Kingmaker: Blood for Blood!
Game Master
Current fight Map.
Blood for Blood - Baron's Courtroom
Map of Fort Drelev
The Greenwatch Wardens
Tomb Map
Varnhold Map.
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
That means we get out of the room asap.
While our protection can still withstand fire.
Ulricha the Unkillable wrote: So just to confirm. The spell caster is able to target us from across the other tower, through the window, into the room we're in, but I can't see them from the window? You can see the spellcaster on the tower balcony. You can shoot said spellcaster.
Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 130/130 HP : Raging 128/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 11/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:
Thanks! That's what I needed to know.
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Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 41/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 41/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
How did things end up with Vandomir and Jorne's side fight?
Well it got backed up more than I thought. Vandomir is in the stairway with no easy shot. Roci has taken down one of the dark armored warriors but is not feeling well, she is diseased and bleeding.
Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 41/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Oh! I didn't see where all of that happened. And Jorne?
I can solve the bleeding on her at least.
I was doing it out on pen and paper since you were away. Not many rounds have passed yet.
I have Xandarian 's post for round 9, will everyone please post? Also please make a simple post here to tell you are still in the game! Favorite animal of your character?!
All ready to break some demons in half!!!
Male Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19
Jorne Fyrestone Stavian wrote: All ready to break some demons in half!!!
Really?! Rhino's are my favorite animals. Rhinoceros used to be my spirit animals, but now they're my spirit totems!
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Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 41/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Vandomir is fond of rabbits, but only because Roci likes to eat them.
Fox of course.... Oh! Rabbits do sound delicious!
Jorrast do some knowledge checks! Since you are waiting for an opening.
You can do one check as a free action.
Two as a swift.
Three as a move.
Four as a standard.
Five as a full round action.
Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace
I only have knowledge local and nature. I didn't think either of those would apply?
Knowledge-Local: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Knowledge-Nature: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24
Gonna get back into the game tomorow!
Nope and nope! I tried.
Ok Markus!
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
Since Jorrast is near me, would i have seen this?
If so,
Kn. Engineering: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 130/130 HP : Raging 128/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 11/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:
Finally back, took the week off work to deal with home repairs, came back to post-Windows outage cleanup.
Ulricha's favorite animal is probably either a mammoth or a megaloceros.
Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24
Is there a window southeast of markus, and another leading into M37? If yes, Markus would have spent his missing turns aerially inserting himself into M37, and thus have a possible flanking position on the Leukdaemon.
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
I think Alice's favorite animal could have been a fluffy cat, but with a tiny bird familiar, that would be troublesome.
The other one, would potentially be a fox.
They're explorers, they're soft and furry, can be held.
I asked if anyone wanted a new familiar....
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
Jorrast Feorte -Fox wrote: I asked if anyone wanted a new familiar.... I already have one. And the spirit bird isn't going anywhere any time soon.
Male Half-Celestial Aasimar (Azata-Blooded Taladan)|HP: 77/77|AC: 23 (12 Tch, 21 Fl)|CMB: +13, CMD: 25|F: +16, R: +10, W: +15|Init: +4 Paladin (Chosen One)/8th|Smite evil 4/4x/day|Channel Energy 4d6|Resist 10 (acid, cold, electricity)|DR 5/magic|SR 19
No. Xandarian's happy with his morally-dubious hare.
Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 41/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Roci doesn't fit on my shoulder as it is, so I'm failing in the "familiar" department.
Female Human Barbarian (Invulnerable) 7/ Fighter (Unbreakable)1| 130/130 HP : Raging 128/177| AC 25 T 12 FF 23 | Fort +13 (+16) Ref +6 (+8) Will +6 (+8)| Initiative +2 | Perception +12, Survival +15| Rage 11/24* |DR 3/-, DR 6/ Non-lethal|Cold Res 3 Current effects:
If at some point we do end up going gestalt, Ulricha would be more in the market for an Animal Companion.
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F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
I could see Ulricha as a beast rider, riding a large beast into battle.
Male Kitsune Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Just checking in. I have no idea if anyone has been hurt.
Male Kitsune Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Cause you might need healing . . . Bueller . . . Bueller?
Male Chelaxian Ranger 8 (AC:21[T:12 FF:19] | HP: 79/79 41/71 (0NL) | F+9*, R+8, W+5 | Init: +2* |Perc: +14*)
Probably, and some disease remediation. Waiting to see the results of things in the Gameplay thread. Not sure Vandomir and Roci are with you anyways.
Markus "Hot Dog" Lyranus wrote: Is there a window southeast of markus, and another leading into M37? If yes, Markus would have spent his missing turns aerially inserting himself into M37, and thus have a possible flanking position on the Leukdaemon.
Yes, though the windows are more akin to an arrow slot with a two foot by 18 inches 'window' spot. It is a really tight squeeze for a medium creature you will likely get stuck.
Quote: A successful DC 30 Acrobatics check allows you to squeeze through a gap through which your head fits but your shoulders don’t. You can’t fit through spaces smaller than your head.
Action: 1 minute or longer, possibly requiring multiple checks.
Try Again: Yes. You can even take 20 if you’re not being actively opposed.
Alice Emmington wrote: Since Jorrast is near me, would i have seen this?
If so,
[Dice=Kn. Engineering]1d20+13
Sorry seen what?
Male Kitsune Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Sorry I am lost. Probably back to school is making me terribly busy.
As of Round 12 the big pink framed monster in front of Quince was said to be gone, but its still on the map? Does that main the foe with the blue frame at the top of the spiral stairs between me and Vandomir is still there?
Oh sorry I forgot to remove it. The foe with the blue frame at the top of the spiral stairs is the only one left and I added a lot more detail in gameplay. He is laying on the ground, seemingly harmless.
Male Kitsune Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
The foe at the top of the stairs do they seem to be people in hoods and armor or some strange monster.
The man at the top of the stairs is a husk of a man but just that. He has grey and white hair. His skin is pale, cracked, and dry. The armor on his chest seems just as rotted and decayed as the man. The weapon seems to be locked into his gauntlet.
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
Alice Emmington wrote: Jorrast Feorte wrote: @Alice. I already did that but per the GM's reply she must be immune. Alice doesn't know you can even do hexes. My confusion is that she rolled a willsave, that would imply she isn't immune.
Evil eve is the one hex that, on a passing save, still applies the effect for 1 round, contrary to for example slumber and misfortune, which are save or effect.
That makes me curious to what blocks even evil eye hex outright.
Homebrew purposes, for one.
Thank you for the clarification, so Jorrast's Hex would last one round. As Alice chants would the hex still last longer?
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
GM Wolf wrote: Thank you for the clarification, so Jorrast's Hex would last one round. As Alice chants would the hex still last longer? No, cackle/chant applies only to the hexes applied by the one doing so.
Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace
I can cackle to extend it, but like Alice says only mine.
But if I save versus you hex, the cackle/chant does not prolong it. As youcan tell I have very little experience with Hrxes.
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F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
GM Wolf wrote: But if I save versus you hex, the cackle/chant does not prolong it. As youcan tell I have very little experience with Hrxes. It does. As long as a creature is under the effect of evil eye, cackle/chant extends it.
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
GM wrote: Jorrast, how did you hit her with two hexes to: "-4 on AC. Additional Evil Eye -4 to Saves." As Alice's Hex: Alice puts protective luck on Ulricha.
Jorrast and Alice:
As you put your new hexes into place you notice her body hardens and her focus has returned... those first hexes are gone.
Her debuffs are still ongoing, as long as either of us continue cackle/chant, starting from the same round as we placed the hexes on her.
Evil Eye is nice, in that it allows multiple debuff to be applied.
Penalty on attacks, ac, saves, all can be active at the same time, just each has to be applied seperately after the other.
The hexes on her are still running.
Alice Emmington wrote: GM Wolf wrote: But if I save versus your hex, the cackle/chant does not prolong it. As you can tell I have very little experience with Hexes. It does. As long as a creature is under the effect of evil eye, cackle/chant extends it. No the Hex only lasts one round if they make the save. I am going to stick to that RAW. Otherwise you can extend all your hexes indefinitely. Sure if they fail then you can extend it.
Evil Eye? No the cackle or chant affects:
"Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of the shaman’s charm, evil eye, fortune, fury, or misfortune hex has that effect’s duration extended by 1 round."
Also you can affect an individual 5 times with Evil Eye? Each effect?! Wow!
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F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
GM Wolf wrote: Alice Emmington wrote: GM Wolf wrote: But if I save versus your hex, the cackle/chant does not prolong it. As you can tell I have very little experience with Hexes. It does. As long as a creature is under the effect of evil eye, cackle/chant extends it. No the Hex only lasts one round if they make the save. I am going to stick to that RAW. Otherwise you can extend all your hexes indefinitely. Sure if they fail then you can extend it.
Evil Eye? No the cackle or chant affects:
"Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of the shaman’s charm, evil eye, fortune, fury, or misfortune hex has that effect’s duration extended by 1 round."
Also you can affect an individual 5 times with Evil Eye? Each effect?! Wow! The hex modifies round duration based hexes. Evil eye lasts 1 round instead of the maximum amount possible, on a successful save, but can still be extended. Cackle/chant mentions it only requires a creature to be under the effect of an applicable hex, if even 1 turn. It is made to make hexes last longer. It takes extra actions, a move per round, to keep it running, is what it comes down to. It otherwise nullifies the point of what cackle/chant is created for. :/
Evil eye is a versatile hex.
Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace
Versatile but not terribly powerful. Without Cackle/Chant you would have to keep using the evil eye hex each round to keep one hex in effect. Also, you have to stay within range, 30', to keep it active with cackle. Silence ends it.... If the creature cannot hear....
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
Jorrast Feorte wrote: Versatile but not terribly powerful. Without Cackle/Chant you would have to keep using the evil eye hex each round to keep one hex in effect. Also, you have to stay within range, 30', to keep it active with cackle. Silence ends it.... If the creature cannot hear.... Some bearded old man says "Shhh", and it's a lockdown. XD
So is anyone going to post for Round 18... Alice and Jorrast did without the title... waiting on Xandarian and Ulricha
I am ready from round 19!
Male Kitsune Sylvan Trickster Rogue | HP: 47/58 | AC: 20 T:15, FF:15, 21 in Fox form | Init: +10 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +5 | CMB +11; CMD 22 | Acrobatics+18, Appraise+12, Bluff+13, Disable Device+17, Escape Artist+13, Fly+8, Know-Local+14, Know-Nature+13, Linguistics+14, Perception+13, Sense Motive+14, Stealth+16/+26 | Cantrip: Acid Splash | Heroes Feast & Cat's Grace
@Quince. LOL! What's wrong with "gorgeous"? The earlier post said that with the blood off she was a good looking elf. Foxy lady elf.... Foxy man. ;-P
F Human Shaman 8, Init +5, Perc +19, SM +20, CMB+8, CMD21, HP 152/152, F+10, Ref+8, Will+13, AC 20/T13/FF17 , Resist cold 10, Resist electricity 10, Resist negative energy 10, no breath, Darkvision 60ft, Constant endure elements, see in (Su) dark
Jorrast Feorte wrote: @Quince. LOL! What's wrong with "gorgeous"? The earlier post said that with the blood off she was a good looking elf. Foxy lady elf.... Foxy man. ;-P Put a set of fox ears on her, and Jorrast = fawning over her?
Ha! He's already fawning over that vixen....