Dungeon Madam |
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It’s said that the town of Diamond Lake started off rotten. Like an apple already browning when it fell from the tree. Maybe it’s all the ancient ruins and cairns dotting the hills. Maybe it’s the coal dust clinging to everyone’s clothes, the constant cough old-timers of the town have developed. Maybe it’s the remnants of the original inhabitants of the area, the goblinkin, who can still be spotted spitefully roaming the cursed hills or milling through the town looking for work. Maybe it’s the dead things that keep getting up and moving around.
Or maybe it’s something deeper. Maybe Varisia itself is plagued by a deeper sickness—a rot that festers, a death that writhes and squirms and multiplies by the second. Regardless, you want to raise the cash to get out of this awful town sooner, not later, and tomb robbing may be just the way to do it.
Druids and wizards speak of the mythical “Age of Worms” as if it is imminent, as if the next great era is just around the corner. Some suggest that it has already arrived.
Hello, everyone! I’ve been running an Age of Worms PbP for some time on these forums, and you might think I’ve gotten tired of it—but actually, I’m just getting nostalgic for the start of the AP. So I’m starting a second Age of Worms game! With this one, I can correct for problems I identified the first go-around and focus on PC growth a little more.
I should note that some aspects of the AP will see major changes—either as I modify elements to fit the PCs, or to fit my own ideas. For instance, the 8th installment will see massive elements overhauled, since parts of them really bugged me.
Setting: Varisia. A well-tinkered-with Varisia, with a lot of tie-in with Greyhawk. Pathfinder gods are allowed, but might just be reimaginings—for instance, Cayden Cailean might just be a more idealistic form of Olidammara, for all anyone knows. You are free to embellish as you see fit and I’ll tell you if there’s an issue.
Concept: This is a PF1e conversion of the Age of Worms AP, a campaign about the end of days and the prophesied heroes meant to try and fail to stop it.
Aim: This AP runs from 1st level to 20th level. I’m hoping we can complete it within 2-4 years, with a fast, steady pace.
Tone: Age of Worms is a fairly classic D&D campaign, with a lot of darkness and despair contrasted by brave, noble heroes doing their best to save the day. Will they succeed? Up to you! And the dice! And also me!
Playstyle: Combats will be harsh and vicious, but with mostly story consequences—I want to try to avoid unwanted PC deaths this time around. Outside combat, I focus on character arcs, relationships, and growth. Backstories will come up from time to time. If your backstory tells me you’re an exile from your homeland, you’ll probably either have to go home or meet someone from there at some point.
Major House Rules: Action Points, Background Skills, some custom traits, see profile and character creation info below.
Application Guidelines:
It’s okay to submit a completed PC. However, what I need from you is a post with your alias that contains:
Your character’s alignment, class, race, and party role.
Your backstory.
A good example post would be, Hi, here’s Jonathon Ageworm, a Chaotic Good human rogue. He’ll be sort of a trapsmith and backup melee combatant, with the backstory spoilered below, along with any other information I’d need to know.
How I’ll Choose Players
#1 Priority: Clear, friendly communication. We’re all here to have fun and play a game together. Be flexible, open to compromise, and respectful of other players’ comfort levels. Tell me if there’s an issue before it becomes a problem. Try not to leave people hanging on your answers.
I will be looking for players who I think will get along with each other and handle issues good-naturedly.
#2 Priority: Interesting backstories. Your backstories should have lots of hooks, as well as meat to hook into—it’ll come up in the campaign, so give me material to play with. You don’t have to write a tragic novella, but don’t just say, “He’s just a chill guy who wants to go on an adventure.” If you want a character whose adventure is only just beginning, I’ll at least want to see that they have character elements we can build on later. Maybe you want the chill guy to have a character arc where he learns to take things seriously, or where he finds out how dangerous adventuring can really be. That sort of thing.
I will be looking for PCs whose backstories complement the story and tone and offer interesting hooks.
#3 Priority: Good roleplay and characterization, and understanding of tone. This is a character-focused game, and meant to be a relatively serious one—jokes are fine, but joke characters are not. Nothing sillier than Princess Bride. The biggest running theme of this AP is slow decay. Things are getting worse, and many of the people who were supposed to fix things are either dead, have switched sides, or made fateful compromises.
I will be looking for PCs who I think would have interesting dynamics together and who can play well with the themes of this storyline.
#4 Priority: Interesting character builds. This is very, very low priority, and interesting =/= “powerful”. I don’t want an arms race. Like I said, I’m not going for PC death. Making your PCs as powerful as they can be is not appropriate, and will make me worried that you’re more concerned about your PC doing well than about telling an interesting collaborative story. On the other hand, if you create a character with dumped Wis and Con, I might worry that you’re not going to last long enough to get to that story.
I will be looking for PCs who I think will find fun ways to take on the challenges they will be facing, rather than simply steamrolling them or being steamrolled. Party balance is not my top priority, but I do care about every PC having their own niches to shine in.
Class/Level: 1st
Abilities: 25 Point Buy, no more than 13 points on any one ability.
Races: Core races, other races on a case-by-case basis. I’m open to it if you have a concept that fits, but nothing too weird.
Classes: See my profile for class modifications, but Unchained rogues are allowed, and fighters start with +4 skill points and Combat Stamina as a bonus feat.
Sources: Anything on the PRD. Spheres of Power/Might are allowed on a case-by-case basis. Please link any non-Core source your character relies upon in your profile.
Alignment: Any, but create characters with nuance and depth who can be team players. Any evil PCs should be written with room to grow.
Action Points: Everyone will start play with 5 Action Points (see my profile).
Equipment: 300 gp for starting gear. No non-Core armor, weapons, or combat items without GM approval.
Hit Points: Max for first level.
Feats: Everyone gets Dirty Fighting as a bonus feat. Additionally, you may choose either Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Agile Maneuvers, Mounted Combat, Weapon Finesse, Point Blank Shot, Martial Weapon Proficiency, or Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Traits: 2 traits. One trait must be a Campaign trait—see my profile for a full list. Drawbacks on a case-by-case basis.
Skills: We are using Background Skills. Knowledge skills are heavily modified—see my profile.
Backstories/Personalities: I don't need a twenty-paragraph epic, but give me more than one paragraph to work with. I like to see hooks that tie in with the area, or things I can tie in with the adventure later on.
Major Power Players:
Mine Managers, in Order of Prominence:
Balabar Smenk – A corrupt titan who seeks to rule the whole town.
Gelch Tilgast – An old ex-behemoth who now struggles alongside Parrin to reclaim his former glory from Smenk.
Luzarne Parrin – The sole female mine manager, made a widow under circumstances she doesn’t trust were chance, who struggles to hold on despite Smenk's near-monopoly on the market.
Ragnolin Dourstone – A dwarf manager who is known to mistreat his workers, most of whom are criminals or debtors who can't afford to quit.
Ellival Moonmeadow – A silver miner and elven prince who only hires other elves.
Misc Figures
The Neff Brothers – Governor Mayor Lanod Neff is as corrupt as he is incompetent, but his powerful brother, the wizard Allustan Neff, has kept him from getting his head cut off somehow. So far.
The Emporium/Zalamandra – The Emporium operates as a tavern, a brothel, and an mock-intellectual exhibit of “curiosities”. Its hedonistic owner, the rakshasa tiefling Zalamandra, is well-liked in town and generally seen as a decent neutral party in the scheming—but her employees are quite adept at gathering secrets, and she is a dangerous enemy to make.
Sheriff Cubbin – A man so infamous for corruption, people thought it was a joke when the Governor-Mayor appointed him.
Religious Groups
The Cult of St. Cuthbert – A very intense flock led by Jieran Wierus, a wild-eyed and earnest young preacher with a fervor that makes him many enemies. These followers of the Cudgel are dedicated to resisting the rot that suffuses Diamond Lake, to standing up for the common folk of the town. They are also definitely a cult. The best and worst of Diamond Lake’s poor and downtrodden can be found here.
The Cult of the Lady of Mint – A church dedicated to a saint of Wee Jas/Shelyn/Pharasma, goddess of beauty, love, death and magic. These zealots fiercely defend the graveyards from thieves and bandits, though they aren’t concerned with protecting the ancient cairns.
The Old Faith – Up in the hills at the Bronzewood Lodge, a circle of druids and rangers revere the Old Faith. Some practice it as the Green Faith, and worship no gods, while others revere Obad-Hai/Gozreh and Nerull/Groetus. Some worshipers of Erastil and similar more ‘popular’ gods can be found, but the Lodge’s leader, the ancient druid Nogwier, cares little for ‘young gods’.
The Church of Iomedae – Devoutly dedicated to their noble goddess (or to what some say is her original form, Heironeous), the followers of this small church attempt to provide some moderation to the vehement teachings of Jieran Wierus.
Nearby Locations of Note
The Mistmarsh – Three days’ journey south lies the Mushfens, and the Mistmarsh is a section of the Mushfens owned and defended
The Garrison – Bordering the Mistmarsh, the Garrison is staffed by honorable soldiers of Magnimar sworn to defend the surrounding lands. They aren’t allowed many dealings with Diamond Lake, though soldiers do come to visit on occasion, and their commander reportedly despises the corruption in Diamond Lake and would love an excuse to move in and impose some proper order to things.
Sandpoint – A weeks’ journey west lies Sandpoint, Diamond Lake’s “sister town”, which wants very little indeed to do with Diamond Lake these days.
Magnimar – Two weeks’ journey west (faster by ship) lies Magnimar.
As a general rule of thing, if something makes you uncomfortable, let me know and I will dial it back. I promise it won’t annoy me one bit. The priority is for everyone to have fun.
Potential triggers include:
Parasites: I am happy to dial stuff back, but this one’s tricky to eliminate entirely—the Age of Worms is about worms that kill people and turn them into the undead.
Player Deception: In one installment, the GM is encouraged to recruit a player to deceive the others for a time. This can be alarming or upsetting, and I understand if you’d just as soon avoid it.
Some gore/gross stuff
Imperialism/Fantasy Bigotry
I will be recruiting 3-4 players. In addition, we already have a dwarf warpriest and a human brawler, and I've invited one other person who's guaranteed a spot if she's interested. So, a total of 6 players. Recruitment will close on 8am PDT of the 14th.
People are free to use this thread to talk about their characters, though actual roleplay shouldn’t go beyond one or two posts. Basically, don’t spam the thread, but you are absolutely welcome to use it to expand on how you think your PC would fit in the game or interact with other PCs.


I'm really excited to submit a potential character for this. I know absolutely nothing about Age of worms. This is a rare chance to get into something completely new to me.
So here is my possible character. Jenny Drakan. A NG Tielfing (Daemon-spawn) Rogue.
Jenny has the Knife master archetype to show her background as a street fighter, but wants to be able to solve problems and find solutions. So she will be adding a few levels of Investigator to balance her abilities.
Stealth, trapfinding & disabling plus melee will be her main roles. If she's selected and gets a few levels information gathering and detection will be added to her role.

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I'll also definitely make a submission! To clarify, in the other recruitment thread I believe you said you would be honored to have any character from there at your table. Would you be against a submission from the kingmaker one with an altered background to fit the new location?
It's not that i want to be lazy, but im coming from a somewhat rough two weeks of five original submissions across various campaigns that were all rejected. To not have to start completely from scratch each time would be welcome, especially if there was an excuse not to :)

Kobold Catgirl |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

That's a good question! It's not necessary. The Pathfinder gods are all still around, and in general, you can take whatever you need from the Golarion setting—I'll work with you to make it fit into this fusion world. For gods, the idea is that most Golarion gods have an "older name", or "original form". Gozreh may just be a modern imagining of Obad-Hai, for instance. Gods don't play a major role in the Material Plane nowadays, so nobody's really sure. Nice and vague and flexible!
The same goes for the setting as a whole. You do not need to know Greyhawk lore for this game. The game is set in Varisia. Beyond Varisia is, for now, a moldable gray mass that can be shaped when needed.

Albion, The Eye |
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Ok, this has all the makings to be a great game, so I am going to throw my hat in the ring with Reknar.
I do not have a crunch yet, but I have a concept - he is a no-nonsense ex-army sergeant who has been through a lot. One of the things he has learned in recent years is a strong arm and a nice blade will usually not be enough to win you a scuffle on its own - you need to use your brain. And if you manage to have a handful of people you can trust with you, then you have got a real chance to succeed.
He has been in prison, and served in the military - at the end of it all he came out rugged and callous. Or at least at first sight... Those who care to look a bit deeper however, are many times surprised at the lengths he will go to stand by the ones he believes in.
Crunch wise... I would like to make him a versatile martial character. The plan is to build him as either a Bard/Fighter, or Bard/Ranger, or Bard/Bloodrager, or... You get the idea, right? But the base class is Bard. He feels at home amidst the fray, barking orders or advice to those around him (which would be his Inspire Courage :D).
I am not expecting to use any Bard Archetype, so he should be a knowledgeable guy, having learned from past experiences, and encounters he had while in the service. He has even began developing a taste for books (courtesy of a very good friend - Lucian).
I have many ideas for his past, snippets of his history, and how he got to where he is exactly today. The character has a lot of room to grow from a hardened and cynical half-breed (most likely an half-orc) into... Something else? Something better?
Doing a job for hard cash is just the thing for him, being almost a mercenary at this point in time. Any job will do.
I will get a crunch up as soon as I can.

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@Kobold Cleaver/GM thanks for the response! After reading through some of the background above and the character creation rules, I think I'll go with the fully new character anyways.
Overall tentative concept is an Elven/half-elven Justicar of sorts, out to investigate the blight and supposed increasing corruption of the lands and wilds. She'd have come to Diamond Lake early in her search, either because of hints linking it to the blight and/or to talk to the Elven 'prince' and the other elves present.
Mechanically I see a few options:
-Ancient Lorekeeper Lore Oracle with a combination of mostly offensive spells and elven weapons. Role would be mainly a hybrid caster who fights with a reach weapon, but could be the main 'healer'.
-Life Shaman, fighting with channeling, divine magic and hexes. Would be a main healer/debuffer.
-Possibly a spirit guide Oracle as a combination. In this case, when the spirit guide gets hexes at level 3 or 4, would it qualify for basic hexes as per the extra hex feat?
I'll think a bit on which to go for.

Dungeon Madam |

@Kobold Cleaver/GM thanks for the response! After reading through some of the background above and the character creation rules, I think I'll go with the fully new character anyways.
Overall tentative concept is an Elven/half-elven Justicar of sorts, out to investigate the blight and supposed increasing corruption of the lands and wilds. She'd have come to Diamond Lake early in her search, either because of hints linking it to the blight and/or to talk to the Elven 'prince' and the other elves present.
Mechanically I see a few options:
-Ancient Lorekeeper Lore Oracle with a combination of mostly offensive spells and elven weapons. Role would be mainly a hybrid caster who fights with a reach weapon, but could be the main 'healer'.
-Life Shaman, fighting with channeling, divine magic and hexes. Would be a main healer/debuffer.
-Possibly a spirit guide Oracle as a combination. In this case, when the spirit guide gets hexes at level 3 or 4, would it qualify for basic hexes as per the extra hex feat?I'll think a bit on which to go for.
She seems interesting! I will warn you, though, that the start of the adventure path has little to do (as far as the PCs know) with either blight or corruption—your characters are going dungeon delving strictly as a moneymaking venture, to try to raise the cash to get out of this nowhere town.
It could be that your character's assignment to Diamond Lake was more of an exile, or that something went wrong and she ended up indebted or otherwise stuck here. Basically, your characters don't have to start out Diamond Lake natives (though it's loosely encouraged for at least some of you to be), but they shouldn't be completely independent of its foul influence.

Albion, The Eye |
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Male half-orc bard 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4
Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron morningstar +3 (1d8+3) or
. . longspear +3 (1d8+4/×3)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 12], inspire courage +1)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—feather fall, saving finale[APG] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, flare (DC 12), light, message
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Arcane Strike, Dirty Fighting, Power Attack
Traits fate's favored
Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2, Linguistics +5, Perception +4, Perform (oratory) +6, Survival +1, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Orc
SQ bardic knowledge +1, orc blood
Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor[UC], heavy wooden shield, cold iron morningstar, longspear, sling
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 7 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dirty Fighting Forgo flanking bonus to make combat maneuver not provoke attack of op.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Still muling some stuff over - If we started level 2 or 3, he would probably have a Fighter dip. But it feels a bit awkward to start him as a Fighter at level 1, as if it did not make much sense for the character. So probably going Bard level 1.
Also going through the traits for ideas ;)

eriktd |

I'm interested! I'm working to revise Gardolf the Grim (LG human bloodrager, arcane frontliner/loremaster) and develop an appropriate backstory for this campaign.
1. Could Gardolf take the Allustan's Apprentice trait even though he is not a wizard? I'm imagining a slightly-contentious relationship between them, fueled by the fact that Gardolf insists on doing things differently than Allustan.
2. Do we have to meet the prerequisites for taking the bonus feats? I'm thinking specifically of Two-Weapon Fighting.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

”’ello, miss. ‘ave ye b’chance seen me uncle? Looks like meself, e’en carries a big sword like this ‘un. Seems ‘e’s been ‘bout ‘ere, but Ah lost ‘is trail. No? Well, fine. Thank ye, anyway.” The stout fellow mumbles as he stalks off, belying his gentle words to the child.
Greetings. I present another of the “pre-selected”, a dwarven greatsword-wielding warpriest of Gorum, like his uncle before him. He has some exotic blood that has resulted in his kin unintentionally pushing him away and a fascination and knack in fashioning weapons and armor.
In a fight, he’s going to likely to stand still and hit hard. His healing will be after the fighting is done, most likely - I’m still working out his style. Looking forward to seeing who we get together here.

Kobold Catgirl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm interested! I'm working to revise Gardolf the Grim (LG human bloodrager, arcane frontliner/loremaster) and develop an appropriate backstory for this campaign.
1. Could Gardolf take the Allustan's Apprentice trait even though he is not a wizard? I'm imagining a slightly-contentious relationship between them, fueled by the fact that Gardolf insists on doing things differently than Allustan.2. Do we have to meet the prerequisites for taking the bonus feats? I'm thinking specifically of Two-Weapon Fighting.
1. Yes, though an arcane caster is preferable. Gardolf's clashing with Allustan makes a lot of sense, from what I remember of his personality. Allustan is a mild-mannered, cautious type who is hampered in his good intentions by a deep attachment to his worthless brother.
2. I'm gonna say no. TWF's requirements are kind of absurd, anyways.

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She seems interesting! I will warn you, though, that the start of the adventure path has little to do (as far as the PCs know) with either blight or corruption—your characters are going dungeon delving strictly as a moneymaking venture, to try to raise the cash to get out of this nowhere town.
It could be that your character's assignment to Diamond Lake was more of an exile, or that something went wrong and she ended up indebted or otherwise stuck here. Basically, your characters don't have to start out Diamond Lake natives (though it's loosely encouraged for at least some of you to be), but they shouldn't be completely independent of its foul influence.
Interesting ideas :)
How about she failed in her trial to become a sentinel, and the manner of failure caused her exile? Perhaps her trial was to summon a powerful animal companion, but something seemingly went wrong and she got a very meek familiar instead, causing speculation that she was disfavored by the natural spirits? Exiled and not knowing where else to go, she sets out to at least temporarily join the elven prince's crew to make some money before moving on.
Perhaps during the campaign, this familiar might then eventually prove to be a lot more powerful than it seems, (I'm planning on giving it the sage archetype so that it knows stuff, perhaps a reincarnated Elven Sage or simply a wizard who was a victim of a particularly unfortunate transmutation accident. Perhaps her rite was sabotaged as well?) and she could get involved with the corruption plot either as a 'redemption' assignment, or simply get involved on her own accord.

ClearSpring |

I'm interested. I'm thinking an archer, (either a fighter or ranger), who's been raised by druids at the Bronzewood Lodge.
A few questions:
For fighters, your house rules are that they get +4 skill points per level. I'm assuming that means 4 + INT, not 6 + INT. Is that correct?
For rangers, I'm considering the Ilsurian Archer archetype. Would it be a problem to take that archetype even though the character wouldn't be from Ilsurian? I'd like to flavor it as being techniques learned from rangers at the Bronzewood Lodge.

Dungeon Madam |

@ClearSpring: Sorry, to clarify, it means 6 + Int. I phrased it that way because the Lore Warden and some other fighter archetypes get higher skill points, and I don't want to nerf them. I generally think the fighter missed out on getting her own Unchained version, so I err on the side of giving them more interesting things to work with.
As for the archetype, I'm generally okay with it. I take it you're attracted to the chance to play a firmly archery-focused ranger? I might ask you to change the Weapon Focus to quarterstaff/club/greatclub, since you're associating this archetype more with druidic religions than with Iomedae. Otherwise, it seems fine to me!
I'll give more concrete point-by-point thoughts on concepts later today. :)

eriktd |

I've completed my first pass on Gardolf the Grim, a LG human bloodrager who is intended to fight primarily as a martial character, with a secondary role as arcane support and loremaster. (Not really a frontliner, but front-adjacent. Once they have some levels behind them, I imagine him enlarged and swinging his quarterstaff from behind the brawler and warpriest.)
Despite his fervent belief in the power of nature to eventually overcome all other divine opposition (a devout initiate of the druidic pantheon), Gardolf's supernatural abilities that began to manifest were not quite those of his fellow druids, but rather arcane and emotionally-fueled magic similar to that of a sorcerer. Against Gardolf's wishes, Nogwier made arrangements with Allustan the wizard to apprentice the young man in his Art, and Gardolf had to move into the old man's tower.
Gardolf's relationship with Allustan has been very rocky. First as a rebellious teenager and then later as a young adult, Gardolf has been a reluctant student and a great challenge for his exasperated teacher. Gardolf resents the long hours spent trying to master discipline and spellcraft, and being forced to memorize obscure bits of sage's knowledge about the area and its people. He is disgusted by the corruption that he sees everywhere in the town, and especially that demonstrated by Allustan's brother. He thinks his master is a hypocrite who refuses to use his powers for good.
Gardolf's relationship with Nogwier isn't much better. He thinks the old druid is going mad with his constant mutterings about undead and worms and the properties thereof, and though Gardolf doesn't feel especially welcome at the lodge, he still thinks of it as his home and visits there often. But he has come to realize that neither of his mentor figures can be stirred from their strictly neutral positions to act against the evils that infest Diamond Lake, and so he has decided he must take matters into his own hands and strike out on his own.

Dungeon Madam |

A person asked me via PM, so I thought I'd repost my answer here.
The main thrust of Age of Worms is an incoming apocalypse, with prophecies foretelling a doomed final struggle to avoid an age of undead rule. Dragons, vermin, giants, elementals (particularly air), aberrations, and especially undead will all be relevant. Build-wise, traps are quite prevalent, and I like to integrate a lot of social encounters, but there will be installments that are at least 80% combat.

ClearSpring |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Dungeon Madam: Thanks for the quick answers! Yes, the concept I have brewing is someone who's a bit of an outcast at the majority-druid Bronzewood Lodge because she's purely martial. She doesn't have any spellcasting abilities, (and according to Nogwier she never will, the poor dear)...you get the idea.
I'll probably end up building the fighter. I've never actually played one before because I love skills too much, so this is a novel opportunity :)

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

I'm hoping for a fellow party member that is more healing-capable than I am. When you are looking at party makeup, think of me as much more tank than caster.
I know the warpriest can be played many ways, so I thought it best to make it clear what my current plan is to aid in making informed decisions.

TreasureFox |

I'm hoping for a fellow party member that is more healing-capable than I am. When you are looking at party makeup, think of me as much more tank than caster.
I know the warpriest can be played many ways, so I thought it best to make it clear what my current plan is to aid in making informed decisions.
I'm working on a restorer Druid that can be a primary healer. Can't do AoE channeling, but he gets a lot of other stuff.

CucumberTree |
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Trevor ran along the dirt road chasing his twin brother. The clatter of pots ring from his left side as he runs past Kelv, the local pickler. His brother, Cleetus, slid under a slow moving cart to get away from the pursuing Trevor. Trevor leapt with fantastic ease up and over the cart. Far beyond what he was normally capable of. It's as if his wish became reality. He could feel something powerful rising in his blood.
This was no blessing, as Trevor was soon to find out.
Days later, the eleven year old boy shared a meal with his family. Outside, the sun dipped behind the trees. The modest cottage was filled with the aroma of roasted duck. His father rises to answer a knock at the door. "Can I help you?" His father asks. The Stranger had gaunt disturbingly long face. His eyes were cold and filled with malice.
The Stranger scans the room, and his eyes lock with Trevor's. "The boy. Give him to me!" The Stranger races in. His father bulrushes The Stanger to stop his advance. His mother stands up from the table while grabbing for Cleetus.
His father shrieks as writhing worms burrow into his flesh. His screams turn animalistic as his eyes roll back and he pounces on his mom. She screams and pushes away Cleetus. He does not run, but instead he hits his father with balled up fists.
Trevor was frozen in horror over what he was witnessing. Slowly, among the screams of terror, The Stranger stands. His mother's neck sprayed blood, as his father spit wriggling worms into the open wound.
I don't want to die. Thinks Trevor. Over and over.
His mom pounces on his brother, and Trevor turns and runs at supernatural speed. Jumping out the window, he can hear his brother's cry for help.
I'm thinking human sorcerer

Broccan Dunchad |
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If anyone is looking for character background ideas, here are a few seeds:
If the character is a local:
1.) Miner
2.) Gambler
3.) Merchant/street vendor
4.) Enforcer for one of the Mine Bosses
5.) Deputy of Sheriff Cubbin
6.) Bouncer at one of the establishments
7.) Barkeep or server at one of the establishments
8.) Prostitute at one of the establishments
9.) Part of the Emporium "Freak Show"
10.) Novice/Initiate at one of the temples
11.) Grifter/Pickpocket
12.) Gravedigger/Undertaker
13.) Clerk/bookkeeper for one of the Mine Bosses or establishments
14.) Apprentice Blacksmith
15.) Apprentice Armorer/Weaponsmith
16.) Apprentice Bowyer/Fletcher
17.) Street performer/Taproom singer
18.) Fighting dog trainer
19.) Cook, either for a Mine Boss, establishment, or a temple soup kitchen
20.) Groom/carter
21.) Mine engineer
22.) Lawyer/barrister
23.) Tailor/Seamstress/Clothier
24.) Healer/Surgeon/Herbalist/Midwife
25.) Vagrant/beggar (and a big winner just dropped a gem in your cup!)
For Out-of-Towners:
1.) Just Passing Through: stopped at the Able Carter Inn en route to Sandpoint/Magnimar/wherever, and circumstances got you stuck here for a bit.
2.) Academic Curiosity: There are several ancient cairns near this town, and you thought it would be an ideal place (sight unseen) to make a temporary base of operations while you conduct your research and exploration.
3.) The Big City: You didn't want to live another day out in the sticks with a bunch of stuffy hidebound puritanical Erastilians. You hitched
and hiked your way to Diamond Lake to seek your fortune.
4.) Inheritance: You inherited a piece of property in Diamond Lake. Might as well see what that crazy relative left me, and if it's worth anything.
5.) Help Wanted: Jobs to be had. Apply in Diamond Lake.
6.) I Want To Know: People have been talking about all the good work the Sect of St. Cuthbert have been doing in Diamond Lake. You decided to see for yourself.
7.) Dot the I's and Cross the T's: You are a lawyer/clerk from Magnimar/Sandpoint looking for a person living in Diamond Lake to fulfill the terms of a will/inheritance.
8.) Save The Trees!: The groundwater is becoming increasingly contaminated, and you have come to have a friendly conversation with the people in charge of Diamond Lake about their run-off and pollution.
9.) You're my boy, Blue!: You have trained your dog as a fierce fighter, and have heard that the dog fights at the Feral Dog in Diamond Lake are heavily wagered. Time to make some serious coin!
10.) Medic!: You came to town looking for a healer, and their services cost you in favors instead of coin. You're stuck here until the debt is repaid.
11.) Heresy!: Your church has sent you to investigate rumors of heretical teachings in the town of Diamond Lake and put a stop to them, if necessary.
12.) Rabble-rouser: You have heard of the poor working conditions in Diamond Lake, and you have come to organize the miners into a Guild that can bargain with the Mine Bosses for better wages and work conditions.
By no means an exhaustive list, but something to get the wheels turning.

Jozu Lightfeather |

This is the perfect campaign for a paladin of Iomedae. I present Jozu - a sturdy warrior - has great AC/saves/hps (16 at 1st level!). He can do decent damage when he non-smites but his plan will be to outlast his enemy and serve as a front liner for the party. He will be allied with the Church of Iomedae in Diamond Lake and Jieran. He has great Diplomacy skills for social interactions as well so he could serve as party's face. I will work on the backstory. I am in the EST and can post during day and at night.

The Archlich |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here's what I'm working in:
Alignment True Neutral, Pharasmian
Class Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) - likely with the Shattered Psyche curse
Race Shabti
Party Role Mainly Support Caster (buffing the party, crowd control, etc... the unchained summoner spell list toolkit); potentially also Face, Damage Dealer via the Eidolon, Some Skills. I have not started a crunch yet as I'm working on the backstory
Concept/Pitch The character is a Shabti created to replace an evil wizard as he died and was dragged to the planar depths. Tortured for years, he was finally able to escape due to a miracle: adventurers raided an infernal dungeon he was tethered to, and left a portal behind. Pharasma took compassion on the poor, lost, broken soul, and bound him to a psychopomp to guide him through his new life... And potentially find the wizard which fooled death to pay for eternity.
I'm still working on the background, but wanted to post as a pitch and find out if there's any concern from the GM (with his race, class, archetype, background...).

Edelsmirge |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, this looks awesome. I have been wanting to do a slayer for a while using the ankou's shadow archtype. So this girl is going to be a human Norgerber assassin two weapon build using short swords with her primary role being front line dps. She has been "blessed" with very interesting shadow that acts separately from her as a flanking buddy etc who she talks to. She is going to have some face roll with some bluff diplomacy and perform dance and be hanging in the tavern of the Red Lantern as a "lady of the night." Going to be picking up weapon focus with enough dex to make this work and enough strength and charisma to back it up. She is here in town looking to make coin between all the factions.

Skender son of Garridan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello, this is Skender son of Garridan. He's a NG human of mixed Varisian and Shoanti heritage. He's a druid (restorer) who might multiclass into the Green Faith prestige class. He's got a small cat animal companion (a red lynx named Chase). He's got the Worm Chaser campaign trait. I've left him fairly versatile at the moment, and once I get a sense of where everyone in the party is going I'll refine him as he levels up. For now, I'm expecting him to be a primary healer with spontaneous cure spells and goodberry, but he's not a squishy healer.
This backstory is first draft, but I'd like to pitch it to you. Character stats will follow tomorrow.
Thank you for your consideration
Skender's father's name was Garridan. Garridan was born and raised in Korvosan society. He was raised in an orphanage, with no exposure to his people's culture. He moved to Diamond Lake during the mining boom, and worked as a miner. He first saw Iolana dancing in a tavern, and developed an unhealthy fascination with her. One night, he snuck to her room through a window, and took advantage of her. Her neighbors heard the commotion, and drove him out to the guards. He spent three months in an oubliette before his trial came. It was decided, since Iolana was with child, that he'd marry Iolana and raise the child. Iolana tried to oppose the decision, but the town used this technique to create workers who are desperate for coin. Garridan and Iolana were hastily married the next day, and Garridan was sent back to the mines the day after. It was a brutal marriage bound by debt and child-rearing. Garridan would work six days straight, then return home on the seventh. For the first four years, he went through life in a complete daze. He knew next to nothing about his wife or his son. He drank whiskey and chewed pesh to keep some semblance of sanity.
One day, while working in the mines, there was a collapse. Garridan was badly hurt and starved, but he was found alive. After the chance with Death, Garridan tried to turn his life around. He took a position as a labourer, which paid less but was safer. Now with his family every night, he tried learning more. He spent little bits of time taking care of his son while Iolana cooked, and taught him how to play pigskin. Over many years, his relationship with his son, and later his wife, drastically improved. He sired twin girls when Skender was eight, and got a promotion as a manager. He resolved to stop drinking, and chewing pesh when Skender was eleven, but he never managed. On nights where he caved, he would binge on anything he could find, and later come home angry and violent. He lost his job, though he never told his family. Garridan resorted to armed robbery, but he hung himself the morning after. The note he left only said "I'm sorry".
Skender's Mother's name is Iolana. She was born in Sandpoint and raised by her mother and father. Her father was a retired adventurer, and her mother was a young settled Varisian. She was only around the age of 5 before her parents divorced, and her father left town. She never saw or heard from him again, and lived with her mother who was kind of like an older sister. She lived a very poor life with her mother as they worked for coppers doing anything they could. When Iolana was 15, she was given a chance to join a caravan, and she jumped at the opportunity. She lived on the caravan for three years with a boyfriend, but things turned sour. She hopped off after a fight, and lived on her own in Diamond Lake. She had met Garridan a few times at a tavern she danced at frequently, but paid little attention to him due to his poor social skills and stench. She was used to dealing with guys like him, but she never expected him to climb in through her window.
Iolana was in shock for a couple months after the attack. She decided to stay because she figured the town would make Garridan pay her in some form. Before the third month, she received a letter informing her that her mother had passed away in an ill-fortuned goblin raid. Devastated and alone, Iolana wept and awaited the trial. The sentence was the exact opposite of what she was hoping for, and she sunk into depression. The birth of her baby boy, whom she named Skender, required a midwife to see through. The cost of a Pharasmin priest was too much, so they sent a plea for help from a druid. The druid was a half-elf man from the nearby Circle of Rebirth, who asked for nothing more than a handful of berries.
Iolana and Garridan would fight constantly at home, so she was much calmer once he started working six days a week. At least there was money coming in, and she was able to provide for her son. Iolana tried her best to make sure that Skender never learned about the dark truth of his family. Once Garridan passed, Iolana was in a mix of emotions. Money had already been getting tight, and now the primary earner is gone. She turned to Skender for help, but he was in absolute shock at his father's death and went into mourning. Thus, Iolana worked sharpening knives, mending clothes, and the like, with her daughters in tow. During her work, she came upon two orphans. First, a half-elf child placed on the edge of town, and a year later, a half-orc who's parents had passed away. Iolana decided to take in these children as her own, and taught her daughters how to help care for them. With her son all but disappeared, she nursed her grudge and kept herself busy with work.
Skender grew up in Diamond Lake with his mother, father, and twin sisters. He remembers that his father used to be a miner, and his parents would fight anytime his dad was home. But that changed after an accident and his dad worked as a labourer. The family was never perfect, but they got by. Skender would play sports with his dad, and worked around the house with his mom. His parents never showed much affection with each other, but he did get twin sisters. He had a hard time being a big brother to the girls, as he showed too much aggression when playing. Most of the time when his chores were done, he'd rather go out with his friends to play, or hang out with his father. One day, Skender and his friends came upon an old monk or priest meditating on a mat under a tree, and wearing white robes. His friends got the idea to throw a bucket of mud on the monk, and Skender joined in due to peer pressure. They threw the bucket at him, and though they missed, a small amount of muck sprayed onto the monk. The monk calmly stood up, walked towards them, and smiled. He asked what he could do for them. The gang of kids ran away, but Skender was always curious about the old man.
Skender knew his dad had drug and drinking problems, and in the later years things got really tense. He and his sisters bonded somewhat during that time, as they shared a room and hunkered down in the night. He never ended up in a fight with his dad, but he'd be cleaning up the mess the next morning. When his father committed suicide, Skender was the first to find him. He was devastated. He isolated himself in depression, refusing to do more than eat and sleep. About two weeks in, he suddenly walked out of the house and went to a random church. He asked to see a priest, and asked what became of his father's soul. The priest, who happened to know Garridan, said plainly that Garridan would be judged by Pharasma, and sent to Hell, or maybe some place similar. Skender bottled up his emotions, and walked out of the church. He didn't believe his dad could possibly end up in Hell, even though he wasn't a perfect man. Then he remembered the monk, now from years prior. He walked over to the edge of town where he first encountered the monk, and sure enough, there he sat. He walked over to the monk, who he noticed was actually a half-elf. There he asked what became of his father, and the monk replied that his spirit is being given another chance. Garridan will one day be reborn, naturally, without the use of magic. It may be centuries from now, or maybe tomorrow. His memories will be repressed, but his soul will be the same. The monk invited Skender for tea at his home, and explained that he was a druid who retreated from his life in the circle to become a hermit. After multiple pots of tea, the Druid, who's name was Willow, offered to introduce Skender to the Circle of Rebirth. Skender agreed, and set off the next morning with Willow to meet them. There he trained for 3 years in community, with only a few infrequent visits to his family. Each time he visited, he felt more and more guilty for not providing for them.
One day, Willow asked Skender to care for an animal he found alone without its mother. It was abandoned, or perhaps the mother passed away, but the creature was too young to survive on its own. Skender agreed, and was given a red lynx, often called a bobcat. Skender figured raising a bobcat would be the same as a domestic cat, though he'd never done that either, and he was mostly right. The bobcat had many cat-like traits. It liked to play and hunt, chase, eat, take long naps, and refuse to listen. It was great at the last one. Skender watched in amazement as other druids showed their animal training abilities, but he really struggled. In the end, the other druids did combat training, and Skender kept to the regular commands. He named the bobcat Chase, for no other reason than because he loved to chase.
Skender got to meet Nogwier upon his druidic trials, and was drilled in basic combat training to become a defender against the Age of Worms. Skender never really understood the worms part, but he was happy to train in combat, and his fellow circle were very against undeath. After his basic training was complete, Skender went to visit his family and tell them what he accomplished. He was met with loathing from his mother, and even his sisters were upset with him. They cared not about his magic, status, or abilities. They wanted money for all the years he abandoned them. He gave what little he had, but it was not enough. Ashamed, he left the family and returned to the druids. He worked with his circle to make some armour for him, and he purchased a few cheap items like a short spear and a shield. After slaying a few zombies, he learned that an adventuring group was preparing to set out in a desperate attempt to gain money. Figuring they were poor like his family, he decided to offer his services. But then it dawned on him that he could use some of that money to pay back his mother, and be rid of his guilt. Thus a druid, who was perfectly capable of living in nature, joined the party.

Dungeon Madam |

@DBH: Interesting! A daemon-spawn will find some interesting material in this AP. Let me know when you have a backstory concept for Jenny!
@Trevor86: I think she sounds quite interesting! So you're leaning towards an elf shaman who tried to become a druid? And she's been working in the silver mines after getting stuck in Diamond Lake?
@Albion: Is Reknar from the big city? Varisia doesn't really have formal standing militaries, but there are obviously militias, city-states, and so on. It sounds like Reknar might come from the Garrison, or else ended up in Diamond Lake after washing out. I think his concept of "washed-up army sergeant" fits the themes of the AP quite well, as long as you can make him feel like a first-level character who has reasons to be looting tombs.
@Archlich: Shabti are an interesting race that might fit well or poorly into Age of Worms, I think. I think your concept is neat, and they'll have an interesting dynamic with the undead! Fitting him into the starting adventures might be tricky, though. What's he doing in Diamond Lake? Why's he wandering into the cairns?
@eriktd: Ah, Gardolf rides again! For someone tied to two of the most powerful friendly-ish NPCs in town, Gardolf certainly has an enmity for both of them, doesn't he? I'm not saying that's good or bad, I just find it interesting. He'll certainly be motivated to find his way out of town. Tying in a fey bloodline should be interesting. We have a few options for that which I think could be fun.
@ClearSpring: For what it's worth, the Bronzewood Lodge does have a lot of ranger-types, but I think I see what you're getting at. It sounds like she'll have some good reasons to want to strike out on her own.
@Broccan: Goodness, Broccan is tough. That will serve him well. It occurs to me that a brawler will face some interesting challenges later in the campaign, but I'll make sure to offer options when the time comes. I'm guessing Broccan grew up in town?
@Edrukk: What are you thinking is Edrukk-the-Younger's bloodline?
@Shadow_Fox: Sarenae(/Pelor) isn't a commonly-worshiped deity here, so that suggests a story! In general, the more idealistic deities are less-than-beloved in this town.
@TreasureFox: Restorer Druid is a fun archetype. Are you thinking your PC is from the Bronzewood Lodge, in that case?
@CucumberTree: Trevor sounds like he likely hails from outside Diamond Lake—maybe somewhere out in the country side and/or near the Mistmarsh. Do you have thoughts for the meaning behind the Stranger?
@Jozu Lightfeather: The Church of Iomedae and the Church of St. Cuthbert don't generally get along. Just keep that in mind. Looking forward to seeing Jozu's backstory!
With a warpriest and a brawler, the party is likely to be pretty healthy for melee fighters. It sounds like the third player will be trying out some kind of arcanist or wizard. I'm not worried about party composition (I can always adjust encounters and treasure accordingly, and my main focus is on player quality over party build), but character niches are important, so it's worth keeping in mind!

Dungeon Madam |

@Edelsmirge: Is this an evil PC? It's okay if she is, but I'll want to know how she'll fit into a party that will skew towards Good. Also, it's important to remember that your character should ideally be motivated to leave Diamond Lake—hence the dungeon delving. The shadow companion is quite interesting and could offer a lot of roleplaying opportunities. Also, I would recommend having her work at the Emporium, which will be Diamond Lake's main tavern/brothel-type scene.
@Skender: That is one sad family tree, but a very Diamond Lake story! Skender clearly has a lot tying him down at the start of this game, and a big goal in mind. I'm not sure we'll be going through some of the darker themes of his backstory, but a lot of the general strokes will work well.

The Archlich |

@GM: I thought my character first "task" from Pharasma sent him (and his soulbound Psychopomp) to join the Cult of the Lady of Mint and defend the local graveyards, though not really the cairns. The idea is that the wizard which "tricked death" would be someone living in the area - considering the souls he used to create the character - and therefore a good place to start the investigation.

CucumberTree |
@CucumberTree: Trevor sounds like he likely hails from outside Diamond Lake—maybe somewhere out in the country side and/or near the Mistmarsh. Do you have thoughts for the meaning behind the Stranger?
Actually my idea was this:
Trevor ran. He kept running. He at first tried to make friends, but The Stranger would always find him and kill those around him to get to him.
Very quickly the boy keeps on the move. Using his boyish charm and beauty, to get a meal or a place to sleep. He lives only in the moment. As he becomes a teenager, he's gotten very skilled with the opposite sex.
He gets pampered by lonely women, while he adds romance and pleasure into their lives. The truth is that he leaves emotional wreckage in his wake. He never stays in one place too long, so he never sees the destruction.
The stranger is just a meaty hook for you. As well as a Twin who could be alive or dead. Hate Trevor or Love him. Under control of the Stranger or not.
Diamond lake is just along his path.
EDIT forgot. I'm going with Imperious Bloodline (Human)