GM Wolf |

The lizard folk runs a top the water...
The dragon lands next to the kobold, a new individual...
Soon enough chucks of land, including the temple, the one well built building in the village, begin pulling free from the surrounding area, beginning to form a sort of castle, which floats above the old village which has no shape to it anymore.
Ivanna and Azulth feel the shaking and the movement of the location they are in, just like anyone else in a room.
"No worries, I have my own precautions, let alone my own companions." Jahns says matter of factly. The accuser comes into the room, and lands on the wall. "My hellcats are well trained and only attack if provoked, killing one in the sense of us mortals just unbinds it from me, thus making it much more dangerous, in case you think killing my minions would weaken my defenses. Well right now I am going over material that I am most interested in, though I would hope to understand what this place really is and how it can help us gain power, any knowledge you gain would be helpful and I will do the same in return."

Achroma |

"So, what's with the castle?"

Terrible Terry Tate |

Beats me, what's with a kobold not in a pack? Thought yall didn't travel alone

Achroma |

"Normally, that's true. I was raised by humans though, so i lack many of the social norms on my race."

Azulth the Slayer |

Azulth remains quietly in the corner, studying the hellcat. Unbinding them from you, huh? Then I'll just kill them first if you try anything.

GM Wolf |

Yes the throne room is moving as well.
Some strange singing comes from the temple, and then more of a scream as the temple lifts into the air.
Tate, you are still in dragon from right?
"Well that is a good question Ivanna, I know so far that it is very old, there is much information in the library, never a book that you have read before, unless you look for it, it seems to be moving from the falling of the few books, I am in my own bubble..." Jahns says in a rather studious voice as if he was instructing you.
Acrobatics Check for Ivanna, Alton, Tate and anyone else standing... DC 18 or fall prone. Azulth and Acroma make it even if they were sleeping.
The red wizard and Baris walk over to Alton, the little halfling does a little jig in happiness. The red wizard shakes his head at the halflings antics. He creates a floating disk and stands on it. "So, it seems that we are a bit late, what is going on?" The red wizard asks Alton.
Massive chunks of earth are being driven and pulled out of the ground. Spires and towers atop massive rooms, start to appear as chunks of ground falls off.

Achroma |

"Well. This is... Odd."
archoma reman completely relaxed as he watches the event unfold.

GM Wolf |

The red wizard looks a bit worried, "So they are making a castle out of ground we are standing on, shouldn't we move.... Anyone want to touch me so that I can teleport us over yander... you got 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Here we go! Vazsoiuroso!!! As he talks he looks down at the crumbling ground, which has many cracks in it. Then after the few seconds he teleports over yonder, he pointed over to the water near the dragon and the kobold.

Terrible Terry Tate |

yes still in dragon form hovering/flying, I'm not sure what to make of the kobold yet, it seems civilized but they are a savage race
acrobatics: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (14) + 21 = 35

Achroma |

Achroma turns to the new arrival(s]
"Well, hello."

Baris the Monke |

The red wizard and Baris came over, not for sure who else touched the red wizard.
"Greetings! I am Baris, and you are?" Says the halfling in a loose robe of black with orange lining and orange runes, very expensive. You notice he is wearing a monk's belt.

Achroma |

"I am archoma."
the kobold is larger then most any you've seen, standing almost as tall as a human, at 4 foot eight inches. (1.422 meters). he has a sheathed rapier at his side. His scales are gray, and he wears a light grey cloak, with a darker gray belt outside it holding it in so it was tight around his stomach. He wears a tight, plain gray headband around his head, and goggles over his eyes. He wears two plain silver band rings, and tight bracers made of silver scales. He also has an amulet, witch may catch attention, as it is made of gold, and a stark contrast to the rest of his attire. White cloth is wrapped tightly around his arms, down to his elbows. He wears a satchel, and is carrying a iron-skinned book in his left hand. He looks at everything around him, taking in the new environment after the teleport.

Terrible Terry Tate |

Turns and flies back towards the woman
She's not going to like that I couldn't get that last one, but I'm not really that much for chasing folks with no fight in em!

GM Wolf |

They just teleported to you Achroma. Oh, but that was likely from before... :)
"And you are a friend of this old coot?" Indicating the old red wizard with a thumb point over his shoulder.
They can continue to talk, as the Castle forms. It is massive. it is a True Castle with everything but a moat and ground to be around it.
If it has enough energy it will shuffle rooms or can shuffle rooms. It recharges 1 charge per hour on its own.
Once per day, or with 5 charges, it will create a cloud mote, which protects the castle and works like land basically; a cloud giant special.
It can materialize 100 lbs of non-special materials, with one charge, no limit on charges being expended at the same time.
It can materizlize/grow crystals around the castle - see chaneliers, windows, alcoves, the temple, etc. With 3 charges being expanded 1d6 crystals randomly grow to fruitation in the caslte, basically a plant growth spell for crystals. Each crystal is randomly generated.
Any other suggestions?
Oom, Bertram, anyone in the library and the temple, know that the Castle has stopped jarring. You can now move freely.
"Ummmmm, is that white dragon a friend? He hasn't eaten us yet which is weird. Hey Bub! You mind giving me a lift up to the castle?" Baris asks, then yells to the dragon above.

Achroma |

"Indeed i am his friend. Also, he's a human in dragon form, and i don't know if he's friendly or what."

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

so that bracer is on my arm?
and with it i can cast spells into it and that energy is transferred to the heart?
and on the "once per day or with 5 charges" ability: i could interpret that in two ways, either:
a.) hard limit of once per day, cost 5 charges
b.) any number of times per day, costing 5 charges each
c.) any number of times per day, but at least once even without charges
which is the one you intended, or had you intended something entirely different?

GM Wolf |

No you will need to apply the spell levels in person to the Heart, good question though.
Once per day with no loss of charges, or 5 charges per use. So 'C'. :)

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

My wrists slot is free, I think thats what bracers take up. Ill add the item to my sheet :)

GM Wolf |

Cool now to have some more interactions!
The red wizard shruggs his shoulders, sorry I don't have that spell prepared, and all my 3rd level spell slots were prepared today. I could try leveling the castle to bring it down. He smiles not lifting a finger in the castles direction.

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

Honestly, time for my character to get to work on a device to fix the damage the Heart did to me.

Achroma |

"I do, but i certainly don't care to use it on you. I prefer having it as a safety measure for myself."

Terrible Terry Tate |

you could get on my back I suppose, but I need to go talk with a special lady first!

Baris the Monke |

"Okay, where is she!?" Baris says, ready to jump up and climb onto the dragon.

Terrible Terry Tate |

in that temple that came out of the water
you can tell by the way he flies back that he is certainly not a suitable mount or used to having riders

Azulth the Slayer |

Azulth remains patiently in the room until Ivanna makes to leave, at which point he'll follow. "That was... odd." He returns to visibility once the pair has left the sight of the dark elf scholar.

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

Bertam leave the Heart Chamber, opening and closing the door with a thought, and musing over his new bracers. He limps about the castle, inspecting his handiwork now that the worst of the vital fluids leaking from his body had ceased. "Not bad," he mused.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Baris the Monke |

"The temple merged into the castle, we can go look for her there!" Baris yells hanging on to a spike.

Terrible Terry Tate |

REally? I didn't even notice it I was so intent on that fast little lizzard!

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

A massive castle of smooth metal and crystals forms from the chunks flying up into the air. In the center, a 60ft tall tower presides over the rest of the structure, which is cornered by four smaller towers of 40ft height. Embedded crystals provide sufficient light around the structure, reflecting in their myriad facets. The corner towers each possess plenty of spartan barracks space, near one of which sets a bathing area primarily meant for the soldiers who might one day guard these halls. Everywhere you go about the castle has a sterile feel, as all of the surfaces are smooth metal, planes only broken by embedded crystals of various colors that provide light.
Upon entering the structure, a large main hall can be seen through doors on the opposite end of the dedicated teleportation room. In this room, easy-to-remember statues, pillars, and decorative walls make for easy recollection should someone want to teleport here. In the main hall, tables stand ready to serve as a meeting or dining area. At the back of the hall there is a double door that leads to a throne room. To the right of the main hall, a large kitchen area can be seen.
To the left of the main hall, a short hallway makes a T-intersection with a long hallway from which 8 bedrooms branch off. At the back end of the hallway, a large library can be accessed. A door in the back of the library leads to a magnificent alchemy lab, which is blocked off from the throne room by a reinforced protective wall. Opposite the library from the alchemy lab is a room with further reinforced protective walls, stacked with dummies for use in testing explosive spells and the like. At the other end of the long hallway of bedrooms is a large bathing area.
Off the side of the alchemy lab, a stairwell is blocked off. Those enterprising enough to access it find that it leads up to an observatory, or down to a large dungeon with an adjacent summoning room. Adjacent but completely blocked off from that lies a 60ft deep pit that houses the Heart of the castle, adjacent to which lies the Tinkerer's large laboratory, replete with all manner of strange devices.
On the far end of the kitchen, blocked off but open to the outside, lies an impressive stable that can hold both winged and earth-bound mounts. Next to that is a storage room, with what looks like the beginnings of work to add a second level beneath it.
Scattered throughout the structure are four small temple areas, currently nondescript. Next to one of the guard towers is a large sparring room, and to the other side of that is an agility and stealth training room.

GM Wolf |

Not really what I was looking for to answer Azulth's question...
The library is much more circular and much larger. The room has a sterile feel, as all of the surfaces are smooth metal, planes only broken by embedded crystals of various colors that provide light. The wooden shelves have been replaced with metal ones inlaid in the walls. The books are all in the shelves now, only three tables fill the empty gap in the center with several chairs.

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

ah, i see my mistake. I will keep it in mind next time. I will try to get some more details for each room.

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

Being the scholarly sort, Bertram would follow the library's pull.
"I am quite weary, but I suppose it'd be best to rest with a book instead of a bedroom I can't even use. Still haven't broken that habit..."

Achroma |

archoma casts overland flight, and flys up to the temple/castle. He lands inside the building, and looks around.

Ivanna Láska |

"Things do seem to be quite different. Perhaps there are other changes that have taken place. She we go back through and re-investigate that hallway?" suggests Ivanna. "Besides, we can always come back here if that search does not turn up any results."

Terrible Terry Tate |

we'll be landing down where the temple is for that woman I was talking with, I hope she's not too disappointed but I don't care much for chasing down a broken opponent, in particularly ones that fast if you can catch em in a few seconds let em meet you again in the battle head on later!

Azulth the Slayer |

"Sounds like a plan." Azulth blinks back into invisibility and moves ahead of the woman, looking around for anything and checking doors and halls for traps.
Stealth: 1d20 + 38 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 38 + 20 = 67
Perception: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (6) + 28 = 34
Perception for Traps: 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (9) + 39 = 48
Disable Device: 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (16) + 39 = 55

GM Wolf |

As Tate circles above the Castle, you do not see any part that looks to be the size of the temple anymore. The closest thing being the central tower. Do you land and investigate?
Azulth you find no traps. You do open a door and find yourself in an alchemy lab, finding one of the previous individuals in the abandoned village coming from a mostly blocked stairwell. He looks to be a warforged. Bertram
Bertram you find yourself in the alchemy room, before getting to the library, you know someone else is in the room, and the opposite door is open, though you don't see anyone until Ivanna comes through that same door.

"The Tinkerer" Dr. Bertram |

"Hello, friend." Bertram says to Azulth, not looking in his direction out of practice. As the woman from earlier walks in, Bertram greets her cordially as well, "I see you have made it to the castle. How have you fared in your recent endeavors?"

Azulth the Slayer |

Azulth lowers his invisibility as Bertram arrives. "Well met, Tinkerer. I've fared well enough, though not many endeavors have been accomplished. This place has nothing worth stealing so far as I've seen, and the only target I thought to work on was guarded heavily." Azulth sighs. "Besides, he didn't seem worth the trouble. No reason for it. But what of yourself? What do you know about this castle, Tinkerer?"