About Skender son of GarridanStatistics:
Male Human Druid (Restorer) 1
Favoured Skill NG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +3; Senses Perception +7 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +3 dex, +3 shield) hp 10 (1d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 +1 Fort vs Undead (trait) +2 All saves vs Fear or Death effects (trait) ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. base) Melee shortspear +2 (1d6+2) … melee touch +2 Ranged shortspear +3 (1d6+2) … ranged touch +3 Special ------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------ Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10 Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15 Traits reincarnated (faith), worm chaser (campaign) Drawbacks N/A Feats Spirit's Gift (human bonus), Dirty Fighting (GM bonus), Shield Focus (1st), Precise Shot (GM bonus) Skills (8 points; 4 class, 0 INT, 1 human, 1 favoured, 2 background) ACP -6 *ACP applies to these skills *Climb +0 (1r) Handle Animal +4 (1r) Heal +9 (1r) Lore (magical beasts) +4 (1br) Lore (undead) +5 (1br) Perception +7 (1r) Survival +7 (1r) *Swim +0 (1r) Non-Standard Skill Bonuses +2 heal from Healing Touch (restorer archetype) (already calculated) +2 heal from Healer's Kit (not calculated) +3 heal to animals from Veterinarian's Kit (not calculated) +1 lore (undead) from Trait (already calculated) Languages Common, Druidic Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Nature Bond (animal companion) (druid level 1) Spellcasting (druid, wisdom) Wild Empathy +1 Healing Touch +2 Natural Medic (spontaneous cure spells) Spells:
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) prepare 3 1st prepare 2 Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Boline (10gp) Harness (2gp) Healer's Kit (50gp) Heavy Wooden Shield (7gp) Hemp Rope 50ft. (1gp) Kit, Druid (13.9gp) (animal feed 5 days, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, flint & steel, holly, mistletoe, iron pot, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations 5 days, waterskin) (I didn't take the torches) Lamellar (Horn) Armour (100gp) Potion of Endure Elements (50gp) Shortspear x3 (3gp total) Traveler's Outfit (free) Veterinarian's Kit (25gp) Carrying Capacity Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb. Current Load Carried Medium encumbrance (armour) Money 38 GP 1 SP 0 CP Sources:
Armor - Ultimate Equipment Boline - Adventurer's Armory 2 (Companion) Reincarnated Trait - Ultimate Campaign Restorer Druid Archetype - Healer's Handbook (Companion) Spirit's Gift Feat - Advanced Class Guide Background:
Skender grew up in Diamond Lake with his mother, father, and twin sisters. He remembers that his father used to be a miner, and his parents would fight anytime his dad was home. But that changed after an accident and his dad worked as a labourer. The family was never perfect, but they got by. Skender would play sports with his dad, and worked around the house with his mom. His parents never showed much affection with each other, but he did get twin sisters. He had a hard time being a big brother to the girls, as he showed too much aggression when playing. Most of the time when his chores were done, he'd rather go out with his friends to play, or hang out with his father. One day, Skender and his friends came upon an old monk or priest meditating on a mat under a tree, and wearing white robes. His friends got the idea to throw a bucket of mud on the monk, and Skender joined in due to peer pressure. They threw the bucket at him, and though they missed, a small amount of muck sprayed onto the monk. The monk calmly stood up, walked towards them, and smiled. He asked what he could do for them. The gang of kids ran away, but Skender was always curious about the old man. Skender knew his dad had drug and drinking problems, and in the later years things got really tense. He and his sisters bonded somewhat during that time, as they shared a room and hunkered down in the night. He never ended up in a fight with his dad, but he'd be cleaning up the mess the next morning. When his father committed suicide, Skender was the first to find him. He was devastated. He isolated himself in depression, refusing to do more than eat and sleep. About two weeks in, he suddenly walked out of the house and went to a random church. He asked to see a priest, and asked what became of his father's soul. The priest, who happened to know Garridan, said plainly that Garridan would be judged by Pharasma, and sent to Hell, or maybe some place similar. Skender bottled up his emotions, and walked out of the church. He didn't believe his dad could possibly end up in Hell, even though he wasn't a perfect man. Then he remembered the monk, now from years prior. He walked over to the edge of town where he first encountered the monk, and sure enough, there he sat. He walked over to the monk, who he noticed was actually a half-elf. There he asked what became of his father, and the monk replied that his spirit is being given another chance. Garridan will one day be reborn, naturally, without the use of magic. It may be centuries from now, or maybe tomorrow. His memories will be repressed, but his soul will be the same. The monk invited Skender for tea at his home, and explained that he was a druid who retreated from his life in the circle to become a hermit. After multiple pots of tea, the Druid, who's name was Willow, offered to introduce Skender to the Circle of Rebirth. Skender agreed, and set off the next morning with Willow to meet them. There he trained for 3 years in community, with only a few infrequent visits to his family. Each time he visited, he felt more and more guilty for not being able to provide for them. One day, Willow asked Skender to care for an animal he found alone without its mother. It was abadonned, or perhaps the mother passed away, but the creature was too young to survive on its own. Skender agreed, and was given a red lynx, often called a bobcat. Skender figured raising a bobcat would be the same as a domestic cat, though he'd never done that either, and he was mostly right. The bobcat had many cat-like traits. It liked to play and hunt, chase, eat, take long naps, and refuse to listen. It was great at the last one. Skender watched in amazement as other druids showed their animal training abilities, but he really struggled. In the end, the other druids did combat training, and Skender kept to the regular commands. He named the bobcat Chase, for no other reason than because he loved to chase. Skender got to meet Nogwier upon his druidic trials, and was drilled in basic combat training to become a defender against the Age of Worms. Skender never really understood the worms part, but he was happy to train in combat, and his fellow circle were very against undeath. After his basic training was complete, Skender went to visit his family and tell them what he accomplished. He was met with loathing from his mother, and even his sisters were upset with him. They cared not about his magic, status, or abilities. They wanted money for all the years he abandoned them. He gave what little he had, but it was not enough. Ashamed, he left the family and returned to the druids. He worked with his circle to make some armour for him, and he purchased a few cheap items like a short spear and a shield. After slaying a few zombies, he learned that an adventuring group was preparing to set out in a desperate attempt to gain money. Figuring they were poor like his family, he decided to offer his services. But then it dawned on him that he could use some of that money to pay back his mother, and be rid of his guilt. Thus a druid, who was perfectly capable of living in nature, joined the party.
Appearance and Personality:
Ancestry human (mixed Varisian and Shoanti heritage) Age 19 Height 5'9" Weight 175lbs Hair dark brown Skender is an athletic young man with shaggy dark brown hair and a slight beard. He wears fairly simple clothing made mostly of linen, while his armour is made of leather and horn. Skender's favourite colours to wear are red, blue, green, and brown, but not all at once. He's got a red scarf that he's quite happy with. It's not a Kapenia. Skender is a fairly go-with-the-flow kind of person. If he needs to wait an hour, he's perfectly content sitting down and waiting. He might read a book, hum a tune, meditate, or talk with someone. He's pretty friendly, but he can present himself a bit intimidating and standoffish. Skender enjoys sports, and to a certain degree, battle. He enjoys the adrenaline rush. Skender's not exactly an imaginative person, nor all that creative. His schooling was fairly minimal, and he doesn't show signs of being an academic. He says what's on his mind, which sometimes gets him in trouble. This is doubly so, because his druidic circle has very different ideals and values compared to the average citizen of Diamond Lake. It doesn't help that he has difficulty getting the feeling in his mind to turn into words that people understand. Skender is most afraid of failing in his responsibilities. He wants to prove that he's a man, and to him that means providing for his friends and family. He also has a strong aversion to heavy drink or drugs. Creatures that scare him are parasites, as well as mind-controllers and similar enchantment users.
Male bobcat (small cat) animal companion 1
N Small animal Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +1 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+1 natural armor, +5 dex, +1 size) hp 12 (2d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +1 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 50 ft. Melee bite +7 (1d4+1+trip) … 2 claws +7 (1d2) Ranged N/A ------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------ Str 12, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Base Atk +1; CMB +1 (+5 trip); CMD 16 (20 vs trip) Feats Weapon Finesse Skills (2 points total) ACP -0 *ACP applies to these skills *Acrobatics +9 (1r) *Climb +5 (1r) *Stealth +9 (0r) Non-Standard Skill Bonuses +4 stealth from Size (already calculated) Languages None Tricks:
------------------------------ Tricks ------------------------------ Attack (2 points) Come Defend Down Guard Heel Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ N/A Carrying Capacity Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb. Current Load Carried 0 lb. Money 0 GP 0 SP 0 CP Background:
Chase was found as a very young kitten by a druid, who passed the kitten to Willow, who in turn passed the kitten to Skender. Skender was able to take care of the oversized cat, but training it has proved difficult. Chase is now a juvenile, and is still very kitten-like. Appearance and Personality:
Picture of Chase as a juvenile Chase is a young red lynx, also known as a bobcat. He currently weighs 25lbs, and is a bit on the chubby side. He's very playful, and grew up with humans and other humanoids. He does love-nip and knead with claws, so those who want to be affectionate will need to be careful.