Ankha Brushbender |
Ankha will stay next to Becky. I can't move her into the tower on the map though, because Becky's token hasn't moved in yet.
Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
Ankha will stay next to Becky. I can't move her into the tower on the map though, because Becky's token hasn't moved in yet.
Done. (A move (30 ft.) and an active Perception check.)
Ku'Hania |
Hope you're feeling better.
Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
Yeah--hoping you feel better ASAP.
GM of the Ruins |
Just to be clear: does the ring effectively cast Permanency (Detect Magic) on Ankha?
At work so can’t full post but no, the ring casts Detect Magic at any person or object placed into the ring and allows those who observe it to do other things beyond just concentrating on the Detect Magic. It’s essentially a magical telescope in the form of a magical ring that displays the info for anyone with the required skills (can cast detect magic or 3 ranks of spellcraft) can understand.
For example, everyone in the room that meets the requirements can now see Ankha as if she were under the effects of a Detect Magic spell cast by said viewer.
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
Ku'Hania detects that both the woman and the man with her (who hasn't spoken whatsoever so far) are under the influence of a domination effect.
[dice=Fauchard Attack & 2H Damage (S)]1d20+8; 1d10+9
[dice=Confirm crit & crit damage]1d20+8; 1d10+9
Fkn rip
Ankha Brushbender |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@GM: Just checking: Did Ankha’s attack (she rolled 13) miss by 5 or less? If the illusory copy functions like Mirror Image then that should destroy the figment.
Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
Thanks for the reminder about that aspect of the mirror image spell, Ankha--I'd forgotten that bit.
That distinction may also come into play for Becky's most recent attack.
GM of the Ruins |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hey guys, I’ve got a week of vacation from work coming up starting Sunday, and I’m going to be using most of that week as a small break/vacation from my games as well. Just feeling a tiny bit of burnout and don’t want it to escalate into making the game worse for all of us.
I’ll be around through the end of Saturday, but from Sunday to around Friday-ish the plan is for me to be ‘out of the office’. If I feel rested and refreshed enough to get back into it before then I will, but plan for this week to be downtime.
I’ll get a post up this evening detailing some info from the man, who he is and what happened etc.
In other news: book 1 finished! Which means you’ve hit level 4, and coincidentally a perfect place to take that break of mine.
Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Enjoy your time off. We'll be here when you're ready to pick things up again.
Ankha Brushbender |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Woo hoo on the level up!
@GM: Please take a well-deserved break to recharge, for however long you need. We'll be here!
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
Leaving us to wait on a cliffhanger?! So evil! I can't wait to solve this mystery.
jk :P Thanks for everything so far, GM of the Ruins! And everyone else! It's rare a PbP gets through the first book, but we're still going strong
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
Level 4
+1 Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor (Swashbuckler 1/ Inquisitor 3)
+7 HP
+1 BAB
+1 REF
Solo Tactics: Precise Strike
+1 Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Linguistics (Elven), Profession (Barkeep)
+1 lvl 0 Spell (Create Water)
+1 lvl 1 Spell (Expeditious Retreat)
+1 lvl 1 Spellslot (4/4)
Level 4 Ability Advancement: +1 Dex (18)
Nice! Rounding out Braxton's Dex to 18 is a big boost. I really struggle to justify to myself starting with an 18 with 20 point-buy on a non-SAD class.
I added the two +1 tridents and the ioun stone creation kit to the loot list. Still to do: Search this floor and the one below.
Braxton gets a d6 of Sneak Attack die when flanking now. I'd say any enemies caught between Braxton and Ankha are super dead, but I think anything caught within range of Ankha's polearm are super dead anyways.
Ankha Brushbender |
Level 4
+1 Alchemist, +7 HP
Ability: +1 Str
Skills (bg): Craft (alchemy), Sleight of Hand
Skills: Disable Device, Know (arcana), Know (nature), Perception, Spellcraft, Swim, Use Magic Device
2nd Level Formula: Ablative Barrier or Spider Climb
Discovery: Feral Mutagen or Infusion
Any thoughts on what Ankha should take for her 2nd level spell/formula and for her discovery?
--Ablative Barrier will increase Ankha's durability in combat, but Spider Climb might be helpful for utility ... or not, depending on how much time we spend underwater.
--Feral Mutagen basically gives three 3d6+6 attacks when flanking, though she loses the reach and crit range of her fauchard. Infusion lets her share her extracts with others.
I'm liking the sneak attack sandwich that's now on the menu at Braxton's pub.
Ku'Hania |
Enjoy the break! It's important to be aware of how your energy is for things and take breaks when needed.
Also, yay leveling!
Ku'Hania |
Shaman level 4
HP: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Skills (4+1 bonus):Knowledge Religion, Knowledhe Nature, Perception, Swim, Survival
Background skills:Handle Animal, Lore (Lost Azlant)
+1 BAB
+1 Will
Ability: +1 Wis
+1 1st level spell per day
+1 2nd level spell per day
Hex: Beckoning Chill (Su): The shaman causes one creature within 30 feet to become more susceptible to the sapping powers of cold for 1 minute. When a creature takes cold damage while under this effect, it is entangled for 1 round. If the creature takes cold damage while already entangled by beckoning chill, the duration of the entangled condition increases by 1 round. When a deep shaman uses beckoning chill on a creature in the water, that creature becomes fatigued due to hypothermia for the duration, and it also becomes entangled if the creature takes damage from he deep shaman’s spirit abilities and from spells and abilities with the water descriptor. Once affected, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours
Wandering Spirit: Lore
Monstrous Insight (Su): The shaman can identify creatures and gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses. As a standard action, the shaman can attempt a Knowledge skill check to identify a creature and its abilities (using the appropriate skill for the monster’s type) with an insight bonus equal to her shaman level. Whether or not the check is successful, she also gains a +2 insight bonus for 1 minute on attack rolls made against that creature and a +2 insight bonus to her AC against attacks made by that creature. These bonuses last for 1 minute. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
I opted for Beckoning Chill rather than the obvious Deep Heart to make anything underwater a little more challenging for now and to make eventually taking Deep Heart (probably level 8 unless I take Extra Hex as a feat before that) feel more organic. Also an opportunity to make use of the ridiculous length of time I can hold my breath.
While I can swap out Wandering Hex to whatever's needed each day, I'll go with lore for now to reflect Ku'Hania's link with the natural world and growing knowledge.
Ku'Hania |
Hapalochlaena 4th level
+1 HD
+1 BAB
+1 Fort/Reflex
+1 skill point
+1 Feat: Feral Grace (Bite)
Ability score increase. (Dex)
4th-Level Advancement
Attack bite (1d3 plus poison [frequency 1 round (6), effect 1 Str damage, cure 1 save, Con-based DC]); Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2.
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
Glad to have you back! Hope you're feelin' refreshed an' stuff!
Ku'Hania |
Welcome back
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
I'll get a better post up this afternoon
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The dead skum leader holds a finely crafted fauchard that detects as magical under inspection
Nooooo don't let Ankha get too powerful or we won't be able to stop her whenif she turns evil!
Ankha Brushbender |
@GM: Thank you for your wonderful gift of a magic fauchard!
Nooooo don't let Ankha get too powerful or we won't be able to stop herwhenif she turns evil!
Ankha has picked up a formula that gives DR 5 vs nonlethal damage and her Will save is a measly +1, so it'll be easy to dominate her like Eliza. :p
Ku'Hania |
Happy to hear that you're feeling better.
Ku'Hania |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Loot sheet has been updated.
GM of the Ruins |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
For specifically crafting, you can only spend 8 hours per day crafting, no matter what you make. You don't know this yet (but soon will so it's okay to tell you), but you'll be getting six weeks of downtime to interact with the colonists before book two starts in earnest. You'll work on the colony, and although we won't be using the full Ultimate Campaign rules, there may be a handful of tasks that Ramona assigns you or certain colonists might ask you to do.
I am more than willing to handwave past those trips to the celedons (and it is spelled celedons, not caledons) from Ankha, letting her study and craft and rest during the downtime.
I'll be getting a longer post (detailing Ramona's reactions and what the colonists have to say) up in a little bit, my family is doing Christmas a day early because my parents are visiting family in Florida tomorrow.
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Happy holidays everybody! Thanks for running the game, GM of the Ruins =)
If we have six weeks off I'm gonna have to refresh my knowledge on the building building downtime rules. Approx how many days will Braxton be able to dedicate to his tavern whilst still fulfilling his other duties to the colony? He's not very interested in the rock ladies beyond fostering good relations with them, but he can go along with Ankha to translate as needed.
Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
Happy and healthy Holidays to all!
Ankha Brushbender |
Happy holidays! Fyi, I’m unlikely to post tomorrow.
@GM: Don’t worry, I have no intention of abusing crafting. And sorry for my constant misspelling of celedons—I just figured out that it’s WORD that’s auto-‘correcting’ the spelling for me. Such helpful software. ;)
Rebecca "Becky" Beys |
The developers at Microsoft have Azlanti-level intelligence.
Ku'Hania |
Happy Holidays everybody!!
GM of the Ruins |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Apologies friends, have been recovering from a nasty infection I received as a Christmas present from the universe. Good to go and back up and running!
Once you've told Ramona everything you want to, asked her any questions you may have, and dealt with Eliza, we'll probably skip through the six weeks of downtime with a few events here and there, then get started on book two!
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
Glad you're feeling better!
Braxton needs the cloak of resistance the least I think, he has the best saves in the party. He wouldn't say no to the ring of protection though.
Can we sell some of the stuff we've found that we don't want to the village, or would we need to package it up and send it overseas?
Ankha Brushbender |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ankha is already wearing the Shield Cloak, so she can’t use the Cloak of Resistance (though I’d be happy to trade if someone wants). I think the Ring of Protection makes good sense for Braxton since his specialty is melee on the front line.
For ‘selling’: I believe we can trade stuff for its gp value in raw materials for crafting. I’d suggest ‘selling’ the Meridian Belt and the silver mirror. Ankha could then use the proceeds to craft alchemical items or brew potions for everyone. Potions she can make are:
Lvl 1: Crafter’s Fortune, Enlarge Person, CLW, Ant Haul, Endure Elements, Negate Aroma, Touch of the Sea
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Resist Energy, Barkskin, CMW, Ablative Barrier
Just let me know which you’d like for your PC! Ankha is happy to take orders.
Braxton Horatio Wynters |
Can Braxton exchange his share of the loot for Capital for building his inn? Capital is kind of like crafting material in a more abstract sense :P
Something I just thought of whilst making my last IC post: The roboladies say they're laborers/maintenance. Is there anyone in town that knows about robot ladies that Braxton might talk to about reprogramming them? Roboladylaborer.
Braxton will work on his inn with whatever free time he has in the next six weeks. He's building a Dock first as part of a Pier. Can be used to generate revenue and makes sense for the colony from a roleplaying perspective to build up a Pier. It'll start off slow, but since completed buildings add to Capital/Gold raising checks, it should accelerate quickly once we get a few building up =)
====Current Capital====
Goods: 4
Influence: 1
Labor: 0
Magic: 0
====Currently Building====
Create 22 Goods, 3 Influence, 20 Labor (930 gp)
Rooms 1 Animal Pen, *1 Dock*, 1 Office, 2 Storages
Warehouses and workshops for docking ships and handling cargo and passengers.
*1 Dock as part of a Pier*
Earnings gp, Goods, Influence, or Labor +12
Create 7 Goods, 2 Influence, 6 Labor (320 gp); Time 20 days; Size 10–30 squares
This is a series of walkways and sturdy posts used to safely moor a water vessel such as a boat or ship. If attached to Storage, it allows you to easily move cargo to and from the water.
Animal Pen
Earnings gp, Goods, or Labor +8
Create 6 Goods, 1 Influence, 5 Labor (250 gp); Time 16 days; Size 4–16 squares
An Animal Pen houses animals that need more attention than horses and cattle. It could be used to house animals for food (like chickens or pigs), display (like song birds or reptiles), or protection (like dogs or large cats). One animal pen can support 1 Large, 2 Medium, 4 Small, or 8 Tiny or smaller creatures, providing them with water and shelter. Food is not provided.
Create 3 Goods, 3 Labor (120 gp); Time 8 days; Size 2–5 squares
Upgrades From Storage
This simple room includes a door with a simple lock, a chair, and a large desk that has two drawers with simple locks. An Office affords its user privacy and a refuge from other activity in the building.
3x Shack (Upgrade to Storage)
Create 3 Goods, 2 Labor (100 gp); Time 3 days; Size 2–4 squares
This no-frills wooden shelter contains a simple table, pallet bed, and stool. One person can build a shack with simple tools and basic materials. For an additional 1 point of Goods and 2 points of Labor, you can construct a brick or stone hut instead of a wooden shack.
3x Storage (one to upgrade to Office)
Earnings gp +2
Create 3 Goods, 3 Labor (120 gp); Time 8 days; Size 4–8 squares
Storage is any room used to store objects, keeping them out of the way for later use. Most Warehouses are just multiple Storage rooms built into a single building. A low-cost shop may allow its customers to browse items in the Storage area. A door to a Storage room includes an average lock.
Earnings gp or Labor +2
Create 1 Influence, 2 Labor (70 gp); Time 0 days; Size 5 people
Laborers are unskilled workers who carry out basic orders. In most cases, their work is physical labor, though you may recruit laborers for specialized tasks such as begging for your thieves’ guild, being professional mourners for your cult, or filling out the cast of a theater performance. They are typically 1st-level commoners with no ranks in Craft or Profession.
====Progress on Dock====
Goods: 4/7
Influence: 1/2
Labor: 0/6
Magic: 0/0
Time: 3/20
Max Total GP: 320
====Progress on Pier====
Goods: 4/22
Influence: 1/3
Labor: 0/20
Magic: 0/0
Time: 3/68
Max Total GP: 930
GM of the Ruins |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
For ‘selling’: I believe we can trade stuff for its gp value in raw materials for crafting.
You can! The next supply ship will return three weeks into the six weeks of downtime, and you can sell any big ticket items you don't want to trade for materials. Can also place buy orders with the ship, so that a little bit after the second book starts you can get anything you specifically want to buy from the mainland. There are also a few crafters in the colony for goods beyond just alchemy (Luetin can make any basic weapons or armor you might want to purchase, there's at least one cleric with Scribe Scroll, and Alba can help make alchemical things for a price).
Is there anyone in town that knows about robot ladies that Braxton might talk to about reprogramming them?
Yeah! A blacksmith by the name of Luetin Calewick came with the ship you all rode to the colony on, and he might be of some help working with the clockwork ladies to reprogram them to help you with menial tasks around the colony.
I am working on a longer post on Ramona's interactions with Rayland, Eliza's waking up, and the six weeks downtime period. They have a few side quests we can go on, if any of them sound good to you. I didn't quite get to finish it in time (gotta work tomorrow so it's bed time for me), but I'll have it up tomorrow afternoon. Apologies for the delays, and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!
Ku'Hania |
Having a hard time conceiving of a role/function for Ku'Hania, which is a bit unexpected.
Ku'Hania |
Ankha could then use the proceeds to craft alchemical items or brew potions for everyone. Potions she can make are:
Lvl 1: Crafter’s Fortune, Enlarge Person, CLW, Ant Haul, Endure Elements, Negate Aroma, Touch of the Sea
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Resist Energy, Barkskin, CMW, Ablative Barrier
Just let me know which you’d like for your PC! Ankha is happy to take orders.
Barkskin and Ablative Barrier would be great for Ku'Hania.
Ankha Brushbender |
Ankha Brushbender wrote:Barkskin and Ablative Barrier would be great for Ku'Hania.Ankha could then use the proceeds to craft alchemical items or brew potions for everyone. Potions she can make are:
Lvl 1: Crafter’s Fortune, Enlarge Person, CLW, Ant Haul, Endure Elements, Negate Aroma, Touch of the Sea
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Resist Energy, Barkskin, CMW, Ablative Barrier
Just let me know which you’d like for your PC! Ankha is happy to take orders.
It's now on the list!
Ankha Brushbender |
Does anyone want the +1 tridents (there's 2 of them)? Ankha has no need for them, and I think Braxton is the only one who can use them effectively. Otherwise we could sell/trade them for 2315 gp.
Anything else we want to get rid of?