Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

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Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Gangrel could work... how would I work the "uncola" part in?

He's the Gangrel with the over developed sense of Self, self discipline and community. An outlier.

Maybe he hates the outdoors? :-)

Not quiet that bad, maybe he doesn't dislike the indoors or prefers heights.

I guess in what could be their framework, he's not sold on the "might makes right" alpha-omega typical pecking order.

A loner among loners. Or rebel among rebels.

I'll work on it.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Can I keep playing Alessandro? Maybe he goes into torpor (depending on time lag) and reemerges.

That said, he could take another identity. Contributing his quest to eventually save Venice (even if the campaign is on another locale).

He's nearly destroyed (in defeat or sacrifice), forced to leave, go into hiding, etc...

Sadly, no. I have been asked this by other players from table top. The chronicle is designed to create a stack of PCs who become NPCS and how they interact through the ages.

Plus it would be a wild imbalance of an Ancillae with neonates, even in torpor, Alessandro is much more powerful than they will be.

At some point, you may be able to play Alessandro once more!

Male Italian (Toreador)
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.
What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)
LOL, well there's a specific reason why I would choose Lasombra for the next chronicle (I played a female Lasombra, probably my favorite run with a Vampire PC in the scenario) but yes they are probably the Clan that I prefer the most of the 13 though I did play a True Brujah in a game that Ranerius ran on the boards and had a blast with that!
Pretty sure that's the same game I was playing a Kiasyd.

You guys were great, I dropped the ball there. Still feel bad about it.

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.
What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)
LOL, well there's a specific reason why I would choose Lasombra for the next chronicle (I played a female Lasombra, probably my favorite run with a Vampire PC in the scenario) but yes they are probably the Clan that I prefer the most of the 13 though I did play a True Brujah in a game that Ranerius ran on the boards and had a blast with that!
Pretty sure that's the same game I was playing a Kiasyd.
You guys were great, I dropped the ball there. Still feel bad about it.

No worries, RL happens, how many times has this thread been shut down?

29 or 30 other games I had to close out over the years, it sucks but sometimes, that's how it is!

Male Italian (Toreador)


And if you ever start another 'one clan game', let me know.

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:


And if you ever start another 'one clan game', let me know.

I think I recruited here, if you want to play in the Tremere game you can pick up a dropped PC and restat if you

Only 260 posts in

Male Italian (Toreador)

Thanks for the offer but not my favorite clan and I'm not really that into historical China. Which is nuts I know but I just go 'meh' for the region

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Thanks for the offer but not my favorite clan and I'm not really that into historical China. Which is nuts I know but I just go 'meh' for the region

No worries, though it's 1910 so we're not exactly "historic" more modern I'd say.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Oops, forgot that there were mortals around as well.

Is it one or two that noticed? Maybe I can use Dominate just to have them question what they may or may not have seen.

For the lulz

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
For the lulz

That's probably what a modern day Doge would do for marketing!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Does Alessandro know enough to play... What would Mithras do, WWMD?

I mean regarding the situation in Venice.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Does Alessandro know enough to play... What would Mithras do, WWMD?

I mean regarding the situation in Venice.

Yes, but that does not mean that you can't operate on a what would Alessandro do motivation instead.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Pardon, fell behind a bit. Will post sometime this weekend

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Does Alessandro know enough to play... What would Mithras do, WWMD?

I mean regarding the situation in Venice.

Yes, but that does not mean that you can't operate on a what would Alessandro do motivation instead.

I guess, I was actually asking... How would Mithras feel and what would he do as Justicar?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Does Alessandro know enough to play... What would Mithras do, WWMD?

I mean regarding the situation in Venice.

Yes, but that does not mean that you can't operate on a what would Alessandro do motivation instead.
I guess, I was actually asking... How would Mithras feel and what would he do as Justicar?

Based on Alyssa retreating he may not have participated in direct conflict. He is known to you as a fierce warrior so perhaps he personally may have stayed.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Does Alessandro know enough to play... What would Mithras do, WWMD?

I mean regarding the situation in Venice.

Yes, but that does not mean that you can't operate on a what would Alessandro do motivation instead.
I guess, I was actually asking... How would Mithras feel and what would he do as Justicar?
Based on Alyssa retreating he may not have participated in direct conflict. He is known to you as a fierce warrior so perhaps he personally may have stayed.

I was hoping to be more powerful and try to play the Justicar card. Ehh, not now.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Does Alessandro know enough to play... What would Mithras do, WWMD?

I mean regarding the situation in Venice.

Yes, but that does not mean that you can't operate on a what would Alessandro do motivation instead.
I guess, I was actually asking... How would Mithras feel and what would he do as Justicar?
Based on Alyssa retreating he may not have participated in direct conflict. He is known to you as a fierce warrior so perhaps he personally may have stayed.
I was hoping to be more powerful and try to play the Justicar card. Ehh, not now.

Well, you can certainly play that card if you wish. You DO speak for a known incredibly powerful Elder. The UK isn't as powerful as it will one day become but Mithras' name absolutely holds weight.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Any signs of other Ventrue?

Do we know of what triumvirate they speak?

And, I though Narses was bringing about the Camarilla (as in they did yet exist)... So, did these dude kill/destroy Narses?

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Any signs of other Ventrue?

Do we know of what triumvirate they speak?

And, I though Narses was bringing about the Camarilla (as in they did yet exist)... So, did these dude kill/destroy Narses?

Birth of the Triumvirate

They were appointed by Lord Bion to rule as a group until such a time Lord Bion pick one to be the successor to Narses.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Any signs of other Ventrue?

Do we know of what triumvirate they speak?

And, I though Narses was bringing about the Camarilla (as in they did yet exist)... So, did these dude kill/destroy Narses?

No other Ventrue here!

Yep, the triumverate are the 3 Lasombra childer of Narses present in the room.

Well, he tried to, someone slew him. There is a story on who it was. Might be worth asking about it in game as a refresher.

Shadow's Status

Shaping up to be a great scene folks!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Do those names Gregor and Belisarius have any relation to the story Xing is embroiled in?

That anyone (PCs) know?

Would it be off the table to ask of the Narses crime?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Do those names Gregor and Belisarius have any relation to the story Xing is embroiled in?

That anyone (PCs) know?

Would it be off the table to ask of the Narses crime?


PCs didn't interact directly with Gregor (when I have a chance I'll link those scenes where he appeared), well one or two but they are now DMPCs.

Absolutely not, makes sense to ask.

ALL questions should be asked in this scene especially.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

What's the roll to know something about Belisarius?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
What's the roll to know something about Belisarius?

You would not have heard anything about him asa Cainite as he is not in Mithras' lineage and would have never come up as a topic of discussion with Alyssa.

You can make an Intelligence + Politics roll DC 7, 2 successes to recall something about him from his days as a Mortal though.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
What's the roll to know something about Belisarius?

Whoops, I stand corrected by the thread! You did hear something of Belisarius and Narses

The question in the thread though was well posed so I'll answer that, meanwhile, see below for the link to what Alessandro knows about Narses and Belisarius.

A discussion with Talisman.

Michele, link below for what you know about Narses and Belisarius.

A discussion with K'haytall

Shadow's Status

I'll let that post sink in and be absorbed before I post on what Bernardo witnessed.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Fabrizio Ulfilia is one of Talisman's fragments or identities?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Fabrizio Ulfilia is one of Talisman's fragments or identities?

No, he is a Ventrue who has never made an appearance IN game, only been discussed. He appears to reside in or near Rome. You can certainly ask for an expanded explanation on him if you wish.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Oh, I thought it was a reaction to my mention of Talisman.

Alessandro knows that Belisarius is a child of Talisman (or one of Talisman's identities) based on the thread you linked?

Talisman chuckles, "Narses was a Mortal when I recognized his utility and his vast intellect. That he has come so far since the days of his Mortality is a credit to my own recognition and simultaneously one of my greatest failure in that we did not select him for the Embrace but instead chose his rival Belisarius.

Shadow's Status

Sort of, the Trio chose him but he was Embraced Ventrue not Toreador or Tzimisce.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

OK, back to totally confused.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
OK, back to totally confused.


Yes, you would need to ask in game that question as Talisman never REALLY explained everything that he said, he often spoke as if the listener had some background knowledge on the matter upon which he was lecturing.

The specifics of how Constantinople worked before the Fall is something your Sire would not know either. However, there are Cainites in this room who do know as they bore witness to it directly or heard about it second hand.


Little run down on Talisman for ALL PCs as some of you have heard the whole story and others bits and pieces, but there is enough for each of you to understand it as characters, even if not as players.

The current vessel known as Talisman was born the Mortal Saint Sebastian in about 255 AD. He was an early Christian Martyr and Saint and was killed during the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians. He was initially tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows, though this did not kill him. Rescued and healed by Irene of Rome, shortly after his recovery he went to Diocletian to warn him about his sins, and as a result was clubbed to death.

However, once again, he did not die and was Embraced by Clan Salubri as part of their healer sect. As a Cainite he continued to heal and preach but was put into Torpor at the hands of the Romans. He woke centuries later (about 1203) and found himself embroiled in the schemes of the 4th Crusade in Italy.

Traveling along with the Crusaders to Constantinople he was welcomed along with his Coterie and "adopted" into one of the families of the Dream. Eventually, as the city began to fall he encountered Gesu in the Obertus monastery and was encouraged to diablerize the Elder Tzimisce to aid Gesu in achieving "metamorphosis".

A night later, he attempted and did indeed prevent Mari the Black from diablerizing Michael, also known as Mi Kail, also known as Beshter, the Toreador Methuselah and the last remaining active founder of the Dream. Note that Alessandro Khadaji's grandsire was also present and it was his death at the hands of Mary the Black that allowed Sebastian and Sadir to slay her.

Michael sought "transcendence" (initially through Mary the Black but eventually essentially forcing Sebastian to diablerize him) and received transcendence, in a way, through Sebastian. Sebastian and his last remaining Coterie member, Sadir (yes the same Sadir who is Michele Querini's Sire), fled Constantinople. At the time Sebastian and Sadir did not realize that Ma-Ri was the reincarnated lover of Michael from his days as Beshter, or so he believed anyway.

Everything in Italics actually happened in table top when this game was run strictly table top.

They fled back west, but Sebastian began to act erratically. His diablerie of Michael was discovered and both enemies and allies sought to slay Sebastian for his Amaranth of Michael.

Settling in Paris, Sadir encouraged Sebastian to "embraced" the madness inflicting him and aided in creating the masquerader identity of a Malkavian going by the moniker of Talisman. Vicissitude was used to change his appearance. Sadir used Obfuscate to cloak his own identity so that no one could tie him to Talisman as Sebastian. Eventually, Sadir parted ways from Sebastian as his behavior became too erratic, and for another reason not commonly known so I will not mention it here.

Talisman's "madness" comes from three powerful and willful Cainite souls all inhabiting the same body, sometimes Talisman is Sebastian, sometimes Michael, rarely is he Gesu. Sometimes fragments of all 3 form a new personality.

Talisman eventually encountered the Mortal hunters you all now know as the Volkovs. Talisman believed that Katriana was the reincarnation of his love Ma Ri and began to scheme a way to get her back. However, he had no right to Embrace within Paris and so had to find a way to get a hold of her outside of the city. In reading the mind of Sergei he recognized the Cainite that had slain their parents, Milov Petrankov, and knew that Petrankov would be present in Venice for the Conclave being called by Narses to end the War of Princes.

Talisman fed information to the Volkovs that the Cainite who had murdered their parents, the one they had become Ghouls vowing to destroy, would be in Venice. Talisman then had himself sent as part of the ambassadorship of the Grand Court in Venice to represent Prince Geoffrey du Temple of Paris in the Conclave to form the Camarilla.

This was one of the many sub plots in our own very long, Venice game.

Hope that helped!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20


Does Alessandro remember Alexander at all, was it just the location that was "forgotten?"

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:


Does Alessandro remember Alexander at all, was it just the location that was "forgotten?"

As far as Kinda goes, yep, it's a bit convoluted but to be clear, as it pertains to Belisarius, Belisatius was NOT Embraced by Michael, but by a Ventrue.


You remember Alexander yes but have no memory of encountering him when you arrived back on Venice. However, you do remember encountering Franz on the Lido though the home where he resides is hazy, you know he is there somewhere but your memory is of speaking to him on the beach.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

So Belisarius could be related to Franz and Haerdstad/Black Crusade (butchering spelling, but Crusade is in the name).

These are rivals and contemporaries of Mithras?

Trying to stay true to my lineage. And trying to figure out who's side I'm on.

And Paris was mentioned by Talisman, and it's Alexander of Paris, yes?

Also, are we ignoring Xing's info?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

So Belisarius could be related to Franz and Haerdstad/Black Crusade (butchering spelling, but Crusade is in the name).

These are rivals and contemporaries of Mithras?

Black Cross Fiefdom.

Yes, Belisarius absolutely could be.

No, Mithras is older than Hardestadt or his Sire even but they did indeed both compete to be Inner Circle.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Sorry, edited above ^^^

What of Mithras v Alexander?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Trying to stay true to my lineage. And trying to figure out who's side I'm on.

And Paris was mentioned by Talisman, and it's Alexander of Paris, yes?

Also, are we ignoring Xing's info?

What of Mithras v Alexander?

That is a problem EVERYONE struggles with in this game in general, it's part of the fun and the anxiety :-)

Correct, Alexander of Paris.

Currently, yes, she asked to speak with Alejandro alone which is likely why she is not saying much about her dilemma.

HIS relationships to the other Ventrue (including Mithras) and Narses you are not aware of as he wiped from your memory his soliloquy on the Lido.

Shadow's Status

I have ideas for both false rumors and hit and run tactics but I want the PCs to develop their own ideas :-)

Shadow's Status

Just giving time for people to chime in.

Shadow's Status

I know there's a ton of information here folks, ask questions if anything is unclear!

Also, please chime in on Michele's plan.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

How does Raoul Snake-Eyes fit in?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
How does Raoul Snake-Eyes fit in?

He doesn't, he's been dead for about 300 or so years. He was your Grandsire or Greatgrandsire before Mithras eliminated him.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Alessandro doesn't seem to have any horse in the race (dog in the fight), as it were. Everyone present is more senior and more powerful.

He can't call anyone out, physically, politically or verbally.

And, although he's the only Ventrue present, Mithras is out of the Inner Circle... so the only possible play is Justicar.

But, that would require some actual power. Which he's got none of.

And yet, he doesn't want to just go chasing hunters and sees it as a waste of resources if done before recognizing who the real enemy or puppet master is. At least understanding the landscape.

Not complaints, just assessment of the situation from his perspective.

Also, didn't want anyone thinking I'm not reading, keeping up.

Shadow's Status

Well, you technically speak with Mithras' voice so that's a pretty potent weapon.

The power derived from the group is from your collective Coterie, most Vampire games the PCs are the upstarts (hell even in an Elders game there are still Methuselahs!) so it's really your group that is the force here, assuming they back up your play, whatever such a play may be. You also DO KNOW where Franz is (or at least you know approximately where he is), something no one else knows.

The Hunters are the short term problem. There is certainly a long term problem as well... you are all pretty close to figuring it out! A few more posts from me should give you all the puzzle pieces I think. But I want to allow the PCs to post and interact and absorb my posts which can be quite dense!

There are also the longer term issues that Xing has raised, assuming she is not delusional. Do remember, it's 1309, I plan on running this game through to the year 20??, so it's not all going to get resolved in 1309 Venice.

Mini Recap on Plots -

1. Hunters have seemingly brought down the Camarilla. They are the pressing short term crisis as they are actively hunting Vampires. Plus they have a Cainite among them who at any time could be staked and simply brought to the Pope.

Michele proposed a solution to the crisis, but if anyone else has another better one feel free to shout it out.

2. The largest supporter of the Camarilla has died, Prince Narses. It appears he had many, many, many shadowy political rivalries at once. Who will ultimately take his mantle is another short term dilemma. His killer appears to be Belisarius a Ventrue and Shabah an Assamite. Did they act on their own or with assistance? Does it matter?

3. It seems that someone, most likely a Vampire, sent the Hunters here at this critical time. Is identifying that Puppet Master a priority or not? If you do identify them, what do you do about it?

4. Xing claims there is an even larger looming threat from ancient Methuselahs and Antediluvians? Is that real or her imagination? If these beings are that powerful, does it matter and if it does matter, what, if anything, can you do about it?

5. Is the Camarilla, essentially the reason for you all to be Embraced, still a going concern? Do you care? Especially in light of the fact that your Sires said you were special snowflakes and many of them sacrificed you to save their own skins!

6. Who the hell is this host in the shadowy hood who won't identify himself and who has not spoken yet? Why is the Nosferatu Valerio accusing him and Onfroi and HIS Sire of killing his Simon?

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Who is the current Prince of Paris?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Who is the current Prince of Paris?

Geoffroi du Temple, Childe of Alexander so he is Clan Ventrue.

He deposed Alexander right at the beginning of the War of Princes. He sent Francois Villon as well as Talisman as his representatives, of course Francois and Talisman had their own motivations for attending.

Further note that Ranerius IS the Childe of Francois Villon. Francois' Childe Violetta is the Toreador Justicar though she too exited the city prior to the mayhem.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

So, one's representatives need not be of the same clan? In this case a Ventrue sent a Toreador as representative.

Also, each clan has its own Justicars? And Ventrue Justicars are above that? Or do all Justicars effectively roll up to Mithras?

Apologies for the ignorance.

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