EbonFist's 7-26 All the God's Below

Game Master EbonFist

Maps & Slides

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

Who's still All For Immortality and ready for a 2nd taste of eternity?

Also...what's everyone's level, now? We might be out of tier and be able to play up.

Also, also, this is one of those scenarios with a hard mode, so if you all agree, we can play in hard mode.

Dark Archive

Ganzi Bloodrager 5/DD 6 | HP 136/136 (169*) | Resistance (5 Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Fire +10*) DR 5/magic |AC 23 (*22) (32 buffed) |Rage*:16/16 BW 2/2 Quibble 1/1, Spells 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2|CMB +13 (15*) (+2 trip), CMD 29 | F: +16/*+19, R: +9, W: +11/*+13 (+2 charm, 1/1 Reroll) |Perc: +6 Dipl +14 DV 60', Blind: 30'| 30ft | Conditions:

Level 12 (5 Bloodrager, 7 Dragon Disciple)

I haven't picked spells or spent money yet, but I will update the character sheet before we get into anything particularly dangerous.

Hard is A-OK with me

Dark Archive

F Tief (Pit) Ftr 5/HK9 - HP144 AC-30/T-16/F-27 CMB20 CMD34 F:+16 R:11: W+10/ Perc+13 - Dkvis 60' |Init+5(+combat reflex), Move 30'.

Still 14.
Will be 15 for the last act!

Hard is fine :)

The Exchange

F Human Cleric 14/Pharasma|HP: 114/114|AC31,F30,T14|CMD: 21|F+15,R+9,W+20|Init+1|SPD40|PER +17|

Nadya is still level 14.

We seemed to really blast through the last one, I think we can probably handle hard mode.

Silver Crusade

7-20 | NG male (he/him) human (Varisian) alchemist 13 | AC 27 (T 16, FF 23) | HP 120/120 | P +21, I +4 | F +16 (+18 vs poison), R +17, W +12 | Bombs: 23/23, Fly: 13/13, Clover: 3/3 | Active Conditions: ant haul

Diazepane is Level 13, and Hard Mode is okay with me, but I actually don't know what it entails so if someone could give me a quick rundown to what I just agreed to, it'd be swell. :)

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