About Dungeon Madam[dice=Perc (Broc;Briar;Ed;Rose;Kat;Alais)]1d20+1;1d20;1d20+7;1d20+5;1d20+7;1d20+1[/dice] Kata +8 vs. traps. Edrukk +9 vs. unusual stonework.
Venelle Statblock:
Venelle CR 3 (Bowyer/Fletcher)
Female human ranger 3 NG Medium humanoid Init +6 Senses Perception +5 Languages Common, Elven, Halfling AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 hp 17 (3 HD) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0 Spd 30 ft. Melee short sword +4 melee (1d6+1/19–20) Ranged mwk composite longbow +6 ranged (1d8+2/x3) or mwk composite longbow +4/+4 ranged (1d8+2/x3) Base Atk +3; CMB +4 Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Combat Gear potion of cat’s grace, sleep arrows (3) Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8 SQ wild empathy +4, favored terrain (mountain/hills) Feats Endurance, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Fire, Track Skills Craft (bowmaking) +8, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Survival +5 Possessions combat gear plus short sword, masterwork composite longbow (+1) with 8 arrows, masterwork studded leather armor, 60 gp Monster Statblocks (don't look!):
Bloody Wolf Skeletons CR 2
NE medium undead Init +7 Senses Perception +0 AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 hp 13 (2 HD) Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; channel resistance +4 Defensive Abilities DR 5/bludgeoning, immunity to cold, undead immunities, fast healing 1 Spd 50 ft. Melee bite +2 melee (1d6+1) Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 Abilities Str 13, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 14 Feats Improved Initiative (B) Deathless (Su): A bloody skeleton is destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points, but it returns to unlife 1 hour later at 1 hit point, allowing its fast healing thereafter to resume healing it. A bloody skeleton can be permanently destroyed if it is destroyed by positive energy, if it is reduced to 0 hit points in the area of a bless or hallow spell, or if its remains are sprinkled with a vial of holy water. Action Points:
Each character starts with a pool of Action Points. Action Points have 5 main uses. You can only spend one AP per turn, aside from the rules for Cheating Death and Final Stands.
Modify a Roll: You may spend an AP to gain +1d6 retroactively to a d20 roll, though before the results are declared. Complicate a Failure: You may spend an AP to turn a failed check into a success-with-complication. Purely for ease of posting, you must tell me you intend to do so before I give you the result (if you succeed on the check, the AP isn't spent). Simplify a Complex Action: You may spend an AP to enable a complex action to be completed in one round—nothing cheesy, but things like "I grab an alchemist fire, run to the door, throw the flask and slam the door shut" that are hampered by the game's action system. Cheat Death: Whenever a blow would otherwise kill you, you can spend half your normal maximum in Action Points to instead stabilize at negatives equal to your Con -1—basically, on the brink of death but alive. Final Stand: Whenever knocked unconscious but not killed (or already unconscious from damage), you can spend however many APs you have left to remain conscious and fully-functional for up to double that number in rounds, after which point you die no matter what ("wounds beyond anyone's ability to heal", barring a heal spell or similar). Alternatively, you can spend 1 AP at any time to become conscious but unable to take any actions beyond speaking, which doesn't come with the "inevitable death" clause. House Rules:
This campaign uses the ABP and Dynamic Magic Item Creation variant rules.
Alignment Restrictions: Druids, barbarians and monks aren't alignment-restricted. Paladins can travel with evil individuals as long as they aren't assisting those individuals in evil acts. Pathfinder Unchained: Optional for all classes, but summoners must use the Unchained spell list. Knowledge: Of the monsters, only the qualities of plants, animals, vermin, and elementals are still identified through Knowledge skills. Other creatures are identified through Lore (creature type), or Lore (creature subtype) for lower DCs. Knowledge checks can still identify creatures, but not to nearly the same depths. A Knowledge (arcana) check might identify what a golem is, but not how to destroy it. Wizards: Specialist wizards cannot cast spells from their blocked schools. Summoners: All summoners use the Unchained spell list. Chained summoners' eidolons are believed to originate from dreams in some way—possibly via the Astral Plane. Fighters: Fighters gain +4 skill points per level and the Combat Stamina bonus feat. Familiars: The death of a familiar inflicts a severe backlash upon the mage—the exact nature can vary, but it's not pleasant. 3.5 Rules: The whirling frenzy barbarian "archetype" is allowed. Dvati, from Dragon Compendium, are allowed. Other rules will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Feat Changes:
Age of Worms Campaign Traits:
Either from working in the dangerous mines, time in prison, time dungeoneering, or some other experience in tight spaces, you have developed a deep, abiding fear of being put in a box—but you have learned to channel it positively. You gain a +1 bonus to Escape Artist, and it is always a class skill for you. Additionally, once per day, you may reroll a saving throw against a paralysis effect. You must take the second result even if it is lower. Bomber's Luck
Worm Chaser
Retired Goon
A Little Bird Told Me
Light on Your Feet
Haunted by Destiny
Ominous Patron
Allustan's Apprentice
Wayward Apprentice
This Tastes Like Rat Poison! I Love Rat Poison!
Old Rival
Child Explorers
Horrible Lesson
Horrible Gift
Dangerous Curiosity
Ebon Exile
Big City Exile
New Magic Items:
Ravid Maple
When "inert", this item resembles a twisted maple switch, many flexible branches wrapping around each other to form a stiff, flexible wand. When planted in at least 1 inch of soil, the branches unfurl, and tiny silver leaves begin sprouting, eventually forming a little bonsai maple tree. Swarms of infinitesimal fireflies emerge to flurry through the branches, creating a continuous flickering glow. This item acts as an everburning torch when planted in soil (otherwise shedding light as a candle) as well as a wand of cure light wounds. When Briar found it, it had 11 charges remaining. When the last charge is expended, the tree "dies" (though whether it is even truly alive is up for debate among arcane scholars, surely). The tree can be restored to "life" by planting it within the Positive Energy Plane or through similar massive exposure to positive energy. Ring of Feather Falling Mask of Power [b]Bowl of Elemental Transference[b] |