Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

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Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

My sympathies, friend... they are amazing companions and wonderful beings in their own right. Never ready at this house, either.

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:

I doubt we’ll be getting into any complex dice rolling.

I’ll wave to you around 5am as I roll through NYC, Shadow

One never knows...

I will quote one of my favorite wrestlers, "The only thing for sure about Shadow is, nothing's for sure".

Turn the other way towards dirty Jersey, I'm almost never in NYC these days!

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:

I doubt we’ll be getting into any complex dice rolling.

I’ll wave to you around 5am as I roll through NYC, Shadow

One never knows...

I will quote one of my favorite wrestlers, "The only thing for sure about Shadow is, nothing's for sure".

Turn the other way towards dirty Jersey, I'm almost never in NYC these days!

Oh me and the NJT are going to spend a lot of time together. I should be on it by 330AM.

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:

I doubt we’ll be getting into any complex dice rolling.

I’ll wave to you around 5am as I roll through NYC, Shadow

One never knows...

I will quote one of my favorite wrestlers, "The only thing for sure about Shadow is, nothing's for sure".

Turn the other way towards dirty Jersey, I'm almost never in NYC these days!

Oh me and the NJT are going to spend a lot of time together. I should be on it by 330AM.

Whee, fun times.

Path train?


I95 baybee! Headed off now.

Shadow's Status
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I95 baybee! Headed off now.

Ah, the "New Jersey Turnpike", I was thinking you meant "New Jersey Transit"... Yes, I95, in northern New Jersey, an unpleasant sight though south jersey it's much nicer this time of year with the trees and the leaves turning.


Yeah, I’m powering through Maryland right now. Then comes Delaware, then, Jersey, then, Jersey, then some more jersey lol

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Are you guys "local" tri-state area?

Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Are you guys "local" tri-state area?

I live in the DMV. That’s sort of a tri-state area, but another famous one. DC, Maryland, Virginia. However, I am originally from Massachusetts, so I’m going up to visit family this weekend since it’s a long one. And crawling up the East Coast had a very slow pace.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Ahh... I'm around where I-84 & I-87 kinda come together. Newburgh-ish, in NY.

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Shadow's Status

Michele and I live in the same town, in fact in a few months I'll be moving even closer to him within the same town, as in he can walk to my house on table top Vampire night close. We're in Essex County in NJ.

Pat and I actually met once in person in NYC when he was visiting and I still worked there pre pandemic. He's a good guy and he runs pretty awesome PbPs here on the boards. Though he does suffer from a lack of time the same way I do these days.

Not sure where the other PCs live (though now we know where you are Alessandro!), I think a while back I had asked in the OOC thread but I don't recall any longer.

FYI, I am working till I run table top Vampire tonight, I will have a robust update tomorrow evening I/C.

Not particularly close to you east coast folk. I'm about 20 minutes outside if St. Louis.

Shadow's Status

This is one of those instances where, although Lydia and Onfroi are in the Coterie, they are NOT PCs. I would want PCs to make the decision to engage or not engage in combat. I will assume by Monday that if none of you charge into the fray, that you will be allowing this group of Inquisitors to withdraw.

That then creates a NEW decision tree, do you: (1) head to the warehouse, (2) investigate the area further, or (3) withdraw completely and head to Bion?

Note that until the discussion at Talisman's Haven ONLY Geoffroi and Andrew the Hardy knew that the Baali was staked and stored in the warehouse. If the Inquisition KNEW that body was there, they would have it already. That's meta or anything, that's just fact.

Remember, Alessandro and Andrew were spotted in this area JUST last night, that's likely why the Inquisition is here.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Does Auspex 2 allow for any short range telepathy, telepathy? Can Alessandro project his feelings?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Does Auspex 2 allow for any short range telepathy, telepathy? Can Alessandro project his feelings?

No just aura readings.

No, you would need Auspex 6 or higher for that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadow's Status


that would have been the biggest combat of the entire 10+ years on this thread and you all walked away from it! Well done 2 XP each for avoiding a combat with a foe that would have been tough from a numbers game.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

But, did we leave XP on the table? LOL

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
But, did we leave XP on the table? LOL

No, but I think you left a few PC kills on the table :-)


Shadow's Status

Been sick, will move us along tomorrow night or Wednesday night.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Feel better, Sir!

Shadow's Status

Sorry, work got nuts, will try to get back to this tomorrow.

Shadow's Status

Sorry for the long pause there, between illness and work I've not had much of a chance to breathe.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Eh, happens to us all!

Is Kestral multiple generations removed (from us)? Some others may be lower gen than Alessandro.

Can't tell what Gen Geoffroi is, but I'm Alessandro is 7th and and others are 6th and 5th.

Damned... literally... Daaaamn!

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Just a guess, but I would imagine Kestral is a 5th generation vampire maybe even a 4th).

For Lorenzo's part, he was embraced as a 6th and during the escape from the inquisitor prison diablerized a childe (5th) of Alexander (4th) in a fit of hunger.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Alessandro is the weakest one in the coterie, diablerizing Kestral might bring him up to par.

Also, he's got the 3pt Hidden Diablerie merit, which I RP'd as the tingle. He does have some history with Talisman/Gesu?

He's high on Attributes, as I was building more of a vampire Captain America type, the reluctant un-vampire.

I like the juxtaposition and irony.

Shadow's Status

Yeah, PCs were Embraced at many different Generations. Most were either 6th or 7th Generation though I think a handful of PCs were 8th.

No reason why Alessandro can't eat him, Kestral hasn't got any friends in the Valley...

Shadow's Status

OK, updated, was going to update last night and of course I got food poisoning, which was no fun at all...

Hopefully, I will be able to get into an every other day rhythm soon. I think once my PTO recharges on January 1 and we close on the new house and move in things should settle down a bit. Just a lot of chaos right now. Thanks for your patience folks!

Shadow's Status

Any thoughts or are we all just so backed up by the Holidays that the post was a bit to digest? :-)

It’s a lot to take in. Fascinating, but like the cat that catches the whale, now what? :D

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Always a holiday slowdown.

But, for me at least... waiting for others to react before Alessandro says anything. He's heard this from Xing (mostly) before.

And he's wondering still about the bump in generation to help his beloved Venice, his friends, his Sire, etc...

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Combination of things for me. Year end stuff at work, being sick over the weekend, and like Geoffroi said, a lot to take in.

Today is my last day of work for the year, so I will be responding in the next day or so.

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
It’s a lot to take in. Fascinating, but like the cat that catches the whale, now what? :D

Oh I get it.

That's why I figured it's a good time to take questions out of game!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Alessandro's lineage:
What's th whole thing about Vander & Raoul Snake-Eyes? I'm not certain or have forgotten the significance.

One question I have. Geoffroi, being a scholar of occult matters, is intensely interested in examining the scrolls that were mentioned by Xing. I had thought that Geoffroi had interacted with ‘Alejandro’ earlier, but looking back 5(!) years, it seems I was dealing with another NPC. Possibly Shadow botting a version of Alessandro, I am not sure.

Could I get a little clarity on this? And who TF is Bagrat?

My brain ‘urts

Shadow's Status

Alessandro Lineage:
Vander was a Childe of Raoul Snake Eyes. He betrayed his Sire to side with Mithras when that ancient woke up again on the British Isles as Vander was never well treated.

That begs the question I suppose, what was Mithras doing on the British Isles? Was he one of the Roman Elders that buried Lantla there?

Shadow's Status

Yes, Geoffroi did interact with Alessandro when I was DMPCing him, circa October 2018 in the first Bloodlines thread. Baldemar wanted to contact Alessandro as it was on one of his ship's that Baldemar had encountered the Giovanni and thereafter had his mind wiped. That was when the two of you went to Alessandro's home to gather information. No specific talk about scrolls though.

Unbeknownst to you and Baldemar, that meeting is what triggered Alessandro to don his Il Corvo identity and seek you both out at night offering the assistance of a "sorceress" to fix Baldemar's memories. That "sorceress" was his sire with a decent Dominate as he was hoping that jogging Baldemar's memory would also aid him as Alessandro has a vendetta against the Giovanni as well. That vendetta is due entirely to the sinking and burning of Khadaji Shipping's ship and the murder of its crew.

Geoffroi and Alessandro initial encounter

There are several pages of dialogue to revisit. Starts on page 211 and foes to I believe at least 220. Note that chronologically the meeting took place on the evening of March 29, 1309, only about a week ago as it is currently April 4, 1309.


The scrolls you are probably thinking of are the scrolls you swiped from Lord Bion, but have yet to fully read!


Bagrat is an NPC you had zero interaction with, this is the first time you are hearing the name. That is a good question to ask IC though. Xing mentioned that Bagrat was one of Narses Ghouls, but she is downplaying, albeit nor on purpose, that relationship due to her lack of knowledge.

In the data drop there was talk of Bagrat bringing ancient scrolls to Narses which ended up in ‘Alejandro’s’ Hands from the Library of the Forgotten. These are not the same scrolls as what I got from Bion, correct?

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
In the data drop there was talk of Bagrat bringing ancient scrolls to Narses which ended up in ‘Alejandro’s’ Hands from the Library of the Forgotten. These are not the same scrolls as what I got from Bion, correct?


Your scrolls relate to an Order of Templar Vampires, part of why it caught your attention! Maybe the Pope was not too far off base in burning the Templars at the stake eh?

If there were real vampires anywhere, I’d bet good money they were fangs deep in the Templars and the Crusades.

Of course assuming vampires you’d have to figure they were driving the Catholic Church as well, likely the survivors of Rome modifying their shell game.

Wheels within wheels within wheels.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Possible clarification... Alejandro <> Alessandro <> Alexander (confuses me sometimes).

So, is Alessandro descended from Vander or some other of Raoul Snake-Eyes' childer?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Possible clarification... Alejandro <> Alessandro <> Alexander (confuses me sometimes).

So, is Alessandro descended from Vander or some other of Raoul Snake-Eyes' childer?

Alejandro is the Lasombra Childe of the now deceased Prince Narses.

Alessandro is, well, he's you!
Alexander is the Ventrue "Prince of Paris in Exile".

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
Of course assuming vampires you’d have to figure they were driving the Catholic Church as well, likely the survivors of Rome modifying their shell game.

Maybe they're trying to..... :-)

Shadow's Status

Once Lorenzo and Michele post up (and if Alessandro wants to try a roll on the other NPCs mentioned) I'll update the finding on the knowledge rolls.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Are 10s open ended?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Are 10s open ended?

If you are specialized, 10s count 2x.

Shadow's Status

Christmas comes early, 2 XP everyone!

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Shadow's Status

Collectively, the 3 Vampire thread have produced 14,155 posts.

Not bad.

Will we catch the Chronicles of the Silver Rose? Not sure, I hear that's the best PbP on the boards.... :-)

Edit: Holy crap Pat, you and I collectively have 80,500 posts on Paizo, it's amazing we have personal lives!

It’s my creative outlet. Obviously yours as well. :)

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings to All!

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