Lion Blade

Alessandro Khadaji's page

1,276 posts. Alias of Hassan Ahmed.

Full Name

Alessandro Khadaji


Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

About Alessandro Khadaji

Nature - Survivor
Demeanor - Visionary
Generation - 7th
Sire - Alyssa
Max Blood Pool /Current - 20/18
Max Trait Rating - 6
Blood points Per Turn - 4

XP Earned - 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 = 16 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 27 +2, 2, 2, 1, 9 = 43. + 1, 8, 2 = 54. +1 = 55. +3 = 58. +1, 5, 3 = 67
XP Spent - 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 10, 2 = 27, 2, 2, 12 = 43, 10, 4 = 57, 6, 4 = 67

XP Expenditures:
Know - Finance 2, 2xp
Stealth 2, 2xp
Awareness 2, 2xp
Athletics 3, 2xp, Storyteller
Manipulation 2, 4xp
Carousing 1, 3xp
Potence 1, 10xp
Expression 2, 2xp
Politics 2, 2xp
Subterfuge 2, 2xp
Brawl 1, 3xp
Empathy 2, 2xp
Carousing 2, 2xp
Fortitude 2, 5xp
Dominate 3, 10xp
Subterfuge 3, 4xp
Melee 4, 6xp
Stealth 3, 4xp
Str - 3
Dex - 4 - lightning reflexes
Sta - 3

Cha - 4* - urbane
Man - 3
App - 2

Per - 3
Int - 3
Wit - 3, Storyteller

Alertness - 2
Athletics - 4
Awareness - 2
Brawl - 1
Empathy - 2
Expression - 2
Intimidation -
Leadership - 2
Carousing - 2
Subterfuge - 3
Hobby Skill -

Animal Ken - 2
Crafts -
Ride - 1
Etiquette - 2
Archery - 1
Larceny - 1
Melee - 4
Performance - 1
Stealth - 3
Survival - 2
Professional Skill -

Hearth Wisdom -
Finance - 2
Investigation - 1
Law - 1
Medicine -
Occult - 1
Politics - 3
Seneschal -
Theology -
Expert Knowledge -

Dominate - 2
Fortitude - 3
Presence - 2
Auspex - 2*
Potence - 1*
Celerity - 1**, Storyteller

15+7=22 freebie

Herd - 2, 7 Vessels (post embrace) for 2fb
Resources - 5
Mentor - 2 (post embrace) for 2fb

Conscience - 4
Self-Control - 3 to 4 2fb
Courage - 3 to 4 2fb
Humanity - 7
Willpower - 3 to 7 4fb

1pt Catlike Balance
2pt Blush of Health
1pt Early Riser
1pt Language - Italian (native = Arabic)
1pt Natural Leader
1pt Inoffensive to Animals
3pt Hidden Diablerie

1pt Expendable - petty jealousy
1pt Infamous Sire - seeking Golconda* (DM to refine)

1pt Dark Secret - as a mortal led a company of men (saracen) and killed a vampire back in Egypt during military activity. I think we're in the 4th Crusade, was meant for Egypt... but targeted Constantinople.

4pt Outspoken Pagan Heretic - Family Tradition, welcomes Moslems (workers, sailors, locals) on Fridays (or Ramadan, holidays) to worhsip on family property (estate), home, etc... Invite is open, no secrets, authorities are welcome. But, etiquette is expected. Not a Mosque, per se.



