with Iovia. We already took the whole morning to find this place. The chicks might already be dead and boiling right now as we get close to lunch time."

She hands Ikto the full purse as she has her own gold. "We should meet back here as soon as possible to report our success or lack off."

Male Anadi (HP 16/16|AC 15 (17 with raised Shield),F +3, R +4, W +9 |Perc +7, move 25) Druid (Storm Order)- 1

Ikto takes the gold offered (Or less if someone protests) , nods to Ntuni, and THEN heads out with Iovia

Nonbinary (they/them) ghoran magus 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (19 with shield raised), F: +8, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5, low-light vision | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none.
Ntuni Anzaga wrote:

"I'll look for this Seydou then and I agree with Iovia. We already took the whole morning to find this place. The chicks might already be dead and boiling right now as we get close to lunch time."

She hands Ikto the full purse as she has her own gold. "We should meet back here as soon as possible to report our success or lack off."

Za Minyahil nods. "I'll go with you, Ntuni."

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