Artemis Entreri

"Gem"'s page

61 posts. Alias of icehawk333.

Full Name



Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +7, Fort +2 _ Ref +9 (10 vs traps)_ Will +6, CMB: +4/+9, CMD: 19, Speed: 30 sense motive +10 fly +11 disable device +17 ILW wand 50/50


Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12/+32, Climb +4 Diplomacy +4, Escape artist +13 Intimidate +9, Stealth +17 Swim +4 know (arcana, nature, and religion) +7 disguise +8/+18


Male "gem" CG_ HP: 55/55, AC: 24 _ T: 17 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +15(17 for traps), slight of hand +13





Special Abilities

moth form




The black butterfly


Gnoll tower


Common, sylvan, abyssal, auran.



Strength 10
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 18

About "Gem"

5 bab + 5 dex + 1 masterwork +1 swashbuckler weapon training +1 size +1 weapon foucs.
To hit of +14

To-hit (bite)
5 + 5 +1 +1
To hit of +12 on primary, +7 on secondary.

1d3 + 1 swashbuckler weapon training, +2 weapon speciliation, +5 precicse strike.
1d3 + 8


race and posessions:

Gem isn't a race, more a single person with no decrenable origin.

He believes he's something of a child of a rakashaka and some sort of were-moth, but really, he has no solid proof, as he cant find his parents, and really hasn't felt like continuing, as he has no real ties to them anyway.

STR: 10 DEX: 20 CON: 12 INT: 16 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

Racial traits-
Monstrous humanoid (3)

Size (small)

Stat type Advanced-
+4 DEX, +2 Cha, +2 wis +2 int (4 rp)

At-will spell like ability (glibness) (6 RP)
At-will spell like ability (vermin shape 1) (6 rp) (small sized moth only- as there is no stats for a moth, fly 30ft (average), bite, and darkvison 60ft seems fair, still below what other forms get.)
At-will spell like ability (disguise self) (2 rp)
Moon-touched damage reduction (3 rp)
Negative energy affinity (-1 rp)
Bite (1rp)
Gliding wings (3rp)
Light blindness (-2 rp)

Eyes of the eagle (2500)
Adamanite dagger (3000)
+1 Mithril chain shirt (2100)
+1 bukler (1005)
Wand of inflict light wounds (750)
695 gp worth of semiprecious gems

Class abilities:

Investigator // swashbuckler

Skill ranks-
Perception 5
Stealth 5
Slight of hand 5
Bluff 5
Escape artist 5
Use magic device 2
Disguise 1
Intimidate 2
Disable device 5
Knowledge (arcana) 1
Knowledge (religion) 1
Knowledge (nature) 1
Sense motive 5
Swim 1
Climb 1
Acrobatics 3
Fly 3

Favored class bouns (skill ranks)

Investigator -

Inspiration (1d6)
Poison lore
Poison resist +4
Keen recollection
Trap sense +1
Studied combat
Studied strike +1d6
Swift alchemy
Investigator Talents-
Underworld inspiration
Extracts known-
Touch of the sea
Negate aroma
See alignment
Endure elements

Spider climb
Swashbuckler fenesse
Charmed life 3/day
Bouns feat
Swashbuckler weapon training
Pinache (4)
Dodging pinache
Oppertune parry and riposte
Menacing swordplay
Precise strike
Swashbuckler's initiative.


Weapon foucs (dagger)
Combat reflexes
Piranha strike
Weapon specialization (dagger) (bonus, swashbuckler)

WTF is gem?:

Gem is a... Well, what he is isn't terribly important.

Gem has no one name, never giving out what he perceives to be his name, instead going by an alias that changes if he ever gets caught.

His most recent alias has a thing for gems, to the point where he actually wears contact lenses made of solid crystal.

Tends to like shiny objects.

He steals from corrupt authority and people he deems could live without, and returns Wealth to the poor and needy. In gifting, he's as unknown as in his thievery, leaving things in people's houses, mostly gems he had cut after he "obtained" them to make sure they wouldn't incriminate the person he gave them to.

Genrally, gem dislikes violence, but is still quite good at it, and his horrid, serrated teeth help. His aim is nearly impeccable, never hitting very "hard" but always hitting the right spot.

Gem is an amazing liar, and almost never gets caught... As most people would believe him if he told them their shirt was secretly an evil magic object bent on world domination.... At least, as long as it wasn't true.

Gem is quite talented at alchemy, but thanks to his recent "capture" he lacks his alchemy kit.

Dispite all this, his loyalty is fairly astounding- once he grows to like someone, his conviction is unwavering.

Gem worships desna's shadow, the black butterfly, and goes out of his way to aid the blind and the deaf, along with performing her daily obedience of undetected charity every day.

Suiting, in a way, as he's able to turn into a moth.