Venice by Night - Bloodlines - V20 Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

The Second Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador
Alessandro Khadaji - Clan Ventrue

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Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Didn't mean to hold folks up.

V:tM leans heavy towards intrigue. I don't think my brain could hold another epic like this.

Although if it were more railroad? I could join with whatever you need. Always the (un)cola... I'll play an atypical member of just about any clan.

I do lean toward Ventrue. But if might be fun to try another clan.

And I saw something about Shadow's 1e game, where is a link to that?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Didn't mean to hold folks up.

V:tM leans heavy towards intrigue. I don't think my brain could hold another epic like this.

Although if it were more railroad? I could join with whatever you need. Always the (un)cola... I'll play an atypical member of just about any clan.

I do lean toward Ventrue. But if might be fun to try another clan.

And I saw something about Shadow's 1e game, where is a link to that?

Do you mean the Pathfinder game I am about to start or the Tremere Vampire China game?

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Pathfinder 1e. What's that hotness?

Soft spot for rogues, but you may have one already.

At least 20 pt buy?

Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Didn't mean to hold folks up.

V:tM leans heavy towards intrigue. I don't think my brain could hold another epic like this.

Although if it were more railroad? I could join with whatever you need. Always the (un)cola... I'll play an atypical member of just about any clan.

I do lean toward Ventrue. But if might be fun to try another clan.

The game in question does have a number different threads to pull at with varying degrees of intrigue, nothing as high powered as this game, but is certainly not a railroad - or at least I don't think it is, Shadow may tell you otherwise ;)

Male Italian (Toreador)
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Pathfinder 1e. What's that hotness?

Soft spot for rogues, but you may have one already.

At least 20 pt buy?

I admit I'm curious as well about the Pathfinder game.

Shadow's Status

Pathfinder game is a mash up of Strange Aeons and Carrion Crown. Will start in Ustalav and shift to Ravenloft for a significant number of levels.

I am looking for a Cleric and a Frontliner.

Game has not started yet, if you're both still interested I'll hit this thread with a link this evening.

25 point buy.

Shadow's Status
Talomyr wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Didn't mean to hold folks up.

V:tM leans heavy towards intrigue. I don't think my brain could hold another epic like this.

Although if it were more railroad? I could join with whatever you need. Always the (un)cola... I'll play an atypical member of just about any clan.

I do lean toward Ventrue. But if might be fun to try another clan.

The game in question does have a number different threads to pull at with varying degrees of intrigue, nothing as high powered as this game, but is certainly not a railroad - or at least I don't think it is, Shadow may tell you otherwise ;)

No railroads, open roads based on how it is playing out for me

Very cool, even inspired a bit of a twist in my own table top Chicago game which I cannot elaborate on as Michele plays in that one. :-)

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Pathfinder game is a mash up of Strange Aeons and Carrion Crown. Will start in Ustalav and shift to Ravenloft for a significant number of levels.

I am looking for a Cleric and a Frontliner.

Game has not started yet, if you're both still interested I'll hit this thread with a link this evening.

25 point buy.

So Sunshine, Lollypops, and Puppy kisses!

(Or perhaps stakeburnings, poisoned food, and hellhounds)

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Pathfinder game is a mash up of Strange Aeons and Carrion Crown. Will start in Ustalav and shift to Ravenloft for a significant number of levels.

I am looking for a Cleric and a Frontliner.

Game has not started yet, if you're both still interested I'll hit this thread with a link this evening.

25 point buy.

So Sunshine, Lollypops, and Puppy kisses!

(Or perhaps stakeburnings, poisoned food, and hellhounds)

Yes and Yes!

Shadow's Status

Ravenloft - Crown of Aeons

Character Creation

1. 25 Point Buy.
2. Max HP at 1st level (roll OR 1/2+1 per level thereafter).
3. Background Skills.
4. Automatic Bonus Progression will be utilized. Bonuses start at Second Level.
5. Skill unlocks will be used.
6. Two Traits.
7. Hero Points Character Gain 1 Hero Point Per Level each time they level capping at 5 (i.e. at 6th level you gain 5 more). Characters can carry over unused points.

House Rules for Hero Points:
8. Legacies. Each player must select one of the following Legacies:

Von Zarovich,
Mordenheim, or

Depending on what you pick will grant you bonuses at the start of character creation. I won't list the bonuses so character creation will be a bit more interesting as you have no idea what you get depending on what you pick. These Legacies will also grant bonus Feats (my choice) at 5th and 10th level.

9. Weapons of Legacy. I will be using the Weapons of Legacy rules (modified) to transform one of your weapons or other items depending on the class selected into an item that gains magical abilities with you while you level.

10. Sanity is the sum of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.


While I allow all official and third party splat books, if something seems a bit mechanically OP'd I reserve the right to veto.

All classes are fine. Most races are fine, though if you want to play a Goblin or an Orc (a race that would receive hostility in a majority Human settlement let's discuss).


All PC's will have either adventured with, been a student of, or met (in whatever manner you wish to described it in your background) the esteemed Dr. Rudolph van Richten of Lepidstadt University. The Doctor has spent a lifetime researching foes of the living, specifically the Undead (though he has tackled other horrors of Ustalav as well). After a lifetime of research as well as adventuring, he has retired to Ravengro, his home city in Ustalav to be with his daughter Kendra as his wife recently passed away. Some of you may have met Kendra (up to you in your background) or just heard about her in passing from the Doctor.

Characters can start within Ustalav or an area near Ustalav in Golarion, but not within Ravengro. You can also know one another if you wish.

You receive from him a missive requesting your urgent assistance.... in fact, the letter is the opening post in Gameplay.

Shadow's Status

Posting rate will be two to three times per week, D&D needs more grease to keep moving forward than a Vampire game does!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Talomyr wrote:
The game in question does have a number different threads to pull at with varying degrees of intrigue, nothing as high powered as this game, but is certainly not a railroad - or at least I don't think it is, Shadow may tell you otherwise ;)

Oh, I'm looking for a little bit of a "railroad" in the sense of mission "nav" points or smaller goals to work towards and complete (tactical)...

...without having to keep eons or history/politics in mind (strategic) before we go "get pizza" (pizza works for Chicago and Venice!). Somewhat stressful, no offense Storyteller Shadow.

Being the weakest (power scale) it's why sometimes I take a back seat. Which works for me.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
The game in question does have a number different threads to pull at with varying degrees of intrigue, nothing as high powered as this game, but is certainly not a railroad - or at least I don't think it is, Shadow may tell you otherwise ;)

Oh, I'm looking for a little bit of a "railroad" in the sense of mission "nav" points or smaller goals to work towards and complete (tactical)...

...without having to keep eons or history/politics in mind (strategic) before we go "get pizza" (pizza works for Chicago and Venice!). Somewhat stressful, no offense Storyteller Shadow.

Being the weakest (power scale) it's why sometimes I take a back seat. Which works for me.

No worries, we are about to get more granular, the Coterie vs the Hunters!

Shadow's Status

Been sick, I will update likely tomorrow at some point.

Shadow's Status

Still meh.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Alessandro didn't see/hear nuttin', Bello!

Male Italian (Toreador)

Sorry, been sick for the last 3 days. Don't know if it is Covid or a flu, but it is not fun.

Shadow's Status

No worries, after Lorenzo's next post, I'll move us on to the next day.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Try to get to it later's been a day...

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Try to get to it later's been a day...

No worries, I hear you... :-(

Shadow's Status

And now the fun begins amirite!!!!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Hey Boss, not sure what I was thinking taking Dominate 3... I think il Corvo was expected to interact with mortals.

Any way I can put that into Fortitude 3, instead? They are both Ventrue core disciplines.

Then I was thinking with my current 10 XP... Stealth 3 and Melee 4.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Hey Boss, not sure what I was thinking taking Dominate 3... I think il Corvo was expected to interact with mortals.

Any way I can put that into Fortitude 3, instead? They are both Ventrue core disciplines.

Then I was thinking with my current 10 XP... Stealth 3 and Melee 4.


You may still interact with Mortals but I get the idea on that, switch approved.

Makes sense to me for XP expenditure.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Not normally the thing Lorenzo would seek to increase as a priority, but given his recent blood pumping of his physical stats, and what we've got coming. You alright with me spending the 15 XP to bump Fortitude to 4?

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Not normally the thing Lorenzo would seek to increase as a priority, but given his recent blood pumping of his physical stats, and what we've got coming. You alright with me spending the 15 XP to bump Fortitude to 4?

Of course.

Shadow's Status

Note that at some point the next night I will LOCK UP XP expenditures once again so spend now. I will re open at the end of the night, assuming you survive! Muhahahahahahah.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Not normally the thing Lorenzo would seek to increase as a priority, but given his recent blood pumping of his physical stats, and what we've got coming. You alright with me spending the 15 XP to bump Fortitude to 4?
Of course.


Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Hey Boss, not sure what I was thinking taking Dominate 3... I think il Corvo was expected to interact with mortals.

Any way I can put that into Fortitude 3, instead? They are both Ventrue core disciplines.

Then I was thinking with my current 10 XP... Stealth 3 and Melee 4.


You may still interact with Mortals but I get the idea on that, switch approved.

Makes sense to me for XP expenditure.


Shadow's Status

OK, going to give PCs until next Tuesday June 18 to spend XP, after that, there will be an XP LOCK UP until this night is complete.

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Lydia turns to Ranerius, [b]"Was Sir Dunstan aware of your Inn? If so, the Inquisition may have already struck..."

You know, that's a good question. I don't remember if Dunstan was aware of the inn or not

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Did we know about the Doge's involvement?

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Saturday - April 5, 1309

Lydia turns to Ranerius, [b]"Was Sir Dunstan aware of your Inn? If so, the Inquisition may have already struck..."

You know, that's a good question. I don't remember if Dunstan was aware of the inn or not

Aware of it yes, knows its name and location? THAT is unclear.

Ranerius mentions that he has an Inn to Sir Dunstan

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

How badly could it go if Alessandro diablerized the Baali? Or is that not possible?

Looks like to attack Khadaji House, they need permission from the Doge - which they have not requested as of yesterday.

Does that mean the Doge is a Hunter?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

How badly could it go if Alessandro diablerized the Baali? Or is that not possible?

Looks like to attack Khadaji House, they need permission from the Doge - which they have not requested as of yesterday.

Does that mean the Doge is a Hunter?

It's possible though he might not be lower Generation than you.

No, but this is a City State, you cannot just siege someone's home without permission from the powers that be!

Unlike you, Doctor Cappelli doesn't have a fenced in compound with armed guards.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Unfortunately, with the plot lines so convoluted... Alessandro can't even trust his own clan.

For all he knows Alexander is behind all of this. He has no "allies" except those he's with, and maybe not all of them.

Sadly, the only person he trusted was Ghost and in some weird way, Talisman.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Unfortunately, with the plot lines so convoluted... Alessandro can't even trust his own clan.

For all he knows Alexander is behind all of this. He has no "allies" except those he's with, and maybe not all of them.

Sadly, the only person he trusted was Ghost and in some weird way, Talisman.

Then I have done my job well!!!!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Unfortunately, with the plot lines so convoluted... Alessandro can't even trust his own clan.

For all he knows Alexander is behind all of this. He has no "allies" except those he's with, and maybe not all of them.

Sadly, the only person he trusted was Ghost and in some weird way, Talisman.

Then I have done my job well!!!!

Yes, you have... mostly a compliment. Part whining. It was in response to The Lido and Franz being there.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Is there a chance of seeing M & M and getting a message to Galeel?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Is there a chance of seeing M & M and getting a message to Galeel?

Sure! I'll post up, wasn't sure if you just wanted to feed and run.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Is there a chance of seeing M & M and getting a message to Galeel?

Post up I/C what you want to say to M&M.


Ranerius, let me know if you kill or don't kill to fill your Blood Pool.


One final reminder, please track your blood pools in your top line, failure to do will result in my understanding that you will always be at 1/3rd pools when seeking to feed again!

Thank you!

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Are we working under the assumption that all in the "hunting" party will be at full post hunt?

Shadow's Status
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Are we working under the assumption that all in the "hunting" party will be at full post hunt?


Enough Mortals live here to feed without slaying and still have everyone full. Should someone choose to kill though, that I need to know. The NPCs shall feed without killing, tonight anyway!

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Sorry, company...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadow's Status

The Coterie is now full of Blood and ready to revenge!

Michele is seeking to rally a great house (albeit a house that is currently considered a traitor house) against the Knights.

Vitaliano and Xing are seeking to utilize the Nosferatu to capture, or at least track Sir Dunstan.


Alright, it appears that the PCs first objective shall be to counterstrike against the Hunters for their capture of Moses and Lorenzo's Family (or the claim that they have taken his siblings).

With this in mind, the bulk of the group will now head to the Mausoleum. Lorenzo and Andrew are the most familiar with the location. There are two entrances. One through the front door which is accessible ONLY on the lagoons, the second through the Underworld. Surrounding the Mausoleum are buildings both next to the Giovanni funeral home and across from it. Several rows of such houses. Based on Moses description, the Knights will have to be on roofs watching for anyone to arrive. Moses didn't offer and Lorenzo didn't ask whether it was still an operable business or not, after all, it was the Giovanni's cover business in the city for quite some time.

To get the drop on these Knights, you will need to make Dexterity + Stealth checks at a DC of 6 [this will probably be contested unless you are all under the cloak of Obfuscation]. It may be contested EVEN IF you are under Obfuscation as some of the Order can see through that power, of course, none of you know if THOSE Knights are present or not.

Dexterity + Athletics checks will also be necessary at a DC of 7 to play the rooftoop Parkour game. Alessandro excels at this skill and Onfroi seems at least passable.

The other way to approach is to use a diversion, that idea, based on Gameplay would be for Geoffroi and Andrew to be "bait" in a Gondola. Santos has plenty of Gondolas in his boathouse which are no longer in use, at least not yet. If you do choose this option, I will simply handwave that this is successful to save time, something I have rarely done these past several years but I believe it is now time for long form storytelling to take a backseat to action.

Let me know if you wish to use both strategies [stealth and distraction] to make this first strike against the Hunters since they struck at the Cainites of Venice a few days ago!

If you choose to use the diversion, those Dexterity + Stealth rolls will be at a DC of 4 instead of 6.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

I would be in favor of the combination plan (Diversion + Stealth), but will wait for Ranerius and Geoffroi to chime in on that one.

In any case I would suggest that physical stats be enhanced by blood as we begin this mission.

Lorenzo would do the following:

Round 1: Increase Dexterity and Strength to 6 each (8 Blood)
Round 2: Increase Stamina to 6 (4 Blood)

For NPCs involved, we have Andrew, Onfroi, and Lydia, right? I would assume that Lydia knows as much about the Mausoleum as Lorenzo, possibly more given her more martial bent.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

I would be in favor of the combination plan (Diversion + Stealth).

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
I would be in favor of the combination plan (Diversion + Stealth).

Oops...sorry I missed you in the post above, Alessandro.

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
I would be in favor of the combination plan (Diversion + Stealth).
Oops...sorry I missed you in the post above, Alessandro.

No worries.

Shadow's Status

Yes, Lydia is quite familiar. Assuming you are able to overcome these Knights, would the next step be to step into the Cappadocian haven to interrogate any who are left? I am assuming that the PCs are seeking to capture at least one Knight correct?

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

In my opinion, that would be the preference, yes.

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