Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

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Male Italian (Toreador)

SOrry, have been caught in Holiday drama and Chaos. Will try to catch up. Hope folks had a nice Christmas/Yule etc

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Shadow's Status

Happy New Year folks, I will try and update at some point tomorrow, was trying to get to it tonight but just a bit too tired and this will be a large update...

Shadow's Status

OK, a lot there.

Anyone else who has not made a check still can if you wish to.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Happy New Year, my immortal Peeps!

Male Italian (Toreador)

Very sorry... we've got a nasty cold rampaging through our house and I've got it recently

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Very sorry... we've got a nasty cold rampaging through our house and I've got it recently

No worries, feel better.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Can a blood bond hold a lower generation captive? Or are they same gen?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Can a blood bond hold a lower generation captive? Or are they same gen?

Blood Bond can hold any Generation captive, it's just usually difficult to Blood Bond someone of a lower Generation.

PLUS, if they are in Thrall to another, there can only be one Bond at a time.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Seems he's spoken for...

Shadow's Status

In the thick of it for getting ready to move, I'll post up again next Monday the 29th.

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A Vampire game set in Venice

Shadow's Status

Ugh, finally about to dig out of catching up with moving and work. I will be posting up this weekend.

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
A Vampire game set in Venice


Shadow's Status

Of course, as the heavy duty RP comes to a close, I have to take a month hiatus!

Anyway, the next steps were to search for the following Cainites in no particular order:

The Lasombra Triumverate.

Possibly Michael Santo.

Possibly Khay'tall.

It is believed that Magdelena may be a close associate of the Artiste, you know where her haven is.

None of you know where Alessandro or his ally, Savio may be.

Compounding that, none of you know where Valdemar stays either.

Elysium being destroyed by the Hunters has made linking up much harder.

Michele knows where Santo's home and business are.

Khay'tall was staying at the "Setite Inn' but that was raided.

Michele could any or all of these characters, whether they will be thrilled with that solution is another matter.

The good news is that your presence on the docks stirred the bee hive of the Inquisition there, the ad news is, going back there tonight probably isn't a good idea.

I know Geoffroi is on vacation this week, so anyone else who wants to pick a direction I will go with to get us moving along once more!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Sorry folks, rough week & weekend. Will catch up.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Well, that secret is now out among the PCs and a few NPCs

*Crosses fingers*

Shadow's Status

Was waiting for someone to finally show up here! :-)

Shadow's Status

I'll give a night to see if anyone objects to Michele's idea then proceed, I doubt it, but just in case.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Centuries later, in the 1980s America

"Oh my gawd, that's like grody to the max!" -Ashley Candy Worthington, 13th Generation Toreador, of the line of Bernerius.

The blood runs true!

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Centuries later, in the 1980s America

"Oh my gawd, that's like grody to the max!" -Ashley Candy Worthington, 13th Generation Toreador, of the line of Bernerius.

The blood runs true!


Shadow's Status

Whenever I delve this thread (or set of threads) I'm amazed at how much I remember and how much I forget....

Shadow's Status

Ah the Mongoose, perhaps another chance to pick up some dropped plot threads :-)

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

I have to search back to the only?/last time Querini was there.

Shadow's Status

Crap, missed the 12 year anniversary of the game yesterday!

I'll give out 5 XP in celebration of that. Hard to believe 12 years have gone by. I really thought we'd at least be in the 1400's by now but what can you do.

Pulling threads of plots together lately. By the end of this night, you will presumably locate all of the NPCs you need to locate and you will know where they stand with respect to confronting the Hunters.

The Coterie of course, will drive the bus as to tactics as I don't like NPCs driving narrative too hard. Once that action is resolved we will FINALLY be done with this first chronicle...

After that a brief (brief being relative in PbP land) aftermath, for those who survive muhahah, on to the 1400s!

I believe I asked this a while back but I don't remember the answers, you are all ok with playing your Childer from these PCs yes? I will of course DMPC your current PCs for that chronicle and all chronicles moving forward though I will allow some input from you all during downtimes.

If not I am ok with new Clans though the original idea with this Chronicle when I started running it back on table top in the early 2000s was to retain a line of Childer and Elders through the Millenia.

I’m good with making another Salubri. I think this time I’d like to begin already a vampire though. Poor Geoffroi is only a few days into Undeath in game time.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Earlier in the game I don't know if I would've seen Lorenzo as some who would embrace another, current circumstances have swayed that opinion.

All that being said, I'd be happy to play another Cappadocian.

Shadow's Status

Sorry Geoffroi, all new campaigns start with PCs as Mortals. But I promise you, it'll be short lived!

Male Italian (Toreador)

Strangely enough, I think I'm more sure of WHO I am likely to play than what Clan she will be. So if someone wants to play a Toreador, let me know it might at least narrow my choices there in a good way.

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Strangely enough, I think I'm more sure of WHO I am likely to play than what Clan she will be.

Do tell!

PM me if you prefer.

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Strangely enough, I think I'm more sure of WHO I am likely to play than what Clan she will be.

Do tell!

PM me if you prefer.

You know, I was going to PM you because it's a wall of text, but what the heck. I'll just post it all here because other players might A) Find some concepts will work better with their concepts to come B) Be curious C) Have improvements to suggest. D) Be bored.

If they're none of the above they can skip past this :)

I’m thinking of playing Zuana, Ranerius’ wife regardless of Clan. There would be a sense of one story leading to another that way.
I’ve no real interest in playing a Tremere, an Asssamite, or a Nosferatu with her and Ravnos are out in this setting
But concepts swimming in my mind for the others? In a random order and a bit off the top of my head here are ideas for:

Zuana Bernerius the …
Toreador, Embraced at long last by her husband, the former ghoul discovers that a lot of the love she felt was the blood bond. Her husband has become a monster, and made her a monster as well. Two options remain, either she tries to make it work, hoping her sire never bonds her and he might even grow ‘bored’ with her by then, or, she seeks protection from him by going to a Toreador Elder (mentor) strong enough to protect her. Most likely, Helene. OR I build her with the true love merit, kind sire stuff and bore you to tears ;)
(Pros: Toreador Line continues, we’ve already established she is attractive and dances well. Cons: Might end up looking like a cross between old Lifetime movies and an Anne Rice novel. And I’ve done Toreador though might do better with her)
Gangrel Zuana would not seem to be an ideal gangrel, but they do value survivors, and it is possible she might be ‘saved’ by a Gangrel when she surprises her sire to be by surviving a riot or mob chasing her in the streets. If she was outside of Venice proper when it happened, the Prince’s permission might even not be needed. The blood bond broken by the embrace ,she would find herself likely unwilling to play the docile wife anymore. She was once ruthless enough to push for her husband to kill wounded men. Such pragmatic desire to survive might do well in the Gangrel
(Pros: Gangrel are less political/intrigue so that’s some pressure off. Cons: She does not fit a lot of the standard Gangrel molds)
Lasombra, Ranerius has (presumably) blood bonded a Lasombra elder. Using his influence over Kestral, he arranges for Kestral to ask for the boon of an embrace and that he is to pick Zuana. Unable to disobey directly, Kestral does so. But then works around the letter of the law by trading the boon to embrace to another Lasombra (One of Kestral’s childer) who Is NOT bound to the Toreador. Zuana IS embraced into the Lasombra Clan so the request was obeyed. Ranerius can be furious or worried as he likes… Zuana finds herself separated from her husband (And his blood bond) as she is put in the cut throat world of a Clan she may not be up to handling.
(Pros: I know you love Lasombra, and it would encourage them to stay Cam friendly in this timeline. Cons: I’m not sure I’m good at intrigues as a player, and while that’s a part of vamp life, it might be doubly hard for a Lasombra)
Brujah- Ranerius own sire lost his chance at princeship in part because of accusations he sided with Leland and the Furiories. While Ranerius admires some Brujah and feels for them, he has tried to keep a respectful middle ground. Perhaps some Brujah decides to see which way he jumps when pressed. While visiting a sick family member in a more rural part of Italia, Zuana, more aggressive since she became a ghoul, defends a village girl from being raped by thugs or tries to. Ranerius receives word his bride has died and grieves. Sometime later, a Brujah approaches the city with her new childe to introduce, the ‘thought lost’ Zuana. Said Brujah is either firmly against or pro the Furiors and has had time to teach her even more Brujah ideas. The brujah claims Zuana was killed fighting for a woman’s right as a person, something she admired. But is it all there is or is this a Brujah effort to see if it can shove Ranerius towards one side or another? And will this more aggressive independent fledge want anything to do with her old husband or will she embrace the ideas of her sire?
(Pros: Already a ghoul, so potence a shoo in. Brujah get more slack for screwing up /Cons: Those Self Control Rolls are a bear!)

Tzimisce- A bold member of Clan Tzimisce has decided perhaps the Camarilla has merit. But he or she needs an in for his Clan after most of it scorned Venice after Narses fell. Ranerius agrees to smooth their way in, but in exchange, Zuana is to be made even more beautiful and then embraced by Clan Tzimisce where she might act as a link between the clans. So Zuana is sold, and changed to be better, but she has almost no say in it. When she awakes as a Fiend, a lovely one at that, she may have her own preferences of how to live her unlife.
(Pros: I actually like Dark Age Tzimisce and it might be amusing for the timeline we’re forming. Possibly she wouldn’t even follow humanity which might alarm her ex ;) Cons: Might make it hard for any Tremere relations in the setting)
Malkavian- Ranerius in a fit of frustration, snaps at his wife or thinks of feasting on her… and he realizes something. He realizes his humanity has faded. He realizes that his love will be twisted over time. He decides to do the right thing. He lets Zuana go. He provides for her, but he sends her away where she will be cared for while she is weaned off her vitae addiction. The Marriage is as over as it can be in these times. He’s done the right thing. So of course, it will go to hell. A confused Zuana recovers at the spa, at first frantic for blood, and later confused on why her husband spurned her. And a Malkavian notices. She is embraced just to see what form of madness a broken heart might take. At last, Zuana is eternal… no good deed goes unpunished.
(Pros: Tragic irony appeals, and it makes Ranerius look like he did the right thing for her/Cons: I don’t think I’ll go to Fishmalk territory, but Malks are always disruptive by their nature. )

Male Italian (Toreador)

So too long didn't read... probably going to play Zuana but narrowing down which Clan is the hard part.

Obviously, ST, if you have preferences to any of those, or want to nix any up front, let me know please. I'd like your input

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Shadow's Status

Oh I like the idea of Ranerius embracing her.

The circumstances in which it takes place will make for a fantastic drama.

Whether you prefer to play her with True Love OR a disgust of Ranerous I think should wait until the Embrace to be finalized.

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Oh I like the idea of Ranerius embracing her.

The circumstances in which it takes place will make for a fantastic drama.

Whether you prefer to play her with True Love OR a disgust of Ranerius I think should wait until the Embrace to be finalized.

Thanks for the input. If I go with Toreador I'll leave the reaction of the soon to be PC as open ended until the embrace itself as you suggest.

Out of curiosity, which clan was your second pick? :)

Shadow's Status

I didn't have a second pick as the circumstances of the Embrace in all other scenarios simply wouldn't be applicable based on the way the next chronicle will begin. Not that I don't think each has it's own merit and is interesting, it's just the time and location jump are at issue.

That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.

Male Italian (Toreador)

AH! Okay. That's an important factor ;)

Thanks again

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Can I keep playing Alessandro? Maybe he goes into torpor (depending on time lag) and reemerges.

That said, he could take another identity. Contributing his quest to eventually save Venice (even if the campaign is on another locale).

He's nearly destroyed (in defeat or sacrifice), forced to leave, go into hiding, etc...

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Can I keep playing Alessandro? Maybe he goes into torpor (depending on time lag) and reemerges.

That said, he could take another identity. Contributing his quest to eventually save Venice (even if the campaign is on another locale).

He's nearly destroyed (in defeat or sacrifice), forced to leave, go into hiding, etc...

Sadly, no. I have been asked this by other players from table top. The chronicle is designed to create a stack of PCs who become NPCS and how they interact through the ages.

Plus it would be a wild imbalance of an Ancillae with neonates, even in torpor, Alessandro is much more powerful than they will be.

At some point, you may be able to play Alessandro once more!

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.

What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

In that case, maybe he and Xing can un-live happily every after.

I try to always play what I call the uncola. Not the stereotypical whatever it is.

So, Ventrue (down to earth) or some other champion of justice... Zorro? Almost.

Not sure what other clan would pull that off.

Shadow's Status
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.
What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)

LOL, well there's a specific reason why I would choose Lasombra for the next chronicle (I played a female Lasombra, probably my favorite run with a Vampire PC in the scenario) but yes they are probably the Clan that I prefer the most of the 13 though I did play a True Brujah in a game that Ranerius ran on the boards and had a blast with that!

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

In that case, maybe he and Xing can un-live happily every after.

I try to always play what I call the uncola. Not the stereotypical whatever it is.

So, Ventrue (down to earth) or some other champion of justice... Zorro? Almost.

Not sure what other clan would pull that off.

Well if you didn't want to play a Childe of Alessandro I'd recommend a Lasombra.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.
What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)
LOL, well there's a specific reason why I would choose Lasombra for the next chronicle (I played a female Lasombra, probably my favorite run with a Vampire PC in the scenario) but yes they are probably the Clan that I prefer the most of the 13 though I did play a True Brujah in a game that Ranerius ran on the boards and had a blast with that!

Pretty sure that's the same game I was playing a Kiasyd.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

In that case, maybe he and Xing can un-live happily every after.

I try to always play what I call the uncola. Not the stereotypical whatever it is.

So, Ventrue (down to earth) or some other champion of justice... Zorro? Almost.

Not sure what other clan would pull that off.

Just kidding!

I've always seen the Gangrel as the quintessential champion of justice of the 13 Clans. I think mainly because Protean allows you to go off the grid in a way that no other Discipline really does, your Haven can be literally anywhere any night.

So if that's the vibe you want for your next character, happy to Embrace that one as Clan Gangrel. Unfortunately most of the people who played a Gangrel in this campaign never really got going long term. In fact, I think I know who your Sire would be :-)

Shadow's Status
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.
What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)
LOL, well there's a specific reason why I would choose Lasombra for the next chronicle (I played a female Lasombra, probably my favorite run with a Vampire PC in the scenario) but yes they are probably the Clan that I prefer the most of the 13 though I did play a True Brujah in a game that Ranerius ran on the boards and had a blast with that!
Pretty sure that's the same game I was playing a Kiasyd.

Yes, I believe so.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Do we want an all-Lasombra coterie?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Do we want an all-Lasombra coterie?

I was just joking. :-)

I am in fact running a series of campaigns where the PCs will explore playing a single Clan as a Coterie. Right now I'm doing the Tremere, not sure when I will get to the Lasombra but as I'll be doing all 13, we will get there eventually.


Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Do we want an all-Lasombra coterie?

If that is the direction everyone wants to go, I suppose I could do that, but it would not be my preference...

Then again, with my penchant for all things blood magic, I could see an Abyss Mystic. (I kid...still would like to continue Lorenzo's bloodline if there is an in-story reason for him to want to embrace.)

Shadow's Status
Talomyr wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Do we want an all-Lasombra coterie?

If that is the direction everyone wants to go, I suppose I could do that, but it would not be my preference...

Then again, with my penchant for all things blood magic, I could see an Abyss Mystic. (I kid...still would like to continue Lorenzo's bloodline if there is an in-story reason for him to want to embrace.)

Negative, this chronicle that wouldn't even be an option.

We will get to Lasombra eventually, i'll have 7 Abyss Mysticism PCs I can already see it, except for Michele, he'll play the straight Lasombra.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Gangrel could work... how would I work the "uncola" part in?

He's the Gangrel with the over developed sense of Self, self discipline and community. An outlier.

Doesn't easily or as frequently give into the Beast (lose himself). Still waters run deep, sorta thing.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Gangrel could work... how would I work the "uncola" part in?

He's the Gangrel with the over developed sense of Self, self discipline and community. An outlier.

Doesn't easily or as frequently give into the Beast (lose himself). Still waters run deep, sorta thing.

Well remember, you're starting as a Human, I would just select a concept for Gangrel that isn't a traditional Gangrel for a start. You can select Merits from Clan Gangrel (or even other Clan Merits) to differentiate as you see fit. Maybe he hates the outdoors? :-)

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