GM Erich |
2,1,3,4 it is! Also, we will grant Salissa a hero point for the Act to bring her back to the fold.
Dennis the Menace |
GM Erich -- Just confirming a couple things:
1) When Orange moved up, did you account for Dennis' reactive strike? I realize it was a poor roll and probably missed, but maybe...
2) Orange attempted to grapple/constrict Dennis, but seems like he rolled a 22 for the attack. Dennis' AC is 25. Is Dennis still grabbed on the apparent failed attack?
GM Erich |
@Dennis Did consider the reaction, but it did miss. The grapple was against Fort DC (so 22), not AC (It's actually a special ability of the creature where it gets to move, grapple and constrict for two actions...)
Dorgath Elokar |
sorry all, might be just a bit slow posting the next few days. Came down with some kind of flu over the weekend, but on the mend!
Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War |
Hey, that's me! I voiced Sharkskin for the debut run of this scenario. never found out what happened to him at that con.
GM Erich |
Also, a mechanical question for this particular encounter. Let me know if your character would not be physically attracted to the succubus (female, feminine presence)
Slipp |
Slipp is asexual (you will not consistent use of they prefix...forever). No interest in either boys or girls. That is part of their slow move toward bleaching (they are not a bleaching yet, but early in the process).
Dennis the Menace |
Dennis thinks girls are gross. Having said that, I view him as heterosexual, so maybe he just hasn't met the right one ....
For purposes of this adventure, go for it.
Slipp |
Dennis feels it's definitely in his best interest to escape. And soon. He decides to try to frighten her first. "Look, Miss! If you don't let go of me right now, I'm gonna be mad. I might even have a tantrum. And you're gonna get poked. A lot!"
Can't see a succubus finding that particular threat effective!
Dennis the Menace |
Does purple have reach? She is not adjacent to Dennis.
She was adjacent. After what I think was a pretty good Escape roll, Dennis moved south. If the Escape attempt failed, then the GM can return Dennis to be adjacent to purple.
Can't see a succubus finding that particular threat effective!
Dennis, a naive teenager, has no idea what you mean, but that is really funny. Solid point, Slipp. :)
Salissa Greenscale |
Salissa calls the elements to aid her and hurls a bolt of wood at the demon queen. She then summons up a tree to protect her allies.
Everyone feel free to insert your own off color joke about giving wood to the succubus.
Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War |
Wood is what got Ra'uf into this situation. Now he's all STEEL!
Don't think I ever defined this character's sexuality, so we can go with yes, she would affect him. (At least, it would be stupid to decide during a game he was gay for mechanical benefits.)
GM Erich |
Dorgath Elokar |
I would also say yes, Dorgath would be affected by the succubus. Also spoiler discussion seems fair and makes sense!
GM Erich |
Note to Ra'uf about the suggestion...
To me the suggestion just gives you the "condition" of being willing to engage in embracing and kissing with the succubus (and not trying to escape - until she harms you again and you get another save). You are otherwise free to act. So movement, protecting your friends, even attacking the other demons is certainly fair game. Attacking her is unclear, but given what you know about her plan and such, even that I'd say would be ok. Suggestion is not dominate.
GM Erich |
Note to Ra'uf about the suggestion...
To me the suggestion just gives you the "condition" of being willing to engage in embracing and kissing with the succubus (and not trying to escape - until she harms you again and you get another save). You are otherwise free to act. So movement, protecting your friends, even attacking the other demons is certainly fair game. Attacking her is unclear, but given what you know about her plan and such, even that I'd say would be ok. Suggestion is not dominate.
Nevermind. You are free!
GM Erich |
Hey all,
We are nearing the end of our journey, so please enter your information at this RPG Chronicles link so I can make the chronicles when we finish.
GM Erich |
With that, we are done.
Your chronicle is located >>>here<<<.
Let me know if there are any issues.
Feel free to roleplay your way out of the game and I'll close it down in a few days.
Thanks everyone for keeping up the pace of the adventure, it was a pleasure to run it for you. I hope you enjoyed it and good luck on your next adventure!
Slipp |
Looks good. Many thanks for the game.
Did we already do day jobs?
perform DC 18: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
5sp x 8 days = 4gp.
I gota get me an instrument that gives an item bonus on perform checks. Anyone know of one?
Dennis the Menace |
Had a great time with all the players. Thanks for putting up with Dennis. And thanks for keeping the game moving, GM Erich. Lots of fun.
I gota get me an instrument that gives an item bonus on perform checks. Anyone know of one?
Well, you can always get a Virtuoso Instrument. Just 50gp.
There's also the Persona Mask. Also 50gp, but you don't need 2 hands (like you do for the instrument). Also, at level 9, it can be upgraded to the Greater version which is +2 to those specific Performance checks and gives you a Performance re-roll 1/day.
Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War |
Performance (T) DC 19: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Failure, which is... something. I miss when the official guide had a table with all the earn income results on a page I could bookmark.
Salissa Greenscale |
Ra'uf Steelwheels, Dog of War |
The old table was easier. Your level, your DC, what you got for 8 days for each possible result. It's still there, just completely buried in the updated guide.
Lootie Kriss |
Thanks everyone for a great adventure!
Be sure to look for a Lootie concert next time he's in your part of Golarion.