A Push of the Fates.... Zakhara... You Jewel!

Game Master Insnare

The Free City of Muluk takes it name from the long, unbroken line ofrulers whose history predates the Enlightened Throne in Huzuz It isknown for its exquisite regal purple dyes produced from local indigo plants.Muluk lies along the shore of the Great Sea at the mouth of the River Al-Zalim. Like most of the Free Cities, Muluk is a fiercely independent martialstate, engaged in unrelenting, low-grade conflict with the savage hill tribes ofthe nearby Furrowed Mountains, the ravaging pirates from the Corsair Isles,and the hostile armies of Umara and Qadib, both neighboring Free Cities



Sheikh Ibn Taaib al-Ghurabi

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16
(421 posts)


Grundhu the Derhii
Grand Lodge Critzible

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2
(1,946 posts)
Frackit Alloyeye

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5
(278 posts)


DM Dickie

(4,075 posts)
Female Elf
Nabila Al-Qut Min Najm

CG Female Elf Cleric (Mystic) 2 | HP 9/9 | AC 5 | DA -3 MDA +2 | PPD 10 RSW 14 PP 13 BW 16 MS 15 | Reaction Adj +2 | Infravision 60' |

(194 posts)


Dinvaya Lanalei
Nymeria Vail

Ammo: 18/42 S. Arrows|Female Half-Elf Bard (Sa'luk) 4|Current AC: 5 (1 w/Armor spell)|HP: 12/14|Saves: PPD 13, RSW 14, PetPoly 12, BW 16, Spell 15|30% resistant to sleep/charm|Station: 7
(95 posts)



Elf Wizard
(835 posts)
Tablark Hammergrind
Aggrammar Deepdelver

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
(957 posts)
Tablark Hammergrind

WIS Animal Handling +2 STR Athletics +3 WIS Insight +4 WIS Medicine +4 WIS Perception +4 INT Religion +2 WIS Survival +2
HP 8/19 INIT +0 AC 18 (16 Armor, +2 Shield ) | Saves STR +3 DEX +0 CON +3 INT +0 WIS +4 CHA +2

(434 posts)


Mercenary Healer
Silver Crusade Maudril Sandcaster

male Human 8 bloodrager (spelleater/arcane)/2 Fighter (high guardian)/1 living monolith(hp 85 max, AC 20, FF 20, T 13 init +8, F +10 R+7 W+8(rage+10))
(109 posts)


Matrena Goldthorpe

Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)
(784 posts)
1LT Margit Dastl

Weiblich Austrian Alchemist 1/ Rogue (Spy) 1
(48 posts)
Baby Chimera

Shot Putter Funkmeister
(9,972 posts)

Jesse Heinig

Jira Odan
Fadilah al-Qadib

Female Human Wizard (Sha'ir) 5 | 13/13 HP | AC 9 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand 11 Petrification or Polymorph 13 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 12
(658 posts)



(472 posts)
Father Zastoran
Issam ibn Walid

Male Human Cleric (Mystic) 4 | 19/31 HP | AC 5 now 9 (blinded)| THAC0 18 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 9 Rod, Staff, or Wand 13 Petrification or Polymorph 12 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 14
(33 posts)

Mr. Hebeme

Cleric of Hanspur

Male Half orc Mamluk/Barber 1/1| AC 5 | 5/10 hp | THAC0 20| PPD 13 RSW 14 PP 12 BW 16 Sp 15 |
Thief skills:
PP: 15% OL: 25% F/RT: 25% HS: 05% MS: 05% DN: 25% CW: 65% RL: 05%
Melee: +1 Razor 1d2+3 (slashing, speed 2); +2 Khopesh 2d4+5 (attacks 3/2, slashing, speed 9) Ranged Shortbow (flight) +1 1d6 (piercing, speed 7) ROF 2/1 S 50 M 100 L 150

(31 posts)

Nathanael Love

Spell Sovereign
Uthman bin Assad

Male Elf | AC 7 (Studded Leather) THACO 18 HP 15/15 Ranger (Desert Rider) 3
(144 posts)

Vrog Skyreaver


HP 1 | AC 9 | Init +0 Saving Throws: Paralysis, Poison, Death Magic: 14; Rod, Staff, Wand: 11; Petrification, Polymorph: 13; Breath Weapon: 15; Spells: 12
(54 posts)


Ancient Solar Dragon
Dark Archive WhtKnt

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles
(7,154 posts)
Nura Hamdani

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

(554 posts)

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan

Silver Crusade Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan

Male Human Gamer 4/Engineer (Safety) 8
(2,571 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Paritosh Jumbal

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')
(910 posts)


Koriah Azmeren

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5
(933 posts)

Map CG Female Elf Brazen Deceiver / Sound Striker Bard 2 | HP 14/15 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +0 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 1 / CMD 13 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 7/8 (Inspire Courage +1) | Perception +8 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Special: -1 vs Fear / +2 vs Transmutation
(164 posts)

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