"Gem" |

Gem heads to go back up the sword and look it over.

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The sword looks worthless.
The book appears to be locked.
She smiles weakly as the gnoll helps her move over to the group and she says in common, "Thank you for more than you might know. What is your mission? What are you doing?"

Alton VenRysn |

Alton chuckles "Long term? Grow as strong as possible and then stronger if we have to, learn all there is to learn, invent more things to learn once we run out, improve the lives of all around us, build utopia all over this world. In the short term we're protecting a merchant caravan, and dealing with the threat that a number of gnoll encampments are posing, now then, enlighten me as to what you mean by "more than I might know""

Fixit and Smith |

"Fixit was told by the bright ones to hide the people his old masters wanted to feed him and let them go until the new masters came. They gave me powers to help. Now my job is to serve the new masters and do anything they ask."

"Gem" |

Gem snorts at the master comment, while somewhat baffled at the sword's apparent worthlessness, his mind drifting to sharpening, of all things.

GM Wolf |

She smiles at them as she seems to recover some of her strength. Her eyes perk up as she states, "How interesting. More than... Ah yes... Well you have freed me and now I speak your language by use of contact with one of you. Also by your choice of freeing me it appears I have much of my strength returned to me."
After Fixit makes his statement she quickly quips, "Ohh furry one you shouldn't have done that what will I do without my snacks?" She waits a moment then laughs quickly saying, "I only jest!"
She looks at the three of you and simply states, "Shall we leave this dreadful place?"

Fixit and Smith |

Taking ten just barely let's me make that one...
Fixit seems mad and betrayed for a moment before he slowly puts together that the woman didn't mean what she said. He continues to help her, slightly more suspicious than before.
"Fixit is ready to go." He nods and continues to help her if she needs assistance to stand and move.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Kristrille Iris |

She smiles at Alton's request and follows, not having any trouble following down the ladder. She calmly explains what she knows, "You may call me Kristrille Iris, most of my abilities are magic. Though most offensive spells are fire in nature. Since it looks like your group will continue to be in combat or at least threatening situations I would like some time to make some robes. I can make magical arms and armor with an emphasis on cloth, fire resistant but clothes and robes."

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The four of you descend from the top of the tower to find the two former slaves waiting for you near the pile of loot. They notice you easily enough but only the outspoken one stands.

Fixit and Smith |

"Fixit is good at making things too. I can help you make armor and weapons."
When they arrive in the lower chamber, Fixit starts to lead them towards his cell in the basement.
"Fixit knows the way out. Had a way out for the people the Old Masters wanted Fixit to eat... Didn't eat, because the bright ones said it was bad. Pretend to and let them go. Old Masters never found out. But Fixit has New Masters now and doesn't have to do that. Can use the way out, but doesn't have to pretend to eat."
He explains as they go towards the exit.
"Maybe check the rooms one more time before we leave. Fixit doesn't like it here, but doesn't want to leave anyone behind either."

Fixit and Smith |

"Fixit wants to please the Master, but thinks we should check the rooms one last time for missed things or other saving people..."
He seems extremely hesitant to semi-contradict Alton, as his tail shifts nervously and he looks at the floor with ears folded back as he speaks.

Fixit and Smith |

Fixit practically sprints through the rooms, not wanting to dissapoint the master any further.
He does a quick check to make sure they haven't missed anything in the tower, rounding up any last people and picking up anything of value or use to take back to his masters.
If nothing is left to be found, he shows the way to his cell in the basement, lifting an obviously incredibly heavy stone from the wall and setting it aside.
"This is where Fixit let the people out. Tunnel goes from here to outside. The masters are ready to go?"
He cocks his head to the side, wagging his tail slightly, hoping you're happy with him.

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Fixit does not find much of worth, mostly chains, crude torture devices, and broken items.
With the drawbridge burning the group follows Fixit. Though as the group goes through the main floor of the tower a flock of gremlins follow the group at a close range. Several skeletal gremlins continue to hack and stab the bodies of Gnolls and hyenas.
Soon the motley crew is outside, several dirty humans pop their heads up from behind dunes of sand. Alton, Fixit, Gem, Kristrille, and the two former slaves stand away from the exit hole.
Here is a reminder for what you have already said: "when you're done we'll strap the remainder to the horses, and we'll do one last sweep of the place before we leave ... Hmm we lost one man, and are bringing back four... Small logistics issue, gem, you and fixit share our fallen comrad's mount. Arrisia, bell, one of you can share my horse with me, the other can go with either Baris or Jelissia
The pile of loot is transferred down the best you can at Atlon's suggestion.
Within the chest, Disable Device DC 20:
Arasmes' stuff.
Also there is 33 pp, 230 gp, 73 sp, and another 75 gp of semiprecious gems. Besides 6 potions.
On top and around the chest lies about 400 gp of jewelry, and other metallic precious items.
20 weapons, 2 mastercraft weapons.

Alton VenRysn |

disable device: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Alton fails to open the chest
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
The mountain elf commands his skeletal minions to cease their attacking of anything that fails to move, and pick them up for later. Alton easily picks out the puny humans with his superior mountain elf eyes, so he casts light upon his clothing, allowing them to see him. He waves, weapon undrawn.
the skeletons can walk, they'll catch up while we're sleeping. The live grenlins... Hmm

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Sorry, I must have copied the disable device as well. The chest is unlocked. It was more of a list of your present loot than anything else.
The humans begin to step forward one at a time hesitant still. The first one, a man, walks up, stick in hand but now down and unthreatening, he says huskily more towards the gnoll, "Thank you... For saving us. Do any of you have water and food?" They all slowly come within the light giving off of the elf.

Alton VenRysn |

"do you have any container to hold the water" if they do Alton casts create water
if not, he thinks for a bit and asks them to gather round and cup their hands so that they can at least get a bit of a drink
funnily enough, with the way the site works, if you hadn't then he'd not have made the perception roll

Fixit and Smith |

The gnoll in all his oddness with his chain armor and metal angel does still understand gratitude.
"It is Fixit's job from the bright ones to help you. Fixit wishes it had been an easier way, but do all I can."
He sets a paw on as many humans as he can, numerically up to six, and gives a blessing.
"Fixit has no food, but you will sleep and dream of great food and be full."
As poorly articulated as it was, he's just cast Dream Feast on them, the same spell that had sustained him when he had released his intended "food," the people he was now talking to. With that done, he turns to Alton.
"Tall Master, why do you have all of these puppies?"
He refers to the Pugwampis who have a fixation with gnolls, so this should be interesting. XD

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The humans get together and cup their hands to be refreshed by the water and do a bit of washing as well. "Thank you for all your help, will you lead us to safety? We have heard many monstrosities now roam this area. A harpy, a great bird of somekind, even genie kind." You can interact with them all you want, but when you are ready you can head out.

Baris the Monke |

Baris shows up with Jelissa in tow. He solemly comes up handing Alton Arasmes' hat, he quietly says, "It is done, a small cairn to mark his resting spot. Shall we get the horses or do you want to say some words?"
If Alton wants to see it or say some words over his companion's corpse, Baris leads him over to the carefully laid pile of rocks. The rocks are mostly debris from the falling apart tower. It seems a decent pile and easily found again, if you choose.

Fixit and Smith |

Fixit seems mostly ready to go. He doesn't have much stuff, and what he does have is on his person.
He seems to change fixation on various things from squinting at the sun to watching the Pugwampis chitter to each other and watch Alton, to inspecting his "masters," to looking at the human survivors. Every once in a while he'll scratch at something and try to pull a flea off. He's very clean for a gnoll and actually doesn't have any of the various diseases and ailments like flaky skin, greasy fur or mange that most others do. All he needs is a good bath and he'd be presentable.

Alton VenRysn |

Alton goes to the gravesite to fulfill his former duties as a member of the clergy, and current duties as friend and companion to the deceased. He asks the small man "do you happen to know what gods he followed?" If baris knows Alton will preform the rites for death according to that faith, but either way he'll do as is appropriate to his own beliefs and place a pair of silver pieces under the man's tongue and saying a prayer to ask Charon to watch over his comrad as he goes over the river stix for pharasma to judge. He then prays to pharasma, asking her to judge him fairly, with great care and consideration.

Baris the Monke |

"I don't know what religion he was." He answers Alton. He stands solemnly to the side as the rites are given. He then addresses Alton again, "What is the plan? Take the ex-prisoners back to the cathedral? Do you want me and Jelissa to do some scouting?"

Baris the Monke |

"We follow your lead." He quickly quips and begins working on the logistics of where people should be.

Baris the Monke |

"And what am I? I don't belong to your caravan! I don't need this..." He states with anger and begins to walk away quickly, kicking some sand as he goes.

Jelissa M'Barra |

She glances at Alton with a side look and shrugs her shoulders. She just waits, stands to the side bow still drawn and away from the gremlins and ex-prisoners.

Alton VenRysn |

"I'm sorry, for offending you, I didn't mean to imply anything. I'm used to being around my friends whom were with me from the beginning of our journey, each of whom I knew why they followed me... I don't know why you follow me, and I guess in my mind I kinda forgot that you aren't one of my fallen friends..."

Baris the Monke |

The halfling stops and listens to Alton's apology, nods to Alton and says, "You make a good point, I don't know why I am following you. I think I will wander some, good luck in your endeavors. I hope my materials are still in the forge when I return." He waits a few moments before heading off to the South.

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The halfling walks alone to the South. Jelissa gets onto her horse, circles the group once and then offers one of the female exprisoners a hand to get up with her. She takes point leading the way back to the cathedral. Kristrille shrugs and begins to follow on the ground. The other ex-prisoners look to you. If no aid they begin walking after the snake woman.
Two horses for Alton, Fixit, Gem, and 5 ex-prisoners.
There likely will still be some walking, so it takes the rest of the night and your group arrives at the cathedral around noon.

Alton VenRysn |

Alton sighs as he realizes that no matter what not everyone would be able to ride and he turns to the rescued humans "do any of you actually know how to ride a horse?" He waits for them to answer and if four of them do know how he will put them on the horses and then took the reigns in his hand and lead the horse from the front. If one remains he asks how well they were able to walk
how far is the caravan?

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The caravan is a few miles away, not far.
Two of the rescued humans say they can ride, the others seem more sturdy and willing to walk.

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Within a few hours if you push the walkers, or by about noon, the group arrives at the cathedral. The guards rush up to help the ex-prisoners into the cathedral. One of them relays the message that Almah wants to speak with Alton and Arasmes.

Fixit and Smith |

Fixit will either follow Alton or stay where he directs, unless another of the party tell him otherwise. Any direction he receives from the guards or clergy will immediately have him look towards Alton or Gem for confirmation, only taking orders given from them.

Jelissa M'Barra |

Jelissa tends to the horses, taking care of their needs.

Kristrille Iris |

As they get near the cathedral, she casts a spell that covers her bottom half in smoke then the smoke dissipates leaving behind two natural looking legs. As she is neglected she wanders around speaking with those at the cathedral gleaming what she can from their knowledge.
Diplomacy/gather info check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

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The special guards let Alton into Almah's new room. Grassel and Almah sit at her table and offer Alton one of the two open seats. Almah then asks, "How was the scouting trip? I hear you have brought others back with you. Tell us what you have learned."

"Gem" |

gem has mostly just been tagging along, not quite sure where they're going or wha they're doing.

Alton VenRysn |

"Sadly there was not much that was lactually earned, though that particular group of gnolls won't be able to threaten anyone else again, if you do have any questions we could ask them of those who we rescued from the place"

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"We can question them, do take your rest as you need and then head out once more when you are ready. We need information on the town more than anything." Almah says and thanks you for your efforts.