Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

851 to 900 of 1,145 << first < prev | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | next > last >>

Shadow's Status

I'll give Ranerius another evening to post, if not I will bot him for the round.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
Your Uncle stands, excited, as does his daughter Margherita. She frowns at Giuseppe. They both exit.

Your Mother speaks, "We have a dozen men-at-arms left here my son. How many do you wish to take with you this evening?" She appears... apprehensive.

"My Brother, do you wish to have me beside you this evening as well?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

"Mother I will leave 6 here for you. Brother perhaps you should stay also in case...." Michele lets it trail off.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Ranerius lets his newly hunted blood flow, filling him.

Celerity 3, spending one BP for that. And 4 BP ffor quickening bring Str and Con to 4.

Ranerius becomes a blur, and lashes forth with his rapier on one targets near the Doctor's own chosen victim. Best to stay together if this goes awry. The sameknight has a blur upon him.
3 celerity should mean no penalty to hit
First strike Rapier, Dex plus Melee: 5d10 ⇒ (5, 10, 3, 2, 9) = 29
Second strike Rapier, Dex plus Melee: 5d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 4, 10, 8) = 41
Third strike Rapier, Dex plus Melee: 5d10 ⇒ (4, 5, 8, 2, 5) = 24

And... I have a rapier for my Toreador but don't seem to have the weapon Stats FOR a rapier. Since I missed a post and delayed us and don't want to delay us further, ST SHadow, would you be kind enough to roll any damage for me from this post ?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

The Cainites strike!

The Toreador takes advantage of his speed and strikes at the armored Knight with his Rapier!

Attack #1 HIT! Damage 4d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 7) + (2) = 15 - SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (2, 6, 3) + (9, 4, 5) = 29
Attack #2 HIT! Damage 4d10 + 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (1, 3, 10, 9) + (7) + (3) = 33 - SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (4, 8, 3) + (3, 8, 7) = 33
Attack #3 HIT! Damage 4d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (8, 5, 4, 1) + (10) = 28 - SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (2, 9, 4) + (8, 1, 9) = 33

Despite the Toreador's surprise advantage, the Knights armor deflects the Rapier's blade, the Knight turns in shock drawing his short sword, "Have at thee Devil!"

Rapier - I cannot find the stats offhand, let's go with DC 5 to attack and Str+1 damage.


The Doctor chooses to clinch his foe, and does so quite successfully. He gasps in pain as his armor crumples into him. SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (3, 5, 1) + (2, 1, 2) = 14 This Knight has the crippled condition.

Lydia picks up the crossbow from the roof and shoots the loaded bolt at the foe Ranerius faces.

Lydia Attack 6d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (3, 10, 1, 5, 8, 6) + (5, 7, 1) = 46
Lydia Damage 4d10 ⇒ (7, 2, 5, 1) = 15 SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (6, 6, 3) + (8, 9, 9) = 41. The armor easily deflects the bolt.


Alessandro's sword makes contact with the armored foe.

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (1, 9, 9) + (9, 3, 8) = 39

Once more, armor wins the day and the Knight is unharmed. "God protects demon of the Knight!" He draws his short sword...


The Nosferatu appears an instant before the Knight is launched forward.

Bull Rush 7d10 ⇒ (4, 10, 8, 7, 2, 3, 3) = 37
Damage 3d10 + 4 ⇒ (2, 5, 5) + 4 = 16

Knight - Dexterity+Athletics 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (6) + (9) = 15
SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 2) + (6, 2, 6) = 22 - 2 Damage, -1 dice penalty.

The Knight, barely, manages to keep his footing on the roof and is a bit battered by the Nosferatu.


Alessandro - 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Lorenzo - 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Ranerius - 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Onfroi - 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Lydia - 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Knights - 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

We have had VERY little combat, I like to simplify where I can. House Rule 0 or 1 success on an attack roll is a miss. 2 successes is a partial hit and deals 1/2 damage. 3 successes is a hit, full damage. Any success on the attack roll over 3, adds +1 die to your damage pool. Successes can of course be negated by an opponents Dodge, no dodges this surprise round of course! Botches of course also reduce successes. One cannot Botch on damage or soak rolls.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Geoffroi and Andrew land on the platform which leads to the former Giovanni now Cappadocian Haven. There is little to do but watch from below as the combat rages above...


Round 4
First - Alessandro & Lydia - GO!
Second - Knights 1, 3, and 4.
Third - Ranerius, Lorenzo, & Onfroi.
Fourth (or not at all) - Lorenzo's crushed Knight.

Alessandro and Ranerius stand toe to toe with their adversaries, neither harmed by the initial assault.

Seeing that Lorenzo has his situation well in hand, she takes a few steps back and runs, leaping to the roof upon which Ranerius is located. Dexterity+Athletics DC 8 6d10 + 3d10 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 10, 6, 7) + (9, 7, 9) + 1 = 56. Where once there was one, now there are two foes facing the Knight as Lydia's gamble pays off!

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
You gather half a dozen men-at-arms and head towards the gate exiting your compound.

As you open the gate, two of the Doge's armed guards snap to attention, "Upon orders of the Grand Council, none of you may leave these grounds armed".

Michele Perception+Alertness DC 7 - 2 Successes:
You see in the shadows nearby, there stands a figure watching with interest.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

The Lord works in... mysterious ways. Certainly.

Dexterity + Melee, sword: 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (10, 3, 10, 3) + (9, 7, 8, 1) = 51

Damage, STR + 4, Potence 1: 3d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (1, 7, 1) + (1, 3, 8, 7) = 28

So, he just has to soak 1 from Potence?

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

"I am not armed and these men protect me as I go to my uncle's house. Please allow us to pass."

Michele will use Awe to make them feel he is truthful.

Charisma + Performance Diff 7
3d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 3) + (7, 7) = 29

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Perception+Alertness DC 7
3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (4, 8, 6) + (9, 1, 7) = 35 Michele makes note of the stranger and will keep an eye out for when they move on.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
The lead guards face softens as do the rest, "Councilor Querini, I do not believe you were involved in the crimes committed by your Cousin. However, the Council and the Doge himself have decreed that your men at arms are allowed to be armed only within your own household. They may accompany you, but not armed".

Before you are able to reply or activate another power, the man in the shadows approaches. He is not familiar to you. He nods to you, "Councilor Querini, may I have a word with you, in private?"

The guardsman frowns at the man but steps aside for you to pass, should you so choose.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

No, you cannot botch a damage roll, that's 4 damage he has to soak.

Alessandro speaks to the Knight as he lunges forward with his blade.

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 8) + (6, 4, 9) = 38

But once more, armor deflects the strike.

ST Shadow ONLY:

Knight 1 vs. Alessandro DC 6 - 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 4) + (10, 4, 3) = 33 - 2 Partial Hit
Damage Strength +2 3d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 2) + (5, 6) = 32 1/2 - 2 Damage.

Knight 3 vs. Ranerius DC 6 - 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (9, 7, 10) + (9, 1, 10) = 46 - 4 HIT!
Damage Strength +2 3d10 + 2d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (4, 5, 1) + (6, 3) + (10) = 29 - 2 Damage

Knight 4 vs. Onfroi DC 6 - 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) + (9, 7, 6) = 37 - 3 HIT!
Damage Strength +2 3d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (4, 5, 7) + (7, 7) = 30 - 3 Damage

The Knight strikes back at Alessandro and scores a hit on his forearm. Soak 2 damage.

Ranerius' foe swings his sword downwards and slices into the Toreador's thigh. Soak 2 damage.

Onfroi's foe swings in a wide arc across the Nosferatu's body, drawing a line across his flesh. Onfroi Soak - 7d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 1, 10, 7, 6) + (6, 3, 7) = 51 But to no effect as Onfroi's vampire hardened skin resist the steel of the Holy warrior.

Onfroi kicks at his foe once more. 7d10 ⇒ (8, 10, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6) = 37 - 4 Successes
Damage 4d10 + 4 ⇒ (7, 9, 4, 4) + 4 = 28

Knight SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (5, 10, 1) + (7, 10, 9) = 42

Knight Dexterity + Athletics 1d10 ⇒ 10

Onfroi snarls in rage as the Knights' armor once more, proves sturdy as his balance, he is till atop the roof and unharmed!

Round 1 - Continued
Third - Ranerius & Lorenzo - GO!
Fourth (or not at all) - Lorenzo's crushed Knight.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Current Stamina 4 (too much Pathfinder, called it Con earlier) so soak 4d10 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 4) = 15

Failed to soak at all so down to hurt.. a -1 to dice pools. BLAH

The mortal's strike is a good one, damn him, and Ranerius feels the wound slow him down. Ironic, as he is still an inhuman blur

He strikes again twice more, though his efficiency is hindered!
First strike, down a die 4d10 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 7) = 19
Second strike, down a die 4d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 9, 7) = 27
Edit: Dmg for first strike, Str currently 4+1 for weapon, -1 for Hurt? +1 again for two sux 5d10 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 9, 7) = 26
Second strike dmg str currently 4+1 for weapon, -1 for Hurt? +3 dice for 4 sux to hit.[/ooc] 7d10 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 10, 4) = 41

Then readies to parry should there be a counter attack
Parry, Dex plus melee , -1 die 4d10 ⇒ (8, 6, 6, 1) = 21

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Soak, Stamina + Fortitude: 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (7, 9, 1) + (3, 9, 5) = 34

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Lorenzo bites into the crippled knight to drink from and kill his opponent before moving to aid Alessandro with his foe.

Strength + Brawl (Bite): 9d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (4, 8, 7, 3, 3, 4, 9, 1, 1) + (7, 1) = 48 1 stinkin' success after the friggin' 1's

Drinking the maximum (3 blood I believe in a round) before moving to aid Alessandro

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele nods to the lead guard, "Thank you. I understand." Michele looks to the stranger and nods and looks back to his men and nods at them. "Give me a moment." Michele stretches his arm outward waiting for the mystery gentleman.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
The man leads you out of earshot of the Doge's men and your own men.

"Greetings Councilor Querini. How fortuitous that I am here when you make your re appearance. Having fallen down the food chain I was getting a bit nervous as to ever finding any of you.

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Isaac Gabras, formerly the liaison to the Cainite Heresy's network of Mortal operatives. With the Giovanni gone and now Narses disappeared, and by all accounts deceased I was, am, running out of time. I trust that you see the value in bringing on one of Narses former ghouls as an advisor yes?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

For clarification, I should have mentioned this before:
Lorenzo and Ranerius are on the side of the canal where the Mausoleum is located.
Alessandro and Onfroi and are on the side opposite the canal.
For Lorenzo to get to them, that Dexterity + Athletics is a DC 10 as you need to jump across the entire canal.


Note, 1 success is a miss so the first attack missed. 3 is success so should have been +1 damage. I'll drop off the last one to make the dice pools easy here. Dice pools are not reduced by Wound Penalties for soaking purposes.

Ranerius takes a hard slice from the Knights short blade.

Ranerius' first strike misses the Knight, the second scores a hit!

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) + (5, 6, 9) = 34 - 1 Damage!


Alessandro bends backwards away from the blade and suffers no injury!


Somehow, Lorenzo is unable to slay the horribly crippled Knight, but he does absorb 3 blood from sliding his fangs in and drinking! See above for what you wish to do next round. Dexterity+Athletics DC 8 to leap to the roof where Ranerius and Lydia are currently battling a Knight.

Lorenzo's crushed Knight, has his eyes roll into the back of his head. Between injury and blood loss he has been currently disabled.


Round 5
First - Alessandro & Lydia - GO!
Second - Knights 1, 3, and 4.
Third - Ranerius, Lorenzo, & Onfroi.
Fourth (or not at all) - Lorenzo's crushed Knight.

Lydia draws her slim blade and attempts to disarm the Knight.

Dexterity+Melee DC 7 6d10 + 5d10 ⇒ (2, 9, 10, 5, 4, 9) + (2, 7, 2, 8, 1) = 59 - 5 Successes!

The Knights blade clatters to the roof!

Her second strike seeks to cut his leg.

Dexterity+Melee DC 6 6d10 + 5d10 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 9, 5, 3) + (8, 6, 5, 4, 7) = 59 - 4 Successes.
Damage 6d10 + 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (4, 7, 9, 4, 1, 4) + (8) + (3) = 40

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (3, 6, 9) + (5, 4, 8) = 35

Despite his lack of blade, the armor still protects!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Alessandro wonders if he really wants to kill the man.

Drop your weapon. Go home to your family...

attack, Dexterity + Melee, sword: 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 3, 10) + (5, 9, 2, 7) = 51

damage, Strength + 5, Potence 1, sword: 3d10 + 5d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) + (1, 2, 4, 8, 6) = 26

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Got it.

Enough for now... Lorenzo thinks to himself as the knight slips into unconsciousness.

With Alessandro too far away, Lorenzo goes to aid Ranerius and Lydia, but slips as he attempts to make his jump.

Dexterity + Athletics Diff 8: 7d10 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 5, 7, 2, 4) = 27

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

"Well this is interesting timing. How did you know I am back?" Michele pauses for an answer. "Yes of course that would make sense, but I am in the middle of an important task. Where can I meet you tomorrow?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
"Just now, watching you walk out of those front gates. Since Narses disappearance we have all been seeking out new patrons.

I fear I may not have until tomorrow, my urgency is quite great.

Attend to me and perhaps I can aid you in these endeavors? Fail to do so and well, when you seek me out, I may well be a pile of dust... I trust you are familiar with the tale of Terazzo the Seeker? I believe that one of your allies, a Doctor Cappelli, interacted with him right before his death".

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

"I believe I remember the tale. Come into my home and I will give you the sustenance you seek and you may accompany me,"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) + (9, 8, 3) = 31 - Once again, Alessandro's blade is unable to pierce the Knights armor.

The Knight pauses at Alessandro's words, "How can I go home to my family knowing that creatures of the night can and will drink our blood? Nay, you and your kind must fall!"

Ranerius lunges forward with his own blade at the now unarmed Knight, not offering the same mercies as Il Corvo.

Melee Attack 4d10 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 3) = 6

Oy! FYI, I am NOT activating Celerity for you this round Ranerius.

Unfortunately, the blade slips from Ranerius' grasp and skitters to the edge of the roof!

Lorenzo attempts to make the jump over, but he slips and pauses. Better to regain his bearings to fall off of the roof!

The Knight that Lorenzo has drunk from is still dazed.

Round 6
First - Alessandro & Lydia - GO!
Second - Knights 1, 3, and 4.
Third - Ranerius, Lorenzo, & Onfroi.
Fourth (or not at all) - Lorenzo's crushed Knight.


Lydia grins at Ranerius but presses the attack against the Knight.

Dexterity+Melee DC 7 6d10 + 5d10 ⇒ (8, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3) + (4, 6, 2, 4, 1) = 44 - Her first swing misses as the Knight takes a step back.

Dexterity+Melee DC 7 6d10 + 5d10 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 2, 7, 4) + (5, 9, 4, 9, 3) = 54 - The second connects.
Damage 6d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 10, 8, 9, 10) + (7) = 50 - 5 Damage

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (8, 9, 8) + (2, 9, 5) = 41 - Soak 4!

Once more, the Knights armor deflects most of the blow...

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
You head back into your room for privacy. He eagerly takes your blood.

How many BPs do you give him?

He sighs in relief, "Now Signore' Querini, tell me of the task at hand? Before we leave!

None of this on the way nonsense. My former Master may be departed but he was several centuries old for a reason and I can assure you, as long as you provide me with sustenance, I shall always be your elder as well. Wisdom is derived from patience".

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

I give him 2. " My apologizes as that is all I can spare for the moment. I would typically agree with you on the side of patience but tonight myself and the others are aiming to remove the hunters and the knight turned one of our kind. We are to cause a distraction as we head to get my cousins released from being held."

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

What of Dunstan? Surely one that can manipulate and dictate to your... chain of command is more of a danger.

Tell me where to find him, I'm eliminate him and bring you proof. You do not see everything... they manipulate you like pawns.

I did not wish to become... this.

Freed from the lies, Alessandro strikes for his love, Venice.

attack, Dex + Mel: 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (8, 9, 8, 10) + (1, 10, 10, 5) = 61
damage, Str +5 +3 +1 Potence?: 3d10 + 5d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 8) + (7, 5, 5, 3, 8) + (7, 6, 5) = 66

Alessandro has Blush of Health, so he looks more mortal.

Shadow's Status

Alessandro, give me a Charisma+Leadership roll DC 7 to piggy back that statement.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
"What does your Cousin's release have to do with Knights?"

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro, give me a Charisma+Leadership roll DC 7 to piggy back that statement.

Charisma + Leadership, Urbane, Presence 2 no BP: 4d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 9, 9) + (7, 6) = 50

I wanted to ask :)

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

" It is a reason for my family to march and cause chaos to pull away eyes from my other associates."

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Sorry for the delay here, tough work week.

SOAK 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (7, 3, 2) + (8, 1, 7) = 28 - 4 Damage!

Perhaps it was what he said, perhaps Alessandro has just tired of this cat an mouse game with this Mortal, either way, the blow struck by Alessandro slices into a gap in the Knights armor and blood spurts from his mouth. He staggers backwards...

Il Corvo's foe takes a knee gasping in pain, "Yes, the Night Fiend stands with us... but... I must ask why indeed". He stays on one knee, his blade in a defensive posture but he makes no move to strike back at you!

Ranerius's foe attempts to wrest the blade from Lydia's hands, but she easily resist his futile struggle.

Onfroi's foe connects with his blade but the Nosferatu's sturdy skin resists any damage to his undead frame.

ST Shadow ONLY:
Knight 3 vs. Lydia 3d10 ⇒ (4, 9, 6) = 19
Lydia resistance 6d10 ⇒ (6, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8) = 36

Knight 4 vs. Onfroi DC 6 - 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (10, 5, 8) + (1, 6, 7) = 37
Damage Strength +2 3d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (1, 8, 4) + (8, 8) = 29

Onfroi Soak 7d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (10, 1, 3, 7, 1, 4, 5) + (5, 10, 1) = 47

Onfroi snarls and strikes at the Knight

Melee Attack #1 6d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 5, 6, 1) + (1, 3) = 24

the Nosferatu's night against the Knight continue to go poorly as his hard arc misses his foe and hits the roof so hard that it is dislodged from his hand and falls into the canal below!

"Son of a b@+%$!" he roars as he tries to kick the Knight off of the roof once more.

Kick Attack #2 6d10 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 10, 6, 4) = 27

Once more, he continues to struggle, or perhaps, God is with his foe.

"Yield creature, you cannot defeat me!" exclaims the Knight fighting Onfroi.

Round 6
Third - Ranerius & Lorenzo GO!
Fourth (or not at all) - Lorenzo's crushed Knight.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Ranerius, disarmed and frustrated sees Onfroi and Lydia both being tested. Onfroi seems to be having more trouble, and is an older ally so

As Madame seems to have this foe in hand better than I ever could... He turns his features on Onfroi's enemy and Bares his fangs at the knight, "I grow tired of you vermin clad in false piety claiming to be saviors when WE are the ones coming to its aid! If I drink your blood, I hope the ignorance is not catching!"

Dread Gaze:Charisma + Intimidation 7d10 ⇒ (4, 10, 9, 1, 6, 4, 7) = 41

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Hunger gets the better of the former doctor as he sinks his fangs back into the unconscious knight (Taking three more blood and promptly focusing toward Dexterity (new value 9) and Stamina (new value 7) before attempting to jump to the aid of Ranerius and Lydia.

Dexterity + Athletics - Diff 8: 9d10 ⇒ (9, 3, 6, 3, 2, 9, 3, 4, 9) = 48 3 successes

Shadow's Status

Clarification on the Logistics of the Combat Scene

Lorenzo and Ranerius are on the side of the canal where the Mausoleum is located.

Alessandro and Onfroi and are on the side opposite the canal.

For Lorenzo or Ranerius to get to Alessandro or Onfroi (or vice versa), the Dexterity + Athletics check a DC 10 as you need to jump across the entire canal.

For Lorenzo and Ranerius or Alessandro and Onfroi to get to one another, the Dexterity +Athletics check is a DC of 8 as you are only jumping building to building, but the roofs ARE sloped and tricky.

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

He turns his features on Onfroi's enemy and Bares his fangs at the knight.

Due to the distance and the engagement in the fight between Onfroi and his foe, I doubt you would get THAT Knights attention. This would have to be a check against your OWN foe, let me know if you still wish to proceed with that action.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

The crippled Knight falls into incapacitation as you drain him further ob blood, his breathing is quite shallow now. With the sustenance he provides to you, you are easily able to leap to the next rooftop.

Male Italian (Toreador)

His own foe then

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
He shrugs, "If you are done with your family then certainly do so. After this, the Doge and the Grand Council will seize your properties and banish your family from Venice forever. You can then fake your death.

Though what I am confused about and not entirely certain about is how this pulls eyes away from your comrades. Why should the Knights care about internal political squabbles? They certainly did not interfere in the coup attempt".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

The Knight's face contorts in horror, perhaps Ranerius' effect is enhanced by the arrival of Lorenzo on the roof at that same moment. He cowers and begins to scramble down the roof!

ST Shadow ONLY:
Dexterity+Athletics 1d10 ⇒ 8

Miraculously, even slightly injured and with armor, he does not fall off right away.

The Knight that Lorenzo has been fighting ceases to move.


Round 7
First - Alessandro & Lydia - GO!
Second - Knights 3 and 4.
Third - Ranerius, Lorenzo, & Onfroi.
Fourth - Geoffroi and Andrew


Lydia peers over the edge at the Knight scrambling down the side of the building. She points to Geoffroi and Andrew, "Got that one?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

" At this point I do not think "keeping" my role in my family would last. The idea was to cause enough chaos to perhaps allow us more freedom to direct the mob at the knights when they appeared. It is a plan made in haste as time dwindles....what would you suggest?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
"Keeping your role in the family can indeed last, Michael the Archangel ruled as a Byzantine Emperor for some time. That is a lesson for another time perhaps.

I would recommend that you utilize my resources within the Doge's guardsmen to direct his men at the Knights. After all, are they not warriors who are beholden to the Pope who is at odds with our Doge? For a man in the Great Council, your knowledge of current events is clouded it seems, perhaps it's your focus on the Long Night eh? Narses ruled for so long precisely because he always had an ear to the doings of the Mortals.

Throw your Uncle under the bus with a secret message to the Doge, blame he and you cousin for the attempted coup. He is rioting once again no? Disavow him and allow the Querini's to come into the good graces of Venice. Then, have your Brother meet with the Doge and organize the political machine at these Knights. I recommend your Brother and not you as a direct meeting with the Doge may anger those who jockey for Narses position, unless of course, you are aiming that high?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

"Well it seems that someone or something is smiling at me for putting you in my vicinity. My mind is clouded not only as being young but also betrayed by my progenitor. Your plan is the correct one. Besides getting the guardsmen to go after the knights can you get that message to the Doge disavowing my uncle and cousin? I can write it now." I can not wait until we have time to scheme together. May I ask how old you are?

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Because a greater enemy pulls his strings, a darker enemy. Yes, darker than me and they that you see.

It seeks to destroy us all, your kind and mine. Please, tell me where to find him, Dunstan.

Unfathomable, but we are on the same side of this particular battle.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

"Why should I trust you Night Spawn? Certainly I do not like working with that one, but then I wouldn't like working with you either...

Call off your dogs who slay my comrades if you would parley!" He still has his sword down in a defensive position though he does rise back to his feet.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Michele Querini:
"I can do neither, but I know who can. One of them is one of the guards outside, Claude Lambert. If you allow me to call him in and you are willing to provide him with sustenance, he can get the message to the Doge immediately.

Your Brother's meeting with the Doge would be arranged by Leonardo Mancini, he will need sustenance as well.

I am the eldest of Narses Ghouls, I was born in the Year of Our Lord 836.

I am not entirely clear why the childer of Narses have not claimed us, perhaps they bicker over who should claim who, but in the meantime, the days count down wherein some of us may not be alive when the dust settles...".

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Put your sword away and... I'll try. Do not mistake my kindness and Grace for weakness.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

The Knight eyes your naked blade in your hand Alessandro and raises his eyebrow, in a you first look.

I'll still allow you to lap across to Onroi OR you can have further dialogue with this Knight on this roof.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Don't make me come back and kill you. Stay down. With that Alessandro turns and leaps.

Landing nimbly, Can we try not to kill this one, his friends want to talk. He smiles at Onfroi.

Dexterity + Athletics, Lightning Reflexes, Catlike Balance DC 8: 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 2) + (8, 4, 9, 9) = 40

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Assault on the Knights - Lorenzo, Ranerius, Alessandro, and Geoffroi - NPCs: Andrew, Onfroi, & Lydia

Alessandro's foe sheathes his blade and waves his arms to his ally screaming in Latin.

The foe pauses and looks at both Alesandro and Onfroi warily.

Onfroi shakes his head, "Fine, this one is proving hard to slay anyway. I salute you". Onfroi raises his blade in a salute and sheathes his weapon.

The Knight brings his blade low but in a defensive posture, "Sir Tarent, what exactly has this spawn of evil done to your mind!" Despite the venom in his voice, he holds his blade.


Lydia looks across the water and sighs a disgusted look on her face, "The Saracen would rather make peace with these Mortals who nearly killed us all!"

Round 7
Third - Ranerius & Lorenzo GO!
Fourth - Geoffroi and Andrew

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