Nearly gods... (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

Nearly Gods-monastery

Upper and lower

Rough Map

Gnoll Tower

Current Characters

Silver Crusade BloodWolven

Nearly Gods Upper and lower
(1,332 posts)
Baris Zanthias

played by BloodWolven (31 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Jelissa M'Barra

HP: 33/33 _ AC: 18_ T: 13 _FF: 15_ Perception +5_ Lowlight _ Sense Motive +9 _ Diplomacy +10 _ Init: +2_Fort: +5_Ref: +3_Will: +7_CMB: +6_CMD: 18_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +6_Bluff +4 _ Climb +6 _ Escape Artist +5 _ Handle Animal +10 _ Heal +8 _ Intimidate +8 _ K +7 _ Linguistics +4 _ Ride +10 _ Spellcraft +7 _ Stealth +9 _ Survival +7 _ Swim +6 _ Use Magic Device +10

played by BloodWolven (131 posts)
Kristrille Iris

played by BloodWolven (78 posts)

Previous Characters


(744 posts)
Murthok Huul

Grushdeva du kalt misht
(1,966 posts)

(557 posts)

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
(11,625 posts)
Sczarni lantzkev

(2,816 posts)
Uzbin Parault
Shadow Lodge Lord Foul II

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1
(7,169 posts)
Artemis Entreri

Male "gem" CG_ HP: 55/55, AC: 24 _ T: 17 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +15(17 for traps), slight of hand +13 Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +7, Fort +2 _ Ref +9 (10 vs traps)_ Will +6, CMB: +4/+9, CMD: 19, Speed: 30 sense motive +10 fly +11 disable device +17 ILW wand 50/50 Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12/+32, Climb +4 Diplomacy +4, Escape artist +13 Intimidate +9, Stealth +17 Swim +4 know (arcana, nature, and religion) +7 disguise +8/+18

played by icehawk333 (61 posts)
"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram

Vital Stats:
HP: 280/280, AC: 45/T: 29/FF: 38, Perception +26*(many sense types), Initiative: +8, F: +23*/ R: +25*/ W: +22*, CMB: +20, CMD: 44*, Speed: 30
RETIRED Warforged (Living Construct, Dwarven) (Gestalt) Artificer / Machinesmith 20

played by Tenro (264 posts)
Silver Dragon

closest picture i could find. Kobold paragon 20 monk (master of many styles)//20 magus (kinsai)
vital stats and senses:
true seeing. hp 202/202 ac 63/51/46 cmb 22/27 cmd 39 f +21 r+24 w+25 sr 30 init 40, perception +31 move speed 90

played by icehawk333 (112 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Alton VenRysn

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

played by Lord Foul II (560 posts)
Darius Finch
Antonius Moretti

Male Human Paladin 3

played by Death_Keeper (26 posts)
Arasmes the Eye

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

played by Tenro (191 posts)
Sable Company Elite Marine
Dark Archive Arthur Barren

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

played by Lord Foul II (1,328 posts)
The Scribbler
Azulth the Slayer

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

played by Loup Blanc (288 posts)
Baris the Monke

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

played by BloodWolven (412 posts)
Wild Elf
Elwë Alcarin

Male Wood Elf HP:17/85 + 0/16 Temp | AC:16 | HD: 6/8 | INIT: +3 (Advantage) | SAVES: STR +4/ DEX +3/ CON +3/ INT +1/ WIS +2/ CHA +1

played by Joshua Hirtz (139 posts)
Fixit and Smith

M ΩGnoll Oracle/Artisan5
HP50/50, EP4/4, AC21 (vsmtl 23), FF12, TC12, DR10/Mgc, FH2, Frt+2, Will+2, Ref+2, Init+2, CMB+8, CMD18, Grpl+14, grpleCMD24,

played by ♣♠Magic♦♥ (71 posts)
GM Wolf

played by BloodWolven (19,897 posts)
His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad
The Hirtz Factor

played by Joshua Hirtz (352 posts)
Ice King Petrikov

Male Uldra Oracle 17/Witch 7/Winter Witch 10(PrC, Gestalt)

played by Monkeygod (95 posts)
Ivanna Láska

Female Soul-caller
Vital Stats:
HP: 102/140, AC: 21/T: 16/FF: 15, Perception +6, Initiative: +6, F: +11/ R: +16/ W: +20. SR:18 CMB: +16, CMD: 32, Speed: 30

played by Donald Robinson (80 posts)
Sin Spawn
Mr. Ziggles

played by Gobo Horde (70 posts)
Oom, Destroyer of Nice Things

Male Wildling Gestalt Oracle/Wizard (Primalist) 20

played by Billybrainpan (49 posts)
Sevvi derro

Male CN human _ HP: 41/45, AC: 19_T: 16_ FF: 16 _ Perception +11, Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +11(genrally), CMD: 23, Speed: 40 Acrobatics +9, Bluff +10, Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +16, Swim +14.

played by icehawk333 (31 posts)

Sir Bob of Bob

played by Havocprince (3 posts)
Vencarlo Orinsini
Sir Henrique

played by Havocprince (14 posts)
Terrible Terry Tate

Male Human
HP: 280/420(80), AC: 24/(22) T: 17 FF: 16, Perception +23, Initiative: +8, F: +34/50 R: +28/44 W: +16/32 DR 10(20)/-, CMB: +36(41), CMD: 59(64), Speed: 40 Fast Healing: 9
Blindsense 60ft Darkvision 120ft,see twice as far in reg light

played by lantzkev (177 posts)
Garuda-Blooded Aasimar
Shadow Lodge Wade Willhelm

Male (M) Aasimar (perikin) Oracle (bones, aboleth curse)

played by Lord Foul II (237 posts)
Cruel Devotee
Wan Huang Fu

played by Bobson (5 posts)
Chief Jubbek
Wilbur The Kindly Giant

Male Brute Superstitious Barbarian/Cross Blooded Sorcerer 20

played by Er Meh Gerd Dregens (19 posts)
The yellow boxes

Figment Narrator 20

played by Lord Foul II (585 posts)
Artemis Entreri
Zaindari Aerah

HP:180 BAB:15/10/5 Fort:7 Ref:11 Will:17 Initiative:2

played by Death_Keeper (74 posts)
Zanthias, Lord of Lightning

HP: 25/25, AC: 22 _ T: 22 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +11, Initiative: +5, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +8 (+2 vs. fear) _ CMB: +11 _ CMD: 26, Speed: 60
Acrobatics +11 (+16 jump) _ Climb +8 _ Dip +8 _ Escape Artist +9 _ Handle Animal +3 _ Heal +5 _ Intimidate +8 _ K: H & Re +6 _ Ling +2, Perform (Dance) +7 _ Ride +8 _ Sense Motive +9 _ Stealth+13 _ Survival +5 _ Swim +8

played by BloodWolven (148 posts)