
Kristrille Iris's page

78 posts. Alias of BloodWolven.

Strength 8
Dexterity 22
Constitution 14
Intelligence 24
Wisdom 12
Charisma 20

About Kristrille Iris

Female Fey human witch 5
Patron: Unknown,
Patron's devotion options: Decadence, Devotion, Enchantment, or Moon.
Selected devotion:

NE Medium humanoid (human)

Init +4; Senses Perception +5

AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 mage armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 31 (5d6+Con+Favored Class) (6+3+1+3+5+10+3)

Save - Base save, ability score mod, magic item, other
Fort +3, (+1, +2)
Ref +5, (+1, +4)
Will +5, (+4, +1)


Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +3 (1d4/19–20)

Special Attacks:

Cauldron (Ex): The witch receives Brew Potion as a bonus feat and a +4 insight bonus on Craft (alchemy) skill checks.

Charm (Su) : A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.

Healing (Su): A witch can soothe the wounds of those she touches. This acts as a cure light wounds spell, using the witch's caster level. Once a creature has been affected by the hex, it cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts like cure moderate wounds.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +7)
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +9)
3rd—Lightning Bolt (DC 17), sleet storm (DC 18), Appearance of Life
2nd—hold person (DC 16), mirror image, unshakable chillUM (DC 16), Adoration
1st—chill touch (DC 15), frostbiteUM, ice spearsISM (DC 15), (2) sleep (DC 15)
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect magic, ray of frost, read magic
Patron Devotion

[Modifier] - Statistics - Final, base, racial, Fey, wishes, magic item, level, vitality boost
[-1] Str 8 10, +0, -2, +0, +0, +0, +0
[+6] Dex 22 13, +2, +4, +0, +2, +1, -0
[+2] Con 14 14, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0
[+7] Int 24 18, +2, +2, +0, +2, +0, +0
[+1] Wis 12 12, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0, +0
[+5] Cha 20 14, +0, +2, +0, +0, +0, +4


Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16

Bonus: Brew Potion,
1st: Combat Casting,
3rd: Dodge,
5th: Great Fortitude


Acrobatics +5, (ranks 1, Dex +4) (ACP)
Appraise +7, (ranks 1, Int +6)
Bluff +6, (ranks 4, cha +2)
Climb +1, (ranks 1, Str +0) (-0 ACP)
Craft (Alchemy) +18, (ranks 4, Int +6, MW tools +2, CS +3)
Diplomacy +3, (ranks 1, cha +2)
Disable Device +, (ranks 0, Dex+4),
Disguise +3, (ranks 1, cha +2)
Escape Artist +5, (ranks 1, Dex+4),
Fly +11, (2 ranks, Dex +6, CS +3)
Handle Animal +3, (ranks 1, Cha +2)
Heal +9, (ranks 5, Wis +1, CS +3)
Intimidate +10, (ranks 5, Cha +2, CS +3)
K (Arcana) +12, (ranks 5, Int +6, CS +3)
K (dungeoneering) +7, (ranks 1, Int +6)
K (history) +14, (ranks 5, Int +6, CS +3)
K (local) +8, (ranks 2, Int +6)
K (nature) +14, (ranks 5, Int +6, CS +3)
K (nobility) +7, (ranks 1, Int +6)
K (planes) +14, (ranks 5, Int +6, CS +3)

Linguistics +7, (ranks 1, Int +6)
Perception +6, (ranks 5, Wis +1)
Perform (Dance) +3, (ranks 1, Cha +2)
Profession +10, (ranks 5, Cha +2, CS +3) Wisewoman/Herbalist
Ride +5, (ranks 1, Dex +4) (- ACP)
Sense Motive +3, (ranks 2, Wis +1)
Sleight of Hand (Dex), +5, (ranks 1, DEX +4)
Spellcraft +12, (ranks 5, Int +6, CS +3)
Stealth +5, (ranks 1, Dex +4) (- ACP)
Survival +4, (ranks 3, Wis +1)
Swim +1, (ranks 1, Str +0) (-ACP)
Use Magic Device +10, (ranks 5, cha +2, CS +3)

Languages: Common, Giant, Hallit, Infernal, Skald

SQ ???, witch’s familiar (cat)

Gear: masterwork dagger,
eternal wand of mage armor,
potion of cat’s grace,
potions of cure light wounds [2],
potion of invisibility,
wand of ray of enfeeblement [24 charges],
headband of intellience +2,
Belt of healing and dexterity +2.

Special Abilities

Fey Creature Template:

CR: 9 HD or less, as base creature +1; 10 HD or more, as base creature +2.

Alignment: Any non-lawful.

Type: The creature’s type changes to fey. Do not recalculate HD, BAB, or saves.

Senses: A fey creature gains low-light vision.

Armor Class: Reduce the creature’s natural armor, if any, by 1 (minimum of 0).

Defensive Abilities: A fey creature gains a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, resist cold and electricity 10, and DR 5/cold iron (if 11 HD or less) or DR 10/cold iron (if 12 HD or more).

Speed: Unless the base creature flies better, the fey creature flies at 1-1/2 times the base creature’s land speed (good maneuverability), rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5 feet. If the creature already has flight with a maneuverability of good, it increases to perfect.

Special Abilities: A fey creature gains one of the following abilities for every 4 HD or fraction thereof.

*Camouflage (Ex) A fey creature can use Stealth to hide in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain does not grant cover or concealment. It gains a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. This bonus does not stack with any racial Stealth bonus possessed by the base creature.
*Change Shape (Su) A fey creature can change shape into a single form. Possible forms include a normal specimen of its base creature, a humanoid creature within one size category, or an animal within one size category. In all cases, the fey creature appears as the same individual of its alternate form each time it changes shape. The type of polymorph spell used should be chosen as appropriate based on the alternate form, such as alter self for taking humanoid form. This ability can be selected more than once, granting an additional form each time.
*Energy Resistance (Ex) A fey creature gains resistance 10 to one energy type, or increases an existing resistance by 10. Resistance increased beyond 30 becomes immunity instead. This ability can be selected more than once.
*Evasion (Ex) A fey creature gains evasion, as the rogue ability of the same name.
*Long Step (Su) A fey creature can teleport up to 10 feet per Hit Die as a move action. It may use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.
*Spell Resistance (Ex) A fey creature gains SR equal to 11 + its CR. This does not stack with any existing SR possessed by the base creature.
*Trackless Step (Ex) A fey creature does not leave a trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. It can choose to leave a trail, if it so desires.
*Vanish (Su) As a swift action, a fey creature can vanish for 1 round as if affected by invisibility. It can use this ability for 1 round per day per Hit Die.
*Woodland Stride (Ex) A fey creature can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at its normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect it. Optionally, this ability may function in a different type of terrain, to allow the fey creature to move through, swamps, rocky areas, ice, and so forth. Whatever the choice, this ability only functions in one type of terrain. This ability can be selected more than once, for a different terrain each time.

Spell-Like Abilities: A fey creature with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or more has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals the creature’s HD (or the caster level of the base creature’s spell-like abilities, whichever is higher).
1–2 Dancing lights 3/day, faerie fire
3–4 Entangle, glitterdust
5–6 Deep slumber
7–8 Major image
9–10 Confusion
11–12 Feeblemind
13–14 Mislead
15–16 Project image
17–18 Irresistible dance
19–20 Scintillating pattern

Abilities: A fey creature gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity and a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma. A fey creature receives a –2 penalty to Strength. Fey creatures derived from creatures without an Intelligence score gain an Intelligence of 3.
Skills: A fey creature with racial Hit Dice has skill points per racial Hit Die equal to 6 + its Intelligence modifier. It gains Acrobatics, Bluff, Fly, and Stealth as class skills.
Languages: Fey creatures speak Sylvan as well as any languages spoken by the base creature.