Kobold Catgirl |

As an update, I'm trying to get back in the roll of things. It's nothing to do with this game. I've sort of had a very up-and-down month, with multiple medication changes and my sleep schedule going totally to pot. Basically the only things I've been able to focus on have been my RPG Superstar entries, and that's only by the grace of an intense hyperfixation that's finally starting to fade.
I've finally got the sleep schedule fixed now, but I also have a wedding to attend this week up in Seattle, unless this morning's sore throat is more than passing allergies, so I may not be able to get things properly going again until next week.
Assuming the sleep schedule gets fixed, I'll be playing catch-up a bit throughout the month, but I hope to get a post up soon. It could be a lot sooner, but I want to give a heads-up in case it takes longer.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Apologies for late notice, but I have embarked on my annual autumn excursion to Someplace Else(TM) and so my availability and access may not be what they generally are. It looks like I should be able to post in the evenings, but can make no guarantees, so please feel free to bot my character as necessary.

Alaïs Thalanassa |

Sounds good! IIRC, we had even rolled some dice for our first steps in investigating the mines just after the post you linked to at the end of the recap before the heading for the new chapter, and I don't think you'd hear any complaints about taking those to set us up with the results of the first stages of our investigation.
*Searches her music library for something suitable for an Ocean's Eight Allustan's Six montage.* :)

Kobold Catgirl |

Suffered kind of a family/money emergency today, I may not be in a state to post. Everything's basically short-term fine, I just realized a couple roommates have been forgetting to pay their shares of groceries for the last few months right as my girlfriend got told the card was overdrawn at the grocery cashier, and that happened on the same day my other girlfriend's very hopeful job interview apparently went very badly, so it's been a stressful time.

Broccan Dunchad |

If Edrukk’s taking Point, what’s the rest of the marching order?
I have no preference for Broccan, but we should probably keep the squishier folks in the middle.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Edrukk doesn't have to take point, but he's inclined to out of dwarven habit. Feel free to talk him out of it.
In the cult of Vecna, I as player do not expect threats to come from expected directions or take normal forms. Everyone will need to be on their toes.

Alaïs Thalanassa |

I think last time we went with Edrukk and Broccan up front, then squishie(r)s in the middle - Briar and Kata - and then Venelle and Alaïs bringing up the rear? That sounds like a perfectly good default marching order, if that works for everyone.
I'm completely fine with Alaïs dancing back and forth to knock on doors, pull on mysterious levers, and so forth as required. Goodness knows she's airy-fairy and blasé enough to get herself into all sorts of trouble under the misapprehension that she can handle a lot more than is actually the case. :)

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

I’m ok with that or if you want to swap Broccan and Alais to have a bruiser on both ends.

Alaïs Thalanassa |

Oh, it's no problem, unless aesthetically / verisimilitudinously there's a problem with letting the bibulous aristo cavort teeteringly about.
Honestly, I kind of like the idea of a long-suffering Edrukk periodically having to reach out and grab Alaïs by the back of her armour before she runs too far off ahead or face-first into trouble. XD
Anyway, at least for another level or so, Alaïs' go-to tactics involve a round or two of buffs or ranged spells, so she doesn't need to be in the van.

Kobold Catgirl |

Hey, all. I've decided, after a lot of thought, to put this game on hold until September. I would like to see if we can get at least one of our missing crew back online before this next arc properly starts, and I'm also feeling, as I've discussed in the Discord, a little burnt out lately, and I could use less things to worry about right now. I'm currently trying to decide what to do about my other PbPs, but this one feels like the easiest call, since we're missing people and about to enter a new area.
When the game is rolling properly, it sparks a lot of joy for me, but it's definitely becoming a big stressor. I do remain dedicated to finishing this chapter, at the very least! But it's hard to know what to focus on wrapping up when I don't know for sure who's going to be playing for the critical sections.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I obviously do not know what challenges you are dealing with (and I'm not asking you to tell me). I fully support your decision to do what's right for you and your health. If you find the time and energy to return to this story, I'll be happy to continue the story of Edrukk with the gang.

Alaïs Thalanassa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

^ ^ "I am Alaïs Thalanassa, and I approve this message." :)
Absolutely, do what feels right and healthy, and leave the crazy to chaotic elves who are old enough to know better. Regardless of how the game goes, I hope everything else on your mind settles down soon, DM.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Dwarf accounted for! Hope you are well - things take their normal ups and downs around here, but no real complaints.

Kobold Catgirl |

I'm still kicking! Actually, things are potentially approaching a turning point with a lot of the bigger sources of stress. We're going to be moving to a new place at the end of the month, and from there, I truly hope to reach a state of normalcy.
I'd really like to resume at some point after that, but I'd kind of want to have at least four of our original players on board if possible.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For those that celebrate it, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving today. And if you are preparing the meal, find time for you, not just the guests. Of course, if you don’t celebrate American Thanksgiving, may you enjoy a great day as well.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

I hope you all have had an opportunity to spend time with loved ones and know you are loved. If not, know that you are still loved. Here’s to a fantastic New Year for each of you.