A Push of the Fates.... Zakhara... You Jewel!

Game Master Insnare

The Free City of Muluk takes it name from the long, unbroken line ofrulers whose history predates the Enlightened Throne in Huzuz It isknown for its exquisite regal purple dyes produced from local indigo plants.Muluk lies along the shore of the Great Sea at the mouth of the River Al-Zalim. Like most of the Free Cities, Muluk is a fiercely independent martialstate, engaged in unrelenting, low-grade conflict with the savage hill tribes ofthe nearby Furrowed Mountains, the ravaging pirates from the Corsair Isles,and the hostile armies of Umara and Qadib, both neighboring Free Cities


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Shot Putter Funkmeister

She says, "You are so gracious, I am, I-- am afraid of heights. You are so brave."

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AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Aggrammar smiles warmly at Kamalla. "Aye, lass, it's natural to be afraid o' heights. But facin' yer fears, that's what makes us stronger. Sometimes, the greatest treasures lie beyond the things that scare us most."

He secures his gear and double-checks the knot on the rope, making sure it’s tight and secure. "Ye don't have to be doin' this alone. We're all here to support each other."

With a reassuring nod, Aggrammar steps aside, ready to assist Kamalla as she begins her descent into the well. He keeps a close eye on her, offering encouragement and ensuring her safety as she bravely faces her fear.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Kamalla goes down next and the finally the rest of you climb down.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Once on the bottom of the well you can see gold, silver and copper easy to find on the surface but you can tell there is more under a layer of dirt, dust and sand. Poking around with a shovel should net a great deal of treasure.

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

"Does anyone have a spade? I seem to have lost mine."

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah gets out the shovel that they used to bury the bodies and starts digging for treasure, letting others trade off with her if they want to, but likely plenty to do for everyone, pulling stuff out of the dirt pile, cleaning it off, etc.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

Frackit begins to look about rhe well studying it.

Unsafe Walls floors cielings: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Depth underground: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Frackit the walls look safe and the floor is caked long dry clay which looks normal for a dry well bed.

GM rolls

1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

You spend a turn and you find about 1/5th of what you feel you can find because you still see lots of shiny shiny metal in the well.

Is everyone digging?

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AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Aggramamr will first keep watch for a while - for him as a dwarf, it is not natural that treasure is just lying around, so he is suspicious and expecting to be jumped by something at any moment, either from behind a wall or from under the pile of coins.

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

Nura holds up her digging long enough to carefully inspect the coinage. Is it real?

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Female Human Wizard (Sha'ir) 5 | 13/13 HP | AC 9 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand 11 Petrification or Polymorph 13 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 12

Fadilah decides to stay at the top of the well (how many people can fit in a well and dig out the bottom, anyway?) and keeps an eye out for trouble.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Well, after inspection they do look real and are made from the precious metals they look to be. There are a lot more to dig up and you surmise it will take another 4 rounds of time to get them all plus there looks to be other stuff too.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah keeps working.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Aggrammar keeps watching, and also starts evaluating if they will be able to carry all of that up, or if they might need to do several trips up and down the rope.

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Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

Frackit will look around. He wasnt a strong sort. He did however come from a family of tinkerers. So he contemplated the rope and the rest.

" Did we have baskets in the caravan? Or buckets? We can get a large one to be lowered. We then fill it and hual it up like water!" Frackit says witha large smile on his face.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

In total you are able to find 5,243 copper bits, 3,365 silver dirhams,
and 682 gold dinars. You also can start to see the bones of people who were here previously and uncover a
dented bronze lamp; a cracked helmet; a barber's kit which is made from the supplest kidskin; the hilts and rusted blades of
four daggers and scimitars; a number of corroded metal
buckles; a tortoise shield; and the skeletal remains of at least five humans, their cracked skulls and bones mingled with the network of secondary roots belonging to the pale ivy carpeting the stone walls of the well.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

As Zairiah is collecting things to be transported up, she remarks

This barber's kit still looks and feels finely made. I wonder if it is magical. Most of the rest of this seems broken or damaged, and the bodies have clearly been here for a while.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

GM Rolls

Party 1d10 ⇒ 3 1d4 ⇒ 3, 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5

Surprise Round

Flowers from the vine come out of the earth turn yellow, open and spray...
Zairiah 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (17) = 0 hit, Frackit 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (3) = 14 miss, Agrammar 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (9) = 8 miss, Nura 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (10) = 7 miss, Paritosh 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (4) = 13 miss, Kamalla 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (18) = -1 hit

It smells musky.

Zairiah saving throw 1d20 ⇒ 13 pass
Kamalla saving throw 1d20 ⇒ 8 fail

Initiative: Party 1d10 ⇒ 3, Enemy 1d10 ⇒ 5

Round 1

One flower attacks Paritosh 17 - 1d20 ⇒ 17 - (5) = 12 miss
The rest close their buds.


Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

"Everyone head back up!" Nura shouts, turning to slash at the flowers.

THACO 15: 15 - 1d20 ⇒ 15 - (13) = 2 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah listens to Nura and starts climbing back up.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

" Great" Frackit says as he looks at the others then the plants. " We shoild burn them"

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You all cannot climb the rope at the same time. It is over 60ft high.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Can you make your actions, please?

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

" Okay start climbing. The rest of us circle and try I dont know ranged weapons* The gnome says as he pulls his shield and then pulls his dagger ready to throw it.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Paritosh attacks the plant with his sword 16 - 1d20 - 2 - 1 ⇒ 16 - (19) - 2 - 1 = -6 doing 2d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 + 2 = 11

Agrammar also moves into the fray and attacks 15 - 1d20 ⇒ 15 - (11) = 4 hit doing 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Nura's attack also hits.
The three hit combination of Agrammar, Nura and Paritosh seem to make the plant's vines stop attacking.

However, Kamalla starts to dig through the dirt in a frenzy.

Initiative Party 1d10 ⇒ 8, Kamalla 1d10 ⇒ 7

Round 2

Zairiah is halfway up the rope,

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

"Kamalla, what are you doing?! Climb!"

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah keeps climbing, thinking she can help more by shooting from above, or helping to haul people up.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Do you try to convince her to stop or something else?

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

Nura grabs Kamalla by the shoulders. "We don't have time for this! Climb!"

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Paritosh climbs when his turn comes.

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Shot Putter Funkmeister

Kamalla does not seem to have registered what Nura said and continues to dig in the bottom of the well.

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

"What are you after Kamalla?"

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

"The plant must have intoxicated the lass" - Aggrammar gathered - "We need to drag her out" - he added, keeping watch in case the vine decides to attack them any further.

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

"See if we can wrap the rope around her and they can haul her out!"

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