New goblin gunslinger named ziggs in the works. Rengar will be kept in 'storage' below for later :)
Name: Ziggs
Race: Goblin
Class: Pistolero Gunslinger
Alignment: NE. Ziggs was once a regular goblin, and with that came the races tendency towards free spirited and petty cruelty. Over time he has mellowed out from his experiences in war and gained a healthy respect for command. As time goes on and he starts to become more humane, he will lose his more besidal tendencies and show more capacity for compassion.
Appearance: 2'11," 33 lbs of short green Goblin with hugely large ears slung over his back with a hole in the right one. He wears a gaudy olive green and very tattered uniform. He is covered in bells, whistles chain links and noisemakers often sporting a loop or two in the hole in his ears. His beady little eyes shine with a piercing red stare and his overtly large mouth sports vicious, dagger like teeth in a perpetually mischievous grin. He wields a single pistol in his left hand.
Personality: Loves noise. Carries plenty of loud and noisy odds and ends on his person so he can dance when he wants to be joyful. Others generally dislike this. Off the battlefield he loves to drink his favorite beer, Bufo and swapping war stories. If he feels particularly emboldened he might jump up and sing a goblin song and dance a little jig to the bemusement of those around. When more sober he is more inclined to stare and observe people, always on the lookout for trouble so he can join in the fun. He is mischievous to a fault and a lover of pranks always on the lookout for a chance to slip a toad under someones seat or drop a spider in a gals hair or swap someones fine wine with Bufo (he loves that one :).
More notes on character description:
Alignment: NE
While not cruel or spiteful Ziggs makes murder his trade. A solder for hire, Ziggs will eliminate those in front of him with extreme prejudice and noise. Ziggs has rose from the ranks of the goblin masses and like any other goblin, was capricious and cruel. Fom his experiences in 3 seperate wars, he has mellowed out considerably and could almost be considered civilized. The more he interacts and comes to care for those around him the more he sheds his 'monstrous' heritage and thrus far, almost to the point where he could be considered kind.
Like all goblins he is short and spindly, with big ears and an overtly large head filled with sharp pointy daggers. his beady eyes alight with cruelty and a calculated sharpness, yet if you were to look long enough you just might see flashes of compassion and hints of mirth. His mischievous grin always hinting at a practical joke or prank often giving you the impression you were going to find out why real soon.
A special mention must go to his ears for they are so large, almost comically so, as to put even the floppiest bunny to shame. Coming down well past his waist he could and often would wear them as a cape and in a pinch went a long way to keeping warm on those cold, lonely nights.
Covered in bells, jingles and jangles Ziggs is often seen sporting his Somarian the Fourths Regimental Solders Uniform.This tattered green uniform, covered in rings, bells and noisemakers has so many holes in it and clashes so badly with Ziggs as to make your eyes hurt. He looks like a misshappen patchwork of olive green, goblin green, silver and steel with a big toothy grin in the middle. Smile! Wrapped around his right arm is a brown bandoleer and in his left, an oversized pistol, battered and bloody, affectionately named his "Boom Cannon" with its pair, "Flashfire" at his waist. Slung arcross his back can often be found a keg of blackpower with the word "EXPLOSIVES" ettched into its side. Why any sane character would strap something so volatile to its back says plenty about the goblinoid known as ziggs.
A lover of music and a charming creature of wit and mirth, Ziggs is anything but. His "music" consists of making as much noise as possible and screeching along with it. In battle he is a right terror with his Boom Cannon, enhanced to make extra noise sending off deafening cracks while he shrieks with glee.
in the bar, when emboldened with his favorite beer, Boer, will start up a rancourous goblin song and dance a jig, jingles, chains and bells clanging away merrily. To humans it sounds like a dying cat in a garbage can with a blender going and kicked down the curb for good measure. Upon hearing it , Ziggs usually gets kicked to the curb for good measure too.
Aside from his love of noise Ziggs has been known to be almost kind towards his companions, a rare trait among goblinkind indeed. Truth be told Ziggs is quite capable of both compassion and kindness to those he cares about, usually his war buddies, and remains loyal to those who are in command above him and those who are under his charge.
This can be seen as his slow progression from an ordinary CE goblin to true neutral and eventually (possibly) lawful good as he gains more respect for command and greater capacity toward emotion, gaining a sense of humanity about him. This would most likely be sneered at or even thought abhorrent by his fellow goblins.
General Character Crunch Base stats
STR: 10
DEX: 16
CON: 14
CHA: 10
WIS: 14
INT: 10
Medium sized +1 Thundering double pistol named "Boom Cannon"
Medium sized +1 pistol named "Flashfire" as his backup.
Endless bandolier wrapped around his arm
Solders uniform
Belt of incredible dex
A keg of gunpowder (he calls it boompowder)
Lots a bells :D
A "Big Shiny"
Traits: Big Ears, Suspicious
Roll with it and Rapid Reload for sure
Vital strike and Furious Finish if I go with a level of barbarian
OR Point Blank Shot, Deadly Aim and Rapid Shot if I stay pure gunslinger
The rest will be from this pool:
No Name, Ricochet Shot, Clustered Shots, Precise Shot, Alertness, Big Game Hunter, Deceitful or Skill Focus.
All this mostly speculated and easily changed.
Ten Minute Background:
Step 1: Background and concept elements
Highly observant
Wields an oversized revolver called his Boom Cannon
He got his weapons from watching a band of gunslingers from Aeonar fight with a group of angry bears. He raided the corpses and found a few that worked.
Big flappy ears on an oversized head. He has a bullet hole in the right one
NE he kills for a living, used to be chaotic, recently is becoming more 'civilized.'
Claims he is a 'vegitarian' that only eats meat
His favorite food is cats
Loves sound (he hasn't gone deaf yet!!)
He has seen much in his short 13 year lifespan. He has participated in 3 wars and traveled half way across the contenent in his quest to get to Aeonar, the city of Guns.
Step 2: Goals
Wants to travel to Aeonar to repair his shabby gun. He doesnt know it yet but when he gets there he is going to get it gold plated
He wants to fire a cannon. His biggest dream is to be a siege commander firing his 'Battalion o' Cannons' and demolishing a city. He loves the big guns.
I want him to mature as he adventures. He used to be a run of the mill CE goblin but since joining the war, he has gained a respect for the command structure and military life. While not there yet, he is slowly moving towards lawful and while still evil, I want him to mature as he adventures and gain a semblance of humanity
Step 3: Secrets
He accidentally witnessed and disrupted a demon summoning ritual that then went amok. In the confusion he grabbed a Big Shiny and made off with it. He doesnt know what it is but he is pretty sure it is important and is also probably the reason those guys in the black robes with the demon pets keep coming after him. He keeps it because he thinks its funny, and its probably valuable...
He actually interrupted TWO rituals that day. The afore mentioned one and its counterpoint summoning spell ment to summon Asmodius, the Planetar Angel of destruction and retribution. The big shiny is the focal point to bring both sides into the mortal realm so they can wage their war. Nether side is happy with the loss of the artifact.
Step 4: Relationships Albina the caravan master. He took on Ziggs to be a guard and was impressed by his courage and tenacity. Ziggs was instrumental with defending the caravan from an undead horde and necromancer. He blew off the necromancers head with a single shot causing the horde to lose coherency and be repelled. They separated ways somewhere near Rayne as ziggs continued on his journey to Aeonar.
Rogar the Somarian Army General. Ziggs fought in Rogars Fourth Regiment in its latest campaign. There he impressed Rogar during the capturing and razing of the town Korvosa and the suppression of the rebels of the New Sommarian Freedom Force. While Gatts, the leader of the NSFF escaped, they were able to put the uprising down. It was during these campaigns that Ziggs saw the Somarian Armys cannons in action. It was love at first sight.
Stabbedgutz the goblin chieftain of the Vex Valley goblin tribe. He exiled Ziggs for fear of his new found power and influence. He fearded he would lose out against the young goblin and his "Boom Sticks" and so pre-emptively struck at Ziggs's warband. While spears and clubs were no match for gunpowder, Ziggs's warband was annihilated. In a rage, Ziggs slew the remainder of the invading force and went to confront Stabbedgutz. He was repelled when Stabbedgutz banished him with the backing of the whole tribe. Ziggs rage smolders within him to this day.
Step 5: Quirks
Ziggs has a hole in his oversized right ear from the time he was learning about his Boom Sticks and fired one "the wrong way". This hole whistles in high winds or if Ziggs flails his head around violently. He likes this and calles it his whistler. Its like nose whistling except with his ears :P
Ziggs first stumbled apon a group of hunters in the Valley of Vax. He was curious so he tailed them. Later on the group found a wounded bear and shot it. This was the first time Ziggs had seen a gun being fired and was terrified. Well the bears family also heard it, and came to defend their wounded bear cub. The hunting party got wiped out and when the bears moved on, Ziggs inspected the bodies. He had a good ten guns that still worked, and he set about trying to figure out how they worked. Remembering the humans pointing and pulling the trigger, he did the same for all of them. Then he remembered the humans stuffing the white pellets into the barrels so he tried that. Much exploding guns and one bullet though his ear later he figured out how to load and fire a gun. The last thing he took from the corpses was an Aeonar Hunting Insignia. He now wants to go to Aeonar to learn more about guns.
Ziggs loves his uniform and sees it as a badge of honor. He gets upset when anyone offers to repair it as that would be covering up the wounds and trophies of war he has.
His uniform is the Somarian the Fourths Regimental Solders Uniform
He has been in 3 seperate wars, 1) in the Somarian army crushing the rebels, 2) In the Vax Valley goblin tribe against a rival tribe. He also postponed the war between the Planetar Angel Asmodius and an army of demons. They are not happy about this :)
Like all goblins Ziggs cant read. Unlike other goblins he seems to have an innate ability to occasionally gather meaning from the odd scribbles and lines on the wall and this scares him greatly. For whats worse? Words stealing thoughts from your mind or words putting something into your mind?
RP elements: In the works now!
_____Of Beer and Song_____
Albina walked through the wooden door and quickly surveyed his surroundings, there were few patrons in the aptly named Dusty Duke with a group of humans playing cards in the corner and a trio of brutish looking orcs off to the left drinking some foul substance no doubt. Albina shrugged, his charges would not like it much but it was a much needed place for some grub and drink. Signalling over his shoulder and proceeding to go sit down, he was followed in by 2 finely dressed and obviously uncomfortable elves trailed closely by a diminutive creature. A goblin! The barkeep was visibly unsettled by the sight of one of the normally destructive creatures and came over as the four sat down.
"Excuse me but the goblin..." The young lady had started to say when she was cut off by Albina.
"is with us. There will be no problems." A few gold coins shone in the dim light for a split second as they exchanged hands.
"Of corse" she replied. "And what would you fine gents want to drink?"
"I'll have the finest wine this drivel place has to offer" stated one of the elves obviously unaccustomed to such meagre accommodations. His partner, who seemed of much lower standing, possibly a servant, ordered some common wine further cementing his place below his companion.
"And you good sir?" Ignoring the goblin as she went.
"Ill have a shot of your Oldlaw Whiskey."
"Very good." she replied as she whisked away.
Albina started to protest "but..."
"Its fine Albina" the goblin interrupted him. "Besides, I brought Bufo!"
He uncorked the jug and the elves visibly grimaced revealing their discomfort.
Albina smiled inwardly, anyone that make that pompous elf uncomfortable was ok in his books.
"... must not be delayed on our journey, we must get to Rayne as soon as possible, maybe then I can get back to civilization."
Ignoring the high elf Albina looked sternly at the goblin.
"Your reading, Ziggs?"
"Them humans are harmless, but them orcs. They be sizing us up."
His ears missed nothing.
As the barkeep came back with the drinks Albina looked relieved.
"Good. Well you keep an eye on them, Id like to avoid trouble if I can."
"Will do." Ziggs replied, taking a swig. "Cant say I enjoy wine much but this is pretty good."
The high elfs outburst startled everyone, well everyone excepts Ziggs.
"What is this foul stuff? Wait, what? Why you wretched goblin! You switched drinks on me!!!"
Albina couldnt help but smile, he was starting to like that goblin.
Later that evening when Albina was comfortably sated on whiskey, the high elf sullen but silent and Ziggs merry with that dazzled look he gets when drinking, the humans in the corner got up. Mildly interested, Albina glanced over and watched them pull out some instruments, first a fiddle then a flute. Next a harpsichord and lastly a set of drums. he was quite content to sit back and enjoy the music when he saw that mischievous look in Ziggs eye once again. Vaguely wondering if he should put a stop to whatever he was about to do but unwilling to move he watched as the small goblin got up and started towards the impromptu band. Now vaguely worried, he was about to get up when Ziggs started to dance. Falling back to his seat laughing instead at the sight of the comical goblin flailing about. The band spurned on by their diminutive dancer played all the harder laughing as they went.
Then Ziggs started to sing.
Round we go, round we go
Catch a squirrel, kill a mole
Start a fire and watch it glowww
Cook the mole. Not the squirrel!
Thats for fun you see
He had never heard the goblin singing before and although it was quite screechy it was amusing.
You can break its legs and watch it squirm
And for a treat you can eat its eyes
Whack it with a stick until it dieees
Thats the fun you see!
With that verse even the orcs started laughing and joining in by stomping their feet.
Round we go, round we go
Catch a squirrel, kill a mole
Start a fire and watch it glowww
Cook the mole. Not the squirrel!
Thats for fun you see
Now even the barkeep couldn't keep it in and was almost in tears at the sight of the goblin flailing and wailing about!
Now get your friend an gather round
Lets play a game with this rock I found
Its called tag and I throw it at you
WHACK! Now you are it and away I fleee!
Oh so much fun you see!
This was turning out to be quite the night made all the more merry at the sight of the high elfs discomfort and his companions enjoyment of the whole of things. Yes he was quite liking that goblin indeed!
Round we go, round we go
Catch a squirrel, kill a mole
Start a fire and watch it glowww
Cook the mole. Not the squirrel!
Thats for fun you see.....
* * * *
One more section to go :)
Rengar the Dragonspawn:
Rengar the Dragonspawn
Male Human Fighter 1
N Medium Humanoid (human) Int +3, Senses Perception +3
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armour, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (20 feet medium load)
Melee Greataxe +5 (1d12 +7/x3) and
.. Trident +5 (1d8 +7/x2)
Ranged javelin +4 (1d6 +6/x2) or javelin +2/+2 (1d6 +6/x2)
.. Trident +4 (1d8 +6/x2) or Trident +2/+2 (1d8 +6/x2)
.. Throwing Axe +4 (1d6 +6/x3) or Throwing Axe +2/+2 (1d6 +6/x3)
Special Attacks
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +5 CMD 7
Feats Quick Draw, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits Carefully Hidden, Suspicious, Goblin Watcher
Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +1, Climb +3, Perception +3, Profession (cook) +5, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6, Survival +5, Stealth +2, Swim +4
Languages Common
Other Gear Javilins (10), throwing axe (5), trident (5), greataxe, leather armour (5@77lbs), bedroll, blanket, hammock, backpack, sack (3) (5@17.5lbs), hemp rope, string (2), hammer, piton (5), whistle, cooking kit (6@21.5lbs), flint and steel, torch (5), candle (10) (3@5lbs) (total 121lbs) 18gp, 2sp, 4cp
(50/50) hemp rope, (100/100) string, (10/10) candles
Foodstuffs; (2/2) bread, cheese, meat, chicken, (3lbs) potatoes, (3lbs) turnips, (2lbs) beans, garlic, basil, oregano (10@9.5lbs)
Drink; (4lbs) waterskin, (8lbs) ale, (6lbs) common wine, (4lbs) bufo (3@22lbs)
Special Abilities
Skilled +1 skill point every level.
Quick Draw can draw a weapon as a free action, can throw weapons at full rate of attacks.
Point-Blank Shot +1 attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons within 30 feet.
Rapid Shot when making a ranged full attack you can throw 1 additional weapon. All attacks are at -2.
Encumbrance 169lbs
Light 100, medium 200, heavy 300
Rengar is an orphan. Rengar was found as an infant in the cold peaks of Rimeskull and was nearly killed right then and there when he was discovered for Rengar has an unusual trait. He is albino. For a baby with an almost deathly visage to be found in the steeps of the Dragon Arkyhrst the White's domain and abandoned no less was considered a terrible omen. The local druid and Shaman demanded that he should be killed and sacrificed to advert the terrible disasters that would surly follow such an abomination. Only one woman objected and instead took the infant to Nybor where she had heard the locals were unusually known for their tolerance hoping for the child to have a future there. The journey was difficult and trying for a frail lady caring for an infant traveling on her own. When she had finally made it she was at deaths door and passed away but not before warning the elders of the curse following the child and the edicts of the Shaman.
Growing up as an orphan is difficult anywhere in Varisia, how much more so for a child as white as death and with a dragons curse looming above him? Beaten and bullied on a regular basis Rengar grew up hard and tough and was an outcast all his growing up years, yet this might have been tolerable had not that very same Shaman come to visit 6 years later. Recognizing the boy instantly, for who couldnt, the wiseman started proclaiming loudly that the son of the Dragon Arkyhrst would be the downfall of not only Nybor but also the surrounding towns of Whistledown, Sipplerose and Sandpoint. Life quickly became unbearable after that and Rengar was forced to the outskirts of the town where he survived by begging and fighting with the local goblin tribe for scraps and refuse. Only one man took pity on the child who became known as The Dragons Folly, Rukksgarr the village elder who welcomed him into the village those years past. He allowed him to work at his house as a servant and a cooks apprentice for his family. This was all kept hushed up for if the other elders found out that he was helping the dragonspawn, they would give him the same derision. This was to continue for 4 years and Rengar knew relative peace and acceptance with the Rukks's family until one particularly loose lipped servant had a bit to much to drink at the local watering hole and the ruse was up. Forced to part ways or sully the name of his only family in the Rukks he once again left for the outskirts, going further away into the Sanos Forest.
For the next 5 years little was seen of The Dragons Folly as he only came into town for supplies once or twice a month but the growth of his stature was evident. Coming in at over 6 feet, yet surprisingly wiry and lean with an ashen mane and ice blue eyes, the strength of body and mind behind that icy stare apparent during the few scraps and brawls he got into with the local boys. While well known for taking on gangs of 5 or more at a time, wether at range or close up, what was less apparent was his life outside the town. Having formed an uneasy truce built by his strength with the goblins in the area he would trade for their findings and trappings in exchange for a fine meal. He still kept his cooking talent from his time with the Rukks and used it as a service to the goblins and any passerby that he happened to meet. While he enjoyed the occasional company, he mostly kept to himself and preferred to hide away from the eyes of peering and jeering men. While he retains a healthy amount of suspicion for those he meets his good nature and kind heart draws him out to greet those he does happen on and often offers a meal for some company and conversation.
Recently, A goblin invasion has befallen Nybor disrupting trade and slaughtering some of the residents, including the Rukks. This had severed the last bits of attachments he had for the town, helped in no small part by the locals blaming him for the incident and his own guilt, for he believes the tales of his curse to be truth. Learning of troubles in Sandpoint and spurned on by the tales of the travellers he has met and fed Rengar has decided to set off and explore the world around him. He figures it is time to try and find out about his past, of the kind woman who saved his life, knowing only the name Abby. Of his homeland in Rimeskull and his connections to the Dragon Arkyhrst the White. To find out if there is any truth to this curse, if he finds trouble or if trouble follows him. Besides he has a bone to pick with a certain Druid named Bartholomew...
Arriving in Sandpoint and finding work as a cook in the local tavern, he notices some unusual patrons enter.......
"Dragonborn and not a lick of dragon magic. Fate is cruel".
"Goblins and humans alike, both submit to a stronger authority, both express their misfortunes to those below the same way."
"Come. Enjoy a meal on me. Lets talk of tales."
Links and Notes:
The character should be entirely core except for the traits and some foodstuffs. I dont even know if there are any core traits...
Rangar is 6' 4" 145 lbs (about my size), is physically strong and simple of mind. He quite likes goblins but has no qualms killing them if needed (such is goblin way). He is kind and caring if a little distrustful and shy. While soft spoken and preferring to listen over boastful talk, yet seems none can deny his presence or his stark looks.
The connections to the dragon is mostly just flavour, unless we decide to peruse it further.
Rengar is quite heavly weighted down, due to the abundance of food (trail rations are boring, besides it is part of his story) and a multitude of weapons due to him being a thrower. The food aspect can easily be glossed over or played up as fits the story.
Other Gear woodsmans axe, quarterstaff, club (6), wooden stake (5), torch (5), twine (50 ft), flint and steel, travellers outfit, pesants outfit, backpack, ale (8lbs), trail rations (3 days worth)
25 GP
Encumbrance 59 1/2 lbs
Light 76, Medium 153, Heavy 230
Special Abilities
Devotee of the Green +1 to Know (nature, geography) Geography is class skill.
Ordinary Heroes As your characters have been spending their lives working toward certain trades, players get 1 free rank in profession (Lumberjack). They also get +2 trait bonus to knowledge (nature) and knowledge (geography).
Quick Draw may draw a weapon as a free action. Can throw weapons at full rate of attacks.
Rage can enter a rage as a free action. +4 str/con, +2 will, -2 AC moral bonuses. Fatigued for 2x rage duration after it ends. Cannot enter rage while fatigued.
Two-Weapon Throwing apply 1 1/2 str to thrown weapons with both hands, may throw weapons at full rate of attacks.
Balhmahut is a strong if not intellectually slow young man of 18 years old. He is a good 6'1" and 200 lbs. He is a simple and kind hearted soul, quick to trust and slow to catch on, he calls everyone either Sir. or Muss. because his Ma brought him up proper. Despite his deep voice, he tries to be soft spoken and treat everyone kindly altho at times he does have a temper that can get out of control when he drinks. He loves nature and despite not being very bright he actually knows a lot about nature and the wilds. He was born in Daggermark and has lived here all his life.
He would be able to fill in the melee/ranged damage (hes a switch hitter), He would have good ranks in survival, kno (nature), kno (geography) and possibly perception.
This is Balmahut, just a little less blue, more and darker facial hair and fully organic limbs ;D
Balhmahut is a simple lad. Following his Papas trade he became a lumberjack and relished the time spent working with his father out in those forests. Time he would never have again after a tree fell on him and took his life four years ago. Despite the good Docs efforts, his Papa passed away and he took refuge in the wild forests. Since then he has spent much of his time out in the woods and while he is simple minded he knows nature well and has grown strong and rugged. Thickset and brawny, with wild and unkempt hair framing his tanned face and dark brown eyes. Out there he would often hunt wolves and other wild game. Knowing that he could never catch them on foot he took to flinging his beloved woodsmans axe or large logs from the trees he cut down with tremendous force.
In town he is a quiet lad, being much more comfortable in the woods he knows so well, yet it is here that his friends can be found. There is Muss. Patty, the town baker who always slipped him some baked goods when he came around and there is Mus. Abigail, the barmaid that always served him with a wink and a smile, and like his Papa, he loved the drink. Then there is his good friend Brother Silas. He admired the holy man and always attended his sermons when he could altho he didn't always understand them. He was thankful to him for helping his Papa sober up and get out of the rut he was in. It allowed them to have a few more good years together. He knew he could tell him anything, during confession he would talk about the crush he had on that purdy Muss. Eve Valeria, or the time he just about killed that traveler badmouthing Abigail in a drunken rage. He also told him how Sir John Keel helped him out when he got drunk and accidentally broke down the storefront of the Happy Cow Tavern. Boy he had to work hard to make up for that one!
Yup! He was a man he could trust!
Languages Common, Goblin
Other Gear
19,000: +3 Double-Barrelled Shotgun
19,100: +2 Large Thundering Double Hackbut
16,000: Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4
02,000: Beneficial Bandolier/ 1 500: Endless Bandolier
02,500: Eyes of the Eagle
4,000: Headband of Inspiring Charisma +2
13,500: Amulet of Bullet Protection +3
16,000: Cloak of Resistance +4
25,000: Bracers of Armor +5
101,600/140,000gp :P
00,700: Wayfinder with Cracked Incandescent Blue Sphere
00,150: MWT, shneakin shneekers, loud shpeakr, climbing glovshs
Grit (1/1)
Summon Monster IV (6/6)
Special Abilities
Aspect can divert up to 2 evolution points from Eidolon to summoner. (shadow form)
Bonus Feat +3 bonus combat or grit feats.
Colour Thief +2 trait bonus to stealth. You are just better than other boring goblins!
Darkvision see perfectly in the dark up to 60ft.
Deeds gain access to the following deeds.
***Gunslingers Initiative] requires grit. +2 initiative, draw firearm as part of the initiative check.
***[b]Lightning Reload requires grit. Reload 1 barrel as a swift action that does not provoke.
***Quick Clear requires grit. Remove broken condition from firearm as a standard. Spend 1 grit to remove as a move action.
***Ricochet Shot requires grit. Bounce shot off of a wall or other solid surface, this new square is used to determine Line of Sight and Cover. Ignore effects of Cover and Concealment.
***Startling Shot requires grit. Standard action to miss a target, target is flat-footed until its next action.
Favoured Class Bonus +2 evolution points, +4 hps.
Eidolon summon Eidolon with a casting time of 1 minute or dismiss as a standard, if summoner is unconscious or killed the Eidolon is dismissed. Eidolon has same alignment and languages as summoner, is a summoned creature but is unaffected by protection from evil and dispel magics dismissal effect. Eidolon does not heal and is destroyed when at 0hp, when destroyed cannot be summoned again for 24 hours but comes back with full hp.
Gun Training add dex to damage for cannons, double-barrelled shotguns and +1 gun, misfire value increases by 2 instead of 4 when misfiring.
Grit Regain grit when you confirm a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 or fewer hps. Cannot gain grit against a helpless or unaware foe or against someone with less than 6hd.
Nimble +3 dodge bonus to AC when wearing light or no armor.
Shadow Form constant 20% concealment, melee attacks deal 50% reduced damage but gain ghost touch property.
Signature Deed (Ricochet Shot) reduces grit required by 1.
Skilled +4 racial bonus to stealth and ride.
Summon Monster IV SLA 6/day. Standard action casting time, lasts 12 minutes. Can only have 1 SM IV SLA or Eidolon out at a time.
Wayfinder with Cracked Incandescent Blue Sphere +1 competence bonus to perception. Blindfight as a bonus feat.
Fused Eidolon use Eidolons physical stats, natural armor, special abilities, evolutions, outsider type and hps as temporary hps. Retain summoners mental stats and equipment (except armor).
Fused Link When eidolon would be reduced to 0hp, take hps from summoner instead.
Greater Shielded Meld +4 shield bonus to AC, +4 circumstance bonus to saves.
Encumbrance lb
Light 15lb, Medium 30lb, Heavy 45lb
Spells Known
Cantrips: +6
1st: Ant Haul, +6
2nd: +6
3rd: +5
4th: +4
Experience 0!!!
Languages Common, Goblin
Other Gear
19,000: +3 Double-Barrelled Shotgun
19,100: +2 Large Thundering Double Hackbut
16,000: Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4
02,000: Beneficial Bandolier/ 1 500: Endless Bandolier
02,500: Eyes of the Eagle
4,000: Headband of Inspiring Charisma +2
13,500: Amulet of Bullet Protection +3
16,000: Cloak of Resistance +4
25,000: Bracers of Armor +5
117,100/140,000gp :P
00,700: Wayfinder with Cracked Incandescent Blue Sphere
00,150: MWT, shneakin shneekers, loud shpeakr, climbing glovshs
Dimension Door (2/2) SLA, CL 12
Grit (1/1)
Summon Monster IV (6/6) SLA, CL 12
Special Abilities
Ability Increase (dex) +4 dex. Evolution. Armor Bonus eidolons gain 10 natural armor bonus.
Aspect can divert up to 2 evolution points from Eidolon to summoner. (shadow form)
Bite bite attack for 1d8 damage. Primary attack. 10ft reach. Evolution Bonus Feat +3 bonus combat or grit feats.
Climb climb speed of 20ft. Evolution Colour Thief +2 trait bonus to stealth. You are just better than other boring goblins!
Darkvision see perfectly in the dark up to 60ft.
Deeds gain access to the following deeds.
***Gunslingers Initiative] requires grit. +2 initiative, draw firearm as part of the initiative check.
***[b]Lightning Reload requires grit. Reload 1 barrel as a swift action that does not provoke.
***Quick Clear requires grit. Remove broken condition from firearm as a standard. Spend 1 grit to remove as a move action.
***Ricochet Shot requires grit. Bounce shot off of a wall or other solid surface, this new square is used to determine Line of Sight and Cover. Ignore effects of Cover and Concealment.
***Startling Shot requires grit. Standard action to miss a target, target is flat-footed until its next action.
Favoured Class Bonus +2 evolution points, +4 hps.
Eidolon summon Eidolon with a casting time of 1 minute or dismiss as a standard, if summoner is unconscious or killed the Eidolon is dismissed. Eidolon has same alignment and languages as summoner, is a summoned creature but is unaffected by protection from evil and dispel magics dismissal effect. Eidolon does not heal and is destroyed when at 0hp, when destroyed cannot be summoned again for 24 hours but comes back with full hp.
Evasion take no damage on a successful reflex save.
Fire Immunity Immune to fire damage. Evolution Fused Eidolon use Eidolons physical stats, natural armor, special abilities, evolutions, outsider type and hps as temporary hps. Retain summoners mental stats and equipment (except armor).
Fused Link When eidolon would be reduced to 0hp, take hps from summoner instead.
Greater Shielded Meld +4 shield bonus to AC, +4 circumstance bonus to saves.
Gun Training add dex to damage for cannons, double-barrelled shotguns and +1 gun, misfire value increases by 2 instead of 4 when misfiring.
Grit Regain grit when you confirm a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 or fewer hps. Cannot gain grit against a helpless or unaware foe or against someone with less than 6hd.
Improved Natural Armor +6 natural armor. Evolution Large large size. +8 str, +4 con, +2 natural armor, -2 dex, -1 AC, -1 to hit, +1 CMb and CMD, -2 fly checks, -4 stealth. Evolution Limbs (Arms) gain 2 arms. Evolution Makers Jump 2/day. Dimension door as a SLA, self only, CL 12.
Max Attacks eidolon can make a max of 5 natural attacks.
Multiattack +1 iterative bite attack at -5 to hit.
Nimble +3 dodge bonus to AC when wearing light or no armor.
Reach (bite) extend reach of bite to 10ft. Evolution Shadow Blend gain total concealment in anything except bright light (50% miss chance).
Shadow Form constant 20% concealment, melee attacks deal 50% reduced damage but gain ghost touch property. Evolution Share Spells cast spells with range of you on eidolon, even if not the right type (outsider)
Signature Deed (Ricochet Shot) reduces grit required by 1.
Skilled +4 racial bonus to stealth and ride.
Skilled +8 racial bonus to perception. Evolution Str/Dex Bonus eidolons gain 5 str and dex.
Summon Monster IV SLA 6/day. Standard action casting time, lasts 12 minutes. Can only have 1 SM IV SLA or Eidolon out at a time.
Tail Slap +2 racial bonus to acrobatics to ballance on a surface. 1d8 secondary attack. Evolution Wayfinder with Cracked Incandescent Blue Sphere +1 competence bonus to perception. Blindfight as a bonus feat.
Encumbrance lb
Light 15lb, Medium 30lb, Heavy 45lb
Spells Known
Cantrips: +6
1st: Ant Haul, +6
2nd: +6
3rd: +5
4th: +4
Experience 0!!!
Appearance and Personality:
Kommandar Killjoy, or Killthemjaro as his real name is, is a small goblin, not unlike most others. He wears a grey beret on his head and a spic and span uniform that he takes great care in maintaining. He saw one of the leaders in his dream wearing something similar and he does his best to emulate it. He carries a double barrelled shotgun he calls his "Shogun" and literally a tank in his pocket.
His tank is a mechanical beast. While not true metal, it is composed of an ultra-hard ceramic like substance that is partially see-through and made up from the essence of his mind. It consists of 2 gigantic treads on each side in the shape of a triangle, has a double barrelled cannon aptly and affectonatly named his "Boomcannon" protruding from its front and kegs of gunpowder on a platform in the rear. Inside the Kommandar can be seen scuttling about, pulling leavers and pushing buttons as he frantically tries to keep the beast moving and aimed at the right targets. The Boomcannon is capable of devastating blasts that are as loud as all get-out yet fire single shots and have a noticeably long reload time. His whole tank is painted red!
12,000: Seekers Sigh
01,000: Concealing Pocket
02,000: Blood Reservoir of Physical Prowess
02,700: Stone of Alarm
06,000: Life Link Badge
10,000: Summon-Slave Crystal
A Pistol
Lots'o Ammo'n Boompowder!
Mundane Equipment
Improved critical
Deadly aim
Devastating strike
Precise shot
Big game hunter
Heroes fortune