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I have been contemplating running "7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift" although I have not run it before. I am qualified as a four star GM. Does anyone have any thoughts or reasons why I shouldn't try? It seems rather strange to me.

GM Redelia |

I have been contemplating running "7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift" although I have not run it before. I am qualified as a four star GM. Does anyone have any thoughts or reasons why I shouldn't try? It seems rather strange to me.
It definitely fits the theme. However, there is a reason it has a star minimum to run. Before signing up to run it, please read over it and make sure you're comfortable with the hard part to run.

GM Redelia |
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Hi, everyone. I have some sad news to share. Campaign leadership has announced that orcs are not permitted in Pathfinder 1 Society. Details can be found in the blog here.
For those of you who are, like me, mourning your orc characters who you planned or even built, I will be making a thread where we can tell their stories.

GM Redelia |

Here is the promised thread where we can talk about our orc friends who will never be, or at least never be official society characters.

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"Our portrayal of this ancestry has evolved over the years, and their initial presentation as aggressive, callous, and domineering isn’t something we want to encourage in our Organized Play programs."
Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? huh... my question is: how are 2E orcs like? I mean, we're talking about ORCS right?!?

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It's only for campaign mode. My understanding is that if you run it via regular Pathfinder rules you can just do one book.
Although the "planning to" part is extremely nebulous.
In Campaign mode, GMs can use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). They are not even required to use the Pathfinder RPG rules, but they must run the adventure using a tabletop roleplaying game and use the Adventure Path or Pathfinder Module as the primary source for adventure content.
Emphasis (bold) mine.

EbonFist |

EbonFist wrote:It's only for campaign mode. My understanding is that if you run it via regular Pathfinder rules you can just do one book.
Although the "planning to" part is extremely nebulous.
Season 10 Guide, pg 12 wrote:In Campaign mode, GMs can use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). They are not even required to use the Pathfinder RPG rules, but they must run the adventure using a tabletop roleplaying game and use the Adventure Path or Pathfinder Module as the primary source for adventure content.Emphasis (bold) mine.
Right, if you want to run under Pathfinder Society rules, then you just do one book with the understanding that you're only going to do that book and get the credit for it (though you could run more with the same characters.)
If you want to run campaign mode you have to make a good faith attempt to run the whole thing. I believe the book portion of that quote was because you can run some modules in campaign mode.
Of course, you pass out chronicle sheets after each portion of an Adventure Path so what is good faith or planned or intended is pretty nebulous, especially in a format that can take years to get through rather than weeks or months.
Also, I would argue that a LARP, by definition, is not a tabletop roleplaying game so you could not LARP them for credit.

GM Redelia |

It's usually not the entire book that is included if you use society mode.
And it might be that no one will know or check if the rules are being followed, but this is a community where we respect the rules. Openly advertising something that you know is against the rules won't be tolerated. Misunderstanding or not knowing the rules means we will explain the rules, and if needed help brainstorm ways to follow them.

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EbonFist wrote:It's only for campaign mode. My understanding is that if you run it via regular Pathfinder rules you can just do one book.
Although the "planning to" part is extremely nebulous.
Season 10 Guide, pg 12 wrote:In Campaign mode, GMs can use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). They are not even required to use the Pathfinder RPG rules, but they must run the adventure using a tabletop roleplaying game and use the Adventure Path or Pathfinder Module as the primary source for adventure content.Emphasis (bold) mine.
I thought most didn't finish an AP due to PCs croaking.

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An AP takes a while to finish; it takes years in PbP. They can end for a lot of different reasons. Usually, if a PC dies in an AP being played as a campaign, the player makes a new character.
Yep it took the group I'm with about a year and a half to finish one book of 'Ruins of Azlant' on PbP.
I was just thinking that, for example, if a group finished three books but they had a TPK in book four, would they get the Chronicle Sheets?
EbonFist |

They would have gotten the chronicle sheet after they finished each book so yes for the first three and no for the fourth.

GM Redelia |

GM Redelia wrote:An AP takes a while to finish; it takes years in PbP. They can end for a lot of different reasons. Usually, if a PC dies in an AP being played as a campaign, the player makes a new character.Yep it took the group I'm with about a year and a half to finish one book of 'Ruins of Azlant' on PbP.
I was just thinking that, for example, if a group finished three books but they had a TPK in book four, would they get the Chronicle Sheets?
Well, there would always be the possibility of making a new set of adventurers to finish, but if they stopped there, it would depend on how far through the book they were. They should have gotten sheets for 1-3 as they finished them, it's just book 4 that would be a question. And the society characters getting credit would not get the dead status or anything like that.

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Well, they were certainly finished with the fourth...
Because the 4th book finished them (off)? ;)

GM Redelia |
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Hi, everyone. I have an important announcement and request for all our GMs.
Campaign Leadership has asked us to give them numbers regularly about how many games are being played in our lodges. It’s important these numbers be as accurate as possible. As a way to gather this information, we are requesting that all GMs of games recruited from this lodge, unless they are convention games, fill out our brief form at the same time as they report the game to Paizo.
The form can be found here.
A few important points:
-If you post to this lodge looking for players, your game counts as from this lodge. A game counts as recruited from this lodge if it’s a continuation of a game that originally recruited here. Thus, groups playing through a series of scenarios or a long module do count.
-Convention games should not fill out this form. Instead, they should be reported as convention organizers instruct.
-This form is in addition to reporting to Paizo, not instead of it.
-Please be prompt about filling out this form. It needs to be done at the same time you report to Paizo. Don’t make us do more than ask nicely, please!
We need our data to start with January 1 of this year, so please do fill out our form for any games from this lodge you’ve already reported to Paizo this year! Please fill out the form for any previous games within the next week.

GM Aarvid |

If we have long running AP that posted for players year or more ago but not recently, do those count? They use these boards to play but are not sanctioned PFS games.

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Got my one game that finished since January reported, it was a very simple form. I'm happy to help show pfs1 still gets some love. There are a lot of players and gms out there that have not yet played the oodles of content available, plus a few that have played most of it but are happy burning some replays to still keep at it.
Is it quarterly reporting or something else?

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Got my one game that finished since January reported, it was a very simple form. I'm happy to help show pfs1 still gets some love. There are a lot of players and gms out there that have not yet played the oodles of content available, plus a few that have played most of it but are happy burning some replays to still keep at it.
Is it quarterly reporting or something else?
I haven't played most of the PFS1 scenarios.

kaervek78 |

I haven't played most of the PFS1 scenarios.
Neither did I.
But I intend to change this. So, as long as there are GMs are willing to run PFS 1e, I'll happily be there as a player!
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I was entering my pick for Outpost and I noticed that the game I submitted to GM is missing. It's PFS1e 3-08 Amongst the Gods.
Could someone please look into this?

GM Redelia |

Thank you so much to all the GMs who have already filled out the form!
I think there are a few things I need to point out or explain, based on what has been said in the lodges and the tracking forms so far.
-We can't use games that happened before Jan 1 of this year.
-Games that you recruit entirely by PM or similar ways don't count as recruited from this lodge. Games that were recruited by 'hey, that was fun, how about another' in the threads of a game that was recruited from here still count as recruited from here. If you're not sure if a game counts as recruited from the lodge, please ask. You can post in the lodge discussion thread or you can contact a PbP VO to help.
In case anyone is curious, we have about 20 games in the tracker (this is all three lodges together).

GM Redelia |
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GM R, can I get a clarification? Last year I took over an Emerald Spire game that was originally recruited from Flaxseed. As the party finishes levels, should I be filling out the form for the just-completed level? Thanks!
Yes, please fill out the form. That is exactly the sort of situation I am trying to catch with all these wordy explanations.

GM Redelia |

Hey everyone,
Now that the GM role at several of the lodges has been transferred to me, I'd like to make the headers consistent, if I can. Before I make big changes, I'd like to know what it's helpful to have there. Can you let me know what you'd like to have linked in the header? You can do so either here or by PM.

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It's just that the ones inside can't have labels :(

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** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Yeah!!! How do you do it? If I did something like:
DC 15 "you learn this" in a spoiler, then "If you beat DC by 5+, you learn this.."
Yayyy! Thank you!

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I would have thought it would be more. Perhaps 1) GMs aren't reporting simply because it's still a new thing to do so, or b) there weren't as many games going as folks just waited for Outpost.
There's 62 registered tables across all 3 systems playing on the Paizo forums according to the Outpost spreadsheet, so clearly there's a lot of PBP play going on.
I did note that the vast majority of PF1 Outpost games are here, but the Discord lodges are much more popular with PF2.
Paizo Forum tables out of total tables by System:
PF1: 18 of 21 = 86%
PF2: 32 of 85 = 38%
SF: 12 of 29 = 41%

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Are there scenarios that need to be run in order to qualify for a 5th star? If so, I'd better think about doing them.