TheWaskally |
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Dragomir Venchev's character submission is complete. The paladin also lacks in ranged combat options currently and is mainly a tank for the party. The young man tries not to stare at all the pretty female submissions.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

The new Edrukk has a ranged option, but his beliefs are such that if something is within smiting range, it should be smote. Preferably with a greatsword. The bow is merely to let it know that it cannot escape Gorum's chosen with mere distance.
That said, he does have respect for his ancestors and carries a good dwarven waraxe and a heavy shield for those times when it's more important to shrug off blows than to deliver them. Gorum is a god of battle, not (necessarily) blind foolish rage.

Dungeon Madam |
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This should be the final list before recruitment closes in about 24 hours. After that, I should take about an hour to pick the final party. I honestly really wish we had more slots. I might—might consider starting a third Age of Worms game after we're a month or two into this one, if things are running smoothly and I feel fully 110% up to it. I genuinely really like the parties I could form out of upwards of sixteen of these applications, but I have six slots right now and I've got to make some tough calls.
For clarity's sake, any applications that aren't finished by then won't be considered—all I need is a backstory, alignment/race/class, basic party role, and Campaign Trait.
Already in
Cuchulainn - Broccan Dunchad - NG - Human - Brawler - Old Rival
Pixie Rogue - Edrukk Thorvirgunson - CG - Dwarf - Warpriest (Gorum) - Ominous Patron
Qunnessaa - Alaïs Thalanassa - CG - Elf - Skald (Bacchanal/Court Poet) - Haunted By Destiny
Finished Applications
Albion - Reknar - CG - Half-Orc - Bard - Retired Goon
The Archlich - Annurian - N - Shabti - Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) - Dangerous Curiosity
eriktd - Gardolf the Grim - NG - Human - Bloodrager (Enlightened Bloodrager/Metamagic Rager) - Allustan's Apprentice/Worm Chaser
TreasureFox - Skender son of Garridan - NG - Human - Druid (Restorer) - Worm Chaser
CucumberTree - Terrov - CE - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
Hrothdane - Briar Vervain - CG - Human - Oracle (Psychic Searcher) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
DBH - Jenny Drakan - NG - Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) - Rogue (Knife Master) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
sarah 'queen' B. - Lucia Wriothesly - N - Human - Arcanist - A Little Bird Told Me
Fighting Chicken - Kata Coszma - N - Bard (Dirge Bard) - Child Explorers
Edelsmirge - Phoibe Rhamnousia - LE - Slayer (Ankou's Shadow) - Haunted By Destiny
Ventiine - Elvina Naieath - N - Human - Witch (Herb Witch) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
ClearSpring - Rosella Breban - NG - Human - Fighter - Worm Chaser
Trevor86 – Harran, Son of Nogwier - CG - Half-Elf - Shaman (Life Spirit) - Light On Your Feet
TheWaskally - Dragomir Venchev - LG - Human - Paladin (Pharasma) - Haunted By Destiny
Lucendar - Anya Flamehair - NG - Halfling - Cleric (Sarenrae) - Dangerous Curiosity
Unfinished/Expressed Interest
Death-Lok - Jozu Lightfeather - LG - Halfling - Paladin (no backstory or trait)
Robert Henry - Elek - LN - Human - Bloodrager (no backstory, trait undecided)

Elek Kardforgató |
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This is Elek Kardforgató, Robert Henry’s Bloodrager Swordsman.
The “alignment” is hard to nail. He would like to live in a world where he could be lawful good, maybe even neutral good. But that is not the world that he lives in. He would like to lay the sword down but it will never happen. He sleeps well at night and because of that, he knows he is not good. Good men do not see the things he has seen and sleep well at night.
... but I have six slots right now and I've got to make some tough calls....
Wow, Thank you for running two tables, let alone considering a third, we really appreciate it.
While I have not posted a lot here in the recruitment, I’ve been reading a lot of the character backstories as we go. I will confess this is one of the few recruitments where I feel a little intimidated. Several of you have done some quality work and I hope that it pays off for you, either in this game or another. Good luck to everyone and good gaming.
Robert Henry - Elek - LN - Human - Bloodrager (no backstory, trait undecided)
Elek’s AP trait will be “Haunted by Destiny” with your approval the second one will be “Rich Parents” I will discuss the reasons below in ‘other’.
Here is his backstory. I was initially trying to tie directly into the events of the AP “Hell’s Revenge” So I was delayed looking for that information. When you ‘altered the map.’ Thank you for that I realized Cheliax history and AP backstory were secondary to the character. So ignoring any ‘canon’ from the AP I finished the story and will present it here.
Elek Kardforgató was born in a small demesne watching over the Conerica Straits on the northern edge of the Isger's border with Druma. His parents Matyas Kardforgató and Oleda Cansellarion were both Chelaxian nobles. Their families had accepted lordly positions in Isger during the civil war after Aroden's death. Towards the end of the nearly three decades of civil war, they saw the righting on the wall, House Thrune would rise to power. As worshipers of Aroden, and after Iomedae, They chose self-inflicted exile instead of serving under the Infernal Majestrix and her lord Asmodeus.
Elek growing up there at the small castle began learning the ways of nobles early in life. His first sword instructor was a retired soldier named Krunug. The old man was one of the Excised Legion. The name given to soldiers who fought against House Thrune These exiled soldiers bear a brand on the right side of their face; the mark of Asmodeus.
When he was eight, he became a page to his aunt Alexeara Cansellarion, a Paladin of Iomedae. Living on the Cansellarion demesne not far from his parents. His life changed drastically when his aunt formed the Glorious Reclamation.
The Glorious Reclamation was originally founded for one purpose: the recovery of Heart’s Edge, the sword once wielded by Iomedae herself. The Hellknight Order of the Godclaw had discovered the fabled blade, forgotten and lost for centuries, quite by accident, but since these Hellknights venerate Iomedae as one of their five-part pantheon of law called the Godclaw, Lictor Resarc Ountor proudly proclaimed the acquisition of Iomedae’s sword as a symbol of his order’s righteousness.
Hearing of the reappearance of this sacred relic, the Church of Iomedae politely requested that Heart’s Edge be returned to them. The Order of the Godclaw brusquely refused. The fate of the holy sword might have become a matter of peaceful diplomatic negotiation between the church and the order, had not a zealous paladin of Iomedae named Alexeara Cansellarion decided to take matters into her own hands.
Branding the Hellknights heretics and blasphemers, as their reverence of the Godclaw was not in line with the traditional teachings of the Church of Iomedae, Alexeara issued a call to the Inheritor’s faithful to reclaim Heart’s Edge. Hundreds of knights and clerics from Andoran, Cheliax, Molthune, and beyond took up arms and marched on Citadel Dinyar, home to the Order of the Godclaw. After a furious battle, the Iomedaean army defeated the Hellknights and ousted them from their own fortress, and Alexeara Cansellarion claimed Citadel Dinyar and Heart’s Edge as spoils of honorable war.
Elek was sixteen and had been appointed to Squire, only days before the raid on Citadel Dinyar. During the battle he had ridden with his aunt on the attack. Even into the courtyard where he held the horses in case they needed to retreat. Instead of leaving with the ‘Heart’s Edge’ the moved into Citadel Dinyar.
Flushed with success, his aunt turned her eyes to a far greater prize. Alexeara’s family had been a noble house of Westcrown in Cheliax, but the Cansellarions lost their titles and holdings when House Thrune emerged victorious in the Chelish Civil War. Before her ascension, Iomedae herself had been Chelish as well, and to Alexeara, a Thrune-dominated Cheliax was as much an affront to the Inheritor as it was to her personally. With possession of Citadel Dinyar and Heart’s Edge in hand, Alexeara was filled with divine purpose. She announced the creation of a new knightly order dedicated to Iomedae called the Glorious Reclamation, whose sacred charge was to purge Cheliax of its diabolical taint by overthrowing the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune and returning Iomedae’s faith to the goddess’s homeland.
For four years battles raged, thousands of Iomedaean streamed to their banner, but were unable to make headway against the Chelish army and the devils who fought with them. By the summer of the fourth year, the first day of the month Arodus Elek was knighted. Almost four months later that year, in the middle of the month of Neth, he was with his aunt at the Citadel Dinyar when the fortress was attacked by a regiment of the Cheilish army. Knowing that the majority of their army, the legion under the command of General Lucian Brachtarna, was bivouacked at the town of Longacre, three hard day's ride away. Alexeara had a plan. She would send a messenger to Brachtarna, ordering him to force march his army to the Citadel, and crush the Asmodeans against the walls of the Citadel. The messenger she chose to send was Elek.
Elek left during the night through a hidden entrance, the horse he rode was from Longacre, so he could sleep in the saddle while the animal headed home. During the day he would rotate, cantering, trotting, walking while mounted and then walk beside the gelding while it had a feed bag. They made it to Longacre the evening of the third day. That morning the army set out on the seven day forced march. On the fifth dayThe Glorious Reclamation’s legion was attacked from flanking positions by three Chelaxian Legions. It was a trap and the regiment at Dinyar had been the bait.
Though Brachtarna’s army fought bravely, the battle went poorly. The Chelaxians had raised the black flag, there would be no prisoners. Having been wounded several places, when the general himself fell, Elek with the rest of the survivors fled. He was able to escape into the darkness, but not willing to give up headed towards the Citadel. By time he arrived Dinyar was in flames. He learned later that The Order of the Godclaw had used the same passage as he, to enter the fort and open the gates. Everyone in the fort perished.
Knowing the Chelaxians would ignore all borders and hunt the rebels down, Elek, traveling at night, headed north to warn his family. When he arrived at his family's home on the northern edge of the Isger's border it was too late. The castle, surrounding farmhouses and barns had been burned. The fields salted, the flocks butchered in their pens everything left to rot. He never learned what happened to his family. Stricken with grief but unwilling to die he fled into Druma.
He had been a knight of the Glorious Reclamation for one hundred and one days. Before the end he had led their greatest army into a trap sealing their defeat then watched as their great fortification Citadel Dinyar burned following which he was unable to rescue his own family. Having fled, he continued fleeing through countries, territories, towns and counties he didn’t even know the names of. Eventually finding himself in a land that didn’t speak the same language, in a mining town called Diamond Lake with nothing but a few coins in his pocket.
To give credit where credit is due, any paragraphs with Italics were copied from a ‘Hell’s Vengeance Wiki.
We are approaching a pretty busy melee, with a brawler, a warpriest and a skald—party build may not matter too much to me, but everyone getting stuck in bottlenecks and being rendered unable to reach the action does. Worth thinking about.
I started thinking about this and thought of two different possibilities that I would want to try. Firstly, would you permit Elek to use his bastard sword with the feat Divine Fighting Technique “Iomedae's Inspiring Sword” instead of a longsword? That way he can benefit the melee characters in front of him.
Also, with the human alternate race trait Military Tradition he can select two weapons, the first one is the bastard sword, I would love to make the second one the repeating crossbow. I always liked the image of Rutger Hauer in "Lady Hawk" a knight with an exotic crossbow as his ranged weapon. But to make that practical I would need the ‘rich Parents’ trait to be able to afford one.
I realize he could use a ‘bow’ but the repeating crossbow seems like a better fit to me. How you rule on these questions will determine his first level feat. Either ‘Iomedae’s inspiring sword’ or ‘point blank shot’
I saw someone recommend ‘triangulating the character using three different characters’ When I originally created Elek I wanted someone like Lan Mandragoran, from The Wheel of Time’ series. Someone noble who was the last of his kind, but committed to doing the right thing, knowing it would probably kill him. Potentially a tragic character. I realize there are several throughout history and fiction but I really like Lan.
As for the other parts of ‘triangulation’ I really like ‘Jim Holden’ from ‘the Expanse.' More the books than the show, but he’s ok in the show as well. Someone who does the right thing, period.
If I were to add a third, it would be another loner. Maybe Navarre from “LadyHawke,” maybe Sanjuro Kuwabatake from Akira Kurosawa's "Yojimbo," Maybe Robert E. Howards “Solomon Kane.” Probably Kane, I’ve known him the longest :) But if this were a ‘Japanese’ story, Elek would definitely be Ronin.
Again, thanks for running the game. I never really saw Elek fitting into a ‘Pathfinder AP’ or in the ‘real Golarian’ for that matter. But I think he could make a go of it in Smolarion :)

Dungeon Madam |
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Rich Parents I'll allow, but the longsword seems pretty tied to the Divine Fighting Technique—it's Iomedae's sacred weapon, after all. I like the backstory! It really fits a lot of the ideas I have in mind for the game and setting, and his ties to Iomedae could lead to interesting roleplay. Also, fun to see Ladyhawke come up!

Torilgrey |
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I got a quick background drafted between work shifts today:
Jenner Decameron A Varisian musket master, mysterious stranger gunslinger. He's haunted by the voices he hears from his Ominious Patron. He works as muscle for the Emporium and helps with the books there. He's a former squire paladin of Abadar who couldn't cut it as a paladin...
Male human (Varisian) gunslinger (musket master, mysterious stranger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 9, 50, 51)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +0
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee short sword +5 (1d6+1/19-20) or
. . spiked gauntlet +5 (1d4+1)
Ranged musket +4 (1d12+2/×4)
Special Attacks deeds (deadeye, focused aim, steady aim), grit (3)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Deadly Aim, Dirty Fighting, Gunsmithing[UC], Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Weapon Finesse
Traits larger than life, - custom trait -
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +7, Craft (firearms) +2, Intimidate +7 (While wielding a firearm, considered one size category larger than your actual size), Knowledge (local) +4, Lore (Age of Worms) +6, Perception +4
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ gunsmith
Other Gear chain shirt, black powder[UC] (8), bullet[UC] (30), musket[UC], short sword, spiked gauntlet, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, gunsmith's kit[UC], hemp rope (50 ft.), masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], pot, powder horn[UC], scarf[UE], torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Abadar, 14 gp
Special Abilities
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deeds Use Grit to perform special abilities with your firearms.
Dirty Fighting Forgo flanking bonus to make combat maneuver not provoke attack of op.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmith Gain free starting firearm that only you can use properly.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Reload (Musket) You can reload fast with one type of Crossbow or Firearm.
Jenner is a young Varisian man, with brown hair, a thin coat of stubble, and strikingly haunted gold eyes. He's still a young man, having grown up in the streets of Magnimar, but was always considered to be a 'strange' child who heard eerie voices which haunted him and made him considered strange by the other Varisian children and their families. Some considered it a blessing, while others a curse, and such is the way with the superstitious Varisians living in the city.
To try and tame these voices in his head, the young man joined the church of Abadar, studying the ways of the Goldfist as a paladin within the church. The teachings of Abadar settled well into the young man's head- but never drove the voices and their ominous messages away. He consulted the priests, talked with the Taxmasters, and while they wanted to question him time and again, nothing was amiss with the man. He began to question his worthiness as a Goldfist (Paladin of Abadar) and that the voices in his head were driving him away from his faith. It continued to get worse as he got older, preventing him from sleep or quiet prayer, finally the teenager had enough, and he took his broken musket and fled the city of Magnimar for the east.
Finally after almost a month on the road with a Varisian caravan, he found himself in the town of Diamond Lake. A young man with a firearm and a good eye quickly found himself employment at the Emporium working as security and helping with the counts for Zalamandra. And for a time, the voices quieted in Diamond Lake, but not entirely. Their eerie messages continue with less frequency now, but Jenner is starting to feel normal and is interested in refinding his religious beliefs, and speaks with the members of the Church of Iomedae about their beliefs in relation to his own.
Jenner doesn't believe he is worthy to be a Goldfist, but tries to hold the beliefs of Abadar in his heart; but he doubts his own mind with the voices in his head and their ominous messages of destruction. He struggles with the idea of advancing civilzation if everything is to be destroyed?
Advancement: If Jenner can get his faith in himself back, he may dip into Holy Gun Paladin, but that would be RP driven for him and coming to grips with his own beliefs.

Harran, former son of Nogwier |
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Added some final touches for Harran too; filled in rough outline for his physical description, and decided for personality I'll add a healthy dose of snark and sarcasm here and there to the mix. For fun, going by the triangulation character creation method talked about in the thread earlier, I guess I'm aiming for a mix between Trevor Belmont, Aragorn and Welkin Gunther (from the somewhat obscure Valkyria Chronicles game, he's a nature geek/nerd and secretly a badass :) ).
Good luck on the selection process, everyone!

Erik Caien |
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I have been bouncing around some ideas around this character concept all week, but have only finally been able to write it down. I'd like to present Erik Caien, a Neutral Good human necromancer, with the Ominous Patron campaign trait. Erik would be providing arcane support (and his focus on necromancy will hopefully prove useful against fhe undead).
Erik and his older brother Kaden were just two more orphans living on the streets of Magnimar, until the day he was noticed by Akarntas, a wizard who happened to see Erik activate a wand he managed to steal weeks ago and had been trying to manipulate since. Impressed by the boy's potential, he offered to take the boys in and provide a proper wizard education to Erik.
Akarntas was a stern teacher, seeming to care about nothing more than Erik's progress on his arcane studies. Still, it was better than living on the streets, and Erik always held a high amount of curiosity towards magic. But when he finally mastered his first spell, instead of praise, his mentor just took a black crystal out of his robes and started started chanting. Rays of dark energy shot toward Erik and held him in place, and he could feel something forcing its way into his mind. He struggled as much as he could, but felt his consciousness slipping away just as his brother Kaden broke into the room.
Erik woke up to a strange voice calling to him. He opened his eyes to see the two pale and lifeless bodies of Kaden and Akarntas, and the shattered remains of the black crystal in front of them. Next to them was a raven, staring intently at him. The raven sppke to him, with the same voice that had woken him - and explained that it was his brother, Kaden. He had tackled Akarntas, hoping to free Erik, but the crystal was sent tumbling to the floor and shattered, releasing a wave of dark energy. The next thing he knew, he was looking at his own body through the eyes of this raven.
They decided to leave the city as soon as possible, and try to forget this tragic event. And yet, Erik fears that something isn't right. Ever since that day, his spellcasting seems much easier, particularly his necromancy spells. And he has been plagued by nightmares ever since, often about things he knows nothing about. On particularly recurring nightmare keeps referring to the coming of an "Age of Worms".
Unbeknownst to Erik, the consciousness inhabiting his raven is not his brother's, but that of an ancient lich necromancer, that was stored inside the crystal. He had been working unsuccessfully with Akarntas to find a suitable host for him, having killed several candidates previously, and hoping that one with at least some amount of arcane power might prove more resilient. When Kaden interrupted the ritual and shattered the crystal, the lich used what control it had over Erik to bind itself as his familiar, and has been using their bond to extract the details it needs from Erik's mind to pass as his brother, while also imparting its own arcane knowledge to his subconscious, so that one day he might trick the boy into completing the ritual.
After leaving Magnimar, Erik comes to Diamond Lake hoping to find a place to start over and get his mind out of recent events.
Given his history, Erik will initially be reluctant to trust other people besides his familiar, and he doesn't even fully trust himself either - the power he wields doesn't feel like it's fully his, and the necromancy in particular frightens him (and I'm sure it will get worse as he starts facing off against undead). But hopefully with the support of the party he will both open up to other people and realize that the important thing is what he chooses to do with his power.

Grimmy |
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Dear Dungeon Madame,
I don’t think I’m going to be able to get a concept together before closing. Boy does this look to be a bunch of amazing storytellers you have pulled together here, though! In case you do entertain the idea of opening another table I’ll keep an eye out for that.
Congrats on the writing credits and for bravely being yourself. So glad this world is taking some steps towards being a little safer for all of us living in it.
Happy gaming to all, hope you don’t mind if I read the gameplay.

Dungeon Madam |
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I'll be heading to bed soon. Recruitment closes in 12 hours! Thank you all so much for taking part in this. I've loved reading your entries and discussion. We never had a ton of slots for this game, and that's an absolute tragedy and travesty, and a trial besides. There are going to be a lot of concepts I absolutely adore that I won't get to bring into this game due to those cruel constraints. I truly wish I could justify seven players to myself, but I think everyone here deserves better than that.

Pavlo Rache |
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Seeing all the wonderful submissions and the potential here to do some truly interesting character arcs, I've decided to throw a character into the running. Mulling over and tweaking the background took a while, so I'm sneaking him in here at the last moment!
Pavlo Rache is a male human kineticist (telekineticist), playing the role of a trap specialist, sneaky thief, ranged damage dealer and bad idea generator. While his initial alignment is NE, my goal with this character is to follow an arc wherein he pursues redemption his past actions, pushing him up toward NG. He'd be looking for positive moral guidance from his party. Personality wise, I imagine him as earnest, almost naive, about "doing good", which may be a fun twist. Campaign trait is Child Explorers.
Although Pavlo spent his early childhood as an orphan in Diamond Lake, a series of poor decisions and a major act of theft led him to flee at an early age all the way to Magnimar. Magnimar's streets changed him into a true criminal, but hardly a particularly successful one. The crew he ran with was affiliated with Night Scales, a local thieves guild, and they made good use of his telekinetic talents to conduct heists or to set up smash and grabs. However, Pavlo's good fortunes didn't rise along with them, his light fingers, lack of team spirit, and poor networking had him excluded and always on the edge of being shut out of loot and prestige. His own morals, never anything close to selfless, only degraded during this time. Although he wasn't violent, he had few qualms about stealing from anyone and everyone, so long as he could get away with it.
"She told me I tend to burn bridges, but I don't know what she's talking about. They're the ones that are always getting upset at me! Framing me for shit I didn't do. It isn't fair."
One evening drinking in a Magnimaran tavern that he could barely afford, Pavlo fell for a woman. After a clumsy but unusually honest introduction, they'd spent the evening together, telling stories of their pasts, playing dice games where he lost most of his money, singing a particularly hearty karaoke performance, and drinking plenty of alcohol. In the morning all he remembered was her coppery eyes, the sense that she was incredibly clever and funny, and the desire to see her again. He was smitten. He pulled the few strings he had to try to learn more about her and started looking for her in the most stalkerish fashion possible.
He met her several more times "by accident", misunderstood her interest in him, and attempted to initiate a more serious relationship, only to get utterly rebuffed. He followed her out of the city only the lose her in the countryside. He learned only afterward of her true identity, the young copper dragon "Kheptry".
"I could never love a human as devoid of charity and compassion as you are. For all you're fun to talk with, your heart is as black as the night sea, and you see and hear only yourself. Begone. If I see the vileness in your soul again, I'll strike you down and make the world a better place."
Pavlo stole valuable wines, cheeses and chocolates, along with luxurious goods of all kinds, and took them to Kheptry's manor outside - hoping somehow to still woo her. But all his gifts, no matter how extravagant, only raised her ire against him further. She finally struck him down with her claw, speaking plainly for once rather than in jokes and riddles, that she had no interest in a selfish thief and murderer and that she would far sooner slay him than marry him.
The experience shook Pavlo to his core. He reflected on his life so far and while he still ignored most of the harm he'd caused, even he could pick out a few events that he could identify as "wrong". He resolved then to try to seek redemption. Mostly for purely selfish reasons, to be sure, but redemption nonetheless. This task took him all the way back to his hometown of Diamond Lake, where he was swiftly slapped into chains for his thefts eight years ago.
"Being honest isn't hard. It just means taking the bad things and holding onto them, rather than passing them to some sucker. I can do this. I'm sure I can do this for her."
He was passed into the care of Ragnolin Dourstone, and sent to work off his sentence in the mines. His young age at the time of his crimes resulted in a lighter term of only a year in the mines. A long and dreary time that Pavlo only endured through reflecting on the memory of Kheptry's promise and threat. He honestly worked hard, attempted to treat others with respect, even Ragnolin, and avoided getting into any fights. By the end, he had only stolen 300 gold pieces worth of valuable minerals, a super-human degree of restraint for the habitual burglar.
All his life, Pavlo has burned bridges, crossed people, ruined the lives of those who didn't deserve it, and generally made himself a nuisance before he's run away from his growing problems. Its only now, where he's attempting to make amends, that he may prove to be a valuable team player. And perhaps will find a path to heroism and greatness in the process.

Lucia Wriothesly |
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Oh wow yes you've acutually got to make a DECISION here, haven't you? Been having so much fun reading through everone's storylines and characers I almost fogot that bit!
On the plus sicde, I honeslty don't think you can make a bad decision here. Whoever you pick, you'll get a great adventure out of it :)

Albion, The Eye |

Reknar is a patient man - he sits down with a whisky, taking his time to savor one of the 'cigarrilhas' Lucian offered him when they parted ways, a few months ago. No rush.
Good luck everyone! It has been a long time since I have seen such an interesting group of submissions all in the same place. Good job all, and good job Dungeon Madam for grabbing this kind of 'quality' attention ;)

Dungeon Madam |

I woke up an hour early, even with DST. I'm going to close Recruitment now, just because I have work to get around to in two hours and I want to have plenty of time to make this decision.
So, recruitment is now closed. If anyone was planning on posting their submission in the last hour... well, I'll keep a crack in the door open. But the list of PCs who made it in will be posted shortly.

mellowgoth |
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Sorry, Dungeon Madam, I couldn't come up with a concept that I was really happy with. Best of luck to the applicants, best of luck with the game, and I will look forward to reading along on the forums!
And, as PBP GMS deserve all the positive reinforcement we can give, thank you very much for running!

CucumberTree |
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I woke up an hour early, even with DST. I'm going to close Recruitment now, just because I have work to get around to in two hours and I want to have plenty of time to make this decision.
So, recruitment is now closed. If anyone was planning on posting their submission in the last hour... well, I'll keep a crack in the door open. But the list of PCs who made it in will be posted shortly.
What's your bitcoin address?

Dungeon Madam |
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This isn't my first Recruitment thread, but it really never gets easier, does it? I won't waste too much time. The PCs who made it in are:
Kata Coszma (Fighting Chicken)
Rosella Breban (ClearSpring)
Briar Vervain (Hrothdane)
Alaïs Thalanassa (Qunnessaa)
Broccan Dunchad (Cuchulain)
Edrukk Thorvirgunson (Pixie Rogue)
Well done! You may proceed to the Discussion thread!
To everyone else: So, my shortlist had upwards of 10-11 names on it. I want to give a special shoutout to eriktd, whose bloodrager was incredibly engaging to me and who has been unbelievably helpful on this thread, and to Pancakes/Cellion, who each on separate occasions over the last twelve hours threw my attempts at an early shortlist into disarray with absolutely fantastic entries. I only really decided who I'd pick about ten minutes ago.
Overall, I want to thank everyone who kept the thread alive talking about how their characters would interact; I really enjoyed reading it. Even if it made my job that much harder. I know how much we often put into these threads, and I know how much it sucks to not get much of anything in return for all our emotional turmoil and creative effort aside from "experience".
I'm being serious about considering a third PbP—in a month or so, if I think I can juggle it (and I believe I can), I'll come back to this thread and pick 4-6 more people. But, well, assume that won't happen, so you won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen—just pleasantly surprised if it does.
Anyone who wants to know my honest thoughts on their character is free to PM me. I know how hard it can be to end a Recruitment thread, not get in, and not know what you did "wrong" (hint: most everyone had PCs I would've been thrilled to have in my game).
Best of luck to everyone, and take care!

CucumberTree |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Anyone who wants to know my honest thoughts on their character is free to PM me. I know how hard it can be to end a Recruitment thread, not get in, and not know what you did "wrong" (hint: most everyone had PCs I would've been thrilled to have in my game).
I prefer to think that you were bribed by the other players.
Enjoy the game guys

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Fantastic ideas and submissions, everyone! The conversation has been amazing and creative and respectful and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.
My time on random threads has been greatly curtailed because when I can get in, the attitude always seems to be toxic at some level and it just reduces my desire to come back to do anything except play in the games I'm already in.
You folks have collectively shown me it's not always that way and I am glad for that. You all are among the cream of the crop on the boards here. Thank you for being you. I look forward to crossing paths with you again.

GM Spazmodeus |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello all < waves at any old friends >
Dungeon Madam has graciously agreed to allow me to poach some of you for an Age of Worms campaign run by myself!
As there are no pre-selected players, the party roles are completely open this time.
Those in this list are free to submit the same characters, or create new ones.
Albion - Reknar - CG - Half-Orc - Bard - Retired Goon
The Archlich - Annurian - N - Shabti - Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) - Dangerous Curiosity
eriktd - Gardolf the Grim - NG - Human - Bloodrager (Enlightened Bloodrager/Metamagic Rager) - Allustan's Apprentice/Worm Chaser
TreasureFox - Skender son of Garridan - NG - Human - Druid (Restorer) - Worm Chaser
CucumberTree - Terrov - CE - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
DBH - Jenny Drakan - NG - Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) - Rogue (Knife Master) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
sarah 'queen' B. - Lucia Wriothesly - N - Human - Arcanist - A Little Bird Told Me
Edelsmirge - Phoibe Rhamnousia - LE - Slayer (Ankou's Shadow) - Haunted By Destiny
Ventiine - Elvina Naieath - N - Human - Witch (Herb Witch) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
Trevor86 – Harran, Son of Nogwier - CG - Half-Elf - Shaman (Life Spirit) - Light On Your Feet
TheWaskally - Dragomir Venchev - LG - Human - Paladin (Pharasma) - Haunted By Destiny
Lucendar - Anya Flamehair - NG - Halfling - Cleric (Sarenrae) - Dangerous Curiosity
Stay tuned for my new recruitment thread!

CucumberTree |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hello all < waves at any old friends >
Dungeon Madam has graciously agreed to allow me to poach some of you for an Age of Worms campaign run by myself!
As there are no pre-selected players, the party roles are completely open this time.
Those in this list are free to submit the same characters, or create new ones.
Terrov may yet live?!? Madness! Total Madness!

eriktd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Albion - Reknar - CG - Half-Orc - Bard - Retired Goon
The Archlich - Annurian - N - Shabti - Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) - Dangerous Curiosity
eriktd - Gardolf the Grim - NG - Human - Bloodrager (Enlightened Bloodrager/Metamagic Rager) - Allustan's Apprentice/Worm Chaser
TreasureFox - Skender son of Garridan - NG - Human - Druid (Restorer) - Worm Chaser
CucumberTree - Terrov - CE - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
DBH - Jenny Drakan - NG - Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) - Rogue (Knife Master) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
sarah 'queen' B. - Lucia Wriothesly - N - Human - Arcanist - A Little Bird Told Me
Edelsmirge - Phoibe Rhamnousia - LE - Slayer (Ankou's Shadow) - Haunted By Destiny
Ventiine - Elvina Naieath - N - Human - Witch (Herb Witch) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
Trevor86 – Harran, Son of Nogwier - CG - Half-Elf - Shaman (Life Spirit) - Light On Your Feet
TheWaskally - Dragomir Venchev - LG - Human - Paladin (Pharasma) - Haunted By Destiny
Lucendar - Anya Flamehair - NG - Halfling - Cleric (Sarenrae) - Dangerous Curiosity
(I pulled up the archive of my old post and updated it, pasting it here so that the links to the applications are still intact.)