The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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VC Australia - WA
GM Aerondor wrote:

Somewhere (and I've seen it, but can't find it) there was a document that summarised the changes for running Bonekeep online.

Does anyone remember where it is? In particular I'm trying to remember if Bonekeep level three was sanctioned for online (I know one and two were, as I've run them).

Redelia has the full information but is currently unavailable.

I believe, from memory, we were given specific permission to allow it for PbP conventions with specific requirements. Unfortunately I don't know what they are, but will try to find out for you.

VC Australia - WA

Here we go:


These scenarios may be run by any 4-star or 5-star GM or a Venture-Officer at any time. They also may be run by anybody at a convention. There are no table minimums.
PFS1 Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave (Levels 3–7)
PFS1 Bonekeep Level 2: Maze to the Mind Slave (Levels 3–7)
PFS1 Bonekeep Level 3: The Wakening Tomb (Levels 5–9)

Bonekeep Play-by-Post Addendum: As of 4/8/22, the Bonekeep specials may be run as part of Play-by-post events, subject to the same rules as any other convention. To account for the play-by-post nature of the event, GMs should only run their players through up to half of the encounters, either chosen by the GM at the start or decided based on their players’ actions. Players can only earn up to half of the maximum gold on the chronicle sheet.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

So it has to be part of an event? (i.e. an online con)?

Silver Crusade

GM Aerondor wrote:
So it has to be part of an event? (i.e. an online con)?

If I'm interpreting that communication clearly, anybody can run it at a con (no star requirement), while 4-stars, 5-stars, and VOs can run it any time.

Can paizo forum be used run play by post game that're not English language?

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

No, the Paizo forums requires posts to be in English. See the last question on this page

If you let us know what language you are looking for, we might know of some other forum to point you towards.

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

myth weavers perhaps? roll20 offers games in different languages...

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I don't think I'd try to run a PbP game entirely on roll20

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Male Paladin 5 (Oath of Vengeance) / Hellknight 1| HP 52/52 | AC 16 / 12 T / 15 FF | CMD 18 | Fort +14, Reflex +8, Will +10 Init +1 | Perception +7 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 30 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: Heroism, Smite
grimdog73 wrote:
myth weavers perhaps? roll20 offers games in different languages...

Discord seems to be a popular choice for PbP.

Mythweavers feels like a bigger learning curve than Paizo forum and they probably don't want to moderate foreign language as well; roll20 defeat the purpose of doing pbp; and discord is not available/require illegal method to use in certain region of the world......

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As long as the chat is archived, there's no reason you can't do PbP on Roll20. It's not ideal, but Sherlock Holmes once said that when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the platform you play PbP on.

Or, something like that.

You lose too many benefit compare to do it on forum: can't edit your typo, no text styling, website is more "heavy weight" than a forum, etcl
And it probably won't read like a third person collective novel anymore, since you have large chunk of marco rolling in it.

Okay, so what do you want? Us to snap our fingers and change Paizo's rules? Or overthrow whatever government banned Discord?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LG Human Male Paladin 5 (Oath of Vengeance) / Hellknight 1| HP 52/52 | AC 16 / 12 T / 15 FF | CMD 18 | Fort +14, Reflex +8, Will +10 Init +1 | Perception +7 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 30 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: Heroism, Smite
Watery Soup wrote:
Okay, so what do you want? Us to snap our fingers and change Paizo's rules? Or overthrow whatever government banned Discord?

I think they were hoping for an option they weren't aware of not asking the site to suddenly change its rules.

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aka GM Kaervek, male human Buerocrat 1
Colin_Mercer wrote:
Mythweavers feels like a bigger learning curve than Paizo forum and they probably don't want to moderate foreign language as well; roll20 defeat the purpose of doing pbp; and discord is not available/require illegal method to use in certain region of the world......

Have you checked out RPoL?

According to their FAQ you can run games in other languages as long as everyone involved knows enough English to understand their rules.

I do not have an account there, so I do not know how good or complicated the site is. Found it via this Reddit post...

Watery Soup wrote:
Okay, so what do you want? Us to snap our fingers and change Paizo's rules? Or overthrow whatever government banned Discord?

Are you secretly a Efreeti or a Glabrezu? If so I might have to be more careful with my wording.

Anyway, thanks for all the suggestion. I will show them to the players to see if they like any of them.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB
Zin Z'arin wrote:
GM Aerondor wrote:
So it has to be part of an event? (i.e. an online con)?
If I'm interpreting that communication clearly, anybody can run it at a con (no star requirement), while 4-stars, 5-stars, and VOs can run it any time.

Can I get a VC confirmation about this interpretation?

Is it legal for me (4 star) to run a regular table of Bonekeep L3 in PBP, or do I need to wait for an online convention? Either way, obviously, I can only run half the level.

Grand Lodge

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m Human Commoner 10
GM Aerondor wrote:
Zin Z'arin wrote:
GM Aerondor wrote:
So it has to be part of an event? (i.e. an online con)?
If I'm interpreting that communication clearly, anybody can run it at a con (no star requirement), while 4-stars, 5-stars, and VOs can run it any time.

Can I get a VC confirmation about this interpretation?

Is it legal for me (4 star) to run a regular table of Bonekeep L3 in PBP, or do I need to wait for an online convention? Either way, obviously, I can only run half the level.

I'm not a VC, however, I've been a VA for 11 years and I can honestly tell you that you can run any Bonekeep at any time if you are a 4 or 5 Star GM.

I played Belladonna the Cleric in your two Core games. I'd be more than happy joining in for part 3.

Lantern Lodge

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SFS 05-99 BftB

Bonekeep had special modifications for PBP due to the time limit for playing it around the table. It wasn't open for PBP play at all until somewhat recently. Of course with folk moving to PFS2, they are somewhat less precious about it these days, but I'd not want to fall afoul of the Powers That Be.

If it is okay, then I'll likely offer bonekeep L3 in core in a week or so (have a little holiday to get through first).

kaervek78 wrote:
Colin_Mercer wrote:
Mythweavers feels like a bigger learning curve than Paizo forum and they probably don't want to moderate foreign language as well; roll20 defeat the purpose of doing pbp; and discord is not available/require illegal method to use in certain region of the world......

Have you checked out RPoL?

According to their FAQ you can run games in other languages as long as everyone involved knows enough English to understand their rules.

I do not have an account there, so I do not know how good or complicated the site is. Found it via this Reddit post...

I used to play rpol when I had more time. It is actually better than any other forum I've seen for actually running games. Yes, even better than here. They've even got a decent setup for finding games that let's people search by various parameters.

There are two frontends to the site, the old interface (by far my preference), and a responsive frontend (because google literally said they would not show the website on the front page of searches if it wasn't responsive style, [thus more reason to hate that company]).

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
GM Aerondor wrote:

Bonekeep had special modifications for PBP due to the time limit for playing it around the table. It wasn't open for PBP play at all until somewhat recently. Of course with folk moving to PFS2, they are somewhat less precious about it these days, but I'd not want to fall afoul of the Powers That Be.

If it is okay, then I'll likely offer bonekeep L3 in core in a week or so (have a little holiday to get through first).

I'm not sure why you're concerned that it might only be allowed at a PbP convention. If you're worried by the term 'PbP event,' remember that every PFS game is reported to an event.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

That seems to be a really unclear answer to the question. If every PbP game is part of a PbP event, then saying anyone can run it as part of an event is redundant.

Silver Crusade

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

To be on the safe side, I am seeking clarification now. I'll get back to you when I can, but it might be a day or two.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

No hurries. It's really just because Bonekeep is so special, and I've only run it before during conventions. I'd hate to get halfway through and then be told it didn't count for anyone. It'd spoil the for everyone.

Dark Archive

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Scenario and AP Tracker

Hey all, I have some bad news.

A lot of you know, have played with or had RVC Jack Brown (Silbeg) as a GM. He recently underwent open heart surgery. While recovering he suffered from a hemorrhagic stroke.

More details are in the links below but Jack has been a staple to our online and in person community. Please offer up some kind words or encouragement and any donations to help his family out in their difficult time of need.

We have a few local folks from the RPG Community visiting him each day and reading your kind words to him. He can definitely use it right now.

Caring Bridge Well Wishes


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Hoping he pulls through okay, it's a tough recovery.

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Thoughts and best wishes to he and his family.

Sovereign Court

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Omg best wishes of health and recovery.

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Silbeg has been friendly and magnanimous in every interaction.

Valhalla can wait.

Wayfinders Contributor

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Any comments that you make on his Caring Bridge (or for that matter, here) I will read to Jack when Bret and I visit him at the hospital tomorrow.


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Here, take an inspiration die for your next con save!

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On no! I really hope that he recovers soon!!

Grand Lodge

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Thoughts and prayers are with you, Silbeg.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LG Human Male Paladin 5 (Oath of Vengeance) / Hellknight 1| HP 52/52 | AC 16 / 12 T / 15 FF | CMD 18 | Fort +14, Reflex +8, Will +10 Init +1 | Perception +7 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 30 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: Heroism, Smite
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Any comments that you make on his Caring Bridge (or for that matter, here) I will read to Jack when Bret and I visit him at the hospital tomorrow.


Get better soon Silbeg!

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Male Newspaper editor, freelance game designer

I've been gutted by this news since I first heard it. Jack has been nothing but friendly and helpful to me (and many others in the gaming community), helping me get involved with PFS before I was writing for it and teaching me how to GM on Roll20 (back when it was the primary VTT). Thank you, Hilary, for being among those who are helping Jack know how much everyone thinks of and cares for him.

Wayfinders Contributor

Alas, no one is going to be able to visit Jack today. On top of everything else, we just found out they've diagnosed him with covid. It has been one hit after another.



Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Male Paladin 5 (Oath of Vengeance) / Hellknight 1| HP 52/52 | AC 16 / 12 T / 15 FF | CMD 18 | Fort +14, Reflex +8, Will +10 Init +1 | Perception +7 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 30 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: Heroism, Smite
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Alas, no one is going to be able to visit Jack today. On top of everything else, we just found out they've diagnosed him with covid. It has been one hit after another.



Zounds! :(

aka GM Kaervek, male human Buerocrat 1

Oh no... :-(

Best wishes of health and recovery to GM Silbeg!

Wayfinders Contributor

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Hey All.

Jack's taken a turn for the worse. The doctors let us in this afternoon to see him (in full covid isolation gear, gowns, masks and gloves) to say goodbye. It's not expected for him to survive the night at this point... but he may still surprise us.

While I was there I read all your words to him. His wife Deb was very grateful to hear them, and has asked me to print them for her remembrance book. She was very proud of his friends from all around the world, and talked about how he had hoped to meet all of you in his travels.

I'll keep you updated if anything changes.


Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

dang...that really sucks. I'm pretty sure we've been at a table together at some point.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Hey All.

Jack's taken a turn for the worse.


I'll keep you updated if anything changes.


Thanks for letting us know, even if it's not what we were hoping to hear. He (and you, Bret, and the other folks who know him in person) are in my thoughts.

Wayfinders Contributor

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Jack will pass soon, they're removing his breathing support now. There is a Jack-sized hole in the universe, and it's ripped through all our hearts.

Thank you to everyone who left messages or donated to his GoFundMe. The money will be used for medical bills, funeral and to provide some support for his wife Deb who was a full-time homemaker.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Male Paladin 5 (Oath of Vengeance) / Hellknight 1| HP 52/52 | AC 16 / 12 T / 15 FF | CMD 18 | Fort +14, Reflex +8, Will +10 Init +1 | Perception +7 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 30 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: Heroism, Smite

:( Sorry to hear that and my thoughts go out to all who knew him.

Wayfinders Contributor

11 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe Jack would love to be remembered with laughter and gaming stories. He always had a twinkle of mischief in his eye, and boundless energy. He enlivened every table that he ever played or GMed at, and he often dressed in character -- when he played his ysoki, he would show up in glittery sunglasses and a feather boa.

He was a great ring leader and got numerous non-athletic locals to do 5K runs with him. Running was one of his favorite things to do.

The first game I ever attended with Jack as a GM turned out to be a Birthday party. Bret and I did not know this - we just came because we signed up for an Organized Play table. But it was the birthday of one of the other players, and Jack brought birthday hats, kazoos, and birthday cake for everyone. Bret and I felt awkward at first but Jack and the others made us feel welcome.

Jack brought the party wherever he went, no matter what he did. He was lively, loud and always, always present. As loud as he was, he always made time for other people's voices. He was one of the best listeners that I knew.

Hail the traveler.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm sorry. He sounds like an amazing guy in person; most of my interactions with him were IC on the boards, but they were fun and memorable nonetheless. He and I played in a bunch of Core games together, and one throwaway bit of RP I did in the first one (feeding his druid's deinonychus animal companion) turned into this running joke between us.

May his memory be a blessing.

Grand Lodge


So very sad to hear that…

I recall one PBP session several years ago (Debt to the Quah it was, ran by GM Batpony) I got to play with him; I distinctly remember his gnome cleric in that one as he was such a witty and quirky character. I can still remember his name: Glastor Gilderhoff III. His character and mine had some witty repertoire about the lack of vowels in my name…and he also saved my character in the big boss battle at the end…memorable session that was…

Prayers to him, his family, and close friends…

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I only recall one game I ever played with Silbeg, he GMed a scenario where Pathfinders had to defuse a situation with orcs. I liked the interaction so much that I based a new PFS character off it - my orc investigator.

Wayfinders Contributor

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There's now a Remembrance thread on the main Organized Play forum.


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VC Australia - WA

Gameday XII announcement

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

To follow up on a question a few days ago, the permission to run Bonekeep by PbP is not limited to conventions. 'event' in this context is not intended to refer only to conventions, but to reporting events, which all organized play games are.

Also, Alex, the OPC, has asked me to pass on the following:
The fewer questions I get about PFS1, the better it is for the fraction of players who still play PFS1, because it means that I can't rule against you. At this stage and with the level of knowledge the program as a whole doesn't have about PFS1, my answer on 95% of questions will be "however the community has decided is probably the rule now; please assume the most lenient interpretation is almost certainly correct."

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