Broccan Dunchad |

"I'm pretty sure'eh can break't down, bu' whoever's on th'other side'll 'ear it, fer certain," Broccan says, gesturing to the door.
"I'm pretty sure I can break it down, but whoever's on the other side will hear it, for certain."

Alaïs Thalanassa |

“I guess not, then,” the aristocrat grumbles, though at least she doesn’t seem to have provoked any additional countermeasures or, for that matter, divine wrath.
“There’s definitely a magical ward, and I’m afraid that my spells and other talents don’t really run that way,” Alaïs says. “Would you mind taking a look, Kata? Or we can just try one of the other doors, if you think that would be safer. I think we might want to err on the side of discretion while we can, so perhaps battering down the fittings only if all else fails?”

Dungeon Madam |

Kata nods and approaches, frowning. She bends down to search for traps, then starts picking at the lock.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 1 = 14
Disable Device: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 14 + 1 = 28
The work takes longer than usual, close to a minute. Her brows furrow in concentration, and even after there is the click, she hesitates for a moment before looking up with a nod. "This wasn't a normal lock. It was some sort of magic trap. I barely noticed it in time, but it should be disabled now."

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Edrukk watches their backs, expecting a cultist to wander out. Hearing the click, his ears perk up for any following noise.
At Kata's comment, he pats her on the back reassuringly. Whispering, "Good on ye, lass. Well done."

Alaïs Thalanassa |

"Indeed, thank you," Alaïs nods. "None of us would have caught it at all, I'm sure."
Her arm still cramping from the terrific pressure of whatever force took offence to her light spell, Alaïs takes a moment to murmur a soothing spell instead. CLW: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Wow, this place really doesn't like her! :(
With another wave of her arm in an effort to get normal feeling back into it, she sets her shield forward, just in case, and then reaches past to open the door, cautiously.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Edrukk raises a hand to stop the impetuous one.
”I’m n’ good fer much, but Ah can be a wall fer ye. On yer signal.”
He readies his shield, holding the haft of his weapon in the shield hand and moves in front of Alais to lead the incursion. He looks at each of his companions, questioningly.
Are ye ready?

Dungeon Madam |

Kata remains in the shadowy 'cathedral' to guard the group's exit.
A smooth, gray, stone corridor stretches about thirty feet ahead before it comes to an intersection. The stonework here is smooth and expertly crafted, and glowing, twisting violet runes race across the walls to light the way forward.
Map updated (much of it is covered). Feel free to pick your marching order and move your tokens to the point you want to go to. Let me know if you're doing anything in particular while progressing.
There's a white square to help guide scale. Time updated--it's 8:24 PM.

Alaïs Thalanassa |

Alaïs follows a pace behind Edrukk, where she can (hopefully) support him if something wicked jumps out at him. She’s almost tempted to keep the beginning of a spell-song humming in her throat in the eerie light of the runes on the walls, and she’s beyond tempted to see if she can make sense of them.
If they’re in a language she can read, she’ll see what they have to say, and translate for the others as necessary as she goes. Unless that turns out to be a huge mistake or something pops up to catch her attention, she’ll keep going until the first door off the passage, and give what’s inside a listen and a peek. :)

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Edrukk notes the others getting into position, nods to Kata, then motions forward with his head. He moves forward, shield and axe in hand. He moves slowly and carefully, looking for traps (but not pausing to search, just looking for tell-tale signs).