A Push of the Fates.... Zakhara... You Jewel!

Game Master Insnare

The Free City of Muluk takes it name from the long, unbroken line ofrulers whose history predates the Enlightened Throne in Huzuz It isknown for its exquisite regal purple dyes produced from local indigo plants.Muluk lies along the shore of the Great Sea at the mouth of the River Al-Zalim. Like most of the Free Cities, Muluk is a fiercely independent martialstate, engaged in unrelenting, low-grade conflict with the savage hill tribes ofthe nearby Furrowed Mountains, the ravaging pirates from the Corsair Isles,and the hostile armies of Umara and Qadib, both neighboring Free Cities


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Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

Slope up or down?

Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

downward to the west

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

I am curious about where the slope up leads to, in case we want/need to make an expedited retreat for some reason. So we could just go take a peek, and see if it is navigable?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

the floor just is not level.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

The key is to navigate downwaed in hopes to find this supposed treasure. Thankfully with a Gnome and Drawf we have handy racial skills to aid in not getting lost ect.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

So do you take the hallway to the west or do you check one of the rooms near you.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

The sloping is in the general room, the closest room Ill check the wall and passage frame but not go in.

Find and Remove traps: 1d100 ⇒ 94

Frackit examines the room closest too him and then after inspecting the wall and frame around the doorway, he will look for traps around the door.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Since Frackit pointed west, Zairiah assumes he thinks they should go that way, but then he starts checking for traps, so she goes west, but warily.

She checks for traps around the doorway before she goes through...

Find/Remove Traps (95%): 1d100 ⇒ 49

... and then proceeds west, if it seems safe.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Frackit checks for traps on the outside of the nearest room to the party. He peeks inside without entering there is a doorway but no door and he sees that it must have been a wine cellar. The jugs of wine in here are mostly
cracked, and their contents have long since evaporated. There a lot of stacks. You do not find any traps.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

"Zairiah we have Wine overhere?" Frackit says as he heads in taking a look at the room see if anything will cause it to collapse.

Unsafe Rooms,cielings,floors,walls: 1d10 ⇒ 2

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Frackit walks into the room and sees stack after stack of wine jugs in shelves. He walks behind one of the shelves and sees a strange
skeleton, that of a hunched humanoid creature with a long, thin tail the skeletal arms still cradle an empty wine jug.

Genie Lore check

You identify these bones
as the remains of a winemaker genie.

Medicine check

You are able to discern that this creature's skull was split by a sword blow.

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

Nura doesn't know what to make of the skeleton, being skilled in neither medicine nor genie lore. Instead, she uncorks a jug of wine and sniffs it.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

" Um...Aggrammar we have a skeleton!!!" He then sees Nura move up and uncork the jug.

" It could of been undead!" He says as he sighs holding a dagger ready.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Aggrammar prepares to repel the skeleton, in case it turns out to be animated by negative energies - he approaches it slowly and carefully - "On it" - he replied to Frackit.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah comes back and joins the party since Frackit called her, and it sounds like they found something.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

GM ROlls

2d100 ⇒ (35, 99) = 134

Nura sees that there is some wine inside the jug with the subtle smell of apricots in the bouquet.

The skeleton does not move.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Since the skeleton is not moving and appears harmless, Aggrammar will look it over for any references of whom this might have been in the past. Perhaps an insignia can be found, or something along those lines.

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Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

" Sorry, My friend" Frackit says as he sirs beside the Skeleton.

" Seems like you were a passionate fellow. One who either loved wine or made it oe both. If you made these and put your life in them. I hope we can make sure others get to enjoy them. Though we will bury you with some. That way you can rest in piece with the stuff you obviously took pride in* Frackit says as he seems to ugologise with this skeleton.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib joins the rest, observing the dungeon silently, having changed to his war-gear.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

The humanoid creature with the long tail does seem to have been wearing clothing.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

"No insignias or markings" - Aggrammar grunted - "He... Or she. Does have a tail though... Which is unusual I guess" - he added with a shrug - "Shall we move toward the downward slope then?"

I have Healing NWP, but no Medicine.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Healing would work

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Healing (vs14): 1d20 ⇒ 2

"Also... Its skull was split by a sword blow" - Aggrammar examined the skeleton closer - "Mebbe it was invadin'? Or tryin' to?"

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

"While I, and most of my tribe, do not partake in the consumption of drinks of this sort, even we do not make it a point to kill those who would do so, or those who would create such a beverage. Do you think the one that slew this djinn did so because of its affinity for the wine itself?"

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Kamalla smiles at Paritosh and says, "You are very wise and handsome. My family does not partake in wine but others should make their own choice."

Next room or follow the slope?

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

" You all need to live a little. Drink some wine, carouse, maybe acxidentally rearrange your parents house as a jest! You know the follies of youth!" Frackit says remembering his own first few dillances with stronger alcohol.

" Still its valuable to someone we can take it with us and sell later" he says looking around and goes to check any doors in this room.

If no doors he will follow down the path. " Remind me to get a 10 foot pole"

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

"Are we not checking the next room before descending Frackit?"

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

"As a youth among my people, we would sometimes sneak out at night and rearrange the camels within the paddocks, to confuse their owners." Paritosh starts to chuckle. "And this one time," he stops and laughs heavier as he recalls the event, "Jansen rode Marilosh's camel for nearly three hours before he realized the mistake!" Tears come to Paritosh's eyes as he recounts the tale. "Marilosh had recognized the switch immediately, but she chose to play along until Jansen figured it out!"

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Kamalla says, "Wow, that is some pretty funny antics."

Your group decide to listen to Agrammar and you go into the next room closest to you to be thorough. The next room seems to have been a store room. You find broken bits of bronze plate
mail, faded brocade, weapons with useless scabbards
and hilts, pipes, dented lamps, tobacco, dried meats,
piles of sandals, dried herbs, pottery, eating utensils,
plates, vases, fractured sculptures, small dolls, and
other toys. And much more.

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

" Seems I found a place for storage though the items look worse for wear. Still if we had the opportunity such things could catch a good price. Mostly to be used and made into be made into new rhings." He says as he begins to poke around for traps and stability.

Find Traps: 1d100 ⇒ 47
Unsafe room: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Frackit is unable to find any traps and the room is safe. There are a lot of things in there.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Aggrammar peers around the room for some valuables which might have gone unnoticed or forgotten.

The whole place also looks like it has not been disturbed in a long time, right?

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah looks through to see if anything in here is valuable.

Appraise (proficient) Int=13: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You find a few dinars lying at
the bottom of an empty water jug and a forgotten purse
containing a brooch, a ring
and 25 gp sitting on a top shelf.

Shot Putter Funkmeister


The ring and the brooch look valuable.

Your group then moves into the next room before following the slope. Buried Room. A partial ceiling cave-in left this room filled with a great pile of earth. You notice a pair of skeletal legs protruding from the rubble with most of his belongings rotten but he his holding a beautifully made jambiya in his right hand that has no tell-tale wear or rust same as its sheath.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Aggrammar's dwarven senses kick into gear as he tries to ascertain what might have caused the cave-in, and if it has been a recent one as he suspects from the state of conservation of the jambiya.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah collects

* a few dinars
* a forgotten purse
* a brooch that looks valuable
* a ring that looks valuable
* 25 gold
* a beautifully made jambiya

She puts the ring on, because she likes the look of it.

Female Human Wizard (Sha'ir) 5 | 13/13 HP | AC 9 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand 11 Petrification or Polymorph 13 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 12

Genie Lore: 1d20 ⇒ 18

"How unfortunate. This positioning implies that the victim was killed in a sudden collapse."

Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 46/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

"Best to be wary," Nura warns Zairiah. "My father used to tell me tales of cursed jewelry and that all that glitters may not be gold."

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Yeah, I know the stories, but ever since the wish I think more than ever that fate is just given, not chosen. If the gods want to play with my life, then I will let them... what point is resistance? It is in their hands, not mine.

Shot Putter Funkmeister


You get the feeling that the cave in was a long time ago, but the fact that the jambiya has not aged is odd as opposed to the rest of the elves items and clothing. But without hitting the ceiling with a pick axe or hammer it should not cave in further.

You decide to follow the slope to the west. After the tunnel narrows to five feet going downward, the hallway opens up to ten feet in width and there is a larger corridor to the north which is 20 feet in width that goes for 50 feet and then turns to the east, at the edge of your light source in front of you there are two doors one to the north and the other to the south plus the corridor continues further west beyond your light.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

"My thinkin' is that we do not risk any further cave-in, unless we poke at the ceiling with a pick axe or somethin' - the dwarf informs his companions as they move along.

As they arrive at the larger corridor, he peeks around. then turns back to his companions - "Suggestions?"

Shot Putter Funkmeister

By peeking around the larger coridor to the north, he sees that the corridor goes east, there is a room to the north with a door and he can also see all the way into the room where you found the dead elf.

Basically, you can check the room around the corner to the north, a room to north down the western hall or the door to the south that is adjacent to it, or you can continue moving west.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib studies the place, but is clearly out of his element.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Let's try the door to the north...

She looks at Frackit.

... you want to check it for traps, or should I?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

As your party approaches the first northern room with a door the gust of air from the 8 of you unlatches the door and you can walk through. What looks like an Office. This chamber clearly has been visited since the siege but not recently. There are open scrolls on the floor, which obviously came from the two wide open scroll cabinets.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 9/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Zairiah picks up the scrolls and looks through them to see if any are salvageable/valuable.

Appraise (proficient) Int=13: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Zairiah finds a map of the basement dungeon and a general description of each room or what they do.


You are in room 5, it is an office. You have been in 9, 6 and 4. 9 and 6 were store rooms, 9 was collapsed. 4 is a wine cellar. 7 was an armory, 8 was the wizard's study, 10 is a hall. 11 was a barracks. 12 is a special room. There is a list of stores which you imagine have been either consumed or have gone foul in these rooms. There are also some runes.

Zairiah, give me an INT or WIS check to see if you can make out the cant code

Fadilah or Frackit You can give me a spell craft check

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"We found some treasure, but not much of a pit," Ibn Taaib says, examining the room. As a governor of his people, he surveys the office, trying to find out more of how this place was run and inventory was kept.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Kamalla says, "I guess we are saving the best for last."

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