GM Xavier Kahlvet's Hell's Rebels 2e

Game Master KingTreyIII

Character Profiles
Inventory Sheet

House rules/Rulings

Hero Points
Chance: 1 | Edrakk: 1 | Jisara: 1 | Vitalis: 0

The World's a Stage Skill Rerolls
Chance: 1 | Edrakk: 1 | Jisara: 3 | Vitalis: 3

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| Strange Aeons | Hell's Rebels | ◆◇↻

Yup, still here. Just been working on some stuff and I know the others have been going through some things recently, too.

I’m still trying to figure out how to balance my life now that I’m working full-time. Chance had a massive work thing this past week, and Jisara’s been going through some mental stuff. I try to not hound people during the weekends just to give them some breathing room.

Sorry, I should’ve said something in Discussion instead of just leaving you in the dark, Vitalis.

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