Aredil Sultur

Ranerius Bernerius's page

762 posts. Alias of Ridge.

Full Name

Ranerius Bernerius


Italian (Toreador)




Five foot eight inches


Embraced at Age 35

About Ranerius Bernerius

Ranerius Bernerius
Nature - Innovator
Demeanor - Gallant
Generation - 6th
Sire - Francois Villon of Paris

Max Blood Pool /Current 30/18 (As of 9/16)
Max Trait Tating - 7
Blood points Per Turn -6

XP Earned - 124
Total unspent- 11
XP Spent - 113

XP Expenditures: (So far)to raise expression to 3, Stealth and etiquette to 2 and performance 3,Bought Awareness. Raised Awareness to 2, Raised Melee to 2. Politics to 2, Subterfuge to 3, Auspex to 5, Presence to 3, Willpower to 7, Bought Awareness, Celerity to 3

(Hope I got that right as of 6/24/2024)

Physical: Str 2, Dex 3*, Sta 2

Social: Charisma 4 (Charming), Manipulation 3, Appearance 3

Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3**, Wit 3


Talents (13): Alertness 2**, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Carousing 1, Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 3**, Leadership 1, and Subterfuge 3.

Skills: Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 2, Larceny 1*, Melee 2, Performance 3 , Stealth 2

Knowledge (9): Academics 2, Commerce and Finance 1, Law 1, Medicine 1, Politics 2, Seneschal 3

Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 3, Presence 3

Backgrounds (10): Contacts 2 (Sirus Terzago guardsman, other), Herd 2, Influence 1 (Musical performers/buskers), Resources 4, Retainer 1 (Zuana, lovely ghoul and wife)

Virtues: Conscience 3, Self Control 4, Courage 3

Humanity - 6* (Down from 7 as of 1/26/20)
Willpower 7*

Merits: Eat Food (1) Manse (2), Sanguine Humor (2) Multilingual*(Greek, French, German)


15 Freebies spent . 5 on Attributes (Dexterity), 2 on Abilities (Larceny) 3 on Willpower, 5 on merits
GM Freebies**: --Intelligence bump to 3.

--Merit - Multilingual (Gives you 3 languages so you can pick one more beyond French and Greek).

--Intimidation 3rd dot.

--Alertness 2nd dot.


Description: A good looking Italian man of 35 winters, Ranerius Bernerius has expressive dark eyes and aristocratic features. He often dresses as a gentleman should, but is careful not to attempt to outshine his betters lest it turn away business or future allies. His voice is a rich baritone but has growing range in song.


My father was a merchant, how he loved to travel. Sometimes I even came along, in order to learn the family business. More often though, I was left alone with mama to run the household. Is there any wonder then I would learn commerce from him and maintaining a household from her? In truth, what I wanted when I was young was to learn music, but neither of my parents wanted me to explore that part of my life, not as a career anyway. And thus, it was cut off from me. Dutiful son that I was, I yielded.

I think some part of me always hated them for that, may God forgive me. I became a dabbler at best.

Yet I found a way to bring music into my life yet. Venice was the hub of trade for the Christian World, or so it seemed to me. I seized on this and realized that one didn't need to travel to enjoy the world, one could let the world come to them. So it was I scrimped, saved, and finally managed to purchase a precious bit of land in our Canal laden Venice. It was there I built the La Serenata Notturna, the Night's Serenade.

I did not intend the name to be ironic.

There, I offered a place not only of rest, but of sweet music. Musicians, it turns out, must sleep like anyone else. So I encouraged those of talent who had not already caught the eye of church or noble patrons to stay a time at my place, and play. It worked! While some inns were merely brothels in disguise, mine was
a hall of song masquerading as a place of repose. I was no artist, but I had, inadvertently, become something of a patron of them. Many found grander patrons and were plucked from me, but my grand inn became known as a place where that could happen to those who played there so yet more offered their services. The cut of their profits financed more and more renovations and I did quite well for myself.

I even had time to wed. Oh, shy young Zuana. She was beautiful, but so timid I feared she might break when I touched her, and, of course, much younger than I. Still, with kindness, I managed to earn her trust, even if it seemed I could never break her out of her shell.

Then came Francois Villon of Paris, and I had no idea of his true nature. He listened to the offerings of my inn, but he also talked to me, like a schoolmaster grilling a student. How had I managed this arrangement?

Surely there could be even greater fields of profit for one of my skills, and so forth. It seemed I could hide nothing from him, nor did I want to. I told him that the music was as dear to me as the coin, if not more so. I even confessed to him my childhood dreams, and the next thing I knew, he was demanding I try a song or two. I am very fortunate not to have embarrassed myself. He told me I had had promise, and might yet again, but that it was my love of music and the unique style I made it available to the common man that struck him most. He said he too wished to encourage the arts and had a proposition for me.

Little did I know it would lead to my death and rebirth. Within three nights, I had been embraced and risen.

I had lost some part of myself, and yet I also felt more alive, more aware, than ever I had when my heart still beat without effort. To calm Zuana's nerves, I slipped my own blood into her drink as I'd been instructed. It seemed almost overnight, my lamb of a wife became a tigress.

Mary forgive me, but I prefer her newfound boldness! She is so vibrant now. Can a man be truly good when he takes a modest wife and transforms her to a most passionate lover in private, and a force to be reckoned with in the public eye? Am I truly still good now that I feed safely from the staff and occasional guest?

I do not know. All I know is, I now have all eternity to listen to, and perhaps even learn, the music.

I must still have a soul, how could I not when it is moved so by the sweet sounds?