About Riori StargazerRIORI STARGAZER
AC 24 (touch 13, FF 18) (Armor +8, Deflection +1, Dex +3, Shield +2); CMD 21 hp 87 (10d8+10) Fort +6 (3 base +1 Con + 1 trait +1 cloak); Ref +7 (+3 base + 3 Dex +1 cloak); Will +10 (+7 base + 2 Wis +1 cloak) Immune Fatigued Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. Oracle’s Curse: Lame: Lame (Advanced Player's Guide pg. 44): One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. At 5th level, you are immune to the fatigued condition (but not exhaustion). At 10th level, your speed is never reduced by armor. At 15th level, you are immune to the exhausted condition. ===OFFENSIVE AND ADVENTURING ABILITIES===
BAB +7/+2; CMB +7
Speed 20 feet, but never reduced by encumbrance or armor. Melee or ranged:
Heavens (Stargazer) Mystery and Revelations:
Class Skills: A stargazer adds Knowledge (nature), Perception, and Survival to her list of class skills. Guiding Star (Su): Whenever you can see the open sky at night, you can determine your precise location. When the night sky is visible to you, you may also add your Charisma modifier to your Wisdom modifier on all Wisdom-based checks. In addition, once per night while outdoors, you can cast one spell as if it were modified by the Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still spell feat without increasing the spell's casting time or level. Lure of the Heavens (Su): At 1st level, you no longer leave tracks. At 5th level, you can hover up to 6 inches above the ground or even above liquid surfaces, as if levitating. At 10th level, you gain the ability to fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Star Chart (Ex): Your copious notes contain a working model of the night sky expressed in artistic scribbles and arcane mathematical formulae. Once per day, you may spend 10 minutes contemplating your star chart to gain the benefit of the spell commune. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation. Oracle Spells:
Caster level 9, Concentration +14 Knows all cure spells as well as mystery spells in addition to number listed. ORISONS (known 8+2 favored class, cast at will) (DC 15)
LEVEL 1 (known 5+cure+mystery+2 favored class, cast per day: 7) (DC 16)
LEVEL 2 (known 4+ cure+mystery+2 favored class, cast per day 7) (DC 17)
LEVEL 3 (known 3+ cure+mystery+2 favored class, cast per day 7) (DC 18)
LEVEL 4 (known 2+cure+mystery, cast per day 6) (DC 19)
LEVEL 5 (known 1+cure+mystery, cast per day 3) (DC 20)
Feats, Proficiencies, and Traits:
==Feats== Weapon Finesse (L1): Use Dexterity when attacking with light melee weapons. A shield’s armor check penalty applies to attack rolls. Point-Blank Shot (L3): +1 attack and damage on ranged attacks to targets within 30 feet. Precise Shot (L5): Ignore penalty for shooting/throwing into melee. Weapon Focus (Starknife) (L7): +1 to attacks with starknife. Starry Grace (L9): When wielding a starknife, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon’s damage. The starknife must be one appropriate for your size. You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied. ==Proficiencies==
Ancestral Arms (starknife): Some half-elves receive training in an unusual weapon. Half-elves with this racial trait receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Martial Weapon Proficiency with one weapon as a bonus feat at 1st level. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait. ==Traits==
Truth's Agent: You are skilled at weeding out information. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Diplomacy checks made to gather information and all Knowledge (local) checks. Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you. Skills and Skill Related Abilities:
(4 ranks+Int 2 = 6/level) Craft (Int) Diplomacy (9 ranks + Cha 5 + class 3) +17 (+1 to gather information) Heal (5 ranks + 2 Wis + 3 class) +10 Knowledge (local) (9 ranks + 2 Int + 3 class + 1 trait) +15 Knowledge (history) (1 ranks + 2 Int + 3 class) +6 Knowledge (nature) (1 ranks + 2 Int + 3 class) +6 Knowledge (religion) (10 ranks + 2 Int + 3 class) +15 Perception (3 ranks + 2 Wis + 3 class + 2 race) +10 Profession (astrologer) (5 ranks + 2 Wis + 3 class) +10 Profession (sailor) (2 ranks + 2 Wis + 3 class) +7 Sense Motive (5 ranks + 2 Wis + 3 class) +10 Spellcraft (10 ranks + 2 Int + 3 class) +15 Survival (5 ranks + 2 Wis + 3 class) +10 Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. Languages: Common, Elven, Varisian
Gear Carried:
(Starting Gold: 46,000 gp)(WBL for 10 is 62,000)
=In Handy Haversack=
--Small Compartment 1 (20 lbs)--
--Small Compartment 2 (20 lbs)—
Money left: 1962.93 gp (Spent: 44,037.07)
Riori was born in the Shingles of Korvosa, raised by her mother Lierna and her stepfather Verik. She was the product of an affair Lierna had with an elven noble, who cast her aside once he learned she was pregnant. Both parents struggled in poverty; at one point, while Lierna was busy with Riori’s baby sister Siera, Verik had young Riori with him down while working at a new job at the docks of the city. A group of sailors were playing with a magical scroll they shouldn’t and accidentally summoned a shark into the harbor. It lunged for the smallest, easier prey and nearly swallowed Riori whole were it not for her father’s swift reflexes. The creature nonetheless got her leg. A Desnan priestess took pity and offered the family free healing for Riori, but could not regenerate the lost limb. The priestess nonetheless assured her family that Riori had received blessings by Desna that would help her overcome her lost limb, even as it seemed to whither further. While Verik and Lierna tried to do their best by Riori, she never stopped feeling like a burden on her family, especially as her fully human sister Siera needed attention too—and beyond the younger sibling needing care as an infant, as both Riori and Siera got older, she felt like her parents preferred their own child they’d had together, rather than Lierna’s mongrel bastard. Siera also grew to resent Riori, as when they both were older, Siera often was expected to help look after Riori since their rickety home in the rooftops was especially dangerous for Riori to traverse with a wooden leg. Trying to give Riori a sense of purpose, Lierna taught Riori an old family practice of fortune telling and reading the stars. She took to this eagerly and showed a great gift for it. She still, however, did not get along with her sister. When she as 16 years old, the two were bickering at the edge of the roof on which their hut was built, and the girls began to shove one another. Suddenly, Riori saw her sister fall over the edge, and she reflexively grabbed Siera. But Siera hadn’t actually fallen—she was fine. Siera accused her of trying to push her off the roof, tried to push Riori, stumbled, and, indeed, then fell. Lierna and Verik both witnessed the event. Verik insisted Riori pushed Siera first. Lierna believed Riori when she said she foresaw the fall and had been trying to help her. No one conceding, the family feud threatened to tear them apart. Riori herself announced she would leave; lame leg or no, she couldn’t stand being there another minute. Lierna connected Riori to a cousin who called himself Touchstone—one of the fortune tellers in their family. Riori agreed to travel with him and learn from his trade; she learned he was in the service of Desna, and as they traveled together, he taught her about not just serving Desna, but of all the gods and the harmonies—and destruction—they create, and to appreciate what those in service of the gods can do from a broader perspective. He also taught her to fight with a starknife, and to trust her instincts. In time, not only did Riori’s skills and knowledge grow, but so did her gifts of foresight and divine magic. She still practices astrology as a discipline—the mathematical components help keep the mind sharp—but her gifts manifest in far more powerful ways. She was indeed blessed by Desna as the priestess said long ago. While grateful for Touchstone’s tutelage, Riori eventually fell out with him. Her life in poverty and constantly feeling like others saw her in a burden left her with a bitter streak and a need to seek out her own fortune. While Desna still, in her immortal wisdom, deigned to give Riori holy gifts, Riori wanted to seek her fortune, not just help fellow travelers. Riori was too well versed in the workings of fate to be too optimistic about the world—fate is fickle, and ultimately, she was its prophet. Best to take care of herself first. In spite of her early mishap with the shark, Riori’s travels eventually took her to the sea. It was a mistake at first: a misunderstanding about her skills with star-reading led her to be mistakenly hired on as a navigator. Fortunately her divine skills kept her useful aboard the ship she was hired onto, and her ability to read portents kept the ship out of danger—and she even learned some useful navigation skills along the way. She found she took to sea life ably, and as missing limbs weren’t unusual for sailors, no one pitied her for her disability nor—she being the one often saving their behinds for healing—did anyone see her as a burden. Moreover, ship’s crews were happy to pay her in coin and cargo, and earning this wealth she found greatly to her liking. Her travels have brought her to the Shackles, where the portents she has read shows great calamity on the horizon. Riori knows if folk are to be free to travel on sea or road, guided by the stars… whatever is coming must be stopped. She is following her stars to find the crew that is most likely to help contend with whatever threats are to come. And if she earns a bit more coin along the way, that’s just fine with her.
Appearance and Personality:
HeroForge Mini Riori is a little taller than average, willowy, and pale, the last two features particularly coming from her elven heritage. She has long, black hair that she normally braids purple and green ribbons into, and pale violet eyes. Her ears are slightly tapered. Her long, slender fingers always seem to be moving—touching, twitching, or tracing some shape no one else can make out. She wears purple robes embroidered with butterflies over her protective armor. Her robe has a grey lining and is reversible, if she decides she needs to lay low. She carries a favorite starknife among a handful looped on her belt she keeps for throwing. Riori usually seems quiet and reserved at first until she gets a read on the area she is in—different places and peoples have embraced her as often as shunned her, depending on how they feel about half-elves, priests, fortune-tellers, and so forth. Once she feels comfortable in an area she grows more talkative—and deeply curious. Her education was piecemeal in her youth, and she has largely picked up what she could as she has traveled, always hungry to learn more. Riori has a wry sense of humor and is happy to trade wit with those willing to see and treat her as an equal. The flip side is an ever smoldering temper that can flare at a moment’s notice, especially when she feels underestimated, coddled, or looked down on. She also has a practical side; she is not interested in cruelty and eschews the sadistic, but beyond her god’s decree to aid travelers, she isn’t often one to go out on a limb to help someone. She is happy to profit from a fool’s misfortune; she won’t outright take advantage but dwelling lately among pirates, she accepts the harsh realities of the world she is in. Her chosen surname-epithet, “Stargazer,” is after the constellation, depicted often as either a prophet or a fool. She knows she’s mainly the latter, seeking to become the former, and most often is both at the same time. |