Sable Company Elite Marine

Arthur Barren's page

1,328 posts. Alias of Lord Foul II.

Full Name

Arther Gilgamesh Barren


Human (half forged)


11 invincable iron man/11 generator










A lot of them



Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 17
Intelligence 30
Wisdom 16
Charisma 26

About Arthur Barren

Hp 150
BaB 11
Fly 100 (perfect) drops to 80 (good) during any round in which repulsers are used more than once
Land speed 40
Main armor has stats as per a +3 shocking construct bane frost forged Chthonic Steel Agile Breastplate
Repulsor damage: 6d6+3+1d6 electricity.+1d4 cold when exposed to cold temperatures +7 (last one only applies to repulsor blades)+2+2d6 to constructs
AC 10+9(armor)+3/+4(dex, its +4 in the armor)+6 (natural armor)+8(shield, only applies when using the shield build)
AC: 29, 37 when using the shield generator build +2 vs constructs, objects and shapeshifters +2 when activating durable body (total possible against shape shifting construct when using shield and durable body 43)
saves:: reflex: +12 (+13 in armor), fort: +12, will: +12
DR 11(HD)/magic
Energy resist 37 cold 12 fire, 5 all other elements (except force) cold resistance drops to 5 outside the suit fire resistance drops to 10 outside the suit
non class given equipment: ring of evasion

when wearing armor STR raises to 24
Dex raises to 18
energy resistance: 5/fire 15/electricity 20/cold 5/acid
dr 1/- 12/magic

Generator abilities:

Engineer (Ex): Due to his innate knowledge of mechanical devices and his ability to feel the way things work, the generator may add half of his class level to Craft checks and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Additionally, the generator may make magical items (the generator may craft magical arms and armor, wands, staves, wondrous items, rings, and rods only, and cannot make scrolls or potions).through his scientific know-how and his machine plague granted nanites as if he were a caster using his initiator level in place of his caster level. When making a magical item that requires a specific spell, he may make a Knowledge (engineering) check DC 25 + the level of the spell required to make the item. Items made through this ability appear very different from traditional items, having gears, small motors, wires, and clock work built into them. Larger items will typically have small coal power steam engines built into them in some ways. Regardless of their appearance, these items function identically to normal magic items when targeted by spells and effects such as dispel magic or antimagic field. Additionally, as his work relies more on science than magical ability, his items have an increase in gp cost of +50%.

Machine Empathy (Ex): The generator is capable of amazing feats of control when working with mechanical objects and creatures. The character may attempt to cause a piece of machinery or a construct be more amiable to him and function in a way that he chooses, even if the target is unintelligent. By laying his hands upon a machine (which is defined by anything with more than three moving parts or the construct type), he may attempt to influence it as if he were making a Diplomacy check, but instead uses his Knowledge (engineering) instead. The more helpful he makes the machine to him, the more he can manipulate it with his mind, and harmful things tend to jam up or become rendered useless.

Mettle (Ex): The character gains the extraordinary ability to shake off certain effects that target both mind and body through a combination of intense will and strong body. When making a Fortitude or Will save, if the successful result would result in a partial effect or half effectiveness, then the character completely ignores the effect.

Tech Enhancement (Su): At 4th level, when initiating builds or temporary enhancement blue prints, these abilities gain the listed bonus as an enhancement bonus to their effect. For example, if an 8th level generator builds Smack Hands and uses the Strength Harness blue print, he can add a +2 enhancement bonus to both effects, making the Smash Fists function as if they were a +2 magical weapon and the Strength Harness provides a +6 enhancement bonus, not a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. This bonus improves to +2 at 8th level, +3 at 12th, +4 at 16th, and +5 at 20th level.

Tech Specialty (Ex): Every generator is going to have a favorite build that is his go to whenever things get tough. At 5th, 10th, and 15th level the character may select one build of his choosing that he possesses. He may initiate this build as a swift action.

Tough Builds (Ex): At 6th level, the generator’s builds become stronger and more enduring to damage. The generator may add his Constitution score as bonus hit points to the hit points of his builds.

Bio-mechanical Immunity (Ex): At 7th level, the generator’s internal systems are flooded with tiny machines that cause his body to work through many hardships by the miraculous changes he has undergone. The generator becomes immune to poison and disease as his body filters these toxins and prevents them from hurting him. At 13th level, this improves to allow him to heal at twice the normal rate when resting, and he may breathe water as his lungs may now filter water for oxygen.

Hardened Builds (Ex): At 11th level the builds the generator initiates become even more resistant to damage, gaining +5 to their hardness.

Smack Hands (Hands) – Initiating the Smack Hands build causes reinforcing harnesses of metal and clockwork to cover the shoulders and arms with a steam plant that rests on the generator's back. Giant-sized three fingered gauntlets, steam-powered muscles and clockwork articulation allow the generator a powerful set of intimidating weapons. While this build is active, he gains a +8 mechanical bonus to Strength, an increase in reach by +5ft, and these fists allow the character to make two slam attacks, inflicting 2d6 points of damage plus the character's Strength modifier. Secondary Ability – Combat Drill: By engaging the Combat Drills, the Smack Hands begin to spin on pneumatic engines at high speed, allowing the generator to drill into the ground and gain a burrow speed of 30ft. This spinning action also allows the generator to also initiate a bull rush upon a successful punch as a free action as if he were one size category larger, and he does not need move to push the foe back (the force of the punch does this for him).
Slam Cannon (Arms and Hands) – From the generator's dominant arm a powerful cylinder is formed, so large it must rest on the character's shoulder. Clockwork jaws extend from the back of the cannon to take a bite out of the stone or earth behind the generator and arm the weapon as a move action. The slam cannon then has 1d4 rounds of ammunition, and as a standard action he may fire it as a ranged attack inflicting 1d6 per two generator levels in damage from the steam-powered firing of debris (as if it were a heavy crossbow for range increments). It can also be used to bash a target if they get to close (inflicting 1d8 points of damage plus Strength modifier) but it’s unwieldy, and the attack suffers a -4 penalty.

Shield Arms (Wrists) – When this build is initiated, thick discs of metal spin out around on a spinning clockwork wheel with a hiss of pneumatics. They are capable shields and weapons, granting a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class and being able to be used as light weapons inflicting 1d6 points of damage. Secondary Ability – Total Cover: The spinning shields continue to expand and become heavy hemispheres as a swift action, which lock together within a spinning clockwork mechanism, providing the generator total cover while this is engaged.
Steam Shears (Hands) – Around both hands a pair of thick metal cylinders form, and from them jut a pair of steam-powered hook-backed blades for shearing through the toughest of obstacles (and foes). These shears are so strong they ignore the hardness of objects that are under 10, and inflict 2d6 points of damage. The generator uses these shears normally, or if he possesses the Two-Weapon Fighting feat(s), he may attack as if using two light weapons. Secondary Ability – Grappling Shears: The generator, as a swift action, may spread the shears open and fire out on a puff of compressed steam on a 50ft line of rope as if it were a grappling hook. The force of this could also be used as an attack, inflicting 2d6 points of damage to the targeted creature as part of a ranged attack. The generator may reel this line in as a standard action.

Shock Whip (Hands and Back) – A massive clockwork turbine forms on the generator’s back and cables extend from it down his dominant hand to braid together into a massive, whip-like cord. This whip has a reach of 15ft and may attack within this reach due to its prehensile nature, and when wielding it the generator has a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. The shock whip inflicts 1d8 points of damage plus Strength modifier (critical threat range of 20x2), and inflicts an additional 1d6 points of electrical damage. On a critical hit, this electrical damage inflicts increases to 2d8 points of electrical damage. The shock whip also possesses the Improved Grab special ability, and creatures grappled by it are subject to 2d8 points of electrical damage if the generator chooses to inflict damage to the grappled subject.

Explosive launcher
Slot: Wrist. [see text]Lesser

With this build you gain 2 explosive launchers on each arm, with a small ammo bay attached to it, and uses pistons to launch the explosives. These are ranged weapons with a 25ft + 5ft per 2 initiator levels. Each missile deals 2d4 + ½ initiator level fire damage in a 10ft burst. A reflex save (DC 16 + Intelligence modifier) halves this damage. Ammo is automatically regenerated each round for this. Note this item can be used in conjunction with other ranged weapons. You may not use two weapon fighting with this build on itself, even though you have 2 launchers, as only so much ammo can be generate at one time. However, this may be used with two weapon fighting if you have a ranged weapon which only requires one hand (such as this and finger guns).

Secondary effect: Barrage: This ability allows you to unleash a full flurry of explosives to demolish your opponents into nothingness. This ability requires your shoulder slots to be free of any builds, or if there is a build, it must be disengaged as a free action. As a swift action, you build multiple launchers up your arms and more on-top of your shoulders. Then, as a full-round action, you unleash waves of explosives at your opponents. You target a 15ft burst, and everyone within this burst is treated as if they had been hit by 3d4 missiles. A reflex save (DC18 + Intelligence modifier) halves this damage. After this is used, however, your ability to generate ammo has become overloaded, and is unable to produce ammo for the rest of the encounter. This build automatically dismisses after this ability is used.

Finger guns
Slot: hands. Lesser Build.

Metal and pistons form around your hands, and end with a barrel ontop of each of your fingers. Each of these barrels can fire a small projectile, allowing you to make ranged attacks with the range increments of a normal bow. Each hit deals 1d6 + ½ initiator level piercing damage. In addition, you may use two weapon fighting with these weapons. However, the stiffness of the barrel on your fingers cause some loss of mobility, and you suffer a -2 penalty on all dexterity and skill checks related to your fingers while you have this build active.

Secondary function: Piercing Bullets: As a swift action, you may sharpen your projectiles to a sharp point. Any natural armor and DR that would affect these attacks this round is halved (round down to the nearest whole number).

Disable Construct (Touch) – By shooting his nanites into a machine or construct, he may cause havoc to their forms and systems. This blue print duplicates the effects of a disable construct spell.
Fabricate (Touch) – This blue print duplicates the effects of a fabricate spell.

Durable Body (Personal) – Reinforcing plates form on and under the generator’s clothing and armor, granting him a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Duration 1 minute per initiator level.

Repair Moderate Damage (Touch) – Initiating time of one minute, and mimics the effects of the spell repair moderate damage.

Remove Poison (Touch) – By sending his nanites into a target creature, he may use them to cleanse poisons from their blood. This functions as per the spell remove poison, with an initiating time of one full round.

main armor mods:
extreme environs (under water/space): NOTE space proofing is in expiramental faze for story type reasons,
Grants immunity to environmental effects of underwater conditions and resist cold 22

Elemental repulsors: repulsers can deal electricity, cold or bludgeoning damage, it is possible to toggle through them as a swift action.

Compacted Form – By spending one battery point from the armor's battery pool, the armor is able to contract or expand out to be secured over its wearer as a full round action, and does not require any additional attendants or helpers to get him into it, as it is automated. When in its compact state, it often resembles either a metallic turtle-shell like backpack or a heavy metal briefcase weighing the same as the base suit of armor. (Note: This modification may only be used on a breastplate-based suit of armor and often are built of mithral.). (To be removed soon)

Perception Matrix – With this enhancement, the Iron Man has crafted his helmet in such a way as to provide enhancement to his senses with artificial means and tools. The character gains a bonus on Perception checks equal to half of his initiator level (minimum of 1). (for me this means +11)

Targeting Matrix – Upon selecting this modification, the range of the character's repulsors increases to 80ft due to increased cohesion of the beam and better targeting, and the character gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls when using the repulsors as a weapon. By spending a point of battery power, the character may spend a full round action to fire a single repulsor strike with a range of 200ft that inflicts an additional point of damage per die of damage inflicted, and the character may add his Intelligence modifier to the attack roll as an insight bonus.

Recharge Matrix – This modification installs a series of channels into the armor that help direct certain types of energies to funnel directly into the character's main battery reactor. Spells or supernatural effects (or even naturally occurring lightning) that would inflict electrical damage to the character may instead charge the character's battery pool. The character must make a Fortitude save before receiving damage against the level of the effect (natural lightning is a 4th level effect) that is inflicting electrical damage, and if successful, negates the damage and instead regains 1 point of battery per level of the effect. This requires the use of an immediate action.

Unibeam – By building a direct port from his chest mounted battery compartment into a repulsor blaster of incredible power, the character is capable of releasing a devastating blast of destructive force. As a full round action, the character must spend two points of battery power and the character unleashes a horrifyingly powerful blast of repulsor energy, inflicting twice the character's repulsor dice in damage in a 120ft line (Reflex for half damage). If the character has a power matrix modification, the character may augment this blast by spending four additional points to increase this to triple the dice, or eight points of battery power to quadruple this damage. Once this blast is used, the character cannot use the unibeam again for another 1d4 rounds, +1 for every additional two battery power points spent to increase its damage. The power of this blast can mimic the effects of a disintegrate spell for the purposes of destroying effects like a wall of force if the damage dice equal 24 dice or more.
Repulsor Blade – As a move action, by focusing his palm mounted repulsors into a resonating pattern, the character can form a single one-handed beam of energy that roughly resembles a longsword. This weapon may benefit from high Strength or feats that utilize a character's Strength score (such as Power Attack) to increase a weapon's damage and can benefit from feats that improve his use of a longsword, and from feats like Combat Reflexes or Improved Sunder. All aspects, treat this weapon as a longsword wielded one-handed in regards to feats, and inflicts damage as a repulsor blast. This weapon scores a critical threat and inflicts damage as the character's repulsor blast.


Armor based iron man abilities:

Armor Training (Ex): Starting at 4th level, an Iron Man learns to be more maneuverable while wearing his armor. Whenever he is wearing his armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +5 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.
In addition, an Iron Man can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 8th level, an Iron Man can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

Bonus Combat Feat: At 4th level, and again at 11th and 18th level, the Iron Man gets a bonus combat feat of his choice. He must meet all prerequisites for this feat to select it.

Master Craftsman: At 6th level, the Iron Man gains the Master Craftsman feat as a bonus feat, even if does not meet the prerequisites of the feat. He may treat his class level as his skill ranks for Craft checks to use this feat. In addition the Iron Man gains a +2 bonus to all Craft checks. This bonus raises to +4 at 10th level, and +6 at 12th level.

Bonus Feats:The Repulsor Lord gains the feat Rapid Shot and Two Weapon Fighting at first level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites of the feat, that may only be used with his repulsors.

Repulsor Blade: The character may instead of making one repulsor blade, the character may manifest a pair of repulsor blades, one in each hand. The character may treat his Intelligence score as his Dexterity score for the purposes of qualifying for Two-Weapon Fighting and its subsequent feats. Additionally, the character's repulsor blades are focused to a fine edge, inflicting slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage


Extra builds: exactly what it says on the can, taken one time

Flight Mastery [General]
You have mastered your repulsor flight abilities and an aerial expert.
Prerequisites: repulsor flight armor modification, Fly 10 ranks
Benefit: On a suit of armor that has the repulsor flight modification installed, the character's flight speed increases by 20ft and the manuverability improves one step

Armor Focus, Medium (Combat)
You are a master of using medium armor to avoid damage.

Prerequisite: Con 13, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency.

Benefit: Whenever you are wearing medium armor, you gain DR 1/–. This stacks with the DR gained from the Armor Mastery fighter ability and any DR gained from the material your armor is made from, but not with DR from any other source.

Lend Armor:
You can lend one of your fantastic suits to another with the proper training.
Prerequisites: Two or more suits of armor
Benefit: You may lend one of your suits of armor to an ally with heavy armor proficiency to use its fantastic abilities. If the character has Iron Man levels, he can use this armor without penalty and uses his initiator level to determine its effects, but your Intelligence modifier for saving throws. If the character does not have Iron Man levels, he suffers a -2 penalty on d20 checks while wearing the armor, and his initiator level is equal to half of his total character levels.

Shapeshifter Foil
Your command of shapeshifting magic can disrupt similar effects in others.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks or Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, ability to use any polymorph effect.

Benefit: A creature you deal damage to has difficulty using or maintaining polymorph effects until the end your next turn. To use a polymorph effect it must make a concentration check (DC 15 + twice the level of the effect). If you deal damage to an opponent under a polymorph effect, that opponent must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be forced back to its original form. If you score a critical hit against such an opponent, no saving throw is allowed.

Shield Against the Supernatural
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made against spells, spell like (Sp) and Supernatural (Su) abilities.

Furnace Forged [Warforged]
The fires of the creation forge still burn in your body.
Benefit: You natural attacks deal an additional 1 point of fire damage. Additionally, you gain Fire Resistance 5.

Background: Scholar. Skill focus (heal) +1 spellcraft, +1 Knowledge (engeneering)

You have enemies who will stop at nothing to find you, enemies to whom you are vulnerable.
Effect: When you select this flaw, your DM chooses one race common in his campaign. Members of this race take +2 bonus to attack rolls against you (humanoid (drow) and dragon (non rebel)
Roleplaying Ideas: This flaw should be given careful though by you and the DM. It should be a reflection of something that happened in your past. Perhaps you angered an emperor, and his assassins are always waiting for you to appear. Maybe a prophesy was made at the time of your birth that a demon will stop at nothing to prevent coming true.
(Enemy: the empire. They want him for his mind, to build super weapons)

important-ish skills:

As of lvl 11
Know (engineering): +42
Know (alien) +14
Know (arcana): +18
Spellcraft: +24
Linguistics +18
Craft (technology) +28 (+2 when making things out of stone or metal)
Craft (chemistry) +22
Sense motive +12
Bluff +21
Perception +18 (+2 to notice details in stone or metal, +2 on metal or mechanical objects I am touching +11 when wearing the suit)

unlocked racial abilities:
Damage Control: Magic reduces the force of blows taken on you, granting you DR X/magic, where X is equal to your HD.
Elemental Resistance: You gain either energy resistance 5 to fire, electric, cold, and acid, or gain energy resistance 15 to a single element.
Armored Skin: You gain +1 natural armor bonus to your AC at 1 HD and every 4 HD beyond (4th, 8th, 12th, etc). This is an enhancement bonus, and does not stack with spells such as barkskin.
Craftsman (1 RP)

Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Member of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks to create objects from metal or stone.
Master Tinker (2 RP)

Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Members of this race are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.
Stonecunning (1 RP)

Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

class schedule:

Advanced mechanics
basic arcana/intro to magic
Advanced PE

Other suits:

Melody's suit (as yet unnamed)
+7 armor bonus to AC, Str treated as 20 and dex as 16 or +4 str, +2 dex whichever is higher
carrying capacity is then further increased as per the ant haul spell

Flight repulsors – The character's mastery of repulsor technology has increased to allow for actual flight, but does require him to have both of his hands free to fly correctly. The character gains a flight speed of 60ft with average maneuverability. These can be activated as a swift action. This can be improved by a character with the power matrix modification, increasing flight speed by 20ft per point of battery power spent for one minute but risking system failure with increased speed

Power Matrix – (Prerequisites: Recharge Matrix) While not of much direct use itself, the power matrix is used to augment other abilities but with the risk of system failure, as the power matrix is an overriding system that surpasses system safety and limitations to do the extraordinary. At a base, when the power matrix is engaged to augment an ability, there is a base 5% chance that the armor shorts out and goes dead for 1d6 rounds while the system needs to replenish its power, and this chance increases by 5% per power point spent to augment the modification in question.

Perception Matrix – With this enhancement, the Iron Man has crafted his helmet in such a way as to provide enhancement to his senses with artificial means and tools. The character gains a bonus on Perception checks equal to half of his initiator level (minimum of 1). .(for melody this is a +5 perception)
Extreme Environments – The armor has been modified to thrive in an extreme natural environment of the Iron Man's choosing, and once selected the modification cannot be changed. Environments include extreme cold, extreme heat, undersea, or even vacuum. If taken as a greater armor modification, this can even insulate the character against excessively hostile environments found in the Outer Planes, such as the Negative Energy plane or layers of the Abyss. Count it as the character having the endure elements spell in effect and resistance of 20 to damage of a type that is relevant to the environment if applicable (such as cold in tundra armor, but vacuum having no real type would get cold due to the extreme cold of space).
Recharge Matrix – This modification installs a series of channels into the armor that help direct certain types of energies to funnel directly into the character's main battery reactor. Spells or supernatural effects (or even naturally occurring lightning) that would inflict electrical damage to the character may instead charge the character's battery pool. The character must make a Fortitude save before receiving damage against the level of the effect (natural lightning is a 4th level effect) that is inflicting electrical damage, and if successful, negates the damage and instead regains 1 point of battery per level of the effect. This requires the use of an immediate action.
Defensive Matrix – This armor modification allows the armor some passive autonomous say in how to defend its wearer best, aiding him in avoiding attacks. The character gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves per five initiator levels (+3 totak for melody). If the character must make a Reflex save against a spell or effect for half damage (such as with spells like fireball or lightning bolt, or a breath weapons) and has the power matrix modification, the character can elect to spend a point of battery power to grant himself the evasion class feature for the attempt (must be spent before making the save) as an immediate action.

Force Shields – By spending a point of battery power as a swift action, the Iron Man generates a passive field of force-based energy to protect himself from harm. This shield can even protect him from touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures. The character gains a shield bonus to AC equal to 1 + 1 per four initiator levels (for melody this is a +4 shield bonus) the character possesses, and this shield stays passively in place for one hour.
Tractor Beam – By adjusting his repulsors to have magnetic components, the character may manipulate objects made of at least 50% or more metallic components or targets wearing metal medium or heavier armor as if he was using the spell telekinesis, using his initiator level as his caster level to determine the effect. This ability costs one battery power point per use.

future research projects:

Non lethal weaponry

Stun fists:
Primary armor: the steel shadow

Treat weilder as having the improved unarmed strike feat, fist damage does 1d6 either lethal or nonlethal at user's choice
Additional effects cost 1 battery power for one miniute's use for one hand

On a successful hit, the stun gun deals 1d3 points of electricity damage, and the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.

The electricity damage can be conducted through metal weapons, but not the paralysis

Next project: special sensors

Piercing Visor
The piercing visor allows a person to see through solid objects. Through a combination motion-sensor data, gravity fluctuations, ambient light penetration, x-rays and ultraviolet light, heat and infrared signatures, sound waves and sonar, and other sensory inputs, the visor creates an accurate computer-rendered image of what lies beyond intervening objects. Any character wearing a piercing visor may, as an attack action, activate the visor's sensors and see through a wall, floor, object, or creature at a range of up to 100 feet.
The visor can penetrate 6 inches of metal (except lead, which it cannot see through) and 1 foot of other materials, including concrete, wood, and plaster.

Sensor, Armacomp
The armacomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate weapons of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for weapons. Additionally, the armacomp sensor's advanced data on weapons of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing weapons, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on weapons. This does not include explosives and other demolitions devices, which are covered under the democomp sensor.

Sensor, Democomp

The democomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate explosives of all types. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for explosives. Additionally, the democomp sensor's advanced data on explosives of all types makes it a valuable resource when planting them, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Demolitions and Disable Device checks made involving explosives.

Sensor, Electricomp
The electricomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to detect and locate electronic devices of all types, including computers. It grants a +6 equipment bonus on Search checks when searching for electronics of a specific type. Additionally, the electricomp sensor's advanced data on electronics of all types makes it a valuable resource when repairing computers and other electronics, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made on them. Additionally, the electricomp can be used to identify any flaws in cybernetics.

Sensor, Mechanicomp
The mechanicomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and repairs of mechanical devices. The mechanicomp can identify a vehicle's, starship's, or mecha's current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the mechanicomp's extensive library of mechanical blueprints, any repairs made using the mechanicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Repair checks made to vehicles, starships, and

Sensor, Medicomp
The mechanicomp sensor is a hand-held computer or computerized gauntlet designed to assist in the evaluation and healing of the human body. The medicomp can identify a creature's current and maximum hit points. Additionally, thanks to the medicomp's extensive library of medical records and biological knowledge, any treatments administered using the medicomp as a reference are more efficient, granting a +4 equipment bonus on all Treat Injury checks.