The Archlich |

@Archlich: It might be hard to integrate such a powerful mage into the early levels of Age of Worms, though I could potentially see a way. But why would he be looting a cairn, then?
The mage doesn't really have to be there - this was the last spot he was found, and the souls used were from the region. He's just an NPC you may or may not use whenever you feel like it :) maybe he can even be some wizard from the Age of Worms books themselves? If there's some sort of necromancer later on? No need to tell me, just throwing ideas.
And - the best place to find someone who steal souls to cheat their own death is around graverobbers. At least that's what I thought? Do you think it's not a good approach? I can come out with different concepts if you feel this one doesn't fit well. I basically got inspired when I read the bit above on the "Pharasma" of the setting.

eriktd |
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@eriktd: Ah, Gardolf rides again! For someone tied to two of the most powerful friendly-ish NPCs in town, Gardolf certainly has an enmity for both of them, doesn't he? I'm not saying that's good or bad, I just find it interesting. He'll certainly be motivated to find his way out of town. Tying in a fey bloodline should be interesting. We have a few options for that which I think could be fun.
I added a bit at the end of Gardolf's character sheet where I muse about the origins of his Fey Magic, but I figure it's an open invitation for you to give him obligations and emotional debt to an interested NPC later in the adventure path. :)
I want Gardolf to feel like his mentors are holding him back, because as powerful and influential as they are, they haven't been able to prevent Diamond Lake from becoming a cesspool of human vice. That resentment he feels for them might lead him to do heroic deeds almost out of spite, and that seems to me an unusual and fun character arc to play.
I'm sensitive to overlap with the arcanist/wizard character, though. I'm guessing they would also be Allustan's apprentice? There are interesting good child/bad child possibilities there, but maybe it would be better for us to say that Allustan expelled Gardolf in favor of his new student, and for me to take a different trait?

Albion, The Eye |
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@Albion: Is Reknar from the big city? Varisia doesn't really have formal standing militaries, but there are obviously militias, city-states, and so on. It sounds like Reknar might come from the Garrison, or else ended up in Diamond Lake after washing out. I think his concept of "washed-up army sergeant" fits the themes of the AP quite well, as long as you can make him feel like a first-level character who has reasons to be looting tombs.
Thank you for the feedback Dungeon Madam.
In my head, I can see Reknar as a local. I try to leave the character's background as open ended as I can, since there is always the possibility to mesh it with the game itself, though in all honestly I have only seen this happen very rarely in the games I have been a part of.
But I had envisioned for him a past filled with violence and resentment between him and his adoptive coal miner father (he was after all an half-orc raised by two humans), and sadness from his adoptive mother at living a life without love.
When the situation at home got extreme he lost control while defending his mother, and that is why he was sent to prison, and then conscripted as an option to reduce his sentence. He never really managed to raise much higher than a sergeant rank, since he always talked too openly against his commanding officers. So all the time he was knee deep in the mud with the other soldiers.
As for the specific military force, I think one of the closest ones could be in Nirmathas, patrolling along the borders with the Hold of Belkzen?
There would be a lot to tell about his experiences there, but that would something he would keep very close to his heart, and only share in snippets as the game progresses ;)
He left the military after a particularly harsh mission, when his commanding officer made one too many mistakes and got most of his platoon killed in the process. With him left also one who had become a good friend and advisor - Lucian - he was the one who pressured him into facing his demons once and for all.
So I was thinking him being in Diamond Lake could be a return home, something he had been postponing for quite some time, but which would make sense to face at this point in his life. He will not be given the chance though, since after returning he found his home empty and in shambles - he heard his mother had died a few months back, poisoned by the constant exposure to coal mine dust in the town, and an acute pneumonia. So the chances to make amends after the brutal murder of his father are gone, as are most chances of understanding his own past (except for maybe his mother's journal, which he found in the ruins of his former house, but which he has not yet read... Not yet...).
I would say Reknar is in town for about a week now, mostly wondering about what to do next with his life. His gold pouch is getting dangerously low, so he has been taking any odd job he can get his hands on - it doesn't really matter if it is as temporary bouncer, at a loading dock, tending to a small field, or carrying coal. Whatever. He just shrugs it away and pragmatically goes at it without thinking too much.
I have other minute details in my head about specific situations in his past, his relation to his family and army platoon. Friends he made and lost. But in broad strokes this is the idea I have for the character.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Edrukk’s bloodline is faint. His otherwise-normal Dwarven mother has in her family tree some minor fey influence that even she was unaware of. It has manifested in her son in the form of traits that have given him a slightly different outlook on life. That and his worship of a being he believes is Gorum have led him to find his uncle, a wanderer that Edrukk the younger hopes is a kindred spirit in addition to his namesake. (The younger dwarf is named after his father’s younger brother who was named after the two brothers’ father.)
However, there’s another hook as Edrukk’s campaign trait is the Ominous Patron. Having lost the trail of his uncle, he has followed some dream-delivered portents to the community of Diamond Lake. Now he’s a bit lost as all of his clues have stopped coming...

Albion, The Eye |

I am still debating what Campaign Trait would be more appropriate for Reknar - I am between Retired Goon (a job he may have gotten when he first arrived in Diamond Lake?), Haunted by Destiny, Horrible Lesson, and Dangerous Curiosity. So yeah, still up in the air.
Also just noticed Fighters get Combat Stamina as a bonus feat - that is just very sweet. If I dip a martial class (around level 2 or 3 to make Reknar beefier), I guess now I know which one it will be :D

Sarah 'queen' B. |
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I'm interested. I think I'll hold on to Karina for now in case another Kingmaker game comes up, so I'm thinking an arcane type - wizard or arcanist, I can't quite decide. She's local and she enjoys the fact that the town is a bit of a moral cesspool: she's not evil, but she's amoral neutral at best. I like the Little Bird Told Me trait, and if I combine that with high Int and Knowledge: local (unless theres a Lore skill you'd recommend for that?), that would give me someone who has her ear to the ground, but isn't necessarily trusted.
Maybe that's one reason she's gone into the adventuring business? Things have got a bit hot for her recently, she's traded information she wans't supposed to have and now she needs some cash to get out of town. I've still got some thinking to do but I hopte that gives you some food for thought. Feel free to make comments and suggestions :)

Broccan Dunchad |
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Another thing that might help with character creation/development is the quick-and-dirty exercise of Personality Triangulation.
Pick three well-known characters from movies, TV shows or books whose personalities encompass some aspect of how you see your character.
Broccan's personality is in the area of:
1.) "Mad Max" Rockitansky, for the Mad Max movie franchise - he's survivor, and wants to selfishly look out for only himself, but his nagging conscience always gets the better of him when people ask for his help.
2.) The Narrator (Edward Norton) from Fight Club - he's been a work-a-day drone for too long, and he's questioning why he's been doing it, and why he hasn't gotten anywhere. He's starting to figure out that if he doesn't try something new, then he's going to be stuck where he is until he dies.
3.) Rocky Balboa, from the Rocky franchise - he has no great intellect or skill-sets, but he's tough and determined. He knows that to get what he wants out of life, it will come down to how many times he can take a hit and keep moving forward.

CucumberTree |
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Another thing that might help with character creation/development is the quick-and-dirty exercise of Personality Triangulation.
Pick three well-known characters from movies, TV shows or books whose personalities encompass some aspect of how you see your character.
Can we pick from porn movies? There's a nuanced emotionally complex pizza guy portrayal that I admire.

![]() |

@Trevor86: I think she sounds quite interesting! So you're leaning towards an elf shaman who tried to become a druid? And she's been working in the silver mines after getting stuck in Diamond Lake?
Glad you think so :) Yeah, that's currently the concept. I think that after being exiled, she foresook some of the regulations the druids normally have and re-started using metal armor and weapons. It could also be a good explanation for why she knows some druid spells as the shaman list contains quite a few of them.
Not entirely sure why she'd know hexes... perhaps from one of her parents? Alternatively she could simply be granted them through her fmailiar by an unknown patron. I'll come up with a few related NPC's to the druid order she failed to join and her family as supports/plot hooks.

Giant Halfling |

Hmm... I probably shouldn't apply for another game, but I love campaigns with extra focus on character development... Just dotting for now while I think about what I would want to play (my first impulse is a reluctant paladin of Abadar who tried and tried to avoid his calling but is now--somewhat begrudgingly--accepting the mantle, but I have other seeds floating through my mind as well).

CucumberTree |
Since Trevor is on the run. He changes his name with every new town. Current name will be an anagram Terrov
Male Human Sorcerer(Imperious Bloodline) level 1
Medium humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses: Perception +1
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2) favored bonus +1
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft
Lantern staff +0 1d6 ×2
Ranged Touch Attack
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18 (+2 race)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Dirty Fighting (Combat)
Benefit(s): When you attempt a combat maneuver check against a foe you are flanking, you can forgo the +2 bonus on your attack roll for flanking to instead have the combat maneuver not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you have a feat or ability that allows you to attempt the combat maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity, you can instead increase the bonus on your attack roll for flanking to +4 for the combat maneuver check
Point-Blank Shot (Combat)
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot (Combat)
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Fast Learner (Human)
Benefit: When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit or you can choose an alternate class reward.
Haunted by Destiny
You get +1 Action Point above normal for your level.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative and Intimidate checks.
Racial Traits:
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.
4 + 1 favored class
Rank + class + stat + trait
Diplomacy 10(14) =1+3+4+2
Intimidate 9 =1+3+4+1
Bluff 10 =1+3+4+2
Knowledge (local) 6(10) =1+3+2
SpellCraft 6 =1+3+2
Background Skills:
Perform (Oration) 8 =1+3+4
Linguistics 6 =1+3+2
Kit, Sorcerer’s
Price 8 gp; Weight 19 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Horse, light (combat-trained) 110 gp 900 lbs.
Lantern staff 15 gp 1d6 ×2
Snazzy Clothes 150 gp
Special Abilities
Spell Casting
0 level at will
Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
1st level (4)
Mage Armor
Class features
Class Skill: Perform (oratory)
Bonus Spells: moment of greatness (3rd), eagle’s splendor (5th), heroism (7th), threefold aspect (9th), greater command (11th), repulsion (13th), greater age resistance (15th), prediction of failure (17th), overwhelming presence (19th).
Bonus Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Heroic Defiance, Heroic Recovery, Improved Initiative, Lingering Spell, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a harmful spell, you gain a bonus equal to the spell’s level on Intimidate checks made against any creature adversely affected by that spell until the end of your next turn. Adversely affected typically means damage, but it can also mean debilitating effects or conditions.
Bloodline Powers: You draw upon ancestors both legendary and forgotten.
Student of Humanity (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Linguistics as class skills. In addition, when using these skills to learn, study, or gather information about humans, you add an insight bonus equal to your Charisma bonus on such checks.

TreasureFox |

@TreasureFox: Restorer Druid is a fun archetype. Are you thinking your PC is from the Bronzewood Lodge, in that case?
I actually had him in a druidic circle (called the Circle of Rebirth. The vibe I'm going for with that circle is like hippies meet Buddhist monks) some ways away from town, and when he completed his first trials, he went to the Bronzewood Lodge to meet Nogwier, who then started training him against the Age of Worms.
@Skender: That is one sad family tree, but a very Diamond Lake story! Skender clearly has a lot tying him down at the start of this game, and a big goal in mind. I'm not sure we'll be going through some of the darker themes of his backstory, but a lot of the general strokes will work well.
Thanks, I felt inspired to learn about Skender through writing his parent's story first. I understand that we're trying to flee Diamond Lake, by means I'm not quite certain. I hope his quest to get money to pay back his family won't disrupt that too much? I felt like Skender was capable of getting along in nature too well to justify risking his life for money to escape.
Stats are coming in today.

Ventiine |
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I’ve been wanting to play a character with a tie to or passion for plants without playing a druid. Since there are already two melee, I’m submitting a herb witch instead of my Erastil paladin. I was drawn to your game because I want to be able to post daily.
She’s a gypsy who alternates between the forests and towns, gathering materials, then selling her herbal remedies. She loves nature, being outdoors, pretty things, and spending time with her ornery familiar (who’s sleeping 90% of the time in her adventurer’s sash.) She’s not anti-social, but her witch’s cackle sounds like Fennako’s laugh from Aggretsuko.
Still working on a name and backstory, but the familiar’s name is Hedgie. I think she’s probably neutral alignment. I'm open to backstory suggestions. TL;DL she's a human witch meant to be a support.
25 point buy: Str 10, Dex 14 Con 14, Int 16(+2 Human), Wis 14, Cha 10
Hit Points: 1d6 (+2 Con) = 8/8
Initiative: (+2 Dex) = 2
BAB: 0
AC: 10(+1 Haramaki, +2 Dex) = 13
Touch: 10(+2 Dex) = 12
Flat-footed: 10(+1 Haramaki) = 11
CMB: (+0 BAB, +0 Str, +0 Size) = 0
CMD: (+0 BAB, +0 Str, +2 Dex, +0 Size) +10 = 12
Fort: (+0 Base, +2 Con, +2 Great Fortitude) = 4 (+2 inhaled/ingested poisons, if pass DC gain +1 temp hit point)
Ref: (+0 Base, +2 Dex) = 2
Will: (+2 Base, +2 Wis, +2 Hedgehog) = 6
Skills (2 +Int, +1 Human, +1 Favored Class, +2 Background Skills) 10
Fly +2 (0 rank, 3 class, 2 Dex)
Heal +6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)
Intimidate +4 (1 rank, 3 class, 0 Char)
Knowledge Arcana +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Int)
Knowledge History +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Int)
Knowledge Nature +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Int)
Knowledge Planes +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Int)
Perception (Trait) +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 Seeker, 2 Wis)
Profession Herbalist +6 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 half level Herb Witch, 2 Wis) Can use instead of Craft (Alchemy)
Spellcraft +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Int)
Survival +3 (1 rank, 2 Wis)
Animal Familiar Hedgie, the Hedgehog
Feats Extra Hex, Great Fortitude, Point Blank Shot (Campaign Bonus Feat)
Traits Seeker (Of Plants), This Tastes Like Rat Poison
Cantrips Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Resistance
1st-Level Spells Cure Light Wounds
Hexes Misfortune (roll twice and take the worse result)
Wearing traveler’s outfit (default given), haramaki 3g, dark green embroidered Headscarf 10g, gold hoop earrings 25g, adventurer’s sash 20g, waterskin 1g
Across Back light crossbow 35g, crossbow bolts (20) 2g
Pouches (top to bottom) 1 three gold coins, 2 Hedgie, tiny (6”x6”) silk pillow 5g, 3 tin of dried tea leaves, small jar of dried mealworms (hedgehog food), 4 deck of playing cards with silver-painted trim and plants for suits 15g, 5 mortar and pestle, clean linen handkerchiefs (10), 6 ink 8g, inkpen (inside wooden narrow box)
Satchel Portrait Book for Plants 10g, Common Ailments And How To Cure Them book 100g, book lariat 3s, healer’s kit 50g, sleeved boline 10g, pewter coffee pot 3g, two pewter mugs

CucumberTree |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm open to backstory suggestions. TL;DL she's a human witch meant to be a support.
Your character could travel with a carnival (for safety) that gets creepier and creepier as time goes on. Or maybe your family of gypsies use the carnival as cover for stereotypical gypsy shenanigans. Throw in killer clowns, and life is good.

Alaïs Thalanassa |
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Hi, folks, I’m the third player joining Broccan and Edrukk, who’ve already introduced themselves. I’m still working on the mechanical side of things, but my character’s draft backstory is in her profile: in the end, rather than a full wizard-y person, I’ve settled on a sort of bard.
More specifically, a chaotic good elf skald (bacchanal, court poet). In terms of party role, she’ll mostly be a jill-of-all-trades supporting everyone as best she can. That said, that probably means especially boosting other arcane spellcasters, knowing weird stuff by way of bardic knowledge, and backup in combat. (I haven’t quite decided on melee or ranged, but for backstory purposes melee skirmishing might work a bit better with the rage powers she’s got her eye on.)
Above all, somewhat perversely, she’ll be using spell kenning and related shenanigans to try to get around the limits on her spells known as best she can. For her proper spells, I’d like to focus on bard/skald-only spells. It’s a bit of a thought experiment to see what comes out, and also my inner greedy mage balking at any limit that isn’t the number of pages in my spellbook. ;)
As far as how she fits into the themes and tones of the campaign as I understand it, I think Alaïs might sort of be what one gets if one gets an elf to try to rebuild Camelot and save the world from Mordred worms. That, and her whole aesthetic through the whole thing, if she can manage it, is all those oh-so-Instagram shots of sunbeams through misty forests and/or [/spoiler] that guy from Gladiator, at the end. (I'm a Hellenist, I confess. :p)
Another thing that might help with character creation/development is the quick-and-dirty exercise of Personality Triangulation.
Pick three well-known characters from movies, TV shows or books whose personalities encompass some aspect of how you see your character.
In terms of the triangulation Broccan suggested, I guess Alaïs is a blend of … huh.
1) Gabrielle from Xena, of course. For being an absolute sweetheart, pretty good with her chosen weapons, and a VIP to some small set of people somewhere, but down-to-earth enough to be a bit of a dork with her peeps?
2) Willow from Buffy: see above, but with magic (even more so), and the potential to snap if pushed far enough.
3) Zhuge Liang (I think?) from John Woo’s Red Cliff. The smugly mystical and musical diplomat that gathers the heroes – he’s totally a bard! Though this should really be Kate “Crackernuts” Hazel from Charles de Lint’s Jack of Kinrowan, because she’s more obviously bookish. Though I’m not sure that’s a popular enough reference.
“Who dares,” he asked in a voice which barely showed his displeasure, “to put our royal self under geas?”
“A bard.”
“I knew that. Nobody but a damned poet would have the consummate impudence.”

Briar Vervain |
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This is Hrothdane.
I've got all the asked-for materials, GM, including full backstory. I did her stat block as well and added some extra side notes. I'll probably keep tweaking things until the end of recruitment. I'll post here to mention any updates.
As for character triangulation, I usually just pick a specific character. Points to whoever can guess who inspired Briar :D
Also, I am hardly a Hellenist, but I am finishing up my thesis novel set in Ancient Greek mythology, so I also appreciate the classics.

Robert Henry |
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First of all Dungeon Madam Kobold Cleaver :) I want to congratulate you on a well thought out recruitment description.
When I dotted I said that I would work on a swordsman for the game. Your description of tone reminded me of a character I had created a while back. That character was created for an alternate Golarion, and I'd been having trouble altering his history for this game. But with help from a muse, we came up with an idea. I will change his backstory to reflect being a surviving member of the Glorious Reclamation and fleeing their destruction, ending up in Diamond Lake. This Idea has inspired me to continue.
Before I finish the crunch and fluff of the character I would like your approval for his fighting style.
When I started to consider a swordsman I wanted to describe his fighting style similarly to how some of the styles were described in “The wheel of time” series; using names and titles for moves and Kata’s. I started thinking about options and developed my idea a little further. My original idea was that the character would practice sword kata’s, the offensive kata’s would be named after animals, the defensive kata’s would be named after elements. There would be four “style” named after the four element, using animals that corresponded with them.
As the orc rushes forward Elek realizes ’I need to be able to parry that great axe.’ Grasping the bastard sword with both hands he pivots on his right foot arching the blade high, using ‘tenacious wind’ to slap the axe away and then dancing left, transitioning to ‘landing crane,’ he slashes the orcs ribcage, spraying blood as he steps past. Following up, releasing the blade with his left hand, he changes forms. The sword whistling through the air using ‘singing swan’ he hamstrings the orc, dropping him to his knees.
That is the basic idea I started with. The element is air, so defenses use air references and the offense uses animals that do well in the air, ie. birds, and the overall style would be swift and storm like.
Another theme from “Wheel of Time” is that the swordsmen would focus their thoughts and clear their mind. Having chosen a bloodrager, I thought it would be interesting to play a bloodrager that way. Intrinsically changing the nature of the bloodrager. Instead of getting really angry and releasing the power inside, what if the “Rager” centers and focuses, calming himself to release the energy.
The third portion of Elek as a bloodraging swordsman is his bloodline. Since I have chosen celestial, I decided to make the meditation almost religious in nature. So instead of focusing on a ‘void’ or emptying oneself; he will focus on light, filling himself with light. He will serve Iomedae, who is known as ‘Light of the Sword.’ He would have been taught this way of fighting by his father and his aunt Alexeara Cansellarion who he is named after. Elek is a derivative of Alexander. Kardforgató is Hungarian for Swordsman Both sides of his family were Chelaxian and fled Cheliax when House Thrune came to power. So whether the bloodline is a gift from Iomedae, a byproduct of some long lost celestial forefather, the gods attempting to help these lost souls or just a result of his own mental discipline; is yet to be seen. but the Example paragraph read something like this.
As the Tiefling cultist rushes forward, Elek releases the chaos of battle, forgetting the carnage, focusing on the light. Time seems to slow, the light pushes away the fear, his features radiate the light as his mind and soul center. He realizes ’I need to be able to parry that great axe.’ as thought and action become one. Grasping the bastard sword with both hands he pivots on his right foot arching the blade high, using ‘tenacious wind’ as the light strengthens him. He slaps the axe away and then dancing left, transitioning to ‘landing crane,’ he slashes the orcs ribcage, spraying blood as he steps past, not seeming to notice the gore, his features tranquil. Releasing the blade with his left hand, he changes forms. Crouching, the sword whistling through the air using ‘singing swan’ he hamstrings the tiefling, dropping him to his knees. Standing upright he transitions his bastard sword into ‘Eagles Eire’ and strikes the cultists head from his shoulders. Elek, releases the trance-like state, the physical glow disappears, fatigued from holding the light, he is again only human.
I don’t know that I can describe all of that in PBP all the time but that is what I have in mind.
Just for my own amusement:
It was an early spring morning, the sun was rising over the wheat fields outside Citadel Dinyar , all of his chores had been done before he meditated for an hour. By meditate we mean beating a pell with a lead cored iron sword while trying to focus on releasing the pain, weariness, stress and fear to empty himself in an attempt to allow the light to flow through himself. Elek was lucky to get this time with his Aunt. Fortunately Alexeara Cansellarion always took time with her newly appointed squires to see how their training was going.
Standing in uniform, wearing the newly acquired worn parade armor over his waistcoat, feet planted parallel, bokken raised in the starting position for ‘eagles eyrie’ breathing deeply attempting to clear his thoughts and draw the light in to replace them. Alexeara Cansellarion stood in front of him, all six foot, hands on hips, her short blond hair blowing in the early breeze Already in her gold trimmed pewter plate, longsword sword on hip. Elek stared at the familiar Sword and sun on the breastplate to keep himself from shaking.
Alexeara approached Elek, reaching out and turning the edge of the raised bokken a few degrees slightly to the left, she warned ”Be careful not to favor your strong arm, it will throw off the kata.” Stepping back from the youth she added. ”You will go through ‘flying black crane in winter’s storm’ at one fiftieth speed, as you do so you will recite the four sword styles and in your own words explain their differences.” Elek breathed in deeply, awaiting for his instructor to tell him to begin.
”Begin” was all she said, watching the boy. Elek brought the bokken slowly from the beginning position into a two-handed slash hooking slightly to the left and then right to belt level, as he did so he recited, ”The four fighting styles are named after the four elements, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.” Pivoting on his right foot he moves the blade back to his left to where it would be pointed directly at his opponent, then thrusting straight forward, ”Each style is titled with attacks named from animals associated with and encapsulating that style: Air with birds of prey, water with sea creatures, earth with large omnivorous beasts and fire with vicious carnivores.” Alexeara calls ”Stop”
Stopping with his bokken fully extended, arms straight out. His aunt walks up and grasps the end of the stick and pulling on it slightly begins to tip Elek off balance, warning ”Leave a little bend in your elbows, you want a little give in case your weapon gets snagged, you don’t want to be off balance.” Wiggling the tip before she releases it, she adds ”Continue.” Elek raises the blade fully to his left side and then, shifting his left foot forward, hooking it down slightly, brings it across at neck height to a point where the tip is parallel to his right shoulder. ”The earth style favors slower stronger swordsmen, putting their blade at a position of easy defense where they can use their mass to their benefit. It is usually the preferred choice of knights who use the greatsword.” Alexeara again calls ”Stop”
As Elek stands, his blade extended out past his right shoulder, Alexeara turns the blade slightly so it is again parallel to the earth and moves the tip back so it does not go past Eleks shoulder. ”Remember to not turn your blade out of center with your right hand and do not over extend this cut, if your opponent is fast he will be able to get around your parry, and you will have exposed your left shoulder or left leg.” Elek nods as his aunt steps back.
Continuing Elek brings his right foot parallel to his left as he brings the blade back across his body slashing toward his left hip ”The water style favors swordsman who are southpaws and mirrors the fire style leaving variations for mostly right handed opponents.” As he slides his left foot forward slightly and bringing the sword from his left hip back to the beginning position the sword raised both hands on the grip, handle just visible in his periphery, blade tip slightly forward, he continues. ”The fire style favors aggressive attacks from a swordsman whose right-handed, both of these styles work well with shields.” His aunt, frowning slightly, asks as he moves forward ”Stop, which of the senior squire has been overseeing this kata?” As she reaches forward and turns the edge of the blade to ninety degrees again. Elek winces ”Ruphio, Ma’am” Alexeara grunts, but says nothing other than ”Finish.”
Bringing the blade slowly downward as he shifts his left foot slightly back bringing the handle to his left hip, and the tip to the width of his shoulder, about nose height, ”The air style is an aggressive style focused on faster strikes,“ He shifts the blade hooking it slightly and bringing it slashing chest height from left to right ending with the hilt at shoulder level and then back to the left slashing at neck level ending again with the sword pointing at the imagined opponent’s chest, this time his arms properly bent and the sword blade ninety degrees parallel to the ground. As he does so finishing his description, ”which favors a lighter blade held in two hands. “
Inhaling slowly waiting for instruction. His aunt obliges, ”Now as quickly as possible.” Elek flies through the moves, his mentor watching him closely. As he finishes and returns to the starting position, Alexeara commands ”Now at half speed” As Elek starts she asks ”How is you meditation doing, Ruphio has said that you have reached into the light briefly when doing specific kata’s, ones your father taught you I believe, but not while working the pell, is that true?” when Elek finished the kata he answered ”Yes Ma’am”
”Again, full speed” As Elek did the kata his aunt continued ”Ruphio also said that when you touched the light there was definite manifestations, describe them.” Elek finished the kata and keeping his sword raised, looked slightly confused but answered, ”I felt empowered, like I was unstoppable; stronger, healthier, bolder, but afterwards fatigued, and hungry” Elek smiled slightly.
Walking over to Elek taking the longsword bokken from him, ”At ease.” Walking over to the weapons rack she set the stick down and began looking for another. ”As you know we teach all knights to focus on the light. That meditation teaches them concentration: to release their fear, to free their mind, to help them focus on muscle memory and ignore pain.” Picking up a much larger bokken she tests it and puts it back. Reaching for another, ”With some swordsmen it has a much different affect, it connects them to Iomedae and they become Paladins of light, that is what your father is. Some Swordsmen it releases different gifting's in. Your gift is similar to your mothers even though she is a sorceress your gift flows from the same place as hers.“ Lifting a bokken that was larger than the first but not as large as the second. She walks back over to Elek.
”I will teach you to draw on that gift. As you said you feel more powerful, but because of this you will take chances and your defense will suffer, and fatigue will set in, do not forget.” Taking Eleks hand and lifting it she looked at Eleks long arms, thick shoulders and barrel chest, then hands Elek the longer sword.
”Your father was right, you have elegant hands like you mother, very fast hands. But your arms, shoulder and chest are thick like his. You will do well with either the air technique or the fire. You will be instructed in both. But from now on you will use the bastard sword instead of the longsword, you have the finger length and hand strength for it. Now do the kata again full speed using the bastard bokken” Elek returned to his stance, inhaling, the slightest hint of a smile crossing his features as he begins ‘flying black crane in winter’s storm’
Elek will be Lawful Neutral, leaning towards Lawful Good, the AP trait will be either 'Haunted by Destiny' or 'Ominous Patron' do you have an opinion as to which may serve him better?

eriktd |

*Shrugs.* Just generally, as John Myers Myers wrote:
“Who dares,” he asked in a voice which barely showed his displeasure, “to put our royal self under geas?”
“A bard.”
“I knew that. Nobody but a damned poet would have the consummate impudence.”
Wow, it's been ages since I saw anyone make a Silverlock reference! Nicely done, milady Alaïs!

Dungeon Madam |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Archlich/Annurian: I think that this take on the shabti will work. It's interesting that he'll start out almost investigating the party—before getting drawn into their quest, that is. I have one or two angles in particular in mind for the mage. Annurian does seem very alien in his mentality; is that what you're envisioning?
@eriktd/Gardolf: It seems like overlap with Allustan won't be an issue—the other player's skald, Alaïs, only met Allustan a few days ago. If you get in, I'm sure you and Qunnessaa will be able to work something fun out of that.
@Albion/Reknar: Ah, I don't know why, but I actually did get slight "returning home" vibes from Reknar. He seems like a good fit for the town. The reason I suggested a stint at the Garrison was that it's the main interaction the party will have with human militaries, and it also makes sense for Reknar being conscripted there—it seems a bit odd for someone to get conscripted all the way to another country, though I'm no Golarion geography expert.
We do already have a skald, so you will want to be careful to avoid too much overlap. Every PC deserves their own niche or role in the party that they get to feel important over! Reknar and Alaïs have very different styles, and a bard/fighter is a very different beast from a skald, but it's worth keeping in mind.
@Edrukk: Ah, very interesting! Funny how many people are incorporating fey into their backstories. Fey aren't themselves super important in the AP, but druids, elementals and giants are, so fey can certainly find their place within that.
The Ominous Patron trait could be very interesting indeed for Edrukk.
@Edelsmirge: I do enjoy redemption arcs! I look forward to hearing more about your slayer and their backstory.
@Sarah 'queen' B: Ooh, very exciting! Wizards and arcanists are so good at getting into trouble, and that kind of trouble makes for excellent adventure hooks. Maybe she worked for Zalamandra (the local brothel/tavern owner) or one of the mine managers like Smenk, but she got tempted by money that was just a little too good.
I could even see her having gotten entangled with one of the more sinister cults of Diamond Lake—small spoilers, but there's ugly business beneath Diamond Lake, and if you work for Smenk, Ellival or Ragnolin Dourstone, or spied on either of them, such an entanglement would be very possible. All the more reason to want to raise some dough and get out of Dodge.
You could also consider Vecna as a god—as the god of magic and secrets, he'd make some thematic sense for your character. You wouldn't have to share his Neutral Evil alignment, of course. I'm not saying you should do that, just that, basically, your backstory suggests a lot of ways to get in over your head.
@TreasureFox/Skender: Intriguing. A part of me chafes at adding in additional druidic orders in the same territory, but I'm sure we could find room for the Circle of Rebith. As for trying to find money, money is the main motivator for the first installment. You'll fit right in.
@Ventiine/Hedgie and Companion: Herb witch is a very neat archetype, and it sounds like you'd make a pretty decent healer and support character. You'd fit in at the Bronzewood Lodge—a lot of the members just stop by on occasion to refill on supplies and check in on old friends. She could also just be a wandering loner. What do you think is motivating her to want to explore the Whispering Cairn?
@Alaïs/Qunnessaa: Loving it! Allustan's interest in the Cairns, towards the start of things, is actually more academic—he wants to study them. But it might be funny if our elf skald doesn't know that and assumes it's some important end-of-the-world danger he's having her check on. Her distant relationship with Lina should be entertaining, and provides a good route to emphasizing the ways the world as a whole is suffering.
@Hrothdane/Briar: Gosh, this backstory was a rough read, but in the good way. Briar might struggle with the "Good" part of her alignment—it depends on how viciously she pursues revenge for its own sake—but she'll make an interesting fit for the AP's tone. The Raven Men sound like they suggest some very interesting hooks to me.
@Robert Henry/Elek: That's a fascinating read! I have no issue with you reskinning bloodrager in that way. So Elek's sort of one of the last survivors of a fallen order. Are you thinking that the Glorious Reclamation lost in the end? That would make for some fun tragic backstory material.
I should note that the landmass where Cheliax normally sits might not strictly exist in this world. Varisia is much closer to Garund than in normal Golarion, and a lot of the space "in between" them is being, well, snipped out. That's not to say that Cheliax doesn't exist. This is just a much... smaller Golarion. It will be much more focused around Varisia and Garund. Other nations and landmarks will come to be largely as they're needed. If a PC or NPC is from Numeria, or a quest leads you there, Numeria exists. Otherwise, maybe it doesn't. Make sense?
We are approaching a pretty busy melee, with a brawler, a warpriest and a skald—party build may not matter too much to me, but everyone getting stuck in bottlenecks and being rendered unable to reach the action does. Worth thinking about.

Briar Vervain |

Struggling with the "good" part of her alignment is exactly how she should be! People trying to find a way to still remain a "good" person even when everything is pushing against that is very intriguing to me.
I'm glad that I've got some good hooks for you! As I think about Briar over the next few days, I may come up with some more

eriktd |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

As you wish, GM!
Already in
Cuchulainn - Broccan Dunchad - NG - Human - Brawler - Old Rival
Pixie Rogue - Edrukk Thorvirgunson - CG? - Dwarf - Warpriest (Gorum) - Ominous Patron
Qunnessaa - Alaïs Thalanassa - CG - Elf - Skald (Bacchanal/Court Poet) -
Finished Applications
eriktd - Gardolf the Grim - NG - Human - Bloodrager (Enlightened Bloodrager/Metamagic Rager) - Allustan's Apprentice/Worm Chaser
TreasureFox - Skender son of Garridan - NG - Human - Druid (Restorer) - Worm Chaser
Hrothdane - Briar Vervain - CG - Human - Oracle (Psychic Searcher) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
DBH - Jenny Drakan - NG - Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) - Rogue (Knife Master) -
Trevor86 - Elf or Half-Elf - Shaman (Life Spirit) -
Albion - Reknar - CG - Half-Orc - Bard -
The Archlich - Annurian - N - Shabti - Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) -
Robert Henry - Elek? - LN - Human? - Bloodrager? -
CucumberTree - Terrov - ? - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
Death-Lok - Jozu Lightfeather - LG - Halfling - Paladin -
Edelsmirge - LE - Slayer (Ankou's Shadow)
sarah 'queen' B. - Wizard or Arcanist - Little Bird Told Me
Giant Halfling
Ventiine - no name yet - N - Human - Witch (Herb Witch) - This Tastes Like Rat Poison
Fighting Chicken - Bard (Dirge Bard)

CucumberTree |
CucumberTree - Terrov - ? - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
I'm not sure what alignment he is. He does evil things. Is he evil or surviving using the only path in front of him?
Is this vital?

Dungeon Madam |

eriktd wrote:
CucumberTree - Terrov - ? - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
I'm not sure what alignment he is. He does evil things. Is he evil or surviving using the only path in front of him?
Is this vital?
The way I see it, alignment is just a lens for understanding a character. It's not the same thing as being a purely bad person, or a bad character, or unlikeable, or unsympathetic.
Alignment's complicated place in the setting—being something objectively measured but subjectively interpreted, something possible to detect by any paladin but rarely seen by the common folk—interests me a lot. Unless there's a paladin involved, it won't matter. That said, it's a good framework for anticipating how characters see the world, the lengths they will go to, and how they'll get along with one another. It sounds like you're playing a Neutral Evil character, or perhaps Chaotic Evil. That's not to say he's irredeemable, nor that his motivations aren't understandable. He's trying to survive.
Like you said, he does evil things, and he's okay with doing evil things. In my games (and many like to interpret alignment differently, and that's fine), those two traits define an evil alignment. Evil PCs are allowed, as long as they are compelling, team players, and sympathetic to some degree.

CucumberTree |
CucumberTree wrote:eriktd wrote:
CucumberTree - Terrov - ? - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
I'm not sure what alignment he is. He does evil things. Is he evil or surviving using the only path in front of him?
Is this vital?
The way I see it, alignment is just a lens for understanding a character. It's not the same thing as being a purely bad person, or a bad character, or unlikeable, or unsympathetic.
Alignment's complicated place in the setting—being something objectively measured but subjectively interpreted, something possible to detect by any paladin but rarely seen by the common folk—interests me a lot. Unless there's a paladin involved, it won't matter. That said, it's a good framework for anticipating how characters see the world, the lengths they will go to, and how they'll get along with one another. It sounds like you're playing a Neutral Evil character, or perhaps Chaotic Evil. That's not to say he's irredeemable, nor that his motivations aren't understandable. He's trying to survive.
Like you said, he does evil things, and he's okay with doing evil things. In my games (and many like to interpret alignment differently, and that's fine), those two traits define an evil alignment. Evil PCs are allowed, as long as they are compelling, team players, and sympathetic to some degree.
Chaotic Evil it is. Never thought I'd ever make one.

Albion, The Eye |

@Albion/Reknar: Ah, I don't know why, but I actually did get slight "returning home" vibes from Reknar. He seems like a good fit for the town. The reason I suggested a stint at the Garrison was that it's the main interaction the party will have with human militaries, and it also makes sense for Reknar being conscripted there—it seems a bit odd for someone to get conscripted all the way to another country, though I'm no Golarion geography expert.
We do already have a skald, so you will want to be careful to avoid too much overlap. Every PC deserves their own niche or role in the party that they get to feel important over! Reknar and Alaïs have very different styles, and a bard/fighter is a very different beast from a skald, but it's worth keeping in mind.
Thank you again for the feedback Dungeon Madam. And yeah... I guess it was just bad luck one of the pre-selected characters decided to go with a Skald build, as there is bound to be some overlap there, no matter how hard we try. Had I known beforehand, I might have come forth with another character. It can work though.
As you wish, GM!
Already in
Cuchulainn - Broccan Dunchad - NG - Human - Brawler - Old Rival
Pixie Rogue - Edrukk Thorvirgunson - CG? - Dwarf - Warpriest (Gorum) - Ominous Patron
Qunnessaa - Alaïs Thalanassa - CG - Elf - Skald (Bacchanal/Court Poet) -Finished Applications
eriktd - Gardolf the Grim - NG - Human - Bloodrager (Enlightened Bloodrager/Metamagic Rager) - Allustan's Apprentice/Worm Chaser
TreasureFox - Skender son of Garridan - NG - Human - Druid (Restorer) - Worm Chaser
Hrothdane - Briar Vervain - CG - Human - Oracle (Psychic Searcher) - This Tastes Like Rat PoisonUnfinished
DBH - Jenny Drakan - NG - Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) - Rogue (Knife Master) -
Trevor86 - Elf or Half-Elf - Shaman (Life Spirit) -
Albion - Reknar - CG - Half-Orc - Bard -
The Archlich - Annurian - N - Shabti - Unchained Summoner (Soulbound) -
Robert Henry - Elek? - LN - Human? - Bloodrager? -
CucumberTree - Terrov - ? - Human - Sorcerer (Imperious bloodline) - Haunted By Destiny
Death-Lok -...
I was considering my application kinda finished actually ;)

eriktd |

I was considering my application kinda finished actually ;)
Did I miss where you said what his Campaign Trait is? I'm probably not linking to the right place. But sorry for assuming you were still mulling things over, I'll move yours to the Finished section when I update the list tomorrow. :)

Albion, The Eye |

Albion, The Eye wrote:I was considering my application kinda finished actually ;)Did I miss where you said what his Campaign Trait is? I'm probably not linking to the right place. But sorry for assuming you were still mulling things over, I'll move yours to the Finished section when I update the list tomorrow. :)
Argh! you are right eriktd - I stand corrected :P

Jenny Drakan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DBH here with a little more for Jenny.
I see her a s local girl. One who was never important enough to anyone for them to take any notice of her.
An abandoned child left to die in an alley a the age of 5 by her mother. A mother Jenny can't remember anything about. Even her face and voice are gone.
She looks almost human, only the greyish pallor to her skin and her frail look mark her as touched by something else.
A vicious street rat growing up. One known for being too eager to escalate to violence even when unnecessary. Known for her love of sharp knives and having many hidden about her ragged clothing.
She could be attractive if she took any care of her appearance, and stopped eyeing people as if planning to knife them as soon as they turn their back to her.
She's survived, but has reached the point where she's beginning to realize that she has to change. She can't continue being just a violent thug anymore.
So she's looking for something to change her life. Something like solving problems rather than being one. Being an adventurer might be a good start?
Her details aren't complete yet, but her basic layout is in her profile.
Any questions or corrections let me know.

Alaïs Thalanassa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I guess it was just bad luck one of the pre-selected characters decided to go with a Skald build, as there is bound to be some overlap there, no matter how hard we try. Had I known beforehand, I might have come forth with another character. It can work though.
I am sorry! Like I said, I had originally planned on something based on a 9-casting class, but at the end of the day, I just wasn’t feeling it, and a skald is what came out of the wash instead.
Alaïs isn’t a regular skald, though, so that definitely opens up space for how she would work with another bard: her basic performance boosts Int and Cha rather than anything more obviously combat-related, and though I was edging towards melee by default, her combat style, such as it is, is certainly not set in stone.
Also, I think she and Reknar would bounce off each other entertainingly – she’s definitely Lady Muckamuck and would bristle at being shouted orders suggestions at in the heat of battle, but conversely she wouldn’t dream of bossing people around in turn. Well, apart from her people, but she wouldn’t think of the party as “her” lance.
As you said, there are definitely ways they would sort out working together. :)
Wow, it's been ages since I saw anyone make a Silverlock reference! Nicely done, milady Alaïs!
Thanks, I have complicated feelings about it. On the one hand, I would happily see the eponymous protagonist die in a fire, but Golias is a delight, at least as I remember, as are the songs. “Tammuz,” or whatever we want to call it, is one of my happy places.
This is Hrothdane.
I've got all the asked-for materials, GM, including full backstory. I did her stat block as well and added some extra side notes. I'll probably keep tweaking things until the end of recruitment. I'll post here to mention any updates.
As for character triangulation, I usually just pick a specific character. Points to whoever can guess who inspired Briar :D
Also, I am hardly a Hellenist, but I am finishing up my thesis novel set in Ancient Greek mythology, so I also appreciate the classics.
Oh, I’m just a student, and not very good at it, so. Just stating my affiliation in the Latin/Greek divide. I’m beyond curious about your novel! Send me a PM if you feel like talking about it? As the saying goes, we should all feed the bards! :)

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

As you wish, GM!
Already inPixie Rogue - Edrukk Thorvirgunson - CG? - Dwarf - Warpriest (Gorum) - Ominous Patron
CG is indeed my planned alignment.
Sorry my stats are not up, it's been a week and it's just getting fun.
@Kobold Cleaver: The fey influence is slight. It really only allows me to make some unusual choices during the build. If anything Edrukk would avoid exhibiting those influences as much as possible because he's not comfortable with the outsider status it's given him among his clan.

CucumberTree |
For the hardest working applicant, eriktd, to link to
CE Male Human Sorcerer(Imperious Bloodline) level 1
Medium humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses: Perception +1
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2) favored bonus +1
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft
Lantern staff +0 1d6 ×2
Ranged Touch Attack
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18 (+2 race)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Dirty Fighting (Combat)
Benefit(s): When you attempt a combat maneuver check against a foe you are flanking, you can forgo the +2 bonus on your attack roll for flanking to instead have the combat maneuver not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you have a feat or ability that allows you to attempt the combat maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity, you can instead increase the bonus on your attack roll for flanking to +4 for the combat maneuver check
Point-Blank Shot (Combat)
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot (Combat)
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Fast Learner (Human)
Benefit: When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit or you can choose an alternate class reward.
Haunted by Destiny
You get +1 Action Point above normal for your level.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative and Intimidate checks.
Racial Traits:
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.
4 + 1 favored class
Rank + class + stat + trait
Diplomacy 10(14) =1+3+4+2
Intimidate 9 =1+3+4+1
Bluff 10 =1+3+4+2
Knowledge (local) 6(10) =1+3+2
SpellCraft 6 =1+3+2
Background Skills:
Perform (Oration) 8 =1+3+4
Linguistics 6 =1+3+2
Kit, Sorcerer’s
Price 8 gp; Weight 19 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Horse, light (combat-trained) 110 gp 900 lbs.
Lantern staff 15 gp 1d6 ×2
Snazzy Clothes 150 gp
Special Abilities
Spell Casting
0 level at will
Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
1st level (4)
Mage Armor
Class features
Class Skill: Perform (oratory)
Bonus Spells: moment of greatness (3rd), eagle’s splendor (5th), heroism (7th), threefold aspect (9th), greater command (11th), repulsion (13th), greater age resistance (15th), prediction of failure (17th), overwhelming presence (19th).
Bonus Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Heroic Defiance, Heroic Recovery, Improved Initiative, Lingering Spell, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a harmful spell, you gain a bonus equal to the spell’s level on Intimidate checks made against any creature adversely affected by that spell until the end of your next turn. Adversely affected typically means damage, but it can also mean debilitating effects or conditions.
Bloodline Powers: You draw upon ancestors both legendary and forgotten.
Student of Humanity (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Linguistics as class skills. In addition, when using these skills to learn, study, or gather information about humans, you add an insight bonus equal to your Charisma bonus on such checks.
This was no blessing, as Trevor was soon to find out.
Days later, the eleven year old boy shared a meal with his family. Outside, the sun dipped behind the trees. The modest cottage was filled with the aroma of roasted duck. His father rises to answer a knock at the door. "Can I help you?" His father asks. The Stranger had gaunt disturbingly long face. His eyes were cold and filled with malice.
The Stranger scans the room, and his eyes lock with Trevor's. "The boy. Give him to me!" The Stranger races in. His father bulrushes The Stanger to stop his advance. His mother stands up from the table while grabbing for Cleetus.
His father shrieks as writhing worms burrow into his flesh. His screams turn animalistic as his eyes roll back and he pounces on his mom. She screams and pushes away Cleetus. He does not run, but instead he hits his father with balled up fists.
Trevor was frozen in horror over what he was witnessing. Slowly, among the screams of terror, The Stranger stands. His mother's neck sprayed blood, as his father spit wriggling worms into the open wound.
I don't want to die. Thinks Trevor. Over and over.
His mom pounces on his brother, and Trevor turns and runs at supernatural speed. Jumping out the window, he can hear his brother's cry for help.
Very quickly the boy keeps on the move. Using his boyish charm and beauty, to get a meal or a place to sleep. He lives only in the moment. As he becomes a teenager, he's gotten very skilled with the opposite sex.
He gets pampered by lonely women, while he adds romance and pleasure into their lives. The truth is that he leaves emotional wreckage in his wake. He never stays in one place too long, so he never sees the destruction.
The stranger is just a meaty hook for you. As well as a Twin who could be alive or dead. Hate Trevor or Love him. Under control of the Stranger or not.
Diamond lake is just along his path.

Lucia Wriothesly |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

“Oh, sweetie, blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer ownership. But my favourite word of all is money. Ltet’s talk about money, shall we?”
Introducing Lucia Wriothesly (pronounnced Risley, to rhymye with grisly which is the end she’s hoping to avoid). I have taken some inspiration from Irene Adler (the blackmailer bit, NOT the sex worker bit) from the Sherlock series, and Kalinda from The Good Wife. Thank you for the idea of being a follower of Vecna/Norgorber, I found the shadw whispers trait which is absolutly pefect for her! I also have what I think is the perfect picture for her, I just need to fnid the alias that fits :)
Lucia is N (possbily trending LN) rather than NE, and she respects Norgorber in his aspect as Reaper of Reputation and genteely overlooks the fact he’s also the god of skin-cutting psychopaths. I do realises she’s not a very sympathetc character to start off with, but she does keep her word and she’ll be loyal to the other PCs out of practiality and business sense. Whether this turns into real friendship along the way is what we’re playing to find out. Her epxperience is that everyone’s out to get everyone else, if she can be persuaded out of that then she may change alignment twoards good. Again, it depends on what happens to her and the way the rest of the party is aligned. In a more evil-minded group, she could easily slip into NE herself, or possibly LE.
@Dungeon Maddam: would you allow me to take Toughness instead as one of the bonus feats? The ones you listed are all qyite “fighty” and Lucia isn’t into that – she’ll prefer to blast pepole with magic instead. Her magic is going to be very much focused on blasting and battlefield control, with the ocasional buff/debuff thrwon in along the way. Also, can you suggest some Lore skills that a local girl might have picked up? I don’t want to metagame, but Lucia has good Int and would know a lot about what’s of interest locally. Also also, can I use my Noble Scion of Lore Feat to add to Lore skills as well as Knowlged skills?
In terms of content warning, I don’t mind gore and I’m not easily squicked. I dislike gratuituos violence and sex stuff that is just for the male gaze. I had one too many guys try to hit on me at the gaming table to be really conmfortable with that stuff. I’m not saying don’t hit on my character or try to ‘romance’ things but don’t be surprsed if it doesn’t go anywhere.