War for the Crown with DM Vayelan

Game Master vayelan

Loot Log
NPC Tracker
Stachys and Loyalty Tracker

Map: The Betony Estate
Persona Tracker
Persona Subsystem Rules

Tanager Jubilee Tracker

Encounter Map: Palace of Birdsong

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Human Sniper Slayer 6/Unchained Rogue 1 | hp 57/57 | AC 21 (T 16 F15) | CMD 22 | Perc +10 (+1 to find traps); Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +13 Will +4; +2 to resist mind-reading

"Oh, do let's. I've been learning to go shopping ever since my lady's maid was accidentally stabbed. Can't find anyone to replace her, and the unseen servant can't bargain."

She looks at the others after finishing her cup of tea. "Anything else you picked up about the area the slaughterhouse is in? Who might we encounter? What did that chap at the tavern say about neighborhoods here..."

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Naliah hasn't picked up much information about the slaughterhouse. She has heard that it's located in the Bountiful district on the south side of the city, and that it was operated by a pair of halfling brothers until they died about a generation back, leaving no business partners or family members to take over the business.

She did hear the fellow in the tavern talk about how the Coinside district, on the north side of the river, opposite the Bountiful district, has some of the best, classiest shopping in the city.

Male Fetchling (Native Outsider/Human) Bard 7 (Busker) /Varient MC Sorcerer (Ectoplasm)| HP 49/49 (-0 NL)
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +6, CMD 19 | F 3, R 8, W 5 | Init +4, Perc +10 / Low-Light Vision/Darkvision 60ft/ Stunts(7rds/day)|Current:

Dro'gan snaps his fingers, stands suddenly, and speaks as if a decision has been reached.

"So let's hit the Coinside district and make a few purchases, then meet up across the river after sundown near the slaughterhouse to scope it out from a distance. Agreed?"

Human Sniper Slayer 6/Unchained Rogue 1 | hp 57/57 | AC 21 (T 16 F15) | CMD 22 | Perc +10 (+1 to find traps); Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +13 Will +4; +2 to resist mind-reading

"Lovely! Anyone want to join me at the apothecary's?

Naliah is ready to go

Male Half Elf Evoker 7 | HP 49/49 | AC 16 | T 14 | FF 14 | Init +6 | Perc +12| Fort +7| Ref +5| Will +7| Spells (4-2/2; 3-3/3; 2-4/4; 1-5/5) | Current Conditions: N/A

Vyranos stands, reaching his hand out for Kirby to jump and scale up his arm to settle in a pocket. “I shall tag along.

| HP:53/53 | AC: 22 (20 Tch, 16 Fl)| CMB: +6, CMD: 26 |F: +9, R: +10, W: +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +14, SM: +22 | Speed 30ft | Bane 10/10 |Spells: 1st 5/5; 2nd 4/4| Active conditions:

"Doing the shopping ourselves? How awfully proletarian..." Hasimir says, getting up from his comfy chair.

"But some acquisitions are better not left for the servants. Lead the way."

Male Fetchling (Native Outsider/Human) Bard 7 (Busker) /Varient MC Sorcerer (Ectoplasm)| HP 49/49 (-0 NL)
AC 17, T 13, FF 14| CMB +6, CMD 19 | F 3, R 8, W 5 | Init +4, Perc +10 / Low-Light Vision/Darkvision 60ft/ Stunts(7rds/day)|Current:

”I will tag along as well. Peruse the goods available.”

See how you three handle yourselves…”

Investigator 6 / Swashbuckler 1 | HP: 59/59 | AC: 21 (T: 15, F: 18 | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +10, SM: +11 | Speed 30' | Inspiration 7/8 | Panache 6/6 | Phrenic Pool 3/3

Oops, just noticed I posted this in discussion when it was meant to go here.

Amandine opens a leather satchel and rummages a bit; from the sound it seems quite full of containers and packages.

"If we come up short on coin, I have some things I could sell or barter if I must."

She doesn't sound happy about parting with pieces of her kit, but willing.

Human Sniper Slayer 6/Unchained Rogue 1 | hp 57/57 | AC 21 (T 16 F15) | CMD 22 | Perc +10 (+1 to find traps); Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +13 Will +4; +2 to resist mind-reading

"Oh, the lady does speak!" Naliah replies to Amandine. "Oh good. I was worried you might be giving us the silent treatment. That is kind, but I think I can cover what I might need, at least. Perhaps later, if we decide to investigate those men turning to stone, we might need some preventives... or curatives... I haven't much liquidity, but I can contribute if need be, then. But I think we should see what we find first at the slaughterhouse. Do divs carry valuables, I wonder...?" Her blouse changes color as they go out the door.

As they go through town, Naliah occasionally chatters aimlessly, commenting on this or that passersby's outfit or speculating as to whether a nearby lodging serves a certain fish. She either is this vapid, or is attempting to put off those who might suspect them of being more than a party of refugees from the recent political chaos.

At the apothecary, she chats quietly with the proprietor about what initially seems to be suggestions for her beauty regimen, but as she drops a few words and offers a vial of something she pulls from the shawl over her shoulders which the apothecary almost looks surprised to see, but nods and trades her her goods, and distributes her new vials of cold iron blanch and one of holy water in a pouch or pocket.

She will accompany the others as they complete their purchases, and help them haggle if needed (and if they accept her help).

Appraise on behalf of other purchases: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Oof, sorry folks. At least it's an average result, but still.

When time comes to go to the slaughterhouse, her outfit changes to slightly more muted colors, but typical to the style of the town.

We can assume that any shopping, selling, wheeling, and dealing is completed before moving on to the slaughterhouse.
For now, I'll make the introductory post for the new scene.

The neighborhood around the old slaughterhouse primarily holds warehouses and tenements.

Diplomacy DC 15:
Asking around among the locals turns up some clues.

Residents in the neighborhood suspect that once-abandoned slaughterhouse is now occupied, as they hear occasional howls or cries from the building, but they are too fearful to investigate.

Residents have also seen strange animals in the area, including large rams, dogs, and ravens with unusual black eyes.

This large building is made of brick and wood, both faded to the same drab shade of brown from years of neglect. The front of the building bears the words "SANGUINE BROTHERS FINE MEATS" in large, rust-red letters beneath the enormous painted faces of two halfling men with bushy sideburns. The eyes of the halflings are large, round windows, giving them vacant, surprised expressions.

Three squat towers rise up from the rear of the building, and the building's massive doors are chained shut. An aura of long neglect hangs over the slaughterhouse.

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