Shifting Sands

Game Master Stiehle

Mummy's Mask Pathfinder (1e) Adventure Path

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Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Lengthy OOC discourse of strategy, comments and other feedback should go here. Quick OOC comments in the adventure thread is fine, but it should be brief so as not to clutter the story building there. Thanks!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

OK, let me know what you think of this board as my housing place for the official character sheets. I use this site often for another game I'm running, as well as a couple of games I'm playing in. I'd REALLY like to get away from that Tapatalk site at all. Mainly, let me know if you can access this page and actually see your character sheets. I might have to play with the permissions to get it working right. You don't have to be able to post, as you can always give me your level-up information in this thread. Of course, feel free to create a login on the Myth-Weavers site if you'd like so that you can post replies to your character sheet if you'd like!

Secondly, let me know if your character sheet looks right. They are copies from the ones I'm currently using on the Tapatalk board, but I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. And no worries, I've not leveled them up yet. I want to make sure this board works as my new repository. Thanks!

Character Sheets

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

What I get when I click on the link is:
This is a private game, of which you are not a member. If you have a subscription to this game's forum, you can remove it by following this unsubscribe link: UNSUBSCRIBE

If it matters, I created an account for me: Randy1960.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Aha! OK, how about now?

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Francis, yours is done. I rolled your HP and came up with a '3' (upped to '4'), since I didn't see you roll anywhere. I threw your two 'free' BG skill points into Know History & Nobility. Let me know if you want them elsewhere. Just let me know your spell selection for today when you get the chance.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

I can access it now, Thanks!

The arcane items, wand and scrolls, should be transferred to our arcane caster. I can't see that I'm ever going to try and activate a wand of scorching ray in combat.

4th level spells: Blessing of Fervor and Magic Weapon, Greater

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Oh, THAT'S where those wands went! Thanks, Francis. I've transferred them to Soumral, which is where they should have been originally! You should be good to go now - though you have one more 1st level spell to take! :)

Soumral, you're good to go as well. Note that you have a spellbook collection in your inventory, as your first book is at maximum capacity! You've also got an old 'looted' spellbook that you might have forgotten about? You can also memorize a 1st level spell and two 4th level spells, I do believe. I think you automatically get that Void spell at 4th level, right? I figured that'd be your bonus spell - but let me know if anything looks wonky.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

I can access the site and the sheet himself looks well organized and easily readable. Although I would prefer longer seldom used sections to be in in something like the paizo spoilers to reduce the need for Scrolling.

PS: Whe you calculated the amount of money did you consider that we are selling the Spellbook after we have successfully copied what we need?

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Good idea... let me work on that. Maybe for the abilities or something.

And you are absolutely correct, I forgot the spellbook sale! So everyone actually gets 2550gp - even after Francis claims the Ring of Sustenance.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

Remove Magic Weapon and Funereal Weapon.
Add Protection from Evil, Sun Metal, and Fallback Strategy.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Rediz, I've got your character sheet finished. I've got the following notes:

I think your HP is +5. You rolled a 3 on the d8, which is upped to half (4), then +1 for CON. Not sure where the other +1 you mentioned came from, but maybe I overlooked something? Your HP total at the moment is 40.

I thought of an appropriate language, as Khelish is spoken in this area of Golarian. Let me know if that's OK, or if you'd like to choose another.

I think you already had Shield in your Formulae book, so I refunded you that 10gp. I think you only needed to borrow 360gp in order to purchase the Bag of Holding, so Soumral, Francis and Elliander will each donate 120gp to the cause. This leaves you with a handful of gold still.

I adjusted your inventory a bit to keep you at a Light Load while carrying the Bag of Holding and other stuff. At the moment, it's a move action to grab something out of the bag of holding, which I'll presume you have tied to your belt. If it starts to get loaded up with treasure and stuff, it'll be a full round action to remove an item, per the magic item description.

Look over your character sheet and make sure I didn't miss anything. Lots of stuff for alchemists I'm still learning, so I could have easily missed something. I also need you to give me a new list of your selected 'Extracts' (i.e. spells) for today - you'll see the ones I've currently got as a reply to your character sheet.

Also folks, everyone let me know what you think of your character sheets now that I added some 'spoiler buttons' to make it less cumbersome to scroll through.

Next up, Elliander. Then I'll level up Amenhep and I think I'll be done!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Elliander, I think you're good to go - pending those items I PM'd you about. :)

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

And Amenhep is done! That should be everyone updated to 7th level now. Amenhep, you mentioned a sling and figured you'd get some bullets for it, which have been added to your character sheet (with 10 extra in your backpack) as you had the encumbrance to carry it easily. Please take a look at your new character sheet and make sure it looks good.

Again folks, I'm storing your character sheets on another website, since I dislike the formatting available here at Paizo and I'm sick to death of Tapatalk, which is where I used to keep them. Link is below, let me know if you have problems accessing your sheets to at least look at them. If you'd rather not create a login to make replies, no worries. You can do all that here on this board, as we've done in the past. Thanks!

Character Sheets

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
GM West wrote:

Rediz, I've got your character sheet finished. I've got the following notes:

I think your HP is +5. You rolled a 3 on the d8, which is upped to half (4), then +1 for CON. Not sure where the other +1 you mentioned came from, but maybe I overlooked something? Your HP total at the moment is 40.

That is correct, I just copied from last time where we made two levels at once so I still had +2 con bonus in there which is why I arrived at 6.

I thought of an appropriate language, as Khelish is spoken in this area of Golarian. Let me know if that's OK, or if you'd like to choose another.

Sounds fine too me.

And thanks for all the adjustment of load, I still had planned to do that. Will Look through the deatils on the weekend.

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

GM, mind marking the last chapter as inactive? I keep accidentally clicking on it when I'm looking for this one.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Done! That won't delete it or anything, will it? I'd like to keep it there for future reference, if needed.

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

Nope, it’ll just move it to the inactive games tab of your profile.

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Oops! I totally did not catch this had moved to a new game thread. I thought it had shut down! Sorry! I'll get caught up and post today.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@ GM
Craft Alchemy should have a +7 bonus to craft Items by now, but apart from that the character Sheet sounds fine.

My clothing and rations only weight half the normal weight, so the belt and the rations are slightly lighter.

I general I was thinking about using only the bag of holding from now on and storing the flasks in my bandolier, which should hold 8 slots (6 potions, wand and thieves tools)

I don't believe I have any problems with retrieving something from taking a full round action as most of the other stuff isn't used is combat, especially since this might mean I can keep the mace out.

Daily prepared spells:
L1 (6)
Heightened Awareness
Targeted Bomb Admixture
3 unused

L2 (4)
Alchemical Allocation
Tanglefoot Bombs
1 unused

L3 (2)
1 unused

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Well the weekend wasn't as productive as I had hoped. I have gone through the character sheet and everything seems fine as far as I can see. Right now I can't think of anything I'd want to spend on aside from the costs of copying the spells from the loot book. Maybe I'll crank out a few scrolls though. I'll take a look.

I'll try to get a gameplay post up tomorrow.

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Actually there are a couple of quick things about Soumral's inventory.

She has a Wayfinder that's undocumented. Her Ioun Stone is actually slotted into it rather than orbiting around her head.

She has a set of MWK Thieves' Tools that she has no use for. Does anyone need them or want a spare set? They could also be sold.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Will make those changes ASAP. I'm taking a long weekend vacation, so might not be posting until Tuesday - though if I have the time and inclination I might do so before that.

Still waiting for someone to respond to the guards though...

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@GM: I was just asking the group for ideas.

@All: Lets just come back tomorrow.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Gah! I usually spellcheck my posts better than that. Forgive the typos!

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

I believe Soumral is the best researcher, so in the end Elliander will likely be aiding her, but role-playing him, he would step forward initially.

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Rediz can fly, right?
Any Fly spells etc. ?

Elliander has Climb +7.
I thought I also had a Traveler's Anytool for this PC, but that does not seem the case. Anyone else has it or a climbing kit?

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Soumral doesn't have fly but could probably find a scroll to buy for 375 gp. Of course she'd still need to transfer it to her spell book so it would slow things down.

Oddly I thought Soumral had a Traveler's Any Tool as well but I guess I only meant to buy it and forgot.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

You've both got those items. Don't forget you've got a new site for your character sheets:

Character Sheets

There are also links in most of my posts in the spoiler section where I track your HP and other notes.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Rediz can fly, I believe. I PM'd him, but will bot him if necessary. He hasn't done a research check anyway.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Sorry, live being a bit hectic right now, yes Rediz can fly for a couple of minutes, if this is enough.

Will try to be more attentive.

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Hmm, Kn(Arcana) of 27 wasn’t good enough. With Aid from Rediz and Soumral we can knock it up to 31, unless Soumral thinks she can do better on her own. (Needs to roll a 17 then.)

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

An aid from Rediz and Soumral autosuceeds since on skill checks there is no automatic failure on rolling a 1

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Let's move on with the story and wait for the answer

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

I can't post a reply off the top of my head, and haven't had time to go back and reread posts to research what should go in an answer yet. I'll do it as soon as I have time, probably around the end of the week when the holiday gives me a break.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

No worries, this week is going to be a busy one for everyone I think. I won't push forward until next weekend!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

As this adventure path just recently started, I wanted to check and make sure everyone is still interested in continuing on? The pace has definitely slowed down over the past couple months, and though I know holidays tend to slow things down, I wanted to see if there's any player burnout going on with this campaign.

If anyone is feeling ambivalent about continuing on, please don't feel embarrassed or think you'll offend me by speaking up. It'd be a good time to bring in new players if anybody is looking to step down, as it's a brand new adventure story that's begun.

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. Thanks!

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

I'm still enjoying things!

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

I'm keen to continue on, just been busier than usual lately. As I mentioned already, I'm also a little unmoored about what we're supposed to be doing presently.

Maybe I'm being overly literal, but Soumral hasn't made any of the relevant knowledge checks, Amenhep has. But since Amenhep hasn't indicated that he's shared what he knows, I haven't assumed Soumral can say anything.

I mean obviously we need to talk to whats-her-name important person about overruling the priestess, but Soumral doesn't know any of that unless we're going with a rule where everyone knows everything if anyone succeeds at a knowledge check.

If that's what we're doing fine, it's efficient. But it also takes away reasons for characters to interact with each other.

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

I'm still on, although not pushing it too much since December is my (extremely) busy month.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

No worries, I know it's the holidays and folks get busy. January is my hell month at work, by the way so I'll probably the one you're waiting on in about three weeks!

Soumral, I've always presumed that characters will immediately share their knowledge, even if the character doesn't explicitly state they are doing so in the game. In fact, I'd probably require the player to tell everyone explicitly when they are purposefully holding back that information for themselves only, preferably as an OOC comment that all the other players can see so that they cannot act on that knowledge.

Heck, even in a combat situation, if a character figures out weaknesses and/or strengths of an opponent, you should figure that the character will let everyone else know about it immediately, since speaking is a free action. But I've never really pushed a requirement for a player to post that their character shout out such knowledge so the rest of the party is aware.

You're right though, sharing such knowledge can help foster inter-character dialogue, so it's something to keep in mind for the future if players have the time to do so.

But as far as I'm concerned, if I post knowledge that a character gleaned in a 'public' way (i.e. in the Gameplay thread without a spoiler), then figure you all know about it unless the player who learned it specifies otherwise. Generally I won't use spoilers for critical stuff, I'll IM the player in question if there's something secretive going on.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

I'm definitely not wanting to stop. Like Soumral said, I'm not sure where to go from here.

The Hatya's reply has only convinced us that she's an enemy, but we were warned about that before we left Sothis.... I didn't consider Nethys and Pharasma to be enemies so it's got to be the Hatya or something that she doesn't want us to know.

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

LOL! Is this campaign cursed? Constant low roles but only when we need a good number!

If we didn't have good modifiers we'd probably be in prison now!

CG Female Elf Wizard 7 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 13 (T: 13, F: 10) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +6, W: +7 (Immune to Disease)| Init: +8 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30' | Reveal Weakness 7/8 Constant SLA's: Deathwatch 30' | Nondetection

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Yes, Happy Holidays! :)

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Happy New Years everyone! I'm back from vacation and will try to get a post up tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest!

Channel Energy 4d6: 0 of 7 used Init: +1 | AC: 19 / FF AC: 18 / Touch AC: 11 | Fort: +5 / Ref: +3 / Will: +8 | Speed: 20' | Favored Attack: MW Dagger +6 melee / 1d4+2 piercing damage / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16

Change to spells if we do have to search the library:
Change out one of the Prayer spells for See Beyond. Good to boost my Perception for the day.
Change out both of my 4th level spells for Air Walk.

I'll stick to my regular spells once we're done here.

Also, is there anywhere in town where I can get my dagger enchanted? It's only MW and I'm fairly certain that I'll need better....

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, FF 17; CMD 22; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

Hello everyone.

Thanks for the invite to the game!

LG Male Human Paladin 7 | HP 58 | AC 21 (T 13, F 19) | CMB +10, CMD 23 | F +10, R +8, W +9| Init +2 | Perc +11

Welcome! Happy to have you along with us.

M Half-orc Bard (Court Fool) 7 | HP: 59/59||AC 18, Touch 13, FF 15 | Init: +7 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9| CMB: +5, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +15, SM: + 13 | 120ft Darkvision| Active conditions: none

Hello folks, this is the other result of your recent recruitment... pleased to meet you all,

Male Human | Init: +9 | AC: 21 / FF AC: 19 / Touch AC: 13 | Fort: +9 / Ref: +5 / Will: +9 | Speed: 30' | Perception +9 | Duskblade/7| Favored Attack: "The Biter" (Magical Longsword) +12/+7 melee / 1d8 +4 slashing damage / [19-20] x2 crit

Welcome to this game guys!

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