Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed

Game Master downrightamazed

Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?

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Well, don't dwell on it too much. Like I said, I take responsibility for this being one of those rare cases where there have been a bunch of communication misfires, but now I just want to keep the game moving, and I'm NOT gonna let a PC die from PvP. So I'd rather we just do a handwave to say you're both hurt or both NOT hurt, and proceed with the initiative order as stated in the IC thread. I know it glosses over some cool actions done by both PCs -- for which I do apologize -- but again; I just wanna keep things moving, especially since we're entering another crossover section.

This is one of those things that would take minutes to resolve at the table, but takes days in PbP, and personally I'd rather be gaming than untangling thread spaghetti.

AC: 29 (T: 22, FF: 20) - CMD: 28 - F:13 R:18 W:9 - Hp: 24/123 - Grit 2/3

Agreed. I'm just rolling with it. That way we both get to do our cool stuff. Now, hopefully someone can intervene before we both die!

AC: 29 (T: 22, FF: 20) - CMD: 28 - F:13 R:18 W:9 - Hp: 24/123 - Grit 2/3
Azami Ito wrote:
Oh no...game collision! This oughta be interesting to see the Legend of Marianansu peeps try to navigate Lanzhu/empire culture. Heh.

We splode them!

Male Silastrix Magus (Bladebound Kensai) 11 (HP 83/83 AC 30, T 23, Flat 11 - F+9 R+9 W+8 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +13

Don't worry we plan on intervening ;)

Also Maiathreen has little patience for useless politics so I'm sure he'll do fine. :/

AC: 29 (T: 22, FF: 20) - CMD: 28 - F:13 R:18 W:9 - Hp: 24/123 - Grit 2/3
Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:

Don't worry we plan on intervening ;)

Also Maiathreen has little patience for useless politics so I'm sure he'll do fine. :/

I s'plode you too!

Male Silastrix Magus (Bladebound Kensai) 11 (HP 83/83 AC 30, T 23, Flat 11 - F+9 R+9 W+8 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +13
Urk Boombringer Gremlinsploder wrote:
Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:

Don't worry we plan on intervening ;)

Also Maiathreen has little patience for useless politics so I'm sure he'll do fine. :/

I s'plode you too!

Bah, I've faced devils, dragons, and horrors beyond imagination one little goblin with a strange metal rod is nothing. ;p

AC: 29 (T: 22, FF: 20) - CMD: 28 - F:13 R:18 W:9 - Hp: 24/123 - Grit 2/3

From the sound of it, yer kind of scary looking, so Urk will probably think you're cool.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I'm gonna need stats for my guys. How's +6 to hit for d8+3 and 2d6 sneak attack sound?

And I don't want them ALL on the Scarecrow.

And I'm sure this combat is going to end in one more round or something.

F Bard 36

1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

Steven T. Helt wrote:

I'm gonna need stats for my guys. How's +6 to hit for d8+3 and 2d6 sneak attack sound?

And I don't want them ALL on the Scarecrow.

And I'm sure this combat is going to end in one more round or something.

Cool with me. Carry on.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Remind me-do we confirm crits in this game?

Azami Ito wrote:
Remind me-do we confirm crits in this game?


Howdy y'all! I know a few of you have expressed interest in going to GenCon, so I thought I'd give you a price breakdown on what it costs for the necessaries like hotel and parking and food. The numbers here are just for the hotel we stay at, the JW Marriott, which I really like. It's a brand-new hotel and has three restaurants, two bars, a starbucks, and plenty of other perks, so I dig it. I dunno how much room prices differ from hotel to hotel downtown, but I can't imagine it's all that different, esp. during an event as huge as GC. So anyway, here's the basics. These numbers assume you're staying at the JW Marriott, with four people in a room, and that you carpooled down. If that's the case, here's what you pay in one day:


Room: $52.50
Parking: $9
Various Taxes: $14
Food: $30

Total room expenses for one day at Con: $105.50
Badge price (one-time fee): $70
Events (one-time fee, averaged): $34
Gas money (one-time fee): $10

TOTAL COST for Wednesday-Sunday: $536
TOTAL COST for Wednesday-Monday: $641.50


Obviously, you can save money by spending less on food and events, but I'm aiming for a realistic number here that allows you to not go broke but still do a lot of the stuff you go to GenCon to do, namely eat great food and play a LOT of games. The gas thing is a variable number, too, of course. I'm sure some folks ask more or less depending on how stingy or chill they are, and depending on how many passengers they have. The parking fee is just the daily parking cost split four ways. The taxes are on an individual basis. I know you can also save $$ by staying farther away, but then you have to deal with daily parking and/or taking a shuttle into the city. I did that once and hated it, but YMMV.

So yeah! Hope this helps with budgeting. Housing opens in January, and you gotta move fast!

F Bard 36

Thanks for this - this is helpful! I kind of want to do it to introduce Mal to our culture - not sure how the quasi-gamer husband feels though. I need to be generally cognizant of where it falls with Pennsic too. That month will eat up all of our money.

Well, you could prolly sell him on it by mentioning the fact that there'll be air conditioning, nice beds, good coffe, good breakfast (mmmmm, Patachau!), and of course ROOM SERVICE. ;-)

I hear ya, though; August is always hell of rough on the ol' wallet. I know Paul saves up literally all year so he can go to Con and have a blast.

Anyway, glad it's helpful!

F Bard 36

It's at least an interesting slice of the world for the purpose of people-watching. With good coffee and interesting things that don't necessarily demand interaction, it might be a good sell.

That cafe looks nice...building my arsenal for pitching this idea.

Shadow Lodge

I hate failing wand checks >.<; can't do it again for 24hrs >.<;;;;

edit Of thats only on a crit fail my bad. :/

AC: 29 (T: 22, FF: 20) - CMD: 28 - F:13 R:18 W:9 - Hp: 24/123 - Grit 2/3

Damn, it appears Urk forgot to procure potions. Well, I'm sure my smashing diplomacy and friend making skills will work in my favor here.

N00b mistake. *hangs head in shame*

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is where she discovers the jar i gave her was an illusion. Bwahahahah. Just kidding. I like my head on my shoulders....

AC: 29 (T: 22, FF: 20) - CMD: 28 - F:13 R:18 W:9 - Hp: 24/123 - Grit 2/3

Lol. Love knowing things that other people don't. This next bit could get interesting.

Shadow Lodge

oh? :3 *gets popcorn ready*

I've got a bit of a complicated post coming, and a busy family weekend just didn't let that happen. Will get it up tonight.

No worries, my friend. Your posts are always worth waiting for. Don't hesitate to let me know if I or any of the others can help. :-)

Shadow Lodge

been waiting for Tokine's post! Now i has to wait more WHAT!? Just kidding....


Maybe. >.>

Have a great weekend take your time! ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shameless plug; if any of you are into euro-style metal music, my metal band, Magma Dragon, has just released another new song; "Chaotic Evil Outsider".

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I want a very dark, progmetal song called NE Outsider, and I want you to dedicate it to me. Ha!

M Human Gamer 5/DJ 10

I'm still waiting to hear War Cleric and Demon Hunter

M Human Gamer 5/DJ 10

So I'm thinking, knowing how much free time he's using to just lounge around and act like a rockstar, DRA should make us all a wiki for this campaign. Who's with me on this?

Liberty's Edge

The Explored Lands Downrightamazed

Or we could make a wiki and have him as a consultant :o

F Bard 36

Ahem...I started one a LONG time ago but got out of the habit. It's got a bunch of information. But it also has a ton of meta gaming material.

But I am familiar with wikia coding. Just saying...

Male DraRid 9 - HP 66/66 AC 23, T 14, Flat 19 - F+7 R+10 W+6 Init +4; Senses: Superior Low-Light Vision (X4), Darkvision 60ft; Per +14

AWESOME! We should totally do a wiki! I can put up my modified dragon rider too and see what you all think. :D

Dave Herman wrote:
...DRA should make us all a wiki for this campaign. Who's with me on this?

That IS a really great idea. No idea how to do one properly, tho; I suppose I need a domain first. Lemme see what's out there for easy-peasey Wiki hosting. I'm willing to bet I've a plethora of options, these days.

Whoomp! There it is.

Male Human Rogue(Poisoner) 5/ Shadowdancer 6| AC23 T17 F18; HP 88/88, CMD 22, F/R/W 6/14/7, Percep +20 Drkvsn 60', Init +6
Lane Ellen wrote:

Ahem...I started one a LONG time ago but got out of the habit. It's got a bunch of information. But it also has a ton of meta gaming material.

But I am familiar with wikia coding. Just saying...

Links, please!

Sorry on the long pause on my part. I am posting mostly be phone currently as I lost a home computer, and I have an intern sharing my work space and I have trouble sneaking in long responses.

This weekend should have a new computer delivered, so will be back up to speed.

Shadow Lodge

Very nice Post Tokine~ Your character has so much flavor its awesome~

and bump! :D

Shadow Lodge


Sera Aki the Younger!

Reminds me of Tokine...

If only Imuri was a woman....

Another Tokine! :O


Sera Elder Sister seriously don't mess with her...


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Where did you find those? If you can put me into contact with the artist, I have a project that may want to offer them some work soon. :b

they are definitely nice!

Shadow Lodge

@Imuri Digital Art Gallery I'm not sure, I will try and dig up the name of the artist. :)

@Tokine I know right! That sight has thousands of awesome pics!

M Human Gamer 5/DJ 10

Neat sight... found these:

Angry Wei (a bit more neck than I imagine...)

Urk - just imagine a pistol instead of an axe.

Shadow Lodge

Ya sometimes i'm dumb :( that Site has a lot of great pics. I wish the tag/search was better...

Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season.

I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing.

My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it.

I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away.

Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles.

My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see.

Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern.

This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed.

In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.

Male Dwarf Fighter 7/Barbarian 2 AC29 HP128 F+14 W+6 R+6 Perception +14

Good luck to you.


I realized after posting that this thread has suffered some neglect, that likely didn't notice my absence. But it is a good group here and I wished to let them all know I was through a bad path, but back and wishing good will on them all, especially DMA, in hopes that his issues come to a good resolution as well.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I keep hoping the aliens will give Dan back - for good this time - and we can get on with Imuri saving the world and marrying the NPC of his choosing.

F Bard 36

Good to see you about, and sorry to hear of your trials, but also noting that you are working on getting through them.

Several of us have been dealing with major life changes, which is partially why I think this thread has stalled. Telling a story so complex takes time and energy, and when that is being sapped away, there's nothing left. It's extra hard online when it involves maneuvering between getting the story out and making several very different people happy.

But there's still a story to tell burning in Dan's head. When he is able, he'll be back to tell it.

Male Silastrix Magus (Bladebound Kensai) 11 (HP 83/83 AC 30, T 23, Flat 11 - F+9 R+9 W+8 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +13
Steven T. Helt wrote:
I keep hoping the aliens will give Dan back - for good this time - and we can get on with Imuri saving the world and marrying the NPC of his choosing.

....hmmm rescue DRA from the aliens...sounds like a good side quest I'm up for some good old fashioned alien curb stomping.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Heya, gang. My friend and writing partner Steve Rowe (Pestilence among the Four Horsemen) is in a contest to win a fiction writing commission at koboldpress.com. Please give him a brithday present. Hope over and vote for his very funny story about an established NPC in the Midgard world. Today is the last day to vote, so please spend a few minutes to give him some love!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Someone posted in the game thread! DRA!!!!! COme on. Let's get this thing moving again!

You don't even have to write the GenCon game if you need to find some time. Rowe and I will just spend the time insulting each other until one of us finds The Missing Thing, and then there will be disintegrates!

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