
Juriya Arima's page

488 posts. Alias of Violant.

Full Name

Juriya Arima




Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 |







Strength 7
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 7
Charisma 16

About Juriya Arima

Juriya Arima

Female Kitsune (Keen Kitsune, Multilingual, Superior Shapeshifter) Rogue 3 (Kitsune Trickster)
N Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init: +5; Senses: Low-light vision, Perception +3, {scent in fox form}

AC: 16, T: 13 FF: 13 (+3 Dex, +3 armor)
HP: 21/21 (3d8+3)
Fort: +1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison); Ref: +7; Will: -1
Defensive Abilities: Evasion
{+1 Natural Armor in Fox Form}


[b] Base Speed:
Speed: 20ft (Medium Encumbrance)
Melee: Bite +5 (1d4-2) {kitsune}
Melee: Bite +7 (1d3-3) {fox}
Melee: Mwk Cold Iron Rapier +6 (1d6+3)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +5 (1d8)

Special abilities: Kitsune change shape (natural/fox), Sneak Attack (2d6), Bombs (4/day, 2d6)

Spell Like Abilities:
... 2/day: Disguise Self (2/2) {CL3, source: 2nd Tail}
... 1/day: Charm Person (1/1) {CL1, source: K.T. Rogue}

Investigator Extracts (CL 0):
Alchemist Extracts (CL 0):
Formula Book:

STR 9 - 2 = 7 {5 in Fox Form}
DEX 14 + 2 = 16 {20 in Fox Form}
CON 10 + 0 = 10
INT 16 + 2 = 18
WIS 7 + 0 = 7
CHA 16 + 0 = 16
BAB: +2.25, CMB: +5, CMD: 20
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Persuasive (B), Fox Form (B), Magical Tail
Traits: Clever Wordplay (Intimidate), Reactive, Hagfish Hopeful
Rogue Talents: Bomber

Languages: Common (Taldane), Sylvan, Minkaian, Varisian, Elven, Goblin, Shoanti

Skills: (Asterisk is Rogue CS, Dollar is Investigator CS, Plus is Alchemist CS. "I" will be dropped on the move to Investigator. A will be dropped on the move to Alchemist.)
... Acrobatics*: +3 {-1 ACP}
... Appraise*: +4
... Bluff* (CHA+INT): +13
... Climb*: -2 {-1 ACP}
... Craft (Alchemy)*: +10
... Diplomacy* (CHA+INT): +15 {3(CS)+4(Int)+3(Cha)+3(Rank)+2(Feat)}
... Disable Device*: +9 {-1 ACP}
... Disguise* (CHA+INT): +13 {+10 to appear as human/fox} (I)
... Escape Artist*: +3 {-1 ACP}
... Fly+: +3 {-1 ACP}
... Handle Animal: +3
... Heal+: -2
... Intimidate* (INT): +12 {3(CS)+4(Int)+3(Rank)+2(Feat)} (I)
... Knowledge (Arcana)$: +7 (A)
... Knowledge (Dungeoneering)*: +10
... Knowledge (Engineering)$: +4
... Knowledge (Geography)$: +4
... Knowledge (History)$: +4
... Knowledge (Local)*: +10
... Knowledge (Nature)$: +7
... Knowledge (Nobility)$: +4
... Knowledge (Planes)$: +4
... Knowledge (Religion)$: +4
... Linguistics$: +4
... Perception*: +4
... Perform*: +3
... Profession*: -2
... Ride: +3 {-1 ACP}
... Sense Motive* (WIS+INT): +8
... Sleight of Hand*: +9 {-1 ACP}
... Spellcraft+: +4
... Stealth*: +9 {-1 ACP} {+8 in Fox form} (A)
... Survival+: -2
... Swim: -2 {-1 ACP}
... UMD+: +3

Other Gear: Light crossbow, Crossbow bolts (20), Rogue's kit (w/o rope, pitons), Mwk Cold Iron Rapier, Alchemy Crafting Kit, Spidersilk Bodysuit, (Medium Encumbrance), Empty Formula Book

Gear (not carried): 10 Pitons, Rope, Haramaki, Rapier

Change Shape: Humanoid <-> Kitsune <-> Fox as a Standard Action.

20 questions:

1. What is your character’s name?
Juriya Arima

2. How old is your character?
Around 21.

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
... In her human form, one would see a roughly 1.5m Minkaian woman, with jet-black hair and inky black eyes. She carries either a Rapier, or a Light Crossbow, along with a backpack that has crossbow bolts stored in it.
... In her true, kitsune, form, she looks like someone had cast anthropomorphic animal on a red fox, although the patch of white fur goes up to her eyes, due to some genetic mutations in her family. The true form of the kitsunes in the Arima family typically always has this mutation. It manifests as a patch of paler-than-usual skin in the same location while in human form.
... In her purely vulpine fox form, she looks like her kitsune form, only non-anthropomorphic. She doesn't have any weapons on her in this form, as it's typically intended for stealth and getting away quickly.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
... Juriya has a very slight Minkaian accent that's noticeable if you know to listen for it. In terms of her mannerisms, she combines both a kitsune's wit and their natural charm to devastating affect, and this typically manifests as well-crafted, occasionally loquacious sentences with the charming intonation one expects from a natural charmer.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
... Though, like the Kaijitsu family, her family is originally from Minkai, Juriya was born and raised in Sandpoint in Varisia. She was raised there as well, not having really ever gone out of her way to leave Sandpoint for much other than for alchemical supplies.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
... Her parents are two kitsune merchants from Varisia that have settled in Sandpoint after a few years selling their goods around Avistan. They aren't research Alchemists by any means, and are primarily merchants first and foremost. Their grandparents were the generation that was originally from Minkai, though they pass on the traditions and the language to each new generation regardless.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
... The Arima family, being originally from Minkai, has a longstanding tradition of the family being friends with the Kaijitsu family, even if the latter are far more well-known to those who don't deal with them constantly.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
... She believes herself too young and too inexperienced to be a mother or a wife, and as such tends to abstain from romantic relationships of any kind, though she might use her charm and wit to get her way from time to time.

9. What is your character’s alignment?
True Neutral, as she typically only keeps on the look out for herself. She will decry horrible atrocities, but is unlikely to care about minor infringements of justice if it doesn't affect her.

10. What is your character’s moral code?
... Her moral code is to be as neutral and respectful as possible to those around her, regardless of their moral codes. As long as you do not harm others or ignore them entirely for who they are, you are to be treated with dignity and respect.

11. Does your character have goals?
... Juriya wishes to continue her family's trade of alchemy-focused merchantry, as she seems to be particularly talented at it for someone having not yet received any formal training in Alchemy.

12. Is your character religious?
... Though the Arima family is indeed particularly reverent of Daikitsu, the lady of foxes, as a family of predominantly kitsune, they hide it due to some nations distrust of the more monstrous races such as Amurrun (catfolk), Ysoki (ratfolk), and Tengu.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
... Juriya places family and friends above all else, and is quick, perhaps a bit too much, to

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
... Juriya is more than a touch overconfident, and very extroverted and social. She's learned to combine both a kitsune's wit and a kitsune's charm into one singular threat, and that resulted in the said overconfidence since she has a tendency to get her way.

15. Why does your character adventure?
... She mostly adventures to do one of three things: she either adventures to find knowledge that she can use to advance her family's business, to protect her family and home from foreign threats, or finally just for that thrill of adventure.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
... Having gone on a few adventures with Ameiko while she was an adventurer, she knows her roll as an adventurer fairly well: the one who knows how to do the miscellaneous, and strike at weak points. She's been studying how vivisection and how to make cognatogens and mutagens in her spare time, and hopes to put those to use the next time she adventures.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
... The most distinguishing mark among the kitsune of the Arima family is their patch of paler-than-usual skin, corresponding to what is a larger-than-usual white patch in their kitsune, and possibly fox, forms. Otherwise, there are no distinguishing marks on her in any of her three forms.

18. How does your character get along with others?
... Juriya loves to socialize with others, practicing both her natural charms and her intellect to goad people into conversations, even if they're normally an antisocial type. She hides the fact that her family is composed primarily of Kitsune, typically either in fox form or human form at all times, and becomes somewhat defensive and no longer social if she finds that someone has intense prejudice towards races such as the Kitsune

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
... Cheliax, and anyone who would be quick to judge her as a kitsune.

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
... Her family being found out is one major fear, as well as any potential associations their family has collapsing as a result.


"There would always need to be containers for alchemical substances, so it's best you make friends with the Kaijitsus." That was how Juriya's father always described their relation with the Kaijitsu family, part of the Mercantile League of Sandpoint. The family's relations between each other goes back quite a while, both of them being from Minkai, and both of their businesses (Glassware for Kaijitsus, and minor Alchemical items for the Arimas) benefit from each other fundamentally. Juriya learned from her own family, learning how to make some minor alchemical items, though things such as extracts eluded her at times, and she's still attempting to create them to this day.

So, it's no surprise that Ameiko and Juriya, only about 3 or 4 years apart, decided to go adventuring out together, when Ameiko's strict family's lifestyle chafed away at the human a bit too much. Normally, Lonjiku would try to keep a strict eye on her, but this failed the two times Ameiko ran away. The adventuring was going great for the first portion of it, as Juriya was out adventuring with Ameiko and the Vhiski brothers, and her curiosity and innate mania felt sated for once. This ended in tragedy, however, as the group had been captured by cannibals about a year ago, while exploring an abandonned mine in the Fogscar Mountains. Alder, the younger brother of the Vhiskis, led a heroic breakout attempt, before whatever the degenerate cannibals had planned, but it cost him his life as he succumbed to snake venom. Only three people remained alive out of the entire adventuring party: Juriya herself, Ameiko, and Alder's older brother Sandru.
Once the adventuring ended, the two were as close together as they had been before, granted their time together now was formed more by mutual scars, rather than any youthful sense of rebellion it once had been formed by in the past.


Juriya is both shy and reserved, and extremely extroverted at the same time. That may seem like a contradiction, but it in truth is not. When discussing her own personal life, she's extremely introverted and closed-off, only revealing anything (let alone her nature as a Kitsune) to those she can trust.

However, when it comes to others? She's extremely extroverted and willing to show off her ability to notice small details and persuade others. For wanting to hide her nature as a kitsune, she certainly acts a lot like the stereotype of a kitsune trickster most of the time. A good chunk of this is a front to hide the scars her first bout of adventuring, an ill-fated one involving cannibals and a dead Cleric, left with her after she escaped. However, another good chunk is genuine optimism and vigor that can't even be tainted by such a horrific experience.

Appearances (3 of them!):

... In her human form, one would see a roughly 1.5m Minkaian woman, with jet-black hair and inky black eyes. She carries either a Rapier, or a Light Crossbow, along with a backpack that has crossbow bolts stored in it. She will ocassionally wear glasses when the situation calls for it, i.e. reading some fine-print text, but she doesn't have them on all the time.
... In her true, kitsune, form, she looks like someone had cast anthropomorphic animal on a red fox, although the patch of white fur goes up to her eyes, due to some genetic mutations in her family. The true form of the kitsunes in the Arima family typically always has this mutation. It manifests as a patch of paler-than-usual skin in the same location while in human form.
... In her purely vulpine fox form, she looks like her kitsune form, only non-anthropomorphic. She doesn't have any weapons on her in this form, as it's typically intended for stealth and getting away quickly. She looks like this in fox form

Alchemical Mishaps and Scars (RP Sample):

"Alright thunderstones... let's see if I remember the recipe after a few years!" Juriya said to herself. She had only recently gotten back from a... less than perfect adventuring experience with Ameiko and the Vhiski brothers. After that ill-fated encounter with the cannibals, Ameiko went and purchased and ran the Rusty Dragon, while Ameiko continued to work for her family's trade in crafting and selling minor alchemical items such as thunderstones, acid flasks, and alchemist fires.

"That's... 1 saltpeter to 15 silver, and digestion in either the direct sunlight or... less favourable methods, if I remember correctly?" She shuddered to think of the alternative ways people typically heated the mixtures required for digestion in alchemy. Ew. Magic would be a decent method... if her family's magic didn't always go into extracts at all times. She goes and measures out the ratio of saltpeter to silver, 1 to 15, and puts it in Kaijutsu glassware, as the Juriya family typically does, to heat in the sun.

As she set the mixture to digest in the direct sunlight, her alchemist mother came up to her, in her human form, and tapped the kitsune on the shoulder, the flask resting on the ground. "Is your mind somewhere else, Juri? It's 7 saltpeter, you probably got it confused with the flasks of acid, which are 10 brimsttone, 8 salt, and 1 saltpeter?" Quickly realizing her mistake, Juriya unseals the flask that she had in the sunlight and measured out 14 more portions of saltpeter, before resealing it and putting it back in the direct sunlight to digest.

"Haha! Yeah.... thinking about the adventuring time I had with Ameiko! I felt... I felt satiated, like the mania and the foxfire burning in my soul finally calmed down for a little bit, even if only a little." Juriya coughs a bit, hoping to Daikitsu that her mother doesn't prod the cannibal story out of her this time. Much to her dismay, her mother does bring it up, immediately after downing an entire Wisdom-enhancing cognatogen she brewed just hours before, making sure her child isn't lying. Her mother drinking the Wisdom cognatogen is always a bad sign, it means her mother is trying to look for lies. No lying, then, she tells herself as her mother's posture visibly stiffens.
"Are you ever going to tell me what happened back then?" Juriya grabbed a drink of fruit juice for a few seconds, sipping, before responding: "Yeah it... didn't go well." She loudly sighs, before spilling what happened to her mother. "Alder hasn't been around lately because... he was eaten by cannibals. Everyone else but me, his brother, and Ameiko didn't make it either. That's why you didn't hear anyone talk about it, okay? It was trauma, and now I just want to go back to working to becoming an Alchemist and merchant like you and Dad, okay?!" She gives a very awkward and forced crooked smile, almost wanting to shift into a purely fox form to hide away. Her mother, on the other hand, just sighs as she hugs her child. Juriya's mom didn't know that this was what she had been hiding for more than a few months at this point!

20 Questions for Deep Character Creation:

1. What emotion best describes your character?
... Manic above all else, partly natural mania, partly carefully crafted facade to avoid everything.
2. What emotion does your character evoke in others?
... Others typically feel overwhelmed by her. She tries to tone this down around friends, but around enemies she uses her wit, charisma, and pure unbridled mania.
3. What does your character need most?
... She wants, more than anything else, to satiate that everburning curiosity and mania in her soul. She's experienced a taste of adventure before, and she loved it before the cannibal incident happened.
4. What is your character's goal in life?
... Her goal in life is to get her family respected more by the entire Mercantile league. They are all relatively minor alchemical merchants, and only are really known by the Kaijitsus, with the Arima's maxim of glassware for alchemy and all that requiring some level of business with the family.
5. How does your character believe that goal can be accomplished?
... She doesn't exactly know how she can gain her family more fame, but her main idea is teaching her family more outlandish and experimental alchemical recipes, as opposed to making alchemist fire, acid flask, and thunderstones en masse. While she might not be the best at alchemy, she is fairly good at sneaking around and stealing things (alchemical formulae!) like the kitsune trickster she is.

6. Where did your character come from?
... While her family's roots are firmly in Minkai, Juriya is born and raised in Varisia, specifically in Sandpoint. Her family is a somewhat well-off (nowhere near as wealthy as those in the Mercantile League, though) family of alchemical merchants throughout Sandpoint, though they're typically operating out of Sandpoint. Her mother was a mindchemist and her father a vivisectionist, but both crafted alchemical items for the general populace to use.
7. When did you grow up?
... To put it lightly, Juriya grew up when she saw Alder eaten by cannibals. She had been gradually growing responsibility over the course of adventuring with Ameiko, but when she lost someone relatively close to her, maturity hit her like a brick to the furry, kitsune face.
8. What values does your character hold?
... Three things she considers sacred are her family, her friends, and her deity, whereas three things she is ideologically opposed to are xenophobes, strict traditionalism, and anyone opposed to Alchemy. She's had some of these drilled in her head, such as opposition to anyone who dislikes alchemy, as that's her family's entire lifeblood, but the dislike of strict tradition comes from her interactions with Ameiko and her chafing family. The others come from a combination of her family teaching her the values, and her coming to these values herself.
9. How does your character dress?
... Juriya dresses and projects herself as a middle/merchant-class human, with an alchemist's fittings (such as unused pockets for bombs and mutagens). In her two humanoid forms, she is relatively well groomed, as she views slovnliness as detrimental to any chance to influence people. She has a distinguishing patch of extremely pale skin that reaches from her neck up to her eyes, a key mark of the Arima family. Her hair is a jet-black, mid-length haircut with airy and blunt bangs. While in her Kitsune form, she usually keeps some (negligible cost) symbol of Daikitsu on her person at all times, specifically a necklace, although she's rarely in her true form, and keeps the necklace in her backpack. She wears alchemist gloves, even if her method of combat is that of a rogue, and not a true alchemist. Her footwear is steel-toed, thick boots, after an incident where she burned her foot on a vial of acid she was brewing, and spilled on herself. They're generally square, somewhat clean and shiny, and somewhere between a state of disrepair and repair.
10. What are your character's means?
... Her means are that of a typical rogue that does roguish things for fun and profit as opposed to survival. She has the money to live semi-comfortably and make money as a somewhat-decent alchemist, but by no means could she be truly comfortable living off of this. Property-wise, she lives with her parents and help them produce and sell alchemical items to the people of Varisia. When faced with an uncertain situation, she approaches everything with finesse, charisma, and wit in equal measure to ocassionally devastating effect, (+11 Diplomacy!) in fights she uses her rapier to accurate pinpoint weak points on her enemies as any good rogue does. Puzzles, she uses her wits alone, as you cannot exactly use one's natural charm on an unfeeling puzzles. With people, however, she combines her wit and charisma to the signature devastating effect she's known for.

11. What are your character's personal tastes?
... Three things she likes for no reason other than personal preference are spending time in her purely fox form, rice, and alchemically preserved foods. Three things she dislikes are staying in one form for too long, dogs, and wolves.
12. What are you character's opinions?
... Three things she believes is: 1. Erastil followers, especially the extremely devout, are lunatics. 2. Lonjiku Kaijitsu is too strict of a father 3. Ameiko makes the best food.
13. What is your character's comfort zone?
... Spending time in her natural, kitsune form puts her immediately at ease, even if she never really gets the chance to do so, for fear of people's opinion.
14. Who has had the biggest impact on your character's life?
... Alder Vhiski has had the biggest impact on Juriya's life, seeing how he sacrificed himself for Ameiko's life. To a lesser extent, she looks up to Ameiko Kaijitsu.
15. What are some of your character's unexpected quirks?
... One of her biggest quirks is how she tends to sharply veer any conversation away from herself, and it's incredibly obvious that she does it. Normally her attempts at persuasion have some kind of subtlety, but between her nature as a Kitsune and the scars she received from her first adventuring attempt, she absolutely does not want to talk about herself, and will shut down her usually extremely extroverted nature at a moment's glance if the topic switches to her personal life beyond basics.

16. What kind of story does your character belong in? ]/b]
... She's hand-crafted for Rise of the Runelords, with an alchemical-solution-in-glass connection to the Kaijitsus. Connection with the Kaijitsus makes for some good drama in the first book.
[b] 17. What role does your character fill?

... Skill Monkey and INT-based face. Combat wise she's a typically bland melee character that will gain access to both mutagens and cognatogens at level 3, allowing her to act both as a better face and a reasonably better damage dealer, since Vivisectionist levels stack with Rogue for determining sneak attack damage.
18. What should the other players know about your character?
... Expect unbridled mania at times, and be prepared to get redirected if your character asks Juriya about her personal life in any way shape or form.
19. What is your play style?
... I tend to be somewhere between immersion and goal-oriented, as I've had experiences where the campaign is far too combat focused, and experiences where the campaign is just constantly waffling about where nothing happens for a good few sessions. A good healthy mix is key. And if there is any lore to research, I will research it.
20. How do you want your character to die?
Either saving someone as Alder did, which would be a fitting end for someone who looks up to the dead Cleric, or in a firey, alchemical explosion because those are always amazing.


2nd Level - KT 2, Bombs
3rd Level - KT 3, DEX to damage, MT (Disguise Self), Charm Person, 2d6
4th Level - Emp 1, Trapfinding, Inspiration
5th Level - Emp 2, Ceaseless, ASA, 3d6
6th level - VM 1, Cognatogen, Throw Anything.
7th level - VM 2, extra INT to knowledge, Bleeding Attack, MT (Charm person), 4d6
8th level - VM 3, Heal = K (Nature)
9th level - VM 4, MT (misdirection), 5d6, 2nd level extracts, Infusion
10th level - VM 5
11th level - VM 6, MT (invisibility), 6d6, Frost Bomb
12th level - VM 7
13th level - VM 8, TWF, Spell Knowledge - Vanish, Shock Bomb
14th level - VM 9
15th level - VM 10, TWFeint, Acid Bob
16th level - VM 11
17th level - VM 12, ITWF, Fast Bombs

Formula Book Plans:
4th: Cure Light Wounds, Shield, Coin Shot, Reduce Person, Blend, Tears to Wine
5th: Identify
6th: Targeted Bomb Admixture, Detect Undead, Ant Haul, Longarm, True Strike, Jump

Mother: Kimie Arima, Vivisectionist-Chiurgeon Alchemist
Father: Shiro Arima, Mindchemist Alchemist
Pathernal Grandfather: Yoshi Arima, Kitsune Trickster Rogue 1 / Vivisectionist 2 / White Mage Arcanist 4 / Arcane Trickster 1