Eternal_Twilight0's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts (176 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 4 aliases.


Paizo's webmaster must have been watching Ready Player One, "Get those nerds off their computers, Go Outside" hope everyone's weekend went well

Deadly secret wrote:
Sorry if I'm drastically behind, it seems you were able to play while the forums were down. I'll do my best to catch up.

It's been going down very sporadically, like minute to minute, you must have just been logging on during the down times

This lion is my new favorite pathfinder thing because he's like Golarion's history channel

I would like to play as a cleric if there is room available

RxGM wrote:
Something to keep in mind is that this scenario has a time component to it. Rooms will take a certain amount of time to search with more people taking less time. Tonight I’ll have an update with more specific guidelines for how these rules are applied to the scenario. Feel free to continue to explore now, as the search time on this hallway is negligable.

oh that's awesome that the rules time is based on our actions, no time to smell the flowers lol

Ty Gus. So I am a bit new to PBP but is it generally okay to make rolls that the gm doesnt call for while exploring? I know on the table we usually wait but that's not as efficient.

Rx may I please get the Intro boon, I wish to take the Wand of I may.

Apparently Rorrim is a bumpkin with no sense of social grace, which is how I designed him so I guess that checks out.

Edymnion wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
So you're just going to completely ignore the reply you got from Vic in another thread?

Can't ignore what I haven't seen, mate.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Edymnion wrote:
The purpose of this playtest is to polish what they have, not revamp anything from the ground up. I'd wager what is in this playtest is 90% set in stone at this point, with only minor details being up for revision.
Not even close. If we learn that something major isn't working, we will change it. Rules development clearly moves quicker you think—we even have time to test multiple potential solutions to a problem.

Okay, well I can say this. I. Don't. Believe. Him.

I simply don't.

If everyone here said the 3 action system was bad, I honestly do not believe that they would scrap it and rebuild literally every class, every feat, and every spell.

If I said I don't like hitpoints, I do not think they are going to redesign the entire way damage is dealt and tracked at this point.

I have never seen Paizo or any other company make RADICAL changes to a product this late in the game.

Especially not when their entire design mantra with this seems to be a full 180 degrees away from what I wanted to see.

I could be wrong about this but didn't the playtest for pathfinder 1E use a similar energy system to the Stamina system from Unchained? Also the Medium class from Occult Adventures was fairly different in the playtest, as was the Gunslinger.

They have said already some systems such as Resonance are on the more extreme side of what they wanted to test so we will most likely see a change of some kind.

Edymnion wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
In which case, you'll be happy playing 1e and I'll be happy playing 2e.


I have no interest in playing a system that tells me what I'm allowed to make or not make. I have a set of crazy test builds/concepts I put any new system through. The more of them it can do, the better I consider the system to be.

So far, 2e is failing on ALL OF THEM because it has no real flexibility.

I've been in this hobby for a quarter of a century now. I don't give a damn about generic cliche characters, and that is all I see 2e promoting. Horrible cliches and 1 dimensional builds.

I think we should keep in mind that this IS a Playtest, not the final product. even if the final game does end up being more restrictive than 1E the options listed in this book are not the end all sum of what your character will be allowed to take. The options and variety will undoubtably be greater in the final rulebook, not to mention further products. This is a playtest, making your paladin into a dragon unicorn with lightsabers doesn't help paizo make sure that poison functions properly for everyone else.

That being said everyone's opinions are totally valid to make the end product better

GM Poblano Pepper wrote:

Hello everyone. Things are starting to calm down a little for me at this time now that they are getting the fire lines under control. For those of you who have seen my little community of Lake County has two fires that have devastated over 90,000 acres and the smoke is measured at more than hazardous.

My family and myself are safe at this time and have heard word we may return home by this weekend possibly.

Awesome I'm glad to hear that, please be safe with your friends and family

Kissan the Jag wrote:

RxGM here: Most people (myself included) make a separate alias for their animal companions.

This is Kissan, the animal companion for Edmund Decarth, a Sacred Huntsmaster Inquiitor currently fight evil devil people in Cheliax! She is currently unconscious, so this is an out of body experience for her... its been a rough day.

Then I will do that Shortly, I'm all stated up and ready to go, I'll be filling out my profile for the convenience of others but I have my character sheet ready

Question. How do people usually display animal companions for PBP, is there a way to have their stats visible like my main alias or should I make them their own alias?

Finally done I am ready to begin. I shall be playing Rorrim Liebig my -1 character

RxGM wrote:

Out of curiosity, are the characters that everyone has signed up with currently "free"? Since we do have a known slow down in September, it might be worth it to have a slow start a little bit earlier than August 13th- Especially if everyone is already here and able to post.

If that isn't possible (your character is in another game, or you are currently overloaded on active games) that is not problem for me at all.

What do you guys think?

I am working studiously to build a lvl 1 character. knowing that I can change it after the game I'll try to finish it tonight and then I'll be able to start.

finally building a character I've been percolating for about 3 years

I'll consider making a new character. I just wanted to use a cleric for right now since we don't have another healer

RxGM wrote:

Amarsia, since you are using your "-01" character, I get to give you this shinny you new boon! If you havent seen a chronicle sheet before, you get access to the "Initiate's Edge" boon for this character. There are three options available and you get to select one of them.

Welcome to Pathfinder

Do I get to take this also pr di I need to wait till I Play my first character

Amarsia Frostbite wrote:
TY, Amarsia Frostbite is a character I played in Legacy of Fire. She went through the whole thing and she is my all time favorite character. So I'm gonna let her be my first PFS character. She is an Undine Water Elemental Sorcerer.

That sounds awesome Amarsia, having a new incarnation of your classic character is a welcome addition to the society. Welcome to the Party.

Hello all

Yay I hope I get in

I would like to play. I've never played PFS or PBP before. I'm reasonably familiar with Pathfinder from reading the rulebooks for years but am inexperienced in playing. I am signed up to play one other gameday game. I would prefer to use a lvl 1 pregen Kyra for now

@GM Redelia should I start putting together a persona now? I need to make it so my stats are visible correct?

About how long is this module? Will it go beyond first level or is just a shorter adventure?

Awesome. I'm excited. I'll suppose I'll see what the other players would like to play to make a balanced party I would like to call dibs on Meraina the Sorceress. I can see their character sheets from another GM's recruitment post

Player Name: Eternal_Twilight0
PFS number: 141894
character number you want credit to go to: -01
faction for that character, if you know: Dark Achive
character name, if you know: Rorrim

I believe I'ld like to play one of the Pregens for this adventure. Possibly the Mage.

Redelia wrote:
Hi, Rorrim, and welcome. There are not many games starting up right now, because we have a major Play by Post convention, Gameday VII, starting up in a few weeks. I do have a game for new players planned for gameday, if you are interested (starting August 13).

What game will you be running?