Sound Warrior

Lootie Kriss's page

45 posts. Organized Play character for dohjoe295.

Full Name

Lootie Kriss


Fey-Touched Gnome


| Bard L5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23| F +9, R +12, W +11 | Perc +11 (Low-Light) | Speed 25' | Exploration: Cast Musical Accompaniment | Spell DC21 | L1 3 | L2 3 | L3 2 | Lute 3 |Focus 2 | Hero 1 | Conditions: None







Strength -1
Dexterity 3
Constitution 2
Intelligence 2
Wisdom 2
Charisma 4

About Lootie Kriss

Bard [Maestro]
Ancestry: Gnome
Background: Musical Prodigy
Languages: Common, Draconic, Fey, Gnomish, Sakvroth
Heritage: Fey-Touched [Primal cantrip, 10m change]

Ancestry Feats: Empathetic Plea, Unexpected Shift, Animal Accomplice
General Feats: Ancestral Paragon
Class Feats: Lingering Composition, Multifarious Muse [Polymath], Versatile Performance, Rallying Anthem
Skill Feats: Virtuosic Performer, Intimidating Glare, Bon Mot

HP: 58
AC: 23
Class DC: 21
Speed: 25'
Perception[E]: +11
Fort[T]: +9, Reflex: +12[E], Will: +11[E]

Acrobatics[T]: +9
Arcana[T]: +10
Deception[T]: +11
Diplomacy[E]: +14
Intimidation[T]: +11
PFS/Music Lore[T]: +9
Nature[T]: +9
Occultism[T]: +10
Performance[E]: +13
Performance[Lute][E]: +15 (+1 item, +1 circ)
Performance[Lute w/orchestral][E]: +16 (+1 item, +1 circ, +1 status)
Society[T]: +9

PFS Item: Scroll Dispel Magic

- Cantrip Deck [Full Deck]
- Entertainer's Lute
- Cold Iron Chunk
- Silver Chunk
- Jolt Coil [Armor]
- Fine Clothing
- +1 Studded Leather, DR2 Electricity
- Pendent of the Occult
- Mage's Hat
- Wayfinder
- Scroll of Phantom Crowd
- Scroll of Sonata Span
- Scroll of Translate

L3 Focus Cantrip:
- Courageous Anthem
- Rallying Anthem

- Counter Performance
- Lingering Composition

L3 Cantrips:
- Musical Accompaniment
- Needle Darts [default cold iron]
- Shield
- Void Warp
- Bullhorn
- Guidance (Pendant)
- Electric Art (Jolt Coil)
- Live Wire (Innate)
- Warp Step (Familiar)
- Prestidigitation (Hat)
- Infectious Enthusiasm (Lute)

L1 Spells [3]:
- Lose the Path
- Gravitational Pull
- Liberating Command
- Soothe (Signature)
- Phantasmal Minion
- Bless (Lute)
- Ventriloquism (Lute)

L2 Spells [3]:
- Loose Times Arrow
- Force Barrage (Signature)
- Laughing Fit

L3 Spells [2]:
- Slow
- Time Jump

- Cantrip
- Focus