Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Geoffroi sees the impulsive Toreador rushing in and feels the world slow around him. He feels a rush of adrenaline-like speed, similar to what he felt fighting the Paynim, but far stronger
Geoffroi’s one dot of celerity is getting its first use
He rushes forward to restrain Ranerius before the man hurls himself to his certain death
What roll should I do to restrain him? Also, celerity gives me an extra dice, yes?

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Celerity grants you extra actions. Generally, to restrain someone, it would be a Dexterity+Brawl roll, DC 7. However, as Ranerius is prone. I'll give you an auto success on the check and use your second celerity action to try and remove him from the room.
Geoffroi Strength 4d10 ⇒ (9, 9, 2, 5) = 25 +1 vs. Ranerius Strength 2d10 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
The Knight easily grabs the poet and yanks him backwards out of the room!
The tentacles writhe but do not lash out...
Michele, Lorenzo - Go!

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
With Lydia tripping Ranerius and Geoffroi restraining him, Lorenzo turns his attention the being within the writhing tentacles.
"Keep him restrained. I only know all too well what loosing control forces us to do...I might even do the same if I believed it were Constancia trapped within."
Perception (Discerning) + Alertness - Is Kestral trapped within or part of the mass?: 4d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 3, 5) + (2, 10, 9) = 45

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Lorenzo peers into the writhing madness and can discern that... yes! Kestral's staked body is indeed, held within.
One of the tendrils with teeth is latched onto his neck, but then, so is a tendril without teeth affixed to his mouth with his fangs, firmly latched thereupon. A ichor glistens upon the lips and chin of the mighty Lasombra elder.
Great roll.
Michele - GO!

Michele Querini |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Not knowing what this mass may do Michele expends blood and his jaw distends to his chest, his fangs grow to the size of small daggers,
his tongue forks at the tip and lashes out a meter long,
and his throat expands.

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

"I swore I saw..." Struggling but overwhelmed
Geoffroi holds the struggling man until he quiets
“Do not fear. Whoever is in that abomination’s grasp we will save. Have patience, and don’t throw your life away.”
He looks the man over
“I have your word you will abide? Let us approach cautiously “

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
As none of the Coterie take offensive action, the tentacles contract a bit and somewhat settle down. Still, you can see that they tense, ready for... some action?
Round 2 -
Ranerius, Geoffroi - GO!
The Writhing Mass
Michele, Lorenzo
Lydia turns back to Lorenzo, "Are we going to fight, whatever this is, to rescue, whoever that is?"
Onfroi holds and speaks, "I shall have some assistance join us in a few moments".

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Geoffroi claps Ranerius on the back
“We are all stressed, my comrade. Let us take counsel with the others”
Geoffroi returnes to the room with the tentacled horror. He gazes at it, noting its anticipation of possible violence. A disturbing possibility comes across his mind. He impulsively calls out
“Ho there beast. Are you able to understand? We want your prisoner freed. We will achieve this by violence if necessary. If you release him we will leave you in peace.”
If there is no reply he will shrug and draw his sword

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
"I suspect we should do what we can to free Kestral. Given recent nights, I am not too prone to trust the elders, but until this hunter mess is dealt with, and whatever scheme 'The Talisman' may be hatching, it would likely behoove us to have the aid of a powerful elder such as this one...not to mention the potential boon aspect of aiding him." the doctor says in response to his guard's question.
"All that being said, we should wait until all of our forces are martialed." he adds with a nod acknowledging Onfroi's statement.

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
If the tentacled mass has ears or a mouth it cannot be discerned, at Geoffroi's words you see no change in its behavior.
Lydia holds the doorway as Onfroi's "allies" arrive. A stream of chittering rats resembling a grey flowing carper charges up the hallway. "I suspect that the tentacles may not be able to discern threats. If we are correct, every one of my friends that gives up their life is one less tentacle that we may have to deal with".
How do you all wish to approach this challenge?

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Geoffroi nods at Onfroi
“A very wise idea. I say we send your friends in, and once the abomination is occupied we wade in with our weapons”
Geoffroi looks about the group
“I understand if some are not accustomed to fighting, there is no shame in this. If you do not feel you are up to the task I only ask you stand prepared to effect a rescue of those who can fight should things go bad if at all possible “

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Onfroi draws a small blade, one well concealed on his person, "In life, I was a Knight of the Order of Saint Lazurus. Perhaps I cannot fight as well as you my friend, but I am no stranger to violence with a blade".
I will re roll Initiative when Ranerius and Michele chime back in, no surprise here. This thing might not be aggressive currently, but neither is it dormant!

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Onfroi draws a small blade, one well concealed on his person, "In life, I was a Knight of the Order of Saint Lazurus. Perhaps I cannot fight as well as you my friend, but I am no stranger to violence with a blade".
Geoffroi bows to Onfroi
“Verily, the members of your order fought valiantly next to mine at Acre. I am honored to have one such at my side now”

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Ranerius - 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Lorenzo - 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Onfroi - 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Lydia - 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Michele - 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Geoffroi - 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
The Writhing Mass 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Round 1
Ranerius & Lydia - GO!
The Entity
Onfroi, Lorenzo, Geoffroi, Michele

Ranerius Bernerius |

Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
"Send in your rats, when you will, Onfroi. I am no warrior, but I will not ignore my part in this."
Ranerius weaves forward, hoping to damage a tendril and duck out again using his caine given gifts to test the foe, then avoid the retaliation, if he can.
Using Celerity to ease penalties so easing penalties. Taking two actions...
Dex plus Melee -1 Die, so 3 dice 3d10 ⇒ (9, 5, 10) = 24
Then Dex plus Athletics -1 dice so 3 dice to dodge3d10 ⇒ (8, 2, 8) = 18
Okay. Only now do I see that Saber requires a three strength to use properly and Ranerius is a two. SO if possible he'll spend some blood to pump that up as well to the minimum of three needed. Conserving most of his blood for celerity. Please feel free to reroll damage for me if this is wrong but I believe it would be :
3 for temp strength, +2 for weapon, +1 for extra on the hit roll: 6d10 ⇒ (1, 9, 5, 1, 4, 7) = 27

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Ranerius rushes forward and slashes at one of the tentacles though it appears more resilient or perhaps as resilient as you all imagined.
A few of the many lash out at Ranerius as he seeks to skip backwards in the room, Lydia steps to those with a flurry of sword strikes!
Ranerius' dodge manages to allow him to avoid the brunt of the initial strike but he is still struck! Ranerius, you may soak 3 damage.
Lydia's lighting parries prevent two more from hitting Ranerius, the fourth one makes contact, but contact only and it essentially brushes past the Toreadors' silk shirt. It is likely that Lydia's defensive wall of steel has saved the Toreador from a substantial bashing.
Though the thing appears to be strategically holding back many more....
Tentacle Attack #1 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (1, 8, 3, 2, 10, 1) = 25
Tentacle Attack #2 6d10 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 10, 4, 1) = 29
Tentacle Attack #3 6d10 ⇒ (4, 9, 9, 5, 5, 2) = 34
Tentacle Attack #4 6d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 6, 2, 8, 6) = 34
Lydia Parry #1 DC 7 for all 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 3, 7) + (10, 8, 1, 1) = 40
Lydia Parry #2 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 5, 4) + (10, 10, 2, 2) = 48
Lydia Parry #3 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (3, 9, 7, 8) + (1, 3, 5, 10) = 46
Ranerius Dodge Misses - Damage 4d10 ⇒ (7, 7, 6, 1) = 21
Round 1 - Onfroi, Lorenzo, Geoffroi, Michele - GO!

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Lorenzo sits back, waiting for the more martially inclined, Geoffroi and Michele to strike first as he begins to summon the power born of the netherrealms to dissolve the very flesh of the beast.
This ability brings the Grave’s Decay path full circle, as it causes Destroy the Husk to apply to vampires. Dissolve the Flesh allows a necromancer to attempt to turn vampiric flesh to dust or ash, as though the target had been burned or left out in the sun.
System: The player spends two blood points and a Willpower point as the vampire extracts a quantity of her vitae charged with the power of the grave. If she drips it onto a single Kindred victim anytime within the next few turns (most of the blood must reach the victim, so flinging a few drops is ineffective), it causes whole chunks of the victim’s body to crumble to ash.
The player rolls Willpower against a difficulty of the victim’s Stamina + 3. For every success, the target takes one aggravated wound.
The undead flesh damaged by this power turns to dust (gone for the time being), and it must be regenerated painstakingly by the victim, should he survive. That dust doubtlessly has mystical properties that various sorcerers might be able to take advantage of. Every wound inflicted by this ability represents the loss of about one-eighth of the target’s weight; the Storyteller chooses where the loss comes from. (It might also be shed from all over, leaving the victim a bit gaunter or missing chunks of flesh.)
Regenerating body parts occurs naturally while healing aggravated wounds at the normal rate.
Willpower: 6d10 ⇒ (5, 9, 8, 4, 10, 4) = 40
Not wanting to disintegrate Kestral's face, Lorenzo directs his blood to increase his agility before hurling the glob of ichor at the tentacle.
Spending 3 blood to pump DEX
Dexterity + Athletics Diff 7: 5d10 ⇒ (9, 8, 8, 5, 8) = 38

Michele Querini |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Spending 4 blood to pump Dex to 6 (getting hungry...)
Michele lashes out with his tongue trying to get what he thinks is one of the main branches attached to Kestral.
6d10 ⇒ (7, 3, 2, 6, 9, 3) = 30 Diff 7

Geoffroi de Clairvaux |

Geoffroi raises his sword and wades into the weaving tentacles
Using celerity to add extra action and pumping Dex to 4
Dex+Melee+2 first: 8d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 9, 5, 6, 6, 10, 10) = 52
Dex+Melee+2 second : 8d10 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 1, 8, 2, 10, 3) = 40
Str+Melee first: 8d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 7, 10, 2, 4, 1, 3) = 38
Str+Melee second: 8d10 ⇒ (3, 3, 7, 1, 10, 8, 8, 9) = 49

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Ranerius, you take 3 bashing damage and currently have a -1 to your dice pools.
Onfroi speaks to his vermin in some odd hissing chittering language and releases his rats as the rest of the coterie enters the fray.
Tentacles whip around frantically as they try and attack all of the foes which have suddenly sprung forth, it seems the thing cannot discern one threat from another!
Tentacle Attack #1 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (1, 6, 8, 2, 8, 7) = 32 Michele
Tentacle Attack #1 DC 6 6d10 ⇒ (9, 10, 7, 6, 6, 5) = 43 Geoffroi
Michele Damage 4d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 3, 4) = 27
Geoffroi Damage 7d10 ⇒ (8, 4, 2, 8, 2, 10, 7) = 41
Michele Tongue Damage to Tentacle - 2d10 ⇒ (8, 10) = 18
Tentacle Soak 4d10 ⇒ (7, 4, 3, 5) = 19
Soak Geoffroi Damage (4) #1 4d10 ⇒ (8, 10, 9, 5) = 32
(6) #2 4d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 5) = 19
The rats die by the dozens as they are smashed by the mass of writing tentacles, but they provide excellent fodder for the coterie!
Lorenzo lobs a green goop at the tentacle holding Lord Kestral fast, it strikes and instantly dissolves the thing! A alien screeeech that rises from seemingly nowhere echoes in the small room, adding to the horrible sound of the teeming rats squealing in death throes.
Michele attacks the tentacle Kestral has in his mouth, but it still holds fast.
Geoffroi strikes another one which holds the elder at the waist and cuts it off completely!
The Elder is still within the mass, but it appears he may be able to be extracted, unless the thing re establishes its grip...
The Tentacles though whip around and strike back at almost the exact moment the group does.
Geoffroi is smashed across the chest, the blow, quite vicious. You may soak 5 damage, with your Stamina+Fortitude+Armor
Michele is struck as well, though the blow is not as solid. You may soak 4 damage with Stamina+Fortitude
Round 2
Lydia seizes he opportunity and dashes forward, grabbing Lord Kestral and attempting to flee the room!
Ranerius - GO!
The Thing - Hold
Onfroi, Lorenzo, Geoffroi, Michele - Hold

Storyteller Shadow |

Ranerius sees Lydia's plan, attempts to assist her pull their target free and hand Kestral off to her.
Pardon, but not sure what roll is best to assist her in this?
She is halfway across the room towards the door, probably the best move is to use your blade to parry any tentacles that come after her: Dexterity+Melee DC 7. Activating Celerity for the round and gaining 4 actions, each success reduces the success of a tentacle that attempts to grapple her. You would have either 4 parry attempts or (I recommend) 3 parries and one dodge for yourself!

Ranerius Bernerius |

Oh definitely wanting a dodge for myself , penalty for dice pool counted in
The Toreador lets his blood race faster and faster... Another Blood point spent
and attempts to parry any tentacles incoming for Lydia or the prize she carries.
Parry #1 3d10 ⇒ (7, 10, 1) = 18
Parry #2 3d10 ⇒ (3, 6, 4) = 13
Parry #3 3d10 ⇒ (2, 9, 8) = 19
Dodge 3d10 ⇒ (3, 10, 5) = 18

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Round 2
The stout Knight shrugs off the blow from the tentacled mass!
The Setite softens the blow, but is still injured feeling ribs break from the impact you take 2 damage and have -1 to dice pools
Tentacle Attack #1 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (7, 2, 4, 8, 4, 4) = 29 - Geoffroi 2 - 1/2 Damage
Tentacle Attack #2 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (10, 3, 9, 4, 8, 10) = 44 - Michele - 6!
Tentacle Attack #3 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 7, 9, 8, 10) = 54 - Ranerius - 9!
Tentacle Attack #4 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (5, 10, 1, 10, 8, 1) = 35 - Lydia 3 - Ranerius Parry 1 = 2 1/2 Damage
Tentacle Attack #5 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (6, 7, 1, 5, 9, 1) = 29 - Lydia - Ranerius Parries the Tentacle
Tentacle Attack #6 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (6, 9, 4, 10, 5, 7) = 41 - Lydia - 5 - Ranerius Parrt 2 = 3 successes
Tentacle Attack #7 DC 6 (for all) 6d10 ⇒ (8, 8, 2, 6, 4, 5) = 33 - Lydia - 2 1/2 damage
Damage v Geoffroi (1/2) - 2d10 ⇒ (1, 10) = 11
Damage v Michele - 4d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 3) + (4, 8, 2) = 31
Damage v Ranerius - 4d10 + 6d10 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 2) + (7, 5, 2, 8, 6, 2) = 38
Damage v Lydia (1/2) - 2d10 ⇒ (8, 5) = 13
Damage v Lydia - 0
Damage v Lydia - 4d10 ⇒ (7, 10, 3, 1) = 21
Damage v Lydia - (1/2) - 2d10 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9
Lydia Soak 5d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (10, 4, 7, 7, 8) + (6, 8) = 50
Lydia Soak 5d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 10, 8) + (5, 3) = 34
The Tentacles strike out at the coterie!
Geoffroi is struck with a glancing blow Soak 1 Damage
Michele is struck as well, the slap against his body is loud but luck is with the Setite and the force of the blow is not as solid as the sound that it made upon contact Soak 1 Damage
Ranerius is likewise struck with a tentacle that, at first glance, appears to be strong enough to snap his head backwards, but it proves to be far less stout Soak 3 Damage
Four come for Lydia, escaping with the things' charge. The Toreador' blade fully blocks one and partially deflects two others with lightning speed! With the Toreador's assistance, no harm come to the Lamia.
The rest of the rats are smashed to pulp...
Lydia is pulled through the door by Onfroi with Kestral's large body over her shoulder, arms and legs dragging on the floor, "Exit the room, we have what we need, if it's mobile, then, we will fight it".
Round 2 - Lorenzo, Geoffroi, Michele - GO!

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Ranerius, Michele and Geoffroi all take 1 bashing damage. Taking a liberty here with you Ranerius... Fight Over!
Michele exits behind Lorenzo.
Geoffroi holds his blade defiantly, backing away strategically. Ranerius passes by him looking worse for wear for sure. The Knight then exits as Onfroi slams the door shut. The sounds of the tentacles slapping against the wooden floor and squeals of the few rampaging rats are all that can heard.
A few moments of tense slapping can be heard until all goes silent once more. The hall is still, the single light source shines brightly upon the now closed door.
Lydia gently slides the body of the Lasombra elder to the floor, stake still firmly implanted in his heart, "Well, we have him, what shall we do with him?" she asks looking to Lorenzo.

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Yes, sorry I thought I had edited that post for stamina with him leaving too. Obviously the edit didn't take
Once they are all out of range of those damned tentacles, Ranerius says "Well, good question that. He owes us a great deal after this regardless."
Focusing, he wills his wounds to lessen 3 Blood points and shakes his head. Looking as refined and unblemished as before.

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
At that moment, one of Talisman's ghouls calls up the stairs, "Masters? I have returned with three vessels. They are currently being fed, but thereafter they may seek to leave as I offered them to come by for supper".

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
"Excellent, we will be right there." Lorenzo calls back to the ghoul.
Turning back to the others, Lorenzo states, "Certainly Michele, you should feed. I would suggest we keep one of these vessels handy for when we remove the stake Kestral, and we shall do just that after those of us that need to feed have done so."

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Ranerius despite his healing, and use of vampiric speed is still better off than the others so is going to forgo feeding.
Then a thought hits him. And he says "Hungry as he is, he might kill the vessel. Perhaps we should have his blood in a cup."
He says it a bit oddly, thoughtfully.

Lorenzo Cappelli |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
"A valid concern, Ranerius, but not one I am sure we have the luxury of entertaining." Lorenzo says, surprising even himself. He was a doctor after all, had he fallen this far already?

Ranerius Bernerius |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
"Perhaps, but if they are knowing vessels it can't hurt to ask, no? Besides, there must be a goblet or cup in this place somewhere." Despite his kindness, he seems preoccupied.
A last minute thought "In fact, I believe I'll go get it. Cannot hurt to ask, no?" And he heads down.

DMPC Michele Querini |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Michele turns to Ranerius, clearly starting to get ravenous.
"I hunger. I will paralyze one, you entrance the second. The ghoul can hold down the third. If you wish to bleed one out, do so. If no one else hungers, I shall take two..."

Storyteller Shadow |

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309
Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi
Lydia raises her hand, "I will take the third if you do not require further sustenance Master?"
Onfroi narrows his gaze, "I am peckish but can sustain for now.
I do not believe we should remove the stake from Kestral. Yet. He is a powerful Lasombra Elder, one directly involved in the overthrow of Talisman as the former leader of Constantinople. His direct involvement may alter the current balance of power in this City.
At the moment, the Cappadocian Elder appears to have sufficient authority to force the Childer of Narses to band together.
We do not know the allegiances of this one. Does he serve the Romans? Does he serve Clan Lasombra? Until we know more, we should wait to release such a powerful player into this already chaotic scenario.
Or at least we should wait until we are all more clear of head tomorrow to discuss.
As far as the attic, if the battle did not rouse whatever may be up there, I think it shall keep until tomorrow as well".