DM-Salsa |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

As the autumnal equinox approaches, Sandpoint's residents ready themselves for the Swallowtail festival. Five years after the Late Unpleasantness and the fire that claimed the old church and several lives, including those of Father Tobyn and his adopted daughter Nualia, the new Sandpoint Cathedral has been completed and is ready for its consecration. There are dark things lurking on the horizon, however. Sandpoint is in need of heroes! Will you answer the call?
Hi! I've been itching to try running this again for a while, and with things going pretty well in my other game, I think I can manage GMing one more. This AP is what got me interested in them in the first place.
Players: 4 to 6
Deadline: February 21, 2024 @ 10:00 PM CST (GMT-6, UTC-6) (Here's a map if you're not sure when that would be in your timezone.)
Campaign and Character Creation Information
System - Pathfinder 1e
SRDs - Archives of Nethys, d20PFSRD
Books Allowed
Any Paizo Pathfinder 1e hardback or splatbook. No third party content besides Elephant in the Room.
House Rules and Systems in Use
Hero Points
Background Skills
Fractional Base Bonuses
Automatic Bonus Progression
World is Square - Elephant in the Room
House Rules:
- Elves mature at the same rate as Half-elves until they hit adulthood.
- Drawing a weapon and a shield or two weapons can be done as one move action
Banned Items, Classes, Archetypes, Etc. - No Gunslinger, No Archetypes that use guns, No Guns, No technologic items.
Races - Core Races, Aaismar, Changeling, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine are allowed. Other races will require GM approval.
Starting Level - 1st
Starting Wealth - Average for your class
Attributes - 20 point buy.
Hit Points - Max at 1st level, higher of average (rounded up) or roll from 2nd on
Traits - 3, 1 trait must be a campaign trait from the Player's Guide or the Heroes of Varisia book. Players can gain another trait by taking a drawback.
Alignment - Non-evil alignments only
Submission Requirements
Character Sheet - At a bare minimum, needs to have race, class, and attributes. Would prefer a complete sheet
Character Background - Doesn't need to be a novel, but I would appreciate at least a few paragraphs explaining who your character is, where they came from, where they are going, and how they wound up in Sandpoint if they aren't from there originally.
If you need some help fleshing this out, here are a few things that might help.
Ash's Guide to RPG Personality & Background
What is your character's name?
How old is your character?
What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Where was your character born?
Where were you raised?
By who?
Who are your parents?
Are they alive?
What do they do for a living?
Do you have any other family or friends?
What is your character's marital status?
What is your character's alignment?
What is your character's moral code?
Does your character have goals?
Is your character religious?
What are your character's personal beliefs?
Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Why does your character adventure?
How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
How does your character get along with others?
Is there anything that your character hates?
Is there anything that your character fears?
Sadly, the page I found this on has since been zapped from the internet. Thankfully I had copied the questions.
These are the fundamentals, the broadest strokes. Every character should have answers to these five, including NPCs. It's the quickest way to give the sense of a full individual instead of a cardboard stereotype.
1. What emotion best describes your character? Find one primary emotion your character expresses. Try to use a colorful, specific word to describe it. For instance, instead of "angry" you might say "vengeful" or "raging," or instead of happy you might say "cheerful" or "exalting."
2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? How do others react to you? Do you impress, scare, calm, excite, or perhaps annoy? Again try to find the most specific term you can. Is this reaction different between friends and enemies?
3. What does your character need most? If your character had everything he or she needed, why go on an adventure? Most people's needs are fairly universal, although they can change over time. Common needs are survival, security, companionship, esteem, romance, family, or wisdom. Consider what your character's starting needs are, and where you want them to be by the end of the adventure or campaign. It helps to establish this need with the GM, to ensure it fits with the themes of the game.
4. What is your character's goal in life? This should be the principle, underlying motivation for everything your character thinks, says, and does. If your character were lying on the brink of death, what makes him or her cling to life? What could your character lose that he or she would consider worse than death? This goal is often broad, and sometimes unachievable. Whatever the nature of the goal, it should be something your character can strive for his or her entire life. The best goals are ones that can be threatened, as they will help create more compelling adventures. Ideas include justice, revenge, protecting loved ones, redeeming one's self, or gaining some kind of power. When you think of something, ask yourself "why?" to make sure it isn't because of some larger, more important goal.
5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Because the goal can often be ideological, the method to achieving it is sometimes equally insubstantial. Your character's methods should be strongly tied to beliefs (or lack of beliefs), and primarily be a decision of lifestyle. A character bent on revenge might consider perfecting a fighting discipline, while a character devoted to a cause might consider a religious or philosophical doctrine.
For any campaign, a character should have come from somewhere. Spend any length of time with someone and their history is bound to come up. These questions give your character history, and therefore dramatic and emotional weight.
6. Where did your character come from? Consider your character's initial roots, before he or she was a teenager. These times are what shape your character the most. Who were your parents? Where did you live? What was your family's economic and social status? How were you educated? What were the three most important lessons you learned?
7. When did you grow up? Everyone begins taking responsability for their own lives at different times and in different ways. Describe the events related to when your character started taking care of him- or herself.
8. What values does your character hold? Name three things your character considers sacred, and three things he or she is idealogically opposed to. These things will usually stem from a combination of your goals and your personal history. Consider especially where the values came from. Was your character taught these values? Did they develop as a reaction to something your character considered noble or diabolical? Establish lines that your character will not cross in pursuit of his or her goal to add challenge to playing your character.
9. How does your character dress? Start generally with an overall statement of the quality of your character's appearance, such as projected social status, trade, common activities, or how groomed or slovenly your character is. Begin to hone in on telling details, especially those things that most people take for granted. How exactly does your character style his or her hair? What decorative articles does your character wear, such as jewelry, decorated buttons or buckles, a belt, gloves, etc.?One especially telling detail is footwear. Describe in detail what your character wears on his or her feet, including cut, tightness or looseness, heel height, sole hardness or softness, lacing/buckling/tying or lack thereof, toe shape (square, round, pointed…?), color, material, shininess, cleanliness, repair or disrepair, and any other details you can think of.
10. What are your character's means? Consider all the resources your character has. This should include material resources such as money and property, social resources such as friends and allies, and personal resources such as skill, courage, strength, wits, etc. It might help to make a list of all your character's resources that he or she might use to overcome adversity. Consider challenges like fights, puzzles, traveling, persuading (and being persuaded), and any others.
Now we're picking nits. These five are all about texture and color. These answers take your character beyond an adventure serial persona and into reality. Answers to these make your characters memorable for years.
11. What are your character's personal tastes? Name at least three things your character enjoys for no reason other than personal preference. A good place to start is with each of the five senses. Consider a sound, smell, taste, feeling, or sight that is uniquely pleasing to your character. Also consider activities such as hobbies or habits. Name three things your character dislikes, as well.
12. What are your character's opinions? Decide upon at least three major aspects of local society and your character's opinion on them. This could be generalizations such as rich or poor people, more specific areas like a particular political or religious group, or very specific things like a prominent individual or an aspect of the character's job. Check with your GM for relevant things in the campaign to have opinions about.
13. What is your character's comfort zone? What environment, activity, or mindset puts your character at ease? This can add a lot of color to your character during stressful moments, as he or she will have a place to go or a thing to do at these times. It helps to have a comfort zone broken up into the above parts so at least some of it is portable.
14. Who has had the biggest impact on your character's life? Name and briefly describe at least one person who had a significant impact on how your character perceives the world today. You can name more than one, but they should each reflect different aspects of your character's beliefs. Use this as a reference point when your character has to make difficult decisions (i.e., "What would so-and-so do?").
15. What are some of your character's unexpected quirks? Name three things that are unexpected about the way your character behaves, such as things that go against his or her normal social status, age, or trade. How about three unexpected talents or abilities like being able to sing, or knowing some trivial knowledge, or being good at math? Three things your character can't do that most other people can such as whistling, swimming, or reading well? How about three things your character fears, such as heights, dogs, or insects?
These five questions direct your play experience itself rather than your character. What do you want out of your game? If a group answers these together, they can expect dramatically rewarding game sessions, and the GM will know clearly what's expected to give everyone a good time.
16. What kind of story does your character belong in? Who are the characters your character interacts with? What settings does he or she inhabit? What themes are important? What conflicts does your character face? These things are important to understand so your GM can create adventures that will engage your character, and so you will have a better chance at getting along with your fellow players' characters.
17. What role does your character fill? Roleplaying is all about the ensemble cast. Make sure you fill a unique role in the party, and you aren't stepping on anyone else's toes. Consider your role in the interpersonal relations of the party, your role in combat, what skills your character is best at, and what thematic note your character hits.
18. What should the other players know about your character? These should be major thematic points, your character's general emotion (if it isn't secret), potential surprises or areas that might be difficult, and any other pertinent information. Also start sketching out potential interactions, such as another character you might go to for help (or who might go to you for help), or someone you'll probably butt heads with. Getting these things out in the open is important to ensure there aren't unpleasant surprises.
19. What is your play style? Do you like heavy character immersion, or attention to detail in the rules, or perhaps you're especially goal-oriented? Maybe you're a bit competitive. Do you prefer lots of colorful descriptions, or a quicker framework understanding of situations? Do you speak in your character's voice? You may not even be aware of your own play style. Keep this in mind as you play so you can better communicate with your fellow players about the direction of the party as a whole, and the course of the adventure. This also helps your GM understand your personal needs at the gaming table.
20. How do you want your character to die? Your character won't live forever, although you might not play him or her to the end. If you had your choice of deaths for your character, what would it be? Death of old age, having survived through all his or her trials? Perhaps a bloody, violent death? A noble sacrifice? Happenstance? It can also provide an unusual layer of texture to your roleplaying, as you have a better understanding of your character's fate. It will also tell you if your character is a tragic or heroic one. Finally, it can help your GM in resolving conflicts in-game if he or she has an idea of your comfort zone with threats to your character's life.
Character Personality and Appearance - Doesn't need to be detailed, a few sentences will do. I would like to know character height, build, age, and distinguishing characteristics.
Roleplaying Sample - Links to other characters you've played or, if you don't have any or want to showcase this character, write a short scene involving them.
Player Questionnaire - Fill out the questionnaire below. It's mostly to help me know where redlines are, where you'd like the story to go, and what you are expecting from me, though I do like getting to know people.
1. What time zone are you in?
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
4. What do you expect from this game?
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
6. What do you expect out of me?
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
Paizo Campaign Tools
Chrome and similar WebKit Broswers
Firefox (Possibly out of date. Last update was in 2018, it seems.)
This is a browser plugin that provides some neat features, such as the ability to rearrange your campaign tab, highlighting new posts in a different color, and the ability to set custom character avatars.
Guides on how to PbP
DoomedHero's Guide to Play-By-Post
Building a better DoomedHero: Painlord's Advanced Play-By-Post Guide
To help keep things consistent, we'll be using the following languages as stand-ins for the many languages of Golarion.
Golarion Language Stand-ins
Aboleth = R'Lyehian
Abyssal = Urdu
Aklo = Telugu
Ancient Osiriani = Lao
Aquan = Tamil
Auran = Armenian
Azlanti = Greek
Catfolk = Basque
Celestial = Arabic
Draconic = Bengali
Drow = Tamil
Druidic = Irish
Dwarven = Hebrew
Elven = Welsh
Erutaki = Finnish
Giant = Latvian
Gnoll = Indonesian
Gnome = Hungarian
Goblin = Maltese
Halfling = Estonian
Hallit = Russian
Hongali = Albanian
Ignan = Georgian
Infernal = Persian
Kelish = Catalan
Minkaian = Japanese
Necril = Khmer
Orc = Czech
Osiriani = Gujarati
Polyglot = Swahili
Senzar = Macedonian
Shae = Belarusian
Shoanti = Croatian
Skald = Icelandic
Sylvan = Korean
Tengu = Filipino
Terran = Yiddish
Thassilonian = Kannada
Tien = Chinese (Traditional)
Undercommon = Thai
Varisian = Lithuanian
Varki = Malay
Vegepygmy = Zulu
Vudrani = Hindi
Other Language Tools:
Upside Down Text Generator
Zalgo Text Generator
FSymbols Text generators/alterers Various tools for creating and altering text.
For the sake of everyone's sanity, be sure to put the original, english text in a spoiler and mark it as the language being used. In general, it's best to go in order and use a separate spoiler for each one. Especially if you're using the Zalgo generator.
"میں بیوقوفوں سے گھرا ہوا ہوں۔," The Dread Lord of the Crypts sighed in Abyssal. He picked up his staff and settled into his throne. "Iltqajt sew! X'nista 'nagħmel għalik," he says in the goblin tongue, his voice cheery.Abyssal
Spoiler:"I am surrounded by idiots."
GoblinSpoiler:"Well met! What may I do for you?"
Tokens and Character Art
If you'd like to make life on your GM a little easier, here are some tools and resources that you can use to create tokens for the battlemap or pick out art for your character. While AI artbots are an option, I'd ask that you not use them due to ethical concerns about how they were/are developed. If you grab something online, please link back to the original artist in your character's profile.Token creators
Token Tool (Download)
VTT Token Maker (Web app)
Art Resources
My Fantasy Character Pinterest Board
Contact Information
If you need to contact me or would like to chat outside of the boards, here's my email and Discord username.
Email: salsa.the.geek@gmail.com
Discord: salsathegeek

Oceanshieldwolf |

Hmm. I just started playing a Cleric in a 1e game here on the boards that has me a little nostalgic for the ol’ system. And yet I do fear I have reached my limit of games I’m in. And yet, perhaps I haven’t. Although I did just start a RotR in 2e….what to do!?!
Also thanks for the solidarity re the use of AI.
One question Adam - what is it about Rise of the Runelords that draws you? Classic Paizo Campaign? Runelords? Varisia?
Also noted: Synthesist Summoner is on the table!!!

Colin_Mercer |

Just curious, would you be open to run the campaign for Pathfinder Society credit? You don't have to change any of your rules about your campaign, but players just received a PFS chronicle sheet for each book they finished.
Alternatively, if you are participating in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure.

DM-Salsa |

I think it will die down at some point, though it is getting really, really hard not to find AI generated images dominating search results. I honestly enjoy drawing. I have toyed with AI bots, and I'm not impressed. I think they can be a useful tool, but that's about it. They aren't a replacement for a skilled artist or writer. For that matter, I think given the backlash against them that I've seen from artists and other creatives, companies that employ them may find themselves in trouble when looking for that kind of talent.
But that's just my two cents.
One question Adam - what is it about Rise of the Runelords that draws you? Classic Paizo Campaign? Runelords? Varisia?
Hmm, that's a good question. Partly because it is a classic campaign and one that's pretty much a archetypical TTRPG campaign, and partly because when I first started playing here on the boards one of the first campaigns I read through was a Rise of the Runelords game. It was also the AP that I ran for one of the best runs I had as a GM. I guess you could say it's a lot of nostalgia for me, if that's not being too presumptuous for someone who started playing about 13 years ago now.
And if I'm being honest, I do love me some Runelords and Varisia.
Also noted: Synthesist Summoner is on the table!!!
Yup, I'll be verifying builds in HeroLab after I make my choices, so I'm not too worried about something being built wrong.

DM-Salsa |

Just curious, would you be open to run the campaign for Pathfinder Society credit? You don't have to change any of your rules about your campaign, but players just received a PFS chronicle sheet for each book they finished.
Rise of the Runelord Sanctioning Document wrote:Alternatively, if you are participating in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure.
I'm going to say no, mainly because that's even more paperwork and I'm already terrible about keeping up with what I need to as a GM. For that matter, I'm not even sure where to start with that. I haven't GM'd a PFS game since my last semester at Alabama back in 2012 and I wasn't the one that did the organizing for that.

DM-Salsa |

Have a few builds bouncing in my head... GM, how would you feel about a Kitsune? Build I'm thinking of would use Kitsune Trickster Rogue.
I'm open to it, but I'd like to know some about what you have in mind for the backstory and how they wound up in Sandpoint. Do they have any ties to the Kaijitsus, for instance? Do they try to hide their fox form? Were they born in Avistan or did they travel there from Tian Xia?
If you want, you can shoot me a PM here or on Discord.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Heh, more that even when built “right” most GMs recruiting seemed to deem Synthesists as a whole “wrong” i.e. not allowing them straight up, or only allowing Unchained Summoner which is the same thing…I mean I do get it - I’ve played with monstrous Synthesists that were duly overpowered, and I’ve played with Synthesists that were played only for the mechanics and the “suit” narrative was poor. But some “suits” were narratively genuine, and well realised, even beautiful concepts…
Also just noticed ABP is in effect, which makes my decision easier. Not for me, this game is.
It was also the AP that I ran for one of the best runs I had as a GM.
And yes, having RotR as one of the best campaigns you have run is enough of a justification for me, were I to play. You’ll likely have a lot of extra knowledge and campaign adjacent resources, prep and support. I imagine this will be a great game. Enjoy everyone!

DM-Salsa |

@OSW: Thank you for the vote of confidence.
As far as the Synthesist Summoner goes, I understand the trepidation and the potential for abuse, but I also focus more on story and interesting characters. I love banter between characters and seeing how characters interact and their relationships change. In short, I'm not likely to pick a character that's just in it for the cheese. There has to be something more there since not every encounter is going to involve a fight, and combat is one of my banes as a GM.
As for ABP, I've played with it before and leaves room for more interesting magic items since the +whatever to stats is built into the character progression, but I do understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea.

KoolKobold |

A Rise of the Runelords campaign!
Question for GM-I do have a catfolk character-an arcane bloodrager (urban bloodrager) who replaces the first bloodline power for a familiar (a cardinal, using the thrush familiar statistics) who I’ve wanted to use for RotR. any chance I can put her in for application?

AGM Lemming |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

dot! Not sure what I want to play, but looks like I've got time to think about it. I've started in this game 2 times but have never had the luck to find a group to get past the first book, or even half way.... Hoping my luck changes if I get selected here.
I hope you're planning on 20+ applicants with some incredible builds.
Once I get a CS started I'll post my answers to all the above.

DM-Salsa |

A Rise of the Runelords campaign!
Question for GM-I do have a catfolk character-an arcane bloodrager (urban bloodrager) who replaces the first bloodline power for a familiar (a cardinal, using the thrush familiar statistics) who I’ve wanted to use for RotR. any chance I can put her in for application?
Mind shooting me a PM either here or on discord with your character's background?

KoolKobold |

KoolKobold wrote:Mind shooting me a PM either here or on discord with your character's background?A Rise of the Runelords campaign!
Question for GM-I do have a catfolk character-an arcane bloodrager (urban bloodrager) who replaces the first bloodline power for a familiar (a cardinal, using the thrush familiar statistics) who I’ve wanted to use for RotR. any chance I can put her in for application?
message sent!

Juriya Arima |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1. What time zone are you in?
... Eastern Standard Timezone!
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
... Around 4 or 5 years?
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
... Linking the mechanical aspects with the Roleplaying aspects (Kitsune tricksters being equally witty and charismatic)
4. What do you expect from this game?
... To have fun, mostly? As well as to combine both roleplaying and mechanical aspects of pathfinder, since PbP is a lot easier to do that with than the one VTT where the GM focuses on combat above all else.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
... To not cause issues, mostly.
6. What do you expect out of me?
... Not much other than to be a good GM.
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
... Nothing I can think of in the moment, but if something I cannot stand shows up, I'll let you know.
Anyways, without further ado, have a fox! She's intended to be linked to the Kaijitsu family in Sandpoint, and is a descendant of immigrants from Minkai who specialize in selling minor alchemical items. You need glassware for alchemy, after all!
Build-wise, she's intended to approach a rogue from an odd angle. The build will likely take a turn into Vivisectionist-Mindchemist to boost the knowledge skills, and perhaps trade Heal out for Knowledge (Nature). The ratio of alchemist to rogue, I'm not exactly sure. But Juriya is your typical face (Diplomacy of +11), albeit CHA+INT-based. I might make a turn into Empiricist to fix that abysmal Sense Motive and Perception and make them INT-based as well.
And regarding RP samples, I have two characters that I consider my best examples of roleplaying, and will likely add Juriya-specific RP as well in a few days to a week. Was just in a 1e mood after coming up with potential teams for my backported Outlaws campaign.
Lilyana Boyarov, quarter-russian half-elf gunslinging sniper in a 2E RoW Campaign.
Krowys the Translator, Aphorite Pact Witch of Axis in a custom setting 1E campaign. Turning 17 ranks in linguistics into a character concept.

Chyrone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dotting! :D
I have a human barbarian I can rework to fit the AP.
EDIT: I do have a question -because I'm very, very bad at math-: I've had a look at the Fractional Base Bonuses, and it's made me... Sad. I don't understand how it's supposed to work. Can someone help me out?
Take a wizard, at 0.5 bab per level.
And the fighter, at 1 bab per level.
Normally after multiclassing 1 each, bab is still 1. (Wiz +0, fighter +1)
Wirh fractural bonuses, it is counted as 1.5 bab. 1 from fighter, and the 0.5 from the wizard.
The same goes with saves.
Wizard +2 will, fighter +0, at 1st level respectively. The fractural adds the +2 from wizard, to the 0.33 from fighter, making the character have willsave 2.33 at wiz 1/fight 1.

DM-Salsa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ask and ye shall receive.
Fractional bonuses only come into play if you multiclass. Since you always round down anyways, you just use the class tables as is. If you do multi-class, you'll need to look at the table on the linked page. There's a lot of text, but really the only thing you need to know is that good saves are the ones that get a +2 bonus at level 1 of the class. In this variant, you only get that +2 bonus once.
Good saves increase at +1/2
Bad saves increase at +1/3
BAB increases at +1, +3/4, or +1/2. This lines up with what hit die a class gets. d12 and d10 classes increase at +1, d8 at +3/4, and d6 at +1/2.
Lets say you have a fighter 3/rogue 2.
Fighters have a d10 hit die, a good Fort save, and bad Will and Ref saves.
Rogues have a d8 hit die, a good Ref save, and bad Will and Fort saves.
Fighter 3 gives you the following.
BAB: +3
Fort: +3 (+2 for being a good save, +1 and 1/2 for 3 levels of fighter)
Ref: +1 (0 for being a bad save, +1 for 3 levels of fighter)
Will: +1 (0 for being a bad save, +1 for 3 levels of fighter)
Rogue 2 gives you the following.
BAB: +1 and 1/2
Fort: 0 (0 for being a bad save, +2/3 for 2 levels of rogue)
Ref: +3 (+2 for being a good save, +1 for 2 levels of rogue)
Will: 0 (0 for being a bad save, +2/3 for 2 levels of rogue)
So, to figure out what we have, we just add everything up.
BAB: +3 + 1 and 1/2 = +4 and 1/2 which rounds down to +4
Fort: +3 and 1/2 + 2/3 = +3 and 7/6 (1/2 = 3/6, 2/3 = 4/6) = +4 and 1/6 which rounds +4
Ref: +3 + 1 = +4
Will: +1 + 2/3 = +1 and 2/3 which rounds to +1.
Does that help?

Ythiel |

Yeah, I think I got it! Thanks!
Here's the final submission!
Conrad Mendelson
Human, Barbarian (1)
Alignment: CG
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 19
Height: 5 ft 6 inches
Weight: 155 lbs
Deity: Shelyn
Init: +2; Perception +5
Favored Class: Barbarian (+1 HP)
Languages: Common
Special Abilities:
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Heart of the Fields: Humans born in rural areas are used to hard labor. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level to any one Craft or Profession skill, and once per day they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted.
Fast Movement: A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load.
Rage: While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.
6 rounds of rage maximum.
AC: 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12
HP: 18
Fort: +4
Ref: +2
Will: +1
Spd: 40 feet
Melee: Flail (+4/1d8/x2/Disarm, Trip)
Ranged: Crossbow, light (+3/1d8/19-20x2/ 80ft)
Bolts (20)
Equipment and Money
Starting Money: 105 po
Combat gear:
Defense: Studded Leather Armor, Buckler
Offense: Flail, Crossbow (light), 20 Bolts,
Other possessions: Barbarian class kit (backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, an iron pot, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), Holy Symbol of Shelyn (silver), Holy Water (1)
Spare Money:
PP: 0
GP: 5
SP: 0
CP: 0
Other valuable:
Carried Weight: 63 lbs
0-76 lbs: Light Load
77 -153 lbs: Medium Load
154 -230 lbs: Heavy Load
Str 16
Dex 15
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 8
Base Attack: +1; CMB:+4, CMD: 16
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency (except tower shields)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills: 5
Acrobatics +6
Climb +7
Intimidate +3
Perception +5
Survival +5
Background Skills:
(1) – Profession (woodcutter) +5
- Appraise +4
Weapon of Peace: Even though you are a trained combatant, proficient with any number of weapons, you don’t relish killing your enemies. It’s not that you’re afraid of seeing blood, but rather that disabling a foe is superior to killing someone capable of admitting defeat. When using a melee weapon that deals lethal damage to instead deal nonlethal damage, you take only a –2 penalty instead of –4.
Unswaying Love: (Shelyn): Your resolute devotion to the unadulterated purity of your goddess protects you from those who would manipulate you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm or compulsion effects.
Sandpoint Faithful (campaign)]: As a faithful adherent of Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Sarenrae, or Shelyn, you’ve come to the Swallowtail Festival to celebrate the consecration of Sandpoint Cathedral. You gain a silver holy symbol of your chosen deity, and so long as you worship that deity and openly wear his or her symbol, you regain +1 additional hit point every time you receive magical healing.
Attached: The GM chooses the object of your attachment. Whenever the object of your attachment is either threatened, in danger, or in someone else’s possession, you take a –1 penalty on Will saves and a –2 penalty on saves against fear effects. If the person or object to which you’re attached is ever lost, killed, or destroyed, exchange this drawback for the Doubt drawback.
Languages (1): Common
Conrad Mendelson is the eldest child of a family of six. His father moved to the Lost Coast as a young man to find work as a woodcutter, and he eventually got married and settled down in one of the small settlements spreading across southwestern Varisia. The Mendelsons were known for being meticulous workers but rather discreet neighbors, pleasant enough to everybody but mostly keeping to themselves.
Irreproachable as they were, it came as a big surprise for the whole town that Conrad did not turn out that way at all.
It started with difficulties in church, where he struggled sitting through sermons and learning how to read, write and count. Then, it moved to unpredictable bursts of rage whenever another kid taunted him for being "slow", even escalating to physical violence more than once, or breaking objects against walls.
When he became a teenager, things got even worse. Any work requiring discipline was too much for him. An apprenticeship with the local blacksmith ended in absolute disaster, and he was fired from the town's guard after only two weeks. Woodcutting was out of question, as nobody wanted to place an axe between his hands. He was finally hired for the sole task of helping loading up carts with lumber, a job offered out of pity, that bored him to death. To bring some more money to the house, he secretly started taking part in illegal fights with other woodcutters keen to make some easy cash with bets. Through all this, his parents wept and despaired, wondering what to do with him.
It was some months after his sixteenth birthday that Conrad's life changed radically, when a group of Shelynites on their way to the Swallowtail festival stayed at his town for the night. The artists took this opportunity to entertain their hosts, who mostly followed Erastil and knew little of the goddess of the arts. Music was played, ballads were sung and jigs were danced, in-between explanations about the precepts of Shelyn and her faith.
Through most performances, Conrad sat transfixed. After the show, he approached the faithful to timidly ask questions, and got enthusiastic lectures on the importance of art, beauty, kindness, and about how everyone could have a place and a role to play to turn life into a masterpiece. A young woman gifted him a small statue of the goddess carved in silver, assuring him he would need it more than she did. He went back home shaken.
For months, Conrad kept thinking about what he had seen and heard. He eventually resorted to asking cautious questions around about Sandpoint, the Swallowtail Festival, and the Shelynites. The impreciseness of the answers only piqued his curiosity further, and although a few people derided his newfound interest in Shelyn, it did not deter him. From what he had understood from the Shelynites' explanation, everything could be an art form worthy of Shelyn- even the art of fighting. To know that there could be a way to channel what he was truly talented at into something that a goddess of unconditional love might find beautiful filled him with a new sense of purpose.
It took nearly two full years of hard work to gather enough savings to prepare his trip to Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival and the consecration of the Cathedral -two years during which everyone thought him mad. Conrad made great efforts to improve his behaviour, and never returned to illegal fighting, the mockeries he faced made it difficult to control his emotions. More than once, he nearly gave up on his project; only the thought of the silver statue would keep him grounded.
It was the support of his parents, in the end, that made the difference: although they could not understand their son's newfound obsession with Sandpoint and Shelyn, it was one powerful enough to drive his efforts to improve on his behaviour – or shatter his morale if he lost sight of his goal. They gave him some of the money they had initially saved to give him an education, and sent him on his way.
While it is not unreasonable to think that Conrad's plain features might have once been agreeable to look at, a few years of taking punches to the face did a lot to mess them up. His nose has clearly been broken once or twice, never to heal back to its initial state, and he's missing quite a few teeth -which, come to think of it, might be why he always seems awkwardly tight-lipped when he smiles.
He sports short and scruffy hair, of the same indifferent brown as his eyes. He would look incredibly unremarkable if it was not for the impressive, well-defined muscles that can be spotted underneath an old, worn-out leather armour that looks like it was bought for cheap from a peddler. Although relatively small, Conrad is broad-shouldered, and looks every bit the type of guy who spent a lot of time working outdoors -down to the tan on the face, forearms and legs.
Never entirely at ease in social contexts, Conrad is meek and rather easily flustered. His bad stutter, as well as his lasting difficulties with reading and counting, are still a source of great shame, and it takes time before he feels completely comfortable around others. This shyness utterly disappears during his fits of anger, which he gets when provoked, or when defending a loved one. His blinding fury is so overwhelming that he often goes non-verbal.
Although most Shelynites would disagree with his interpretation of her precepts, his dedication to the goddess is absolute, and he genuinely strives to honour her with his actions. To defend the innocent, he does not hesitate to rush into fight with a courage that borders on recklessness, with the statue of his goddess tucked safely in his backpack.
1. What time zone are you in?
GMT +1 (France).
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
I started some ten years ago, when I was still a dumb pre-teen. I moved to PbP circa 2016 when I was a dumb teen. I think I got decently good at TTRPGs since last year.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
The chaos that comes from being several people improvising our next move! The playful banter! The action!
Mostly, it's playing as a cohesive group. You don't get that kind of fun with single-players RPGs.
4. What do you expect from this game?
I've played the first book some long time ago, and from what memories I have of it, the tone is quite dark -but I still expect it mainly to be fun to be play, if not lighthearted.
Mostly, I hope this game will last so every player can develop their character in a satisfying way -PbP rarely allows for that, and I've never been able to finish an AP on Paizo before -or even get past Book 1.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Have fun, be kind, be transparent about your commitments so the table doesn't abruptly die.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Have fun, be kind, be transparent about your commitments so the table doesn't abruptly die! :P
It's important that the game should remain fun for you and never be a chore. You've brought up a lot of rules that I hope won't overburden you with details. I think it's better in PbP to improvise things on the spot to keep the game running than to give yourself a headache and risk GM burn-out. I've been on the boards long enough to see many GMs quit because the game wasn't fun for them anymore, and I would hate for you to live through the same thing.
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
SA against PCs is a big no-no for me. Can't think of anything else!
Role-Play Samples:
I quite like that one, in which Conrad comforts the twelve-year-old girl in the party after she was confronted with a couple of dead bodies for the first time. He's the eldest child in his family and used to taking care of his younger siblings. They eventually developed a big brother-little sister dynamic.
And of course, my favourite post about him: when the party met his mum and the oldest of his sisters. Very fun to write!

Ano Clovermark |

Koolkobold's submission of Ano Clovermark, my catfolk urban bloodrager (arcane bloodline, substituting the 1st bloodline power for a familiar-a cardinal (thrush statistics) named Cherry! Ano's gameplay mechanics will be more of a Dex based rager with some spellcasting; planning on focusing on some rapier feats to utilize this further.
1. What time zone are you in?
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
My first time playing Pathfinder was with a few PFS in person games in high school; my first PbP was with Ironfang Invasion in 2017 that I left last year due to burnout (however I have returned neck deep into Pathfinder 1E); currently in a Skull & Shackles session, and applying to some other PbP sessions, but I have a lot of free time so I can handle playing multiple games. I also have experience with D&D 5E, Blades In the Dark, and Monster of the Week.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
The roleplaying!!! The chance for me to hone in on my writing skills by literally playing out as my characters!
4. What do you expect from this game?
To have lots of fun!
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Don't be a dick to each other. That's all I ask. Maybe a little RP engagement but that's about it.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Just...don't be a jerk?
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
No, there's not much that disturbs me to an uncomfortable degree. Except maybe swarms of ants and hyper detailed gore, but more when you show that rather than tell it.
Roleplay Examples
So far my strongest Roleplaying examples come from character dialogue, but I will be more than willing to put more effort into my writing skills if needed.
Example 1: Laroisael, my elf archaeologist
Example 2: Xakroo, my kobold ranger. Also the time he founded his raptor animal companion
If there's anything I need to fix please don't hesitate to let me know!

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello! I am throwing my hat in with Dare Ashborn, a CG Half-Orc Eldritch Scrapper Sorcerer. She will probably one day multiclass and perhaps go Eldritch Knight or something like it if that's allowable. I may need to tweak gear but she is otherwise done.
Her background is on the linked alias, below the statblock.
Roleplaying Samples: You are welcome to look through all of my aliases, most of which are PBP character based, but here's a few:
Misha Keroun, Human Archeologist Bard who explored her heart out during a five year campaign, The Mwangi Expedition
Kalig the Tireless, N Half-Orc Druid, a grumpy but well-meaning soul who supported the party for many years in a game called Beyond the World's Edge
Cannonball Sal, Half-Elf Tidal Hunter: She was in two campaigns (both of which ended prematurely for external reasons) Ruins of Azlant and Skull and Shackles (yes, I was the original GM on that campaign; it went maaaaanny years and I burned out, and one of the players and I swapped places so he would GM and I would play instead. Sal's gameplay starts here and of course you can read through that whole thread and also see how I roleplay as GM and as a secondary PC we added later, Riori)
If you would like me to link to a particular example of something or have questions about what you see let me know.
1. What time zone are you in? U.S. East Coast (EST)
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? I bought the Red Box in 1987 but didn't get a chance to play with anyone else until 1994. Since then I have played very regularly, both as player and GM, in PBP and at table IRL.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? I think storytelling is fundamental to the human experience: it reflects who we are, warns us of our failings, shows us what we can be if we try, and expands our dreams. RPGs is one of my favorite ways to engage in storycraft because we are creating stories together while also adapting to the unexpected twists and turns offered by the dice. It evokes creativity, strategy, and collaboration in a way few other interactions can.
4. What do you expect from this game? Fun, collaboration, and a chance to experience one of the earliest APs under the Pathfinder label.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? A willingness to communicate openly, share feedback honestly and respectfully, and avoid godmoding (i.e., in an unfair and unreasonable way, assuming control of another person's character or presuming what their reaction could/should be).
6. What do you expect out of me? I've joined at least three different ROTRL campaigns all of which collapsed due to DM fatigue, usually somewhere in first fortress. I know you're a steady poster, experienced gamer, and dedicated to roleplaying, so quite frankly I am trusting you'll last longer. :) While also working hard to tell a good story. (No pressure. ;) )
7. Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? No extremely graphic violence, no graphic depictions of sexual assault or child abuse, and a check-in/trigger warning should necessary content involving these subjects come up. I don't want players or GMs assuming my character is okay being flirted with/hit on; please check with me first: I have no problem with the idea of flirting in general, but I've had some really weird creepy experiences in the past with this--particularly a GM using "just flirtation" in an attempt to, ultimately, trick my character into a rape/incest scenario against my interests and wishes. Hence I feel a need to be very clear about permissions and expectations.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Heh. Deathquaker feeling the need to post…well…anything really. I geddit, must observe the forms and all that. But really? Here? It’s like an Oscar winner trying out for the part of a gate-guard in an amateur-drama production of Spamlet… ;) (this is meant entirely in jest and as a complete compliment, please don’t throw fruit…)

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Heh. Deathquaker feeling the need to post…well…anything really. I geddit, must observe the forms and all that. But really? Here? It’s like an Oscar winner trying out for the part of a gate-guard in an amateur-drama production of Spamlet… ;) (this is meant entirely in jest and as a complete compliment, please don’t throw fruit…)
#^_^# I'm not sure what I did to earn it, but thank you for the compliment!

Leokian Trasandoral |

I'm throwing my hat in the ring with Leokian here. He's a dandified Elven Arcanist who quit his stupid job in Celwynvian and has traveled south to look for an old friend of his.
Leokian is mostly finished, but his background section is still a work in progress to be added soon.
1. What time zone are you in? Pacific Time / West Coast of the U.S. / UTC-GMC -8.
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? About 10 or 11 years. I played PFS at the local game shop for a couple of years until the chapter there disbanded. Then I found PbP here and I'be been around ever since.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? My favorite thing is the roleplaying and story telling elements. I'm not much of a rules person, and after all this time I'm still constantly having to look things up. I don't need combat to have a good time. My proudest achievement playing Pathfinder is finishing book 2 of War for the Crown without having to resort to combat against any intelligent adversaries. Well, there was that manticore, he but was really stupid and barely counts.
4. What do you expect from this game? Mostly to have fun. I'm a Sandpoint junkie, it's probably my favorite setting since it's so well filled out and there's so much to do. While it's not a thing one can expect, I really like games that develop a sense of community among the participants.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? While it's not a necessity for the game, I hope fellow players will want to invest in making the party more than the individual sum of it's parts by interacting and forming in-character relationships. Otherwise, for them to be kind and tolerant, and great each other with consideration.
6. What do you expect out of me? Once in the past I played in a game you GM'd. I really enjoyed it, so more of the same. I guess the thing I always tend to think is most important is good communication and bringing a sense of fun to the proceedings. We'd all be in it together, and that includes you as GM.
7. Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? There's not too much that disturbs me that would also fall within Paizo's forum rules. That said, if there are players who want to avoid or exclude subjects or situations that are within Paizo's forum rules, I would support their requests.

Ythiel |

I don't want players or GMs assuming my character is okay being flirted with/hit on; please check with me first: I have no problem with the idea of flirting in general, but I've had some really weird creepy experiences in the past with this--particularly a GM using "just flirtation" in an attempt to, ultimately, trick my character into a rape/incest scenario against my interests and wishes. Hence I feel a need to be very clear about permissions and expectations.
Oh that's plain messed up.
Seconded; you've just unlocked a new fear.

Erigga Ironheart |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sir Longears here, offering Erigga for consideration. She is a halfling vanilla fighter. Still have a good amount of gold to spare, but feel it can wait. Let me know if there is anything else you'd need clarified or developed.
I plan to work on a sample RP for herself, but meanwhile, feel free to check a couple of my games. Here is Aru Wandering Hand and Caio Costa.
1. What time zone are you in?
I'm at UTC-3. I'm from Brazil. English isn't my first language, but I don't believe it is an issue.
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
Since I was 15 in 2005. I'm 33 now. Have played and GMed mostly 3.5 and PF1e, both in person and in PbP. Since the pandemics and my children were born, I'm exclusively playing through PbP.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
Giving life to new characters is great. Sometime we start with one idea and then it gains life and develops on itself. I find it incredible when we are surprised by our own characters. I love interaction with other good players.
4. What do you expect from this game?
To have a good pace, immersion and tone. Cooperation and communication are the key. From the amount of thought put into the recruitment and the relatively select number of players willing to go through all the requirements, I'm very optimistic.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Mostly respect. We are all equals here. This will be a story of a team, not a single PC with a bunch of sidekicks. We all should be allowed equal time in the spotlight. I'm currently in another game with a player who simply can't understand this. His character tries to solve everything on her own and the be the center of attention all the time. Sadly it is killing the game and it is an awesome game. Would hate to see something similar here.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Much the same as I expect the players: mutual respect, communication and a desire to give live to something together.
7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
Will send it via PM.

Vasaam Cathan |

This is Lemming's submission. Had a couple other ideas but eventually I went with a Sylph Admixture/Evoker. Still need to do equipment, spells and history. Plan on being local to the area.
For the rest:
Roleplaying Sample - One of my favorites: https://paizo.com/people/JewelBranston. The game is https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivk13. Playing ~10 year old kids. Fun and challenging. It's been quite a while since I was 10!
Another one is https://paizo.com/people/ParkSong. The game is https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivm4q.
Player Questionnaire:
1. What time zone are you in? Eastern Standard, U.S. (North Carolina)
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? Started in 1977. Yes, I am that old....
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? I like working with a team of heroes. Nobody can do it all by themselves, and an extra set of eyes or another opinion is always helpful.
4. What do you expect from this game? Fun! Get the train on track and rolling.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? Work together. Communicate in and out of game. Don't ghost the game.
6. What do you expect out of me? Communication. If something in a post is not understood please ask. If I do something wrong, let me know.
7. Beyond the obvious what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? Player on player conflict. If there are personal issues, keep them out of the game. Communicate off of the board. Don't force the other players to "choose sides".

DM-Salsa |

Well, mark me down as interested!
One question, more for clarification than anything. All things guns are banned, but would you allow the gunslinger's Bolt Ace archetype? Pretty much ditches all of the gun stuff for a low-tech use of shooting mechanics.
Apologies for the delay in replying.
I did look over it, and while it doesn't use guns, I'm going to say no to it. To explain why would take a lot of words and would probably see me rambling a good bit. Short answer is that the archetype feels lazy and uninspired and a lot of the stuff it does just doesn't work with crossbows from what I know and have seen of them being used. I won't argue that it is a very subjective stance, but sometimes you have to go with your gut rather than logic when running a game. I don't think it fits, I probably won't pick a character that uses it, so why allow it?

DM-Salsa |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Please check the link above. If the row with your name and your character's name is not green, you still have things missing form your submission, scroll to the right to see what those might be. Each element has a status with it.
Completed - There's enough here for me to make a decision.
In Progress - I know you're working on it and aren't finished with it, or there's not enough there for me to call it complete.
Not Started - It's not there and I don't know if you started on it.
I also know I owe some of you some background information, namely Violant, KoolKobold, and rdknight. I'm almost certainly not going to get that to you tonight. I should have it to you Sunday, though.

DM-Salsa |

Chiming in to note that I am still here and interested. I'm grabbing some information before the site goes down so I can work on things over the weekend.
All good, I was planning shooting PMs to everyone that hadn't finished up about a week from the deadline to see if they were still interested or not.
While I'm thinking of it, if you don't see your name on the list here please let me know and I'll fix that as soon as I can.

Zeldrith Angothane |

Submitting Zeldrith Angothane, an Eldritch Scion magus, for consideration. A mercenary from Magnimar, he's in town to observe the dedication of the new cathedral to his patron deity Desna and to speak with local Thassilonian scholars about a few questions that have recently come up in his life.
I have filled out the initial "Twenty Questions" section and plan to finish with the "Deep Creation" questions this weekend. I have over sixteen pages of background and miscellaneous notes apiece for some of my characters, and I appreciate the questionnaire as a summary.
RP Examples:
I haven't been in very many campaigns, but I do have one or two good RP examples that bear some similarities to my character as written.
Example 1
Example 2
Player Questionnaire:
1. What time zone are you in?
Eastern Standard, U.S. (Midwest)
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
Decades - I still remember the Dungeons and Dragons Basic set from the '70s. I've tried CoC, GURPS, SWD20, and D20 Modern in recent years, but switched to Pathfinder as soon as it came out, and I still find it to be the best system.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
The characters, undoubtedly. I've always loved the chance to get together as a group and collaboratively build a story, and I feel that the dynamic characters are an integral part of that.
4. What do you expect from this game?
A fun, collaborative storytelling experience where each participant works with the others instead of against them.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
A willingness to roleplay and interact with the other players - character growth is an integral part of the Hero's Journey. Likewise, I would appreciate it if we could communicate OOC to ensure we can effectively work together and the game is going in a direction everyone is able to engage with.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Provide direction and meaning to the game - Hercules wouldn't have been very notable without his Twelve Labors, would he?
7. Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
Nothing in particular beyond the Paizo forum rules, but I do ask that we try to regulate conflict - I'm fine with IC conflict if other people are, but I'd prefer it if any conflicts are solely IC and the involved parties verify in Discussion that there are no OOC hard feelings - in a digital medium like this, context can easily be misinterpreted, and resentments can easily develop.

"The Lucky Halfling" |

All good, I was planning shooting PMs to everyone that hadn't finished up about a week from the deadline to see if they were still interested or not.
While I'm thinking of it, if you don't see your name on the list here please let me know and I'll fix that as soon as I can.
I took a quick look earlier and noted I'm listed.
It's definitely handy to know what everyone has made and is proposing. Never know what you'll draw inspiration from and hopefully will help people from stepping on each other's toes.
I'm working on expanding upon my Varisian Cartomancer (Witch) concept.
Currently I'm envisioning a character that grew up in Sandpoint with their merchant father (Merchant Family - Campaign Trait) running the shop and helping stock it with potions (cauldron hex and Spark of Creation - Magic Trait). One of their dearest possessions is the heirloom harrow deck (Harrow Chosen - Race Trait) which serves as a conduit to their spells (Cartomancer).
To help make them more rounded and play into the card abilities, I'm considering giving them a gambling problem.

Ythiel |

This is Lemming's submission. Had a couple other ideas but eventually I went with a Sylph Admixture/Evoker. Still need to do equipment, spells and history. Plan on being local to the area.
For the rest:
Roleplaying Sample - One of my favorites: https://paizo.com/people/JewelBranston. The game is https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivk13. Playing ~10 year old kids. Fun and challenging. It's been quite a while since I was 10!
Another one is https://paizo.com/people/ParkSong. The game is https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivm4q.Player Questionnaire:
1. What time zone are you in? Eastern Standard, U.S. (North Carolina)
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? Started in 1977. Yes, I am that old....
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? I like working with a team of heroes. Nobody can do it all by themselves, and an extra set of eyes or another opinion is always helpful.
4. What do you expect from this game? Fun! Get the train on track and rolling.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? Work together. Communicate in and out of game. Don't ghost the game.
6. What do you expect out of me? Communication. If something in a post is not understood please ask. If I do something wrong, let me know.
7. Beyond the obvious what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? Player on player conflict. If there are personal issues, keep them out of the game. Communicate off of the board. Don't force the other players to "choose sides".
Jewel!!! Hi, little sis! :P