Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

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Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Bion is the alliterative Bastard of Burgundy?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Bion is the alliterative Bastard of Burgundy?


5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309

the Streets of Venice - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi

At mention of the vessel being procured and slain so casually, Ranerius looks troubled. It is enough to keep him from yanking at the exquisite features of Talisman's servants.

Still, Lorenzo must feed or else he does endanger us.

Let's hear it for being at Humanity 5! Just one level away from the book description of "Some people have to die."


Male Italian (Toreador)
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309

the Streets of Venice - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi

At mention of the vessel being procured and slain so casually, Ranerius looks troubled. It is enough to keep him from yanking at the exquisite features of Talisman's servants.

Still, Lorenzo must feed or else he does endanger us.

Let's hear it for being at Humanity 5! Just one level away from the book description of "Some people have to die."


Oh, Ranerius lost a point of humanity not so long ago and is down to 6. I've been thinking of spending XP to buy it back up to 7 but regardless, he is slipping a bit. At 7 he might have suggested drinking enough so the vessel had a chance of recovering. Now it's not worth the debate ;)

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
[dice=Perception (Discerning) + Awareness Diff 8]4d10 + 3d10 - Nope, unless use of Auspex (which he would be using in hopes of seeing) would lower the difficulty.

I will consult V20 for specifics on that one and let you know, probably tomorrow.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Perhaps a bit of meta-gamimg but, is the blood oath for the player's sake so I don't have to be paranoid about betrayal...

...or for the character's sake to lull Alessandro into a false sense of security?


Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Perhaps a bit of meta-gamimg but, is the blood oath for the player's sake so I don't have to be paranoid about betrayal...

...or for the character's sake to lull Alessandro into a false sense of security?


This is a clasping of the hands, a Mortal symbolic blood oath, neither of you is ingesting the blood.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Perhaps a bit of meta-gamimg but, is the blood oath for the player's sake so I don't have to be paranoid about betrayal...

...or for the character's sake to lull Alessandro into a false sense of security?


This is a clasping of the hands, a Mortal symbolic blood oath, neither of you is ingesting the blood.

I just meant the gesture, I didn't think there was any mechanic involved.

So... Andrew = Salubri & Xing = Lasombra.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

So... Andrew = Salubri & Xing = Lasombra.


Correct, you saw her seated at the Lasombra table.

Shadow's Status

Folks, I am getting a new game off the ground this weekend, have a concert tonight, and a ton of work to do, I probably won't post again in Venice till Sunday night or Monday, just an FYI.

Alessandro, that response post to you will be massive, just an FYI, a LOT to digest, when I am able to post it.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro, that response post to you will be massive, just an FYI, a LOT to digest, when I am able to post it.

Looking forward to it, but take all the time you need... absolutely, no rush.

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Folks, I am getting a new game off the ground this weekend, have a concert tonight, and a ton of work to do, I probably won't post again in Venice till Sunday night or Monday, just an FYI.

Have fun! Tremere in China wasn't quite my bag but still looked tempting so I'll definitely lurk if allowed for popcorn value :)

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Folks, I am getting a new game off the ground this weekend, have a concert tonight, and a ton of work to do, I probably won't post again in Venice till Sunday night or Monday, just an FYI.

Have fun! Tremere in China wasn't quite my bag but still looked tempting so I'll definitely lurk if allowed for popcorn value :)

Of course.

Perhaps the next Clan might be of more interest though that's some time away. I'm just doing one at a time for now.

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Of course.

Perhaps the next Clan might be of more interest though that's some time away. I'm just doing one at a time for now.

Definitely will keep an eye out. I worry I'm just not that good at Political intriguing clans, despite the fact there are many I love and nearly half the clans fit that mold ;)

Ranerius is a bit of a dreamer/romantic (by vampire standards) because that was easier for me to play though he does try his hands at politics out of necessity.

If you do a Ventrue chronicle a few years from now, I'll probably play that guy who got embraced because of nepotism :)

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Mm, Should have brought up awareness. Does Auspex 5 help lower that Difficulty? Because if so it's Dif 3 :)

Yes, as per the book, it lowers the DC of certain rolls relating to the sense by 1 for each dot of Auspex (obviously 2 is as low as you can go as 1 is always an auto fail), but the power has to be active. This is because always leaving Auspex on can have adverse effects as over-intensifying and creating distortions to your senses.

Also, Darkness increase difficulties for action in the dark by +2, Auspex 1 activated lowers that increase difficulty to +1 instead.

Shadow's Status

Folks, I am a bit buried. I will either be moving us forward on Thursday or Saturday.

The PCs in Talisman's haven can still interact if they wish to, including who goes up the stairs in what order (otherwise I'll pick).

Shadow's Status

Ugh, if it's not one thing it's another. Having a bit of a health issue at the moment. A bit too drained to post something long and complex. Hoping to be at least on the way towards being in better shape on Saturday, I will post or update then.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Feel better!

Shadow's Status

Between family time, work, and the fact that I feel like crap, not getting to any updates until Tuesday night sorry folks. Hate killing the momentum like this but what can you do.

Monday night I need to get the other game rolling.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

All good, Brother... no pressure. Feel better and take care of family and work!

Male Italian (Toreador)

Apologies. Family drama, I will be slow and erratic posting this week

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Apologies. Family drama, I will be slow and erratic posting this week

No worries, tanks for the heads up, I will bot your roll! :-)

Shadow's Status

Ruh roh, looks like Lorenzo is going to be eating his companions soon!

I deleted my most recent post, will get back to that scene tonight, much more interesting with a light source :-)

Will get to you again tonight as well Alessandro.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Will get to you again tonight as well Alessandro.

I'm enjoying a flexible schedule at the moment :)

Take your time.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Ruh roh, looks like Lorenzo is going to be eating his companions soon!

I deleted my most recent post, will get back to that scene tonight, much more interesting with a light source :-)

Will get to you again tonight as well Alessandro.

If that's what it takes to get some damned vitae, so be it! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Italian (Toreador)
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Ruh roh, looks like Lorenzo is going to be eating his companions soon!

I deleted my most recent post, will get back to that scene tonight, much more interesting with a light source :-)

Will get to you again tonight as well Alessandro.

If that's what it takes to get some damned vitae, so be it! :)

I'm worried! They always go after the pretty ones!


5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

After tonight I will be out of the country for a few days and not likely to post again until Wednesday.

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
After tonight I will be out of the country for a few days and not likely to post again until Wednesday.

No worries, enjoy!

Shadow's Status

Update Wednesday night, a ton of clients want to be Divorced RIGHT NOW! Never seen so much impatience from so many couples at once...

Shadow's Status

Work just will not relent (plus I had a few errands to run today).

Apologies but updates are likely to take place Saturday.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Update Wednesday night, a ton of clients want to be Divorced RIGHT NOW! Never seen so much impatience from so many couples at once...

If you help people out of non-optimal (eh hem) marriages, you're a saint!

Shadow's Status

Planned on an update tonight but got sidetracked, update tomorrow for certain as I want to get that forward momentum again!

Caught up on work with only a handful of side work items to deal with so this is as good as its been for a while now.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Happy 4th of July (US Independence Day)... yes, even if not in the US, I'd BBQ with you!

** fun fact: the US Declaration of Independence was signed on July 2nd - but it was a Saturday! Made official on Monday, two days later!

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Dexterity+Larceny roll DC 6 - 1 success required.: 2d10 ⇒ (3, 10) = 13

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **


Shadow's Status

Update tomorrow, just getting too tired to effectively move the larger group forward and I want the next post to be, interesting...

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

I will try and get a post up on this tomorrow as well but only partial as you have not had time in game to read much as of yet, plus I believe a decipher roll of some kind must be made.

Shadow's Status

Hmmmm, this should prove to be interesting!!!

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

At least it was only a failure and not a botch...that would've gotten really interesting...

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
At least it was only a failure and not a botch...that would've gotten really interesting...


Housekeeping things

ST wrote:

I believe we used one of your Allies already (Baldemar), so you have 1 Ally left to utilize.

In theory that would be Andre de Beaulieu, your Mentor in the Knights Templar who should be hiding in the city.

Yes, Andre should be the ally.

ST wrote:
I do not believe we utilized any of your Contacts yet. You have 2, both Venetian Merchants.

I propose these two -

Albierto Morosini, a factor in various Marseilles imports to Venice, including its famous soap. Geoffroi’s merchant house has done business with him.

Francisco Tommaso, a dealer in rare books. This is more of a personal thing with Geoffroi, as he often used Francisco to hunt down rare occult tomes.

ST wrote:
Armory 2 is reflected in your access to the Teutonic Keep, though with Baldemar on the loose, it is not clear that IS still accessible.

So noted

ST wrote:
You have a certain chest in a certain warehouse with interesting cargo.

I need to reread this. My brain can’t recall it

ST wrote:
Finally, YOU may be the only person in the group with knowledge of the Haven of Talisman.

Well, this has been made superfluous by time

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309

Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi

"Ware the Bloodbond, if it be freshly ghouled you might be partaking of Talisman and thus tied to him!"

But he does not lay hands on Lorenzo, merely hoping to reason through the haze.

Michele Querini wrote:

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309

Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi

"They are right and this is what he may want." Moving closer to Lorenzo but not putting hands on him yet.

Regardless of what Lorenzo may or may not want, based on the failed Self-Control roll, words aren't going to stop him as I am pretty sure he's in a hunger frenzy. ST, please correct me if I am not interpreting that correctly.

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309

Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi

"Ware the Bloodbond, if it be freshly ghouled you might be partaking of Talisman and thus tied to him!"

But he does not lay hands on Lorenzo, merely hoping to reason through the haze.

Michele Querini wrote:

Venice by Night - Thursday - April 3, 1309

Talisman's Haven - (PC) Lorenzo, Ranerius, Michele, and Geoffroi (NPC) Lydia, Onfroi

"They are right and this is what he may want." Moving closer to Lorenzo but not putting hands on him yet.

Regardless of what Lorenzo may or may not want, based on the failed Self-Control roll, words aren't going to stop him as I am pretty sure he's in a hunger frenzy. ST, please correct me if I am not interpreting that correctly.

Correct, direct intervention would have been necessary... I'll post soon.

Shadow's Status

Sorry work is kicking my ass.

Also Donato is out, as he never interacted with the PCs directly, it remains to be seen if he ever actually gets to Venice.

I just looked at my private messages (I don’t get alerts, so I forget they are there sometimes. Doing the housekeeping rolls now (assuming still relevant)


Folks can each of you give me:
A - Vampire Politics - Intelligence+Politics roll here in the Discussion thread - DC 6.

intelligence+politics: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 6, 8, 3) = 27

B - Mortal Politics - Intelligence+Politics roll here in the Discussion thread - DC 7.

intelligence+politics: 4d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 8, 6) = 29

C - Lasombra Politics - Intelligence+Politics roll here in the Discussion thread - DC 9

intelligence+politics: 4d10 ⇒ (2, 4, 10, 4) = 20

When game resumes, have Geoffroi make a Perception+Academics roll DC 8, 2 successes required.

perception+academics: 4d10 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 5) = 174d10 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 6) = 14
Specialized in insightful (p) and occult (a)h

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Skimming the other context, never been so happy to have been crated and shipped off at Full BP.

Shadow's Status

Updates tonight.

Shadow's Status

I JUST realized this is the first time ANY of your characters have encountered a frenzying Vampire, a test in the thread to see if you figure out what consequences of frenzying may result in.

Shadow's Status

Ugh work!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Nothing specific in mind. I can call it a night.

Fun RP though!

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