
Terrible Terry Tate's page

177 posts. Alias of lantzkev.

Full Name

"Terrible" Terry Tate



HP: 280/420(80), AC: 24/(22) T: 17 FF: 16, Perception +23, Initiative: +8, F: +34/50 R: +28/44 W: +16/32 DR 10(20)/-, CMB: +36(41), CMD: 59(64), Speed: 40 Fast Healing: 9


Blindsense 60ft Darkvision 120ft,see twice as far in reg light








Chaotic Good

Strength 54
Dexterity 26
Constitution 38
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Terrible Terry Tate

Guy on a Buffalo Youtube clip, yeah he’s got his own show

And of course the theme song (not 100% safe for work...)

“David the 10th wonder of the world”

Shunned from his nomadic tribe after losing a fight to a buffalo (who then followed him and became his loyal (and only friend) he wandered confused and afraid. Into long grasslands he roamed on his buffalo looking for somewhere to go somewhere to belong. He found it with a strange old Hermit who taught him the secrets of Alchemy. Of course the old man called him stupid and ugly one too many times, and he flew into his barbarian rage and was thrown from the hut forcibly! That old man really could pack a mean punch!

Years went by, he voraciously looked for the alchemical secrets this world held, he quested with adventurers who prized him for his raw strength and his very clever buffalo, he even managed to save the world a time or two, but he still couldn’t find a potion to make him a “man” and by that we mean to say he’s never had a date...

So now we find him at the academy, looking for the secrets to being a man, for all the other tricks to manhood he has long since mastered! Many think he's joking the eternal quest to become a man, but they don't understand just how impressionable he was as a child, and something always comes between him and his last step.

important physical characteristics His flesh is nauseating, which may have contributed to his problem achieving "manhood.", "Dragon Eyes"

(all stats are assuming rage + mutagen) and (*)indicate during rage
Internal Vivisectionist Alchemist/ Invulnerable Barbarian
Str 44(54) Dex 26 Con 28(38) Int 16 Wis 10Cha8
HP 420(80) (20d12+160)(80 temps) AC 24(22) (10+7 dex +6 NA)
Dr 10(20)/- Cold/6
The Golden Tetsubo +49(55)/+44(50)/+39(45)/+34(40) (combat expertise and power attack -5 ac +10dr +15dmg) 2d8+33(42)

Skills: (int is actually 2 higher without mutagen)
Craft: Alchemy 20, Climb/Swim/Acrobatics 10, Disable device 20, Survival 10, Perception 20, Spellcraft 10, Fly 10
Feats: Hero of Legend(pick the item for me!, Endurance, Diehard, improved Stalwart, Imp critical, Eldritch heritage, boon companion, Skill focus: Nature, Alchemy, Spellcraft, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus: Tetsubo, Combat Expertise, Fast healer
Trait: Ascendent recollection (+1 to 1st bloodline), Trustworhty
Class Features: Immune to Poison and Disease, Immune to cold, non lethal, paralysis, sleep, 75% fortification, sneak attack 10d6+10bleed +2 str dmg, Tireless Rage, Mighty rage,

Discoveries: Preserve Organs x3, Gran Mutagen, Mummification, Nauseating Flesh, Infusion, Crippling strike, Iron Will, Bleeding Attack.
Rage Powers: Superstitious(with favored class bonus +16) Reckless Abandon(power attack penalty to ac), Come and Get me, Unexpected Strike, Eater of Magic (reroll), Spell Sunder, Sunder Enchantment, Ghost Rager, Witch Hunter

The golden Tetsubo (+3 with courageous, impact, impervious, plane locking, throwing, and furious) 203,310gp
Cloak of Resistance +5,25k, Iron Circlet of Guarded Souls 30k, Cracked pale green prism ioun stone (imbedded in chest) 28k, Eyes of the Dragon 110k, Ring of freedom of movement 40k, Ring of Evasion 25k, Belt of physical Perfection 144k, Ioun stone of int (scarlet and blue sphere (+2) 8k, +5 tome of strength 137.5k, Cracked Opalescent Ion (tetsubo) 1.5k, Iridescent (don’t need air) 18k
Blessed book containing every Alchemist formulae and plate of recall, 34k (roughly prob less actually)
Horseshoes of Glory 39.6k,

(36k roughly left)
Boro Bead (6th) (36k)

-edit-Spells prepared: Delayed consumption is always used with form of dragon 1 days before. If it would expire, consider 1 slot 4 to be used (boro bead used on form of dragon)
4 - Greater Invisibility, Echolocation
6 - True Seeing, Heal

Google Doc PDF of character sheet