Jemet Winderbole

"The Lucky Halfling"'s page

853 posts. Alias of Joshua Hirtz.


Male Lightfoot Halfling HP:79/79 | AC:21 | HD: 8/8 | INIT: +5 | SAVES: STR +0/ DEX +5/ CON +3/ INT +2/ WIS +2/ CHA +0

About "The Lucky Halfling"

Harrison 'The Lucky Halfling' Jones (Making It Big In The City):

Male Halfling Archaeologist (Bard) 5
NG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Deity Desna
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +10
Contact Ren'alee Anav (Gossip)
Fame 28
Prestige 9/28
Hero Points 3/5
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +2 buckler, +1 size)
hp 35 Current: 35/35
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6; +2 vs. Fear Effects
Defensive Abilities Fearless
Spd 20 ft.
  • Dagger +5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)

  • Dagger +8 (1d3, 19-20/x2) 10'
  • Light Crossbow +8 (1d6, 19-20/x2) 80'

Str 11 (0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 16 (+3)
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Hero's Fortune, Luck of Heroes, Lingering Performance
Rogue Talents Obfuscate Story
Traits Fate's Favored, Reckless
  • Acrobatics 11 = 2 Ranks + 3 Dex + 3 Class + 2 Racial + 1 Trait
  • Bluff 8 = 2 Ranks + 3 Cha + 3 Class
  • Diplomacy 8 = 2 Ranks + 3 Cha + 3 Class
  • Disable Device 12 = 2 Ranks + 3 Dex + 2 Clever Explorer + 3 Class + 2 Circumstance (Masterwork Thieves' Tools)
  • Knowledge (arcana) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (dungeoneering) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (engineering) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (geography) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (history) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (local) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (nature) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (nobility) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (planes) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Knowledge (religion) 9 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class + 2 Bardic Knowledge
  • Linguistics 7 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class
  • Perception 10 = 2 Ranks + 1 Wis + 3 Class + 2 Clever Explorer + 2 Racial
  • Perform (oratory) 10 = 2 Ranks + 3 Cha + 3 Class + 2 Competence (Intense Student)
  • Profession (gambling) 5 = 1 Rank + 1 Wis + 3 Class
  • Sense Motive 7 =2 Ranks + 2 Wis + 3 Class
  • Sleight of Hand 8 = 2 Ranks + 3 Dex + 3 Class
  • Spellcraft 7 = 2 Ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class
  • Stealth 12 = 2 Ranks + 3 Dex + 3 Class + 4 Racial
  • Use Magic Device 8 = 2 Ranks + 3 Cha + 3 Class

Skill Modifiers +2 Diplomacy when within Sphere of Influence, +2
Languages Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven
Combat Gear 4x M. Daggers, M. Light Crossbow, 40 Bolts, +1 Studded Leather, +1 Buckler, Cloak of Resistance +1
Other Equipment Entertainer's Outfit, 200 gp worth of Jewelry, Sleeves of Many Garments, 2x Spring Loaded Wrist Sheaths, Bandolier, 8x Cure Light Wounds Potions, Pathfinder Chronicles - Volumes 1, 2, 11, 14, 27, and 44, "The Finer Points of Public Speaking" (M. Tool [Diplomacy]), "Confidence! Confidence! Confidence!" (M. Tool [Perform (Oratory)]), "The Art of the Lie" (M. Tool [Bluff]), M. Backpack, Inn Investment

GP: 7
SP: 11
CP: 10
Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Adaptable Luck - 3/day: Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per day, a halfling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in its name as a martial weapon.
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) on all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Archaeologist's Luck (Ex) - 7 rounds/day: Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune's favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist's luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.
Cantrips: Bards learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Bard Spells Known under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Clever Explorer (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Disable Device and Perception checks. He can disable intricate and complex devices in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. At 6th level, an archaeologist can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature of the same name.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex): At 3rd level, an archaeologist gains trap sense +1, as the rogue class feature of the same name. This bonus improves by +1 for every three levels gained after 3rd, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level.
Rogue Talents: At 4th level, an archaeologist gains a rogue talent. He gains an additional rogue talent for every four levels of archaeologist gained after 4th level. Otherwise, this works as the rogue's rogue talent ability.
Lore Master (Ex) - 1/day: At 5th level, the bard becomes a master of lore and can take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in. A bard can choose not to take 10 and can instead roll normally. In addition, once per day, the bard can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action. He can use this ability one additional time per day for every six levels he possesses beyond 5th, to a maximum of three times per day at 17th level.
Contact (Gossip): This contact could be a bartender, tavern owner, servant, prostitute, or stable hand who regularly encounters all sorts of individuals. Gregarious and chatty, the gossip leaks you information about various patrons or stories. Unlike a rumormonger, a gossip doesn't actively seek to distribute information for money, and his knowledge is based on what he hears directly from others. Though a gossip provides useful information, rarely is it anything unusual or covert. Things a gossip might know include the type of person a certain noble fancies, the day of the week merchant ships usually sail into port, or reports of a wild beast savaging the surrounding lands.

  • Ren'alee Anav
    Female Gnome
    One of the older students at the White Grotto, Ren'alee manages to still remain only an apprentice--most likely due to her propensity to talk, interrupt, and get distracted. Miss Anav loves to chatter, especially about anything that is just unclear enough to make a good story. Despite Golarion being filled with monsters and violence, Ran'alee seems to be oblivious to any negativity in the universe, and tends to plan her life only a few minutes ahead--Unless there's a party, of course.
  • Reliable: A reliable contact still doesn't fully trust you, but is willing to make a greater effort to help. He might perform tasks that place him at slightly greater risk, such as hiding a fugitive on his property or loaning small sums of money or nonmagical items. A reliable contact is not willing to assume greater risk solely out of trust in you, and tries to protect his own reputation as a reliable contact.

Wanderer (Title, 1 PP): The long time you've spent on the road with fellow travelers has enhanced your knack for picking up local customs. Knowledge (local) becomes a class skill for you as long as you have this title.
Favored Territory [Absalom] (Title, 5 PP): Choose a 100-square-mile region within your Sphere of Influence. This is now your favored territory, and you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks within that territory. When your Fame reaches 30, you can select this title a second time, gaining a second favored territory and increasing the bonus in your first favored territory to +4. When your Fame reaches 55, you can select this title a third time, gaining a third favored territory and increasing the bonus in your first favored territory to +6 and in your second to +4.
Fence Friend (Title, 4 PP): Once per game session when selling any item, you may do so through an NPC fence, increasing the sale price of the item by 10%. This has no effect on items normally sold at full value (such as gems and trade goods).
Initiate [Bardic College - The Ivy District (Diplomacy)] (Title, 1 PP): A powerful organization accepts you into its ranks. This could be a knighthood, a sagacious cabal of mages, or an order of monks. One skill appropriate to that organization becomes a class skill for you. You may select this title multiple times; each time you select it, you choose an appropriate organization to join and another skill that becomes a class skill. The GM determines whether an organization is available and what skills are appropriate choices for it.
Initiate [Bardic College - The White Grotto [Perform (Oratory)]] (Title, 1 PP): A powerful organization accepts you into its ranks. This could be a knighthood, a sagacious cabal of mages, or an order of monks. One skill appropriate to that organization becomes a class skill for you. You may select this title multiple times; each time you select it, you choose an appropriate organization to join and another skill that becomes a class skill. The GM determines whether an organization is available and what skills are appropriate choices for it.
Initiate [Thieves' Guild (Disable Device)] (Title, 1 PP): A powerful organization accepts you into its ranks. This could be a knighthood, a sagacious cabal of mages, or an order of monks. One skill appropriate to that organization becomes a class skill for you. You may select this title multiple times; each time you select it, you choose an appropriate organization to join and another skill that becomes a class skill. The GM determines whether an organization is available and what skills are appropriate choices for it.
Intense Student [Perform (Oratory)] (Title, 2 PP): You gain a +2 competence bonus on checks with one skill as long as you have this title. You can take this title again once your Fame reaches 30, 40, and 55, selecting a different skill each time.
Master of Trade (Title, 4 PP): Using influential contacts and mercantile experience, you can find a good deal. Once per game session, you gain a 10% discount when purchasing an item. This award cannot be used for spellcasting services, costly material components, items normally sold at full value (such as trade goods or gems), or magic item crafting.
0 - Known 6 - DC 13
  • Detect Magic
  • Light
  • Mage Hand
  • Mending
  • Prestidigitation
  • Read Magic

1st - Known 4 - 5/Day - DC 14 1 used
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Saving Finale
  • Vanish

2nd - Known 3 - 3/Day - DC 15
  • Cure Moderate Wounds
  • Gallant Inspiration
  • Heroic Fortune

Harold 'The Lucky Halfling' (DnD Next Playtest):


  • Str=10
  • Dex=20
  • Con=16
  • Int=14
  • Wis=14
  • Cha=10

Racial Traits

  • +1 Dex
  • +1 Cha
  • Lucky
  • Brave
  • Halfling Nimbleness
  • Naturally Stealthy

Basic Character Sheet

  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Initiative +5
  • Speed 35 Feet
  • Languages: Common, Halfling, Giant, Orc

Path of the Warrior (Fighter) Class Features

  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Fighting Style (Defense)
  • Second Wind (1d6+8 Temp HP)
  • Action Surge (Extra Action)
  • Martial Path Benefit (Improved Critical)
  • Ability Score Improvement (+1 Dex, +1 Wis)
  • Extra Attack
  • Ability Score Improvement (Fencing Master)
  • Martial Path Benefit (Superior Critical)
  • Ability Score Improvement (Mobile)


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
  • Tools: Gaming Set, Mounts (land), Vehicles (land)
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, and Survival


  • Soldier


  • Hitpoints 79
  • Hit Dice 8d10


  • +1 Rapier +9 To Hit, 1d8+6 Damage, Piercing
  • Scimitar +8 To Hit, 1d6+5 Damage, Slashing
  • Sling +8 To Hit, 1d4+5, Bludgeoning, 30/120
  • Shortbow +8 To Hit, 1d6+5 Damage, Piercing, 80/320 Range


  • Initiative +5
  • Armor Class 21

Magic Items

+1 Rapier

  • Creator - Gnome: The item is crafted to appear thoroughly unremarkable. The tiem might look tattered, battered, or well-worn - all the better to discourage thieves from stealing it.
  • Nature: Ornament - Used in parades or to comemorate a special occasion, the item is festooned with inset gemstones, gold or platinum inlays, and decorative filigrees. It might have been commissioned as a gift to commemorate a great deed.
  • Minor Property: War Leader - The bearer can cause hsi or her voice to carry clearly for up to 500 feet.
  • Minor Quirk: Covetous - The item's bearer becomes obsessed with material wealth.

+1 Shield

  • Creator: Ancient Human - This item is old and of human manufacture. The meaning of any symbols or heraldry emblazoned upon it is likely lost to antiquity. Pick a fallen kingdom from your campaign or an ancient figure of legend. The item is connected to that place or person.
  • Nature: Arcane - This item was created by a powerful mage and bears his or her symbol or sigil. A faint magical glow surrounds it, but the light is too dim to illuminate anything other than the item.
  • Minor Property: Sentinel - Choose a kind of creature that is an enemy of the item's creator. This item glows when such creatures are within 100 feet of the item.
  • Minor Quirk: Mistaken - While in possession of the item, the bearer is often mistaken for someone else.


Adventurer's Kit - 9 gp - 39 lbs
Alchemist Fire (2) - 100 gp 2 lbs
Antitoxin (2) - 100 gp - -
Bone Dice - - - .5 lb
Dragon Leather - 500 gp - 15 lbs
Grappling Hook - 2 gp - 4 lbs
Rabbit's Foot (Lucky Charm) - - - -
Medal of Bravery - - - -
Navigator's Tools - 25 gp - 2 lbs
Potion of Healing (4) - 200 gp - 4 lbs
Rank Insignia - - - -
+1 Rapier - - - 2 lbs
Scimitar - 25 gp - 3 lbs
+1 Shield - - - 8
Shortbow - 25 gp - 2 lbs
Arrows (40) - 2 gp - 6 lbs
Sling - .1 gp - .5 lb
Bullets (40) - .08 gp - 4 lbs
Traveler's Clothes - - - 4


PP - 5
GP - 1
SP - 8
CP - 2