Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

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Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Isaac nods, "Very well then. I shall frame the narrative regarding the Knights as I see fit.

To my brethren then.

I believe that at least Signore' Querini and Doctor Cappelli are familiar with the fate of Terazzo the Seeker, the ghoul who crumbled to dust in your arms when you were Mortal, Doctor.

We Ghouls are certainly more hardy than Mortals. However, unlike Mortals, after so long a time sustaining our lives on the blood of a Cainite, we pass our natural lifespan. At any moment, should the Cainite blood that sustains us run out, absorbed somehow by our bodies or expended in a similar fashion to the way I understand that your kind expend blood, our deaths are instantaneous. There is no coming back.

With the death or Prince Narses a few days ago, the supply for all of us has ceased to exist and we are all on borrowed time.

Some have considered hunting those few of you who remain here in Venice to take what we need.

Others have petitioned the remaining Childer of Narses for new patronage. I was one of those who sought to do just that.

However, for Narses childer to feed us is to acknowledge that his network is now their network and they would stake an undisputed claim to his throne. None appear too eager to do this, at least not yet.

And so we wait, and the longer we wait, more of us will die, simply cease to be. None wish this fate. We cannot afford to wait any longer, we need a supply of vitae and we need it soon, tonight if we can get it".

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

"You speak of general need, and we seek specific assets, at least some of do. For example, speaking of my own interests, are there any who would serve as a guardian of my inn with skill and be able to handle the physicality of it? Is there a musician among you who truly enjoys the art? I am sure the others have their preferences, but no one of us can take you all so a good fit seems crucial."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Isaac chuckles, "I would have suspected you would want Sirus Terzago, after all, is he not linked to you in some manner? I am sure one of Narses many bully boys could also fit the bill for "muscle".

For me, I must insist on Signore' Querini being my patron, as his blood is equal to that of the raw power of Narses else my repertoire of abilities carefully cultivated over the centuries will fade.

We do not ask you to take us all on a permanent basis, merely long enough for the political process to unfold and order to return.

I suppose that some may stay on as your permanent Ghouls though I would imagine that our night to night and day to day responsibilities would shift".

There is mirth in his eyes as the realization dawns on Ranerius that a man he has known before he was embraced, was a Ghoul to the Prince of the city!

Sirus is on your Contacts list, his Appearance is probably a 3.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Ranerius nods as if he knew this all along. For one thing, it makes sense how he lost a contact so quickly for a time.

"Perhaps it is time to make Sirus Terzago's working for me official. He drank enough free drinks at my Inn. He's been of proven use and is a decent enough fellow."

I tried my hand at politics for sake of my sire and for the sake of harmony. I worry the Camarilla is dead before it truly begun, but surprised? Not so much. These are the sort of minds that would move a chess piece on the table while their rival was looking away even when the building was burning over them.

"No musicians though? A pity. There are opportunities working for the Toreador that do not exist among other clans." He shrugs "As for permanent or not, let us say that we all wish order, but as our coterie is doing the work to restablish that order; the worker is worthy of his hire."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

"Excellent, I will be able to locate Sirus easily enough.

Certainly I understand that you have business with the Hunters. I know much but by no means do I know all.

How the hierarchy among your kind below the Prince functions is not known to me.

My concern is for my brethren who I have known in some cases for years, in others, for decades or centuries. The more recent will age but live, it is those who will die and quickly that I seek assistance for. They can be of value to you short and long term.

This is a grave request I know but between the six of you, there should be enough to sustain all for at least a month. Will you pledge to do this or must I choose who lives and who dies?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

"I will do all within my power to ensure they live. Were any of these procurers of blood for Narses? that would be most helpful to discreetly help them all."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Isaac nods, "Yes, he had three procurers in fact.

Their work is a bit slow of course but I suppose I could ask them to throw a party tomorrow evening to allow you all to replenish.

In anticipation of this meeting, I requested that those who wished to join me be present in Narses Haven this evening. Once we are concluded with our business, I would ask those of you willing to assist come with me to his Haven this night.

I understand that there is a great deal that is taking place for you all right now, this is literal life and death". He pauses and breathes in through his nose, but does not speak further.

Onfroi snickers, "Literal life and death? Our immortal lives are in peril and you ask us to take hours out of our evening and the vitae from our veins that we may well need to fight off these "Holy Avengers" to save the lives of some privileged Ghouls?!"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

enice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

" Yes it may be inconvenient, but they will be useful during the day amongst other items in the future. I think it is worth the time."

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Lorenzo listens on, taking in the information. "Making arrangements with these procurers would make it much easier for us to maintain you and your fellow servants of the former-prince."

Turning to Onfroi, he echoes Michele's sentiments, "Yes, there are risks involved, but these are likely the very ghouls Narses used to maintain his hold on Venice. This is a potential advantage against our adversaries that we simply must not pass on."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Onfroi chuckles at Lorenzo, "Not to worry Doctor, I was only joking. I assure you that even were the rest of you not interested, I would assist all on my own. I was a Ghoul for over a century so I understand far better than the rest of you, the fear with which Isaac speaks".

The Ghoul nods grateful for the agreement among the Coterie to assist.

"I guess Doctor that just leaves the business between us, do you wish to speak in private or among your allies?"

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Lorenzo briefly contemplates the question before answering, "Let us at least start this conversation in private and then we can go from there."

Lorenzo then glances to Lydia before turning his attention to the coterie's host, "Michele, I trust there is a place where I may have a conversation with Isaac?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

"Yes follow me." Michele takes them down a longer hallway and to the left and open a door to what looks like a storage room and beckons them in.
then Michele will return to the others.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo ONLY:
You and Isaac have standing room only, but that is sufficient for this conversation. Once the door closes it is pitch black but Isaac seems oddly comfortable, one would think being so close to a Cainite in the dark as a mortal would be unnerving, but perhaps as a Ghoul of the Lasombra he is simply used to it.

He proceeds, "Some of this may be a surprise to you and some may not. While a handful of your Clan had residence here for quite some time, it was not until three centuries ago that your Clan established a substantial foothold via the Embrace of Augustus Giovanni. A Childe, so my Master informed me, of one of the most ancient among you.

As you can well imagine, my Sire was immediately distrustful of a being so powerful within a city he had ruled since anyone dead can remember. I would also imagine that Narses coveted the blood of this young upstart but as Augustus still exists, at least to my knowledge, Narses was never able to acquire his vitae.

Most Cainites rule Mortals through proxy, but few had such a direct hand in the day-to-day affairs of Mortals and Ghouls like Narses did.

Whether by mimicry or by necessity, Augustus patterned his control over his Mortal family in the same manner that Narses controlled his own Ghouls. Those who showed great promise were rewarded with either long term ghouldom or the Embrace.

Augustus knew that he could not keep all of his family ensconced within Venice as Narses would not allow it nor would his own Sire allow him to squirrel them away as he Embraced Augustus so that your Clan could learn the secrets of Necromancy.

To end a slow burning rivalry with Prince Narses, Augustus offered the aid of his Mortal family providing both wealth and secrets to the Prince. I was to be the liaison to that network. This is because my own duties which had for so long kept me useful had recently come to an end.

Despite my long-standing position as a Ghoul, the nature of the end of my duties was quite troubling as the Prince's former allies now wished to eliminate him. That same desire led to the call within the Prince's own Clan to eliminate him as well. Much as he would have liked to deny it, for the past century, Narses position has been secure mainly through his alliance with the Giovanni family.

As the wars between rival factions became more and more bitter, Narses saw an alliance between all of the Elders as the most sure fire way to not only increase his own power base, but to eliminate his rivals both within his Clan and within his city.

This placed me in a difficult position as if Narses were to eliminate or banish the Giovanni, this may well have brought the end to my own existence. I knew that Narses had developed a way to prevent the Giovanni from spying on him so I did the only thing I could, I began feeding information to the Giovanni through my Mortal contact Mario Giovanni as to do so by night was nigh impossible. Narses powers by night were formidable due to his seeming direct connection to the realm of night.

Claudius as I understood it was enraged by the proposed betrayal of the Prince after all the Giovanni did for him, Augustus seemed not so surprised at all and thought it fit into his plans rather well. I was of course not privy to these plans.

However, as I understand it, the Giovanni sought to use the Conclave not to bring the Clans together, but to break them asunder. He knew that all he needed to do was to show the Neonates and the Ancillae that the Elders were not to be trusted. In that fallout, he would select those who would prove the most resourceful to join their conspiracy".

He chuckled, "To ensure that none would be able to ascertain who was behind this clandestine operation it was to be named, 'The Conspiracy of Isaac' I suppose it was also named that to use me as a scapegoat if Narses ever uncovered it. Before he left the city, Pietro Giovanni summoned me to the Mausoleum, which I thought was risky, but he believed that Narses was spread too think to pay attention, and he was correct as I still breathe.

His instructions were simple, I was told that if you still survived whatever was to come, that the Giovanni wanted you to be the first chosen and that it would be you who would select those who would be allowed into the Conspiracy and that there should be one member, but no more than one member, from each Clan so invited. Of course, the one caveat is that none invited could be an Elder".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Do the rest of you wish to discuss anything as this other meting is taking place?

Male Italian (Toreador)

Ranerius splits his focus for a moment while he waits, while tempted to 'listen in' he decides he needs not burn bridges. Rather he spies on someone who is tied to him and not his wife, not as tied as he'd like mind you.

Far Sense on Kestral to make sure he's still on lock down so to speak 6d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 1, 3, 2, 7) = 33

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Indeed, nothing has changed, he still sits in a coffin within Lord Bion's haven.

Within Lord Bion's chamber is a visitor, the Setite Khay'tall. He is speaking with the Cappadocian, "... be foolish.

The brood is an insufficient force, even together to resist her. Throw your support behind us..."

Bion interrupts, "She is incapable of ruling long term Sly One, you must know this".

You can almost feel the Setites grin.

Do you continue to listen in?

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Checking on things:

Either might be able to sense me observing, or maybe not? I have come into power few have with my Auspex, and few suspect I hope. Unlike the spirit walk I am not 'there' so not easily trapped. For now I'll listen, and if Bion notices me. I'll give a bow and act as if I'm to report. Hopefully he won't.

Boldness has often backfired on the Toreador but times are desperate so he hopes it does not happen this time.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:

Lorenzo's eyes narrow in suspicion. "Why would the Giovanni want me in particular to be part of this conspiracy? I am not of their blood - familial or otherwise. I am of the Cappadocian clan proper."

"Did Augustus have something to do with the hunter situation we face? That as much as anything seems to have driven the wedge he sought between the elders and those less experienced."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

If they see you or are aware of any presence, they do not acknowledge or challenge.

After some time Lord Bion speaks, "Ah, I see, instead of the snake in the garden, this time you wish to be the Seneschal.

It is not in my best interest to oppose or to support her. Whatever the outcome, I shall support he, or she, who is the ultimate victor.

Right now, with the Hunters about, you should ask yourself how you can either assist in ridding the city of the infestation, or hiding until it dies out".

"What with their odd powers and ability to judiciously utilize light in the darkness? My Clan is a poor choice to defeat these foes. Besides, these neonates were hand picked by the leaders of the Camarilla, they should be capable enough to deal with the threat".

Lord Bion scowls, "Or die trying in your stead eh? This is why I hide away, what passes for an Elder these days is a mockery of what once was leadership among our kind. When the time is right, I shall assist them. I should think after their experiences these past several nights they shan't look kindly upon one such as yourself, able but unwilling to fight!"

The Setite gives a mock bow, "Lack of Bravado is what has allowed me to retain my head, and thus my existence Lord Bion. See to it that if you don;t join with us that you at least stay out of the way..."

The Setite takes his leave as the Cappadocian Elder is left pondering on his throne of bones.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:
Isaac shrugs, "That information I also was not privy to Doctor. House Giovanni is a part of Clan Cappadocian. Thus, you are indeed of their blood.

Perhaps you have proven yourself capable to them in some manner? The Giovanni reward those who are effective and capable.

As to your second question, I do not know. I do not know much about it, only that Narses is dead and that Mortals, Knights in armor, attacked several inns by day and slew Cainites. Who exactly is dead is not clear, but I know that most of Narses brood is intact".

Note that based on your investigations the past two nights, the Coterie has come to the conclusion that the Giovanni did indeed have a hand in the attack, it's just not clear exactly how they were involved or what they did.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Ranerius gives a bow just to be safe, and if no response... 'returns' his focus to this room. Not that he needs to. He can be in two places at once.

Then he looks at Michele Querini, "My good host. May I inquire of your opinion of one Khay'tall?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Michele seems quite surprised to hear that name. "He is an elder of my clan and one not to be trifled with. He is a tempter in the darkness always many moves ahead of all he speaks with. He tried turning me against my sire at one point which now may have been the wiser move based on what happened and simply can't be trusted or killed even by removing his head from his neck." Michele then pauses after speaking so fast
"Why do you ask?'

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:

Lorenzo frowns. "Honestly, it hardly seems like much of a plan to keep the clan in a fractious state. Based on what I have seen, that is the natural state of things."

"What is the goal of all of this at this point? Narses is dead, his Childer fight over the scraps, hoping that Lord Bion will choose one of them as Narses's successor. If this is a Cappadocian matter and not just a matter for the offshoot subsect that are the Giovanni, it would seem that the city is already ours, from a Cainite perspective. Bion has no desire to lead, why wouldn't the Giovanni simply petition him?" Lorenzo asks, his distaste for all of these political maneuverings clearly showing.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Ranerius answers, "As we are allies, and our lives and fortunes are currently bound, I'll dispense with the usual political bargaining and trust that the sharing of this news reflects well in your eyes." a shrug, "I believe he's seeking the position of Seneschal with Lord Bion either on his own or some sponsor's behalf. Bion sees no reason to take sides in your fellow Clan Member's struggle but Khay'tall seems confident enough to suggest that if Bion does not support he at least should stay out of the way."

The Toreador ponders, "Bion means to support us when the 'time is right' I think. And whoever Khay'tall speaks of, Bion did not seem enthusiastic for saying "She is incapable of ruling long term Sly One, you must know this"'

Ranerius looks at Michelle, "When I began this eternal night, I hoped for harmony, each clan sending its own strengths like a chord, until we were a powerful chorus lending each strength. Idealistic, perhaps even naive, but if we had tried it, the hunters would find we cainites far harder to hunt instead of reliant on us. Since politics ARE still a factor, and I fear ever will be, I hope you share your thoughts on this news I bring so we're better braced for what's going on, and what's to come."

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

" I recall 2 nights hence that Alejandro told us in the blue Mongoose that his brother told him that Khay'tall was to bring a female ancient from the East to the city. He did not know who that ancient was. My sire told me that Khay'tall has been anathema to our clan for very long and he had Methuselah as a benefactor. Maybe they are one in the same?"

Male Italian (Toreador)
Michele Querini wrote:

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

" I recall 2 nights hence that Alejandro told us in the blue Mongoose that his brother told him that Khay'tall was to bring a female ancient from the East to the city. He did not know who that ancient was. My sire told me that Khay'tall has been anathema to our clan for very long and he had Methuselah as a benefactor. Maybe they are one in the same?"

"Perhaps," He nods "Your supposition is more informed than mine would be, and I thank you for sharing it." The Toreador looks pensive , "So dangerous and likely no ally to you and therefore no ally to us."

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

"Agreed. It will be of interest of who it is as they will be powerful but why even be prince for a little while? there will be more to that story."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Onfroi chimes in, "If that is the case, then I suppose we need to decide who we should support as well.

We are risking our very existences to protect a city so that someone else can Lord over us? I'm starting to rethink this idea of assisting in this endeavor altogether. Part of me certainly wants vengeance for their attempts to stake and possibly destroy me, but if we are to take all of the risks and garner none of the rewards, what's the point?

Certainly many if not most of you are locals, I am not, but even as locals, do you wish to be under the thumb of those who won't lift said thumb to support their own domain"?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:
"I am afraid I am not privy to the rationale of the Giovanni.

Again my Lord, I am just the messenger.

I have never heard of any Bion before, if he ever interacted with Narses, it must have been a long time ago, perhaps before I was ever born and I was born in the Year of Our Lord 836. Of course Venice is older still. Thus, this Bion is an Elder, thus they would not petition him anyway, they said no Elders.

The Giovanni have been banished and left fair Venice. The only Cappadocian I am aware of in this city is you, and now this Bion. There are several Lasombra here. Based on that evidence alone, I would venture to say that the city is not yours. This is of course a matter of fact and in no way a challenge to you or your position here my Lord.

I suppose the only thing left to discuss is whether you agree. If you do, I can inform you as to where or at least how to meet with Claudius, at least I think I can. If you are not interested, then, as I understand it, I have been programmed to not be capable of sharing that information with you at all..."

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Alessandro had little to say, but he does share that sustaining the ghouls is simply a supply chain issue. If some percentage of them is grateful, some allies would be made.

What of the mysterious lady's harbinger? The one Xing Shi thinks is after her... I wonder how she is doing.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
What of the mysterious lady's harbinger?

Onfroi turns to Alessandro, "Are you speaking of Xing Shi's monster, the one ancient one supposedly set free who traveled east and now may return for some undefined form of vengeance?

I would speculate that they are not one in the same, the coincidence would be too great. What are the odds that this serpent met that same Cainite?

Besides, Lord Bion seemed to know of whom the Setite was referring when he stated she would be incapable of long term rule".

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

I did not mean to draw any connection. Just that the monster, it/him-self, should be dealt with.

I would like to know the female still exists. I feel some connection, as if we are similar in ways.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Onfroi chuckles, "We saw Xing only last night my friend, that one seems like she will be quite hard for the Hunters to get a hold of much less slay. Though I suppose they did catch Vitaliano once so he could be the weak link in their travails across the city".

Lydia chimes in, "If that monster is what Xing claims it to be, it should be dealt with by the Elders, not us. That is one battle I'd not wish to wage".

Il Corvo - Reminder:
You reach M & M safely, I would like to abbreviate the RP here, ask three questions you may want answered and they will deliver unto you the answers, if they posses them! I am going to have you dual action here assuming that Alessandro returns and participates in the next scene at the Querini Household.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Storyteller Shadow:
Alessandro's Questions:

1. Any interesting/novel goings on politically, they've heard of.

2. Same for criminal element, underworld.

3. Same for commerce and ports.

I really don't know what to be asking that is plot specific.

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Onfroi chimes in, "If that is the case, then I suppose we need to decide who we should support as well.

We are risking our very existences to protect a city so that someone else can Lord over us? I'm starting to rethink this idea of assisting in this endeavor altogether. Part of me certainly wants vengeance for their attempts to stake and possibly destroy me, but if we are to take all of the risks and garner none of the rewards, what's the point?

Certainly many if not most of you are locals, I am not, but even as locals, do you wish to be under the thumb of those who won't lift said thumb to support their own domain"?

"The point is, I suppose, we must save Venice." He says with a sigh "I love this city, and things are not written in stone... yet."

That said, it is obvious he does not disagree that the situation is ... vexing.

Shadow's Status

Alessandro's Answers:
Don't worry, it didn't need to be plot driven for me to drive plot into it :-) though there is little Vampire plot here that's directly affected by the Dead.

1. Any interesting/novel goings on politically, they've heard of.

Yes, since the Querini, Tiepolo, Badoer coup was put down, the Doge has moved quickly to solidify power. Tiepolo has gone into exile rather than face he and his forces in further open conflict. Querini is in jail, but as he does not lead the family directly, it is unclear what to do with their House. Finally, the Doge has asked the Council for permission to execute Badoero Badoer.

2. Same for criminal element, underworld.

(a) Traitors families are trying to buy their freedom through bribes or by way of asking criminals to jailbreak those captured and (b) some prices skyrocket because of the excommunication by the Pope as certain goods will be difficult to import until trade routes can be reset.

3. Same for commerce and ports.

All is shut down for the moment due to the excommunication by the Pope. The Council is trying to figure out how to request a reversal from the Pope. Trading will resume soon, probably, but heavily with the east and with those parts of the west with whom the Pope is on bad terms.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Storyteller Shadow:
Figured as much regarding you adding, just pre-empting "why didn't this idiot ask about X, Y or Z?"

Not sure how any of that could work into helping us tonight, but will try.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:

"It would seem your master asks me to agree to join a conspiracy without understanding what exactly the goals of the conspiracy is. Hardly a fair ask. Is there nothing else you can tell me?" Lorenzo asks while studying the ghoul with Auspex.

Aura Reading: Perception (Discerning) + Empathy Diff 8: 4d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (10, 6, 4, 5) + (4) = 29 Two successes assuming specialty applies.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:
"Let's not be hasty here Doctor, the Giovanni are not my masters, just a secondary option in case my true Master saw fit to be rid of me! Let's just say that Narses knew I had a great deal of information on his dealings with the Cainite Heresy he might have liked to forget anyone knew so even though I was loyal and capable, if he felt the time to discontinue sustaining me came to pass he would not have hesitated to do just that.

Indeed, the Giovanni generally bargain from positions of strength so it's no wonder that their approach is as such. Maybe they just want you to be curious and reach out to them. Again, I do not know what I do not know. The Giovanni are certainly one thing and ever have been, and fair isn't that word for sure.

Of course, had they approached you before hand, no doubt you would have discussed the matter with your Sire, an Elder, and that, again, is something they didn't want.

I'd wager they thought that you'd be motivated by circumstances. That is pure speculation on my part mind you Doctor. Having watched the interplay of your kind for centuries myself, you get to thinking about things more deeply than perhaps your Master might want you to as a Ghoul".

He's certainly Mortal. His dominant aura color is Light Blue.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Onfroi continues, "That does remind me though that we are supposed to meet those two tomorrow night near that lighthouse on the Lido to see what it is they found out from members of my Clan about Dunstan, that is if we don't find him first".

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:

"So be it. Given what I know of the Giovanni and my limited interactions with one of their family, I am reluctant to work along side any plan created by one of them."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Sunday - April 6, 1309

Lorenzo's conversation with Isaac:
Isaac nods, "Understood, well the message has been delivered so I have done my part. As the Giovanni are no longer within and as Narses is now deceased, my loyalties lie with Signore' Querini.

I see a long term future within the power structure of his family, assuming of course we can prevent the Doge from excommunicating them after what Michele's cousin did.

Come then and let us rejoin the others so that I can bring you all to where most of our brood await salvation".

the Main Querini Household - Alessandro, Lorenzo, Michele, and Ranerius. NPCs Onfroi and Lydia

Lorenzo and Isaac return. Isaac speaks, "If you are all prepared, we will head to Narses true haven and the place where my companions await you all. I don't believe all will be present, but most will be".

Male Italian (Toreador)

For a moment, Ranerius is tempted to try to spy on Dunstan with his new found gift, but it is new to him and...

And Lorenzo and Isaac have returned, "I suppose we should do so." He would tell the Doctor of what he's learned but is not so ready to trust Isaac.

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