Traits: reactionary, canadante for perfection, magical linage (force punch), strong willed.
Tragic Flaw: dense
Feats:All of crane style, All of snake style, Mantis style,minor spell expertise (keep watch), Quicken spell, piercing spell , Bleeding strike, Deflect arrows, Weapon finesse, Maximize spell, Combat reflexes, Intensify spell, weapon focus (rapier), improved unarmed strike, spell perfection (true strike), spell penetration, extra traits, monkey style, eschew materials.
Skills: 20 in knowledge (history), knowledge (planes), knowledge (dungeoneering) granted from his headband.
20 in acrobatics, 10 in escape artist, 20 in sense motive, 20 in knowledge (arcana), 20 in spellcraft, 20 in knowledge (religion), 5 in knowledge (nature), 5 in knowledge (engineering), 5 knowledge (geography), 5 knowledge (nobility), 20 sense motive, 10 bluff, 10 diplomacy, 20 perception, 10 in climb, 10 in swim, 5 in knowledge (local), 5 in craft (weapon), 10 in use magic device, 10 in intimidate.
Class Features: canny defense, diminished spellcasting, arcane pool (21), spell combat, magus arcana*, fighter training, iaijutsu, critical perfection, superior reflexes, iaijutsu focus, iaijutsu master, weapon mastery (rapier), stunning fist, monk's unarmed, ac bounus, evasion, improved evasion, fast movement, maneuver training, still mind, ki pool (18), slow fall (80), hi jump, purity of body, wholeness of body, diamond body, diamond soul, abundant step, quivering palm, timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon, empty body, fuse style, perfect style.