War for the Crown with DM Vayelan

Game Master vayelan

Loot Log
NPC Tracker
Stachys and Loyalty Tracker

Map: The Betony Estate
Persona Tracker
Persona Subsystem Rules

Tanager Jubilee Tracker

Encounter Map: Sanguine Brothers Slaughterhouse

With Taldor now gripped by the War for the Crown, the party travels to the County of Meratt to earn the loyalty of the people and build a power base for their patron, Princess Eutropia.


Rebuilding Stachys:

Civic Improvements, Basic (1,000gp):
Repairing potholes, leveling the streets, repainting buildings, and patching roofs all help improve the quality of life and attract new visitors.
The PCs gain 1 Loyalty Point.

Civic Improvements, Advanced (4,000gp):
Investing more money allows Stachys to renovate its waste systems, build new walkways, and construct new buildings.
The PCs gain 3 Loyalty Points

Farms, Basic (1,000gp):
Basic improvements include repairing irrigation, pulling stumps, and marking outlying roads.
The PCs gain 1 Loyalty Point.

Farms, Advanced (4,000gp):
With more cash, the community can acquire hardier seed, fertilizer, and even magical renewal for the soil.
The PCs gain 3 Loyalty Points

Festivals (2,000gp each):
Festivals to mark special occasions and holidays are an easy way to win support and impress the neighbors, but PCs can’t hold more than one festival every 2 weeks. A festival raises the town’s opinion of the PCs to Indifferent if it has fallen to Unfriendly. Inviting a noble to visit during a festival grants the PCs a +2 circumstance bonus on checks to influence that noble during the visit.
If the PCs hold at least three festivals, they gain 1 Loyalty Point.

Gold Canyon Bridge (3,000gp):
Rebuilding the bridge over Gold Canyon allows PCs to travel more quickly to Jambis, Moost, and New Towne, and encourages new trade.
The PCs gain 1 Loyalty Point.

Market, Basic (2,000gp):
By paving the village square, coordinating with local artisans and neighboring farms, and hiring a few messengers, the PCs can establish a weekly market to attract more wealth.
This improvement helps Stachys become more self-sufficient, reducing the base cost of all future improvements by 10%.

Market, Advanced (2,000gp):
Lending some money to establish a new, permanent store in town helps bring new products and luxuries into the community.
Completing this improvement grants Stachys the “Prosperous” settlement quality.

Mill (1,000gp):
The windmill just outside of town broke down during a storm 20 years ago, and no local has the knowledge or money to fix it. With some small investments in repairing the mill, farmers will no longer need to cart their grain to Pensaris and back.
The PCs gain 1 Loyalty Point.

Public House (5,000gp):
Onora’s original tavern is little more than an oversized home with a dirt floor. Constructing a true public house provides Stachys with a public gathering space as well as room for brewing.
This investment automatically improves Onora Piscum’s attitude toward the PCs by one step. This new pub may even attract adventurers.
The PCs gain 2 Loyalty Points.

Pump House, Basic (1,000gp):
Repairing the pump with a simple, animal-drawn mechanism is enough to start draining the adjoining marsh, solving Stachys’ insect and mildew problems.
The PCs gain 1 Loyalty Point.

Pump House, Advanced (5,000gp*):
Repairing the pump’s full functionality with a magical or engineering solution and establishing a regular ferry service helps connect Stachys to the rest of the county via the canal system.
The PCs can now travel along the canals to reach their destinations more quickly.
*The cost of this improvement can be reduced by 2,000gp with a successful DC 20 Knowledge (Arcana) or (Engineering) check, representing 3 days of dedicated work.
The PCs gain 3 Loyalty Points.

Statue (1,000gp):
Once the PCs have invested at least 10,000gp into town improvements, they can erect a statue in the town square, honoring the local culture, the local nobility, or themselves.
If they choose to honor the local culture, they gain 1 Loyalty Point. If they choose to honor the local nobility, they gain a +1 equipment bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence nobles of the county. If they choose to honor themselves, the statue becomes a minor tourist attraction, increasing the town’s base value by 10%.

Temple, Basic (4,000gp):
Stachys has a small shrine to Abadar, Erastil, Iomedae, and Shelyn, and with expensive construction this can be transformed into a small temple to any one of these gods. This improvement grants the PCs access to the healing services of a 1st-level cleric while in town, free of charge.
The PCs gain 2 Loyalty Points.

Temple, Advanced (10,000gp):
With a sanctified altar, expanded library, and charitable infrastructure, Stachys develops one of the nicest temples in the region, providing free education, food, and shelter for locals. This provides the PCs with free access to the spellcasting abilities of a 3rd-level cleric while in town and increases the community spellcasting level by 1 as more experienced clerics visit from neighboring communities.
The PCs gain 4 Loyalty Points.