![]() It is with a heavy heart I admit to myself I must give up the Paizo for a time. I am going longer and longer without being able to string two sentences together due to time constraints and that isn't fair to everyone else. It has been a pleasure folks, but as always RL must come first. Have fun for me my friends. ![]()
![]() Dain wants a little more melee. Silas an archer or a cannon. Tung likes the idea of a bard. I may be able to satisfy all of that with the monk if I take ancient elf select bard dedication and spend a feat on inspire. Using longbow and curve blade should work pretty well to fill melee and archer slots with ancestral weapon and archer stance so I get monk benefits to them. Will even be able to grab stealth that way. I probably won't get the character done before shabbos, but will definitely have them up sunday. ![]()
![]() As far as I can tell AOE caster is not as big a thing in 2e. At least it seems like casters are more support and utility focused. I'm leaning towards a grailwarden dwarf bard with the enigma muse, kind of a sagacious wise woman giving out information and helpful advice. Unless we really need an archer, I might run a shoal elf with a reskin of the monastic archer monk as ship archer. ![]()
![]() Demon Lord of Paladins! wrote:
Thanks for the heads up, I always forget there are computer programs for these things now adays. Going to return to my rocking chair and shake my cane a bit before looking at that. ![]()
![]() Dossier:
Name: Adam Shemtov Calling: Golem Background: Backwater colonist Grit: 0 Hull: 2 Agility: 0 Systems: 0 Engineering: 0 Skill Triggers
Tavor Bullpup Shotgun (Signature Medium. Designed for urban combat and ship boarding actions, this shotgun has seen much use.) Side Arm (Signature light. A non-descript pistol of indeterminate make. You could swear it is a different gun every time he pulls it.) Extra Rations (What, it is good food. Trust me.)
Golem is built much like his call sign. Large. Well muscled. A face that gives very little away... right up until he is in a kitchen and then he becomes the happiest chef in any galaxy.
Everest class
Hyperspec Fuel Injector ACTIVE - Power Up
For the rest of this scene, you gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks, checks, and saves; additionally, 1/turn, you can Boost as a free action. Custom paint
The Magach is an older mech, squat and stable looking with very little frills. It carries a main Shotgun to fend off those who get too close while it lays down superheated spacial torsion on distant foes. For some reason Golem has taken to painting a sad clown face upon the mech's head.
Story so far...:
Golem hails from a backwater colony system known as New Israel. Small and out of the way without much of value, the worlds claimed by the tribes care little for the grander situations faced by the wider universe.
Raised among a highly religious family, Golem always felt a little disconnected from the rest of his kin, a rift that only widened as the years carried on. Questions arose whenever he discussed scripture, wondering how they might fit with all that existed beyond their borders. A sense of stark foreboding reality that only grew until he finally chose to go seek his answers among the stars. Golem himself keeps to his people's mistrust of outside culture, but has placed his fate in the hope that somewhere out there he might find some rekindling of the faith he has lost. edit: forgot to add SP items at the end. Also, plan on easing into a Caliban from rim book. ![]()
![]() Belief: If it has to be done right go do it yourself.
Fresh... check. ![]()
![]() Toptomcat. T-rex in an f-14 right? But seriously, I know the primordials created creation and the gods, gods created exhalts and fought the primordials, dead primotdials became the neverborn, most other became the Yozi. The major gods start playing the games of divinity and neglect creation. A bunch of wars later, Autochthon creates his own pocket world which is now sending out scouts to creation. The fae keep trying to unmake creation. The things that used to be primordials have their own plans. Dragon blooded rebel against the solar and win. They have 700 good years and then a plague hits that nearly ends everything. Realm begins, has issues from the outset, and solar come back about 700 years after that. Many many rebellions and "peace actions." In the minutia I am lightly read on the lore but by no means an expert. ![]()
![]() Appreciate that. Like I said, trying a little more for Schindler (The businessman that slowly realizes there are major ills and has to fight his conviction and belief to finally do something about the problem he lives in in the way he can, not by being a bad ass fighter, but by being the businessman and talker.) I'm hoping to slowly build up his compassion over the course of the game, though probably not his temperance. As we go on he sees more and more that the dragonblooded are destroying creation, and maybe, just maybe, it will take a strong market force to bankrupt the realm and rebuild from the ashes. ![]()
![]() Thrown and melee is so he can use knives and hatchets effectively, which felt like an interesting choice for the character. I actually did not want to go "yarr me buckos" as much as a happy go very lucky merchant traveling from city to city. Of course, with us starting in the east the whole sailing bit might be pointless depending on where we are. I also notice that essence ping is no longer a thing, so that does make it a bit harder to be useful in that. I will shift around a few things just to make this work a little better early on. Exert from the life of Iscarian: Everyone worries about the soldiers, the warriors, everyone sees the hero in the man who pummels his way through the post and frees the prisoners on his way to fight the king... Few see the heroics of the man who purchases a slave caravan only to return them to their people and sell arms to their populace at a discounted rate. The man who hides those wanted by the realm and smuggles them out to lands beyond the Legion's reach. Sure there were benefits, the ladies can be very appreciative to a man who rescues them, but this world needed set right even if there wasn't such rewards. "Of course, it is not without its risks... and now we find ourselves here. Ship sails ruined, pirates preparing to board, and an ultimatum. They want me to hand over half the crew and all of our hold. It would be easy to do so, cast lots and decide, but I know each of you. You are my crew, my family, and I say we take that hold full of firedust and give it to those pirates with a lit spark. Are you with me?" Later, ears ringing, heart pounding, and body feeling ragged he finally thought about what he was doing. The enemy crew had been crippled by the initial explosion, their ship listed to the side. It had cost him five brave sailors, and maybe his own life... a good trade for the lives of his people. He could feel the battle moving across the ship, his men would be making short work of the enemy now that they were in disarray. The look on the captain's face when he realized what was in the barrel... priceless. He prepared for the inevitable end, his blood slowly trickling out... and then he breathed in... Adjusted character, still needs work.: Dubois Iscarian, Merchant Captain from Coral.
Caste: Eclipse Concept: Sailor and smoot talker. Inordinately lucky. Motivation: Working to open a free and fair exchange of goods and services through all of creation. Wishes all to have the same access to technology and prosperity as the realm and its dragonblooded rulers. I will make creation better through capitalism. Anima: The clatter of dice fills the air as two golden white cubes fall to show snake eyes. Caste: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail and Socialize.
Attributes: Secondary
Integrity *
Athletics *
Bureaucracy [Commerce] *****
BACKGROUNDS Resources ****
Virtues Compassion *
Virtue Flaw: Benevolent Tyranny
Intimacies: My Crew [Protective]
Willpower: 7
Gear: BP spent: 10pts merits, 8pts abilities Background: Not everyone has some fantastic story about adversity and a crummy childhood. Nothing majorly bad ever happened as I was growing up, no heart breaking loves, no heroic moments of triumph, no soul crushing defeats. Just a boy from Coral who managed to gain his own ship the hard way, hard work... and a little bit of luck. Now I got money, money makes the world go round after all. And hey, if people get a better life because they are trading with me, well all the better. Always know how much you can afford to lost, be it on drink, on a pretty girl, or at some back alley dice game. Then, don't ever pay more than that to get that drink, girl, or into that game. Appearance:
![]() True, the Solar exhaltations are given to grand heroism, but I would say that grand heroism can come from unlikely sources. How do you bureaucrat or trade grand heroism? But, that being said, I think I misunderstood the answer farther up about an origin story. I was under the impression we would exalt as part of first adventure, but I reread that and realize it was in reference to us as a circle and not us as exalts. Language is funny some days. The motivation was written more in character, which was truly my fault I should have written it in a standard format to read "Working to open a free and fair exchange of goods and services through all of creation. Wishes all to have the same access to technology and prosperity as the realm and its dragonblooded rulers." The flaw I pulled from a site that had a lot of well-made flaws, meant to tinker it around so it was more in line with the character and just skipped my mind after I took a break and came back to it. I need to putter around with the wording but for him the easy path is just accepting what you have and not working for that next great haul. He loves to party, is very flippant about his life, but underneath their is a pure and unwavering entrepreneur who truly believes trade makes the world better and wealth is only good if you spend it. Those experiences and creature comforts don't just fall into his lap, and he can't stand lazy people who are not willing to put in the work to make their lives better, so the benevolent tyrant is supposed to kick in and make him into a Stalinesque dictator, but the more I go over the ideas in play the more it sounds a little wonky so I will probably look it over and come up with something different. Completely forgot there was errata, going to look that over and fix were needed, thanks for pointing that out. ![]()
![]() Dubois Iscarian, Merchant Captain from Coral. Caste: Eclipse Concept: Sailor and smoot talker. Inordinately lucky. Motivation: Wine, women, and song... and gambling... lots of gambling. Oh, and something about the free market enriching the world and bringing peace... yes... that too I guess. Anima: The clatter of dice fills the air as two golden white cubes fall to show snake eyes. Caste: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail and Socialize.
Attributes: Secondary
Integrity *
Athletics *
Bureaucracy [Commerce] *****
BACKGROUNDS Resources ****
Virtues Compassion *
Virtue Flaw: Benevolent Tyranny
Intimacies: My Crew [Protective] Willpower: 7
Gear: BP spent: 10pts merits, 4pts abilities, 1pt for 2 specialties. Background: Not everyone has some fantastic story about adversity and a crummy childhood. Nothing majorly bad ever happened as I was growing up, no heart breaking loves, no heroic moments of triumph, no soul crushing defeats. Just a boy from Coral who managed to gain his own ship the hard way, hard work... and a little bit of luck. Now I got money, money makes the world go round after all. And hey, if people get a better life because they are trading with me, well all the better. Always know how much you can afford to lost, be it on drink, on a pretty girl, or at some back alley dice game. Then, don't ever pay more than that to get that drink, girl, or into that game. Appearance: