Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Here is the HL profile for Fiterri Finch. On the surface he seems a bit of a bone and rag man. But he is known to be an honest merchant to the locals, taking items for sale or pawn. He is ruthlessly protective of his Mudlarks out looking for lost and discarded items of potential value. His shop has taken on the name, the Rookery, and does have the look of being the home to several ravens, with shiny baubles scattered about the more general junk items that he collects,sells, and mends. Few have seen his upstairs quarters, where he keeps his more valuable items. It is equally a mess, of papers and maps and genealogies, as he works out the histories and provenance of his truly unique items. Feiterri Finch Character Sheet:
Fiterri Finch Male human occultist 5 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 46) LN Medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses aura sight; Perception +9 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) hp 33 (5d8+5) Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee an illiterate's letter opener +7 (dagger)(1d4+4/19-20) or . . walking stick of a cloistered monk(+1 Ironwood Sansetsukon) +8 (1d10+7/19-20) Ranged a blind child's dart +5 (dart)(1d4+4) or . . dart +5 (1d4+4) Implement Schools (1 generic focus) . . Abjuration (Holy Symbol of an Unbeliever, 2 points) Resonant—warding talisman; Focus—mind barrier . . Divination (Glasses of a Blind Seer, 2 points) Resonant—third eye; Focus—sudden insight . . Transmutation (Walking Stick of a Cloistered Monk, 5 points) Resonant—physical enhancement; Focus—legacy weapon Occultist Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +8) . . 2nd (3/day)—air step[ACG], find traps, spider climb . . 1st (5/day)—ant haul[APG] (DC 14), lead blades[APG], shield . . 0 (at will)—detect magic, detect psychic significance[OA], mending -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19 Feats Amateur Investigator[ACG], Extra Focus Power[OA], Extra Mental Focus[OA], Power Attack Traits tenacious shifting, tireless logic Skills Acrobatics +3 Appraise +8 Craft (Small Repairs) +9 Diplomacy +5 Disable Device +8 Knowledge (arcana) +10 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 (+7 to navigate underground) Knowledge (engineering) +7 Knowledge (geography) +4 Knowledge (history) +7 Knowledge (local) +6 Knowledge (nature) +4 Knowledge (planes) +7 Knowledge (religion) +7 Linguistics +7 Perception +9 Profession (merchant) +4 Sense Motive +5 Sleight of Hand +7 Spellcraft +10 Survival +0 (+2 to avoid becoming lost when using this) Use Magic Device +8 Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin SQ automatic writing (linguistics), gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hypnotism (diplomacy), implements 3, magic item skill, mental focus (10/day), object reading, phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), shift focus Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, acid, alchemical solvent[APG], alchemist's fire (2), antitoxin, rusting powder[UE], tanglefoot bag (2), vermin repellent[UE], water purification sponge[UE]; Other Gear the discarded coat of a begger (+1 mithral armored coat)[APG], walking stick of a cloistered monk (+1 Ironwood Sansetsukon)[UC], a blind child's darts (x10), an illiterate's letter opener (dagger), elixir of swimming, handy haversack, compass[APG], ink (2), inkpen (2), journal[UE] (2), masterwork thieves' tools, masterwork tool, paper (10), pomander, merchant's, powder[APG] (2), scroll case, sunrod (5), 53 gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Abjuration (Holy Symbol of an Unbeliever) Abjuration implements are objects associated with protection and wards. Implements: Amulet, armor, bell, bracers, brooch, cloak, holy symbol, shield.
Prerequisites: Int 13, 1 rank in at least one Knowledge skill, no levels in a class that has the inspiration class feature. Benefit: Like an investigator, you have the ability to use an inspiration pool.
Implements: Book, crystal ball, goggles, harrow deck, headband, lenses, planchette.
Implements: Belt, boots, sandals, vest, weapon.
Appearance and Personality: Fiterri is a tall (6'4") and gaunt figure. His pale skin color suggests he rarely leaves his shop during daylight hours these days. Early mornings he is often seen along waters' edge in his long flapping black cloak and his large walking stick. The stick is unique in that it has a silver bird (A finch of course) atop it that he often uses to hook items out of reach. The bird also makes a chirp when he whirls the stick about, to the delight of children often following him. For them he often has some second-hand toy that he has mended to the child that helps him carry home his mornings scrapings from the muddy banks. A simple mudlarker himself until a few years ago, Fiterri discovered he had an 'ear' for the truly great finds. He never visited the same spot twice in a row, always leaving his schedule up to chance. But once he gets to a location, people say the lost coins, rings, and broaches call out to him. He made enough large finds that it allowed him to open a simple shop. He also made some unfortunate finds, murder weapons, stolen goods, and bodies that the constabulary have come to trust his skills. The trust also comes from the care that he takes in looking after those selling to his shop and those in greater need that he provides a little charity. To these people, the eccentric shopkeeper is fiercely local and protective. Unknown to all, thugs slinking through this portion of the slums shaking down merchants and tenants alike have encountered sudden and savage beatings that encouraged them to move along and leave the struggling people to continue struggling in peace.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Definitely interested. I can see an Occultist running a shop in a lowering pile of a building where 'mudlarks' bring their scraps, tidbits, and hopeful finds for him to look over and buy. Turning up the occasional murder weapon or victim's locket has proven valuable to the authorities and more importantly, valuable to the Occultist's cash reserves. Inspiration: I have yet had the chance to play through any of Pett's creations. I read through the Styes back in the day. And I plan to run my group through the Old Margrave and Thousand Screams. I was also in two RotR that sputtered out in the first book.
So why do I look forward to the Blight. I can state it in one word - Lankhmar. Do I need to go on? I Live and breathe dark, urban adventure. Leiber's tales I reread on a near yearly basis. The dark. The damp. The soot. The strange. The dark magic. The Gods OF the City. I love it all. I also love Dicken's and then Tim Power's more modern twists on such locales in Anubis Gates and the Polidori based series. My character idea is firmly rooted in this realm of poverty and dark dealings. In my home game, a friend has run a lot of Ptolus, which I love, but it is definitely more on the hopeful side with the terrors beneath most peoples' notice as they live their lives. Of course, my character's never shared this viewpoint, but that is another story or two... What I want is Mike Mignola's Lankhmar. And if this carries any of that taint than count me in.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I came across this late and so missed most of the discussion, but I hope I am squeezing this in under the deadline. Vinca, female Ratfolk Archivist Bard. She is equipment techie with good knowledge skills and some support magic. Vinca's Statblock:
Vinca Female ratfolk bard (archivist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 80, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 231) N Small humanoid (ratfolk) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size) hp 8 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 20 ft. Melee mwk rapier +5 (1d4/18-20) or . . scorpion whip (aa) +4 (1d3) Special Attacks bardic performance 6 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 12], naturalist) Bard (Archivist) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3) . . 1st (2/day)—grease, sleep (DC 13) . . 0 (at will)—detect magic, know direction, mage hand, read magic -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 15 Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12 Feats Weapon Finesse Traits affable, prehensile whip Skills Acrobatics +2 (-2 to jump), Appraise +7, Craft (alchemy) +9, Craft (mechanical) +9, Diplomacy +2 (+4 to gather information.), Disable Device +3, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +6, Profession (Guard) +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (alchemy), +2 Perception, rodent empathy Languages Aklo, Common, Dwarven, Goblin SQ bardic knowledge +1, cornered fury Other Gear mwk chain shirt, mwk rapier, scorpion whip (aa), masterwork tool, thieves' tools, 65 gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks. Bardic Performance (standard action, 6 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects. Cornered Fury +2 melee attack and AC if no conscious ally in 30 ft. Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Rodent Empathy Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents. Vinca's Background: Vinca has always been fascinated with the City and its citizens. She loved the market and the port where people from all trades and countries would gather and she loved to hear their stories. It was so different than the dark, boring warrens of her family. Even if living on her own was hard and dangerous, she preferred eking out an existence on the streets rather than stay packed in the warrens with her brothers and sisters. In fact, eking is what she does best.
She took up residence near the city dump and earned her coins salvaging junk from the piles and cleaning and fixing the items. Her size, skill, and handy whip always kept her one step of those seeking to hurt a lone girl in a dangerous place. One thing others didn't realize was the touch of magic she used to effect her escapes. Soon, she didn't need to scavenge as much, as others would bring her items she would buy cheaply and turn a profit on the repaired item. Business was brisk, but for a girl on her own, this was not a good thing. Robbery became a regular occurrence and the guards seemed to care little to protect her ramshackle shop in the worst part of town. The guards' interest changed when she bought a knife from a urchin who found it under a bridge when a red bearded man throw it off from above. Its unusual design and poison reservoir matched the stories in the market that morning of a horrible murder. The next morning, the talk around the dump was the death of the urchin, strangled. Vinca took the weapon to the guards to get it out of her possession and told them what she knew of its provenance. The guards were looking for the weapon and took her to the guard station. It was there that she discovered her calling. The Guards' evidence room consisted of piles of weapons, lock boxes and victim clothing with little thought to organization. She spent two weeks in protective custody before she helped bait the killer into a guardsmen trap. During those two weeks she had built a shelving system and organized the evidence room. She also set to cleaning and polishing the items in the equipment room. And then there was the filing. Her nights were spent in a cell reading old case files. Everything told a story, and Vinca was an eager audience and absorbed it all. When the two weeks were done, the guards offered her a job to continue what she was doing, but she turned them down as she wanted to actually be a guard. She wanted a chance to protect those in need rather than go back to her small shack. The Guard captain agreed and Vinca can now often been seen swinging through the equipment room using her whip to reach the upper shelves with ease.
Thanks DMB. I will read up the vital bits and try to jump in. I think a bit of dice rolling is what I need initially so I can contribute without too much backlog. Catching up on threads will be weeklong task most likely. And again, as DM, I really appreciate the work and effort you put into this game (and your previous games) and look forward to contributing again. So sorry for the disruption.
Thanks I realized after posting that this thread has suffered some neglect, that likely didn't notice my absence. But it is a good group here and I wished to let them all know I was through a bad path, but back and wishing good will on them all, especially DMA, in hopes that his issues come to a good resolution as well.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Sorry to hear that Tark. I have suffered a similar loss and am afraid it took me longer to shake lose from the depression then I would have expected. Here is a note I have prepared as a form of update to my mental health. Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season. I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing. My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it. I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away. Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles. My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see. Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern. This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed. In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
additional thought: I envision the Unlucky aspect taking the form of: when using the Divinity Bonus, if she still fails, she fails spectacularly like taking a -2 ability injury, losing her weapon, falling prone, etc. Sort of reflecking the Divine gift might be a bit of overextending yourself and getting in a tight spot as a result. Just a thought.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Answers to all God's Questions: While 'Unbreakable' I am sure there are things that may get to her. Nothing physical, nothing big and or ugly, as she will see that as a bigger challenge and relish the fight. Probably stuff on a metaphysical level that she has never had to consider before-the fate of her (and other's) soul, dealing with planer travel, and large displays of magic....just thinking on this, mind enchantment will be a major hurdle, something her class will help with, but someone messing with her to take her out of a fight will likely shake her, to have that freedom taken. I have her built her up in HeroLab but have not finalized it, awaiting options in the player's guide and the Demonhunter's handbook releases (although she won't have any Demonhunting traits until later, she is a neophyte at this I assume, as a new recruit. Nessa Glenbrook
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mark let us off easy with this one. His last recruitment had us writing original sagas, instead of relatively easy (but consuming) surfing all over TVtropes. And as much work as the application was, Mark has the truly hard part of reading and judging all these applications. Good luck to all, it has been fun reviewing all of your applications.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
One change I need to make now that I have banged out the application and had some time to think on the mechanics. Nessa is going to be an Unbreakable Fighter instead of a 2-handed. The innocence and strength of will is much more fitting then trying for a little more damage. It preserves most of the armor training as well, which will keep her mobile. Seems a small change, but now in my mind, it makes a big difference.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Background..sorry for its length and I RP'd the recruitment:
Nessa was born and raised on the road. Her parents traveled in merchant caravans, often the only Halflings amongst Humans and Dwarves. Her earliest memories were that she and her parents were just shorter than most, but not of being THAT different. With the caravan children, she was one of them and had to, without thinking about it too much, compensate to keep up. She used to be too slow, too weak, to play evenly. Often picked last or not at all, or worse, picked on. To avoid this she always tried to get faster, stronger. Over the years, as she matured, she was one of them. She was not half of anything in her mind, always just shorter than her human friends, that is all.
But the drive to keep up, to improve herself, was something that has slowly grown stronger. Eventually she wouldn't want to just keep up, she would want to go faster. She would not want to kick a ball, she would kick it the furthest. Her side would usually win games, as she would outcompete everyone else. She was not a sore winner, and did not do it out of pride or spite, but the wondrous thrill, the blood pounding, the joy of success. She would not understand the addictive power of this success. She didn't win at everything. In fact, when she lost it was often in spectacular fashion. Leading a race, she might disappear down a burrow hole. Climb a tree, she would reach the top first to find a limb previously lightening-struck that gives way in her hand. And her sense of direction was terrible, despite a life on the was just the boredom of the slow travel was beneath her notice. Her father gave her a whistle, he said it was a magic whistle, and that if Nessa ever found herself lost or stuck, she was to blow it and help would find her. Nessa has taken to wearing it around her neck, as she has been called on several times to need to summon help after feet had caught in rocks, slipped in a creek, or fallen in a burrow...again. Her father had the whistle blessed (by this he meant, he kept it in a small shrine in his wagon that he dedicated to Chaldira Zozaristan) so the impulsive God might look out for his daughter when she got in trouble. Over the years she found her friends wanted to spend less and less time with her and her intensity..especially the boys. Nessa found herself spending more time with the other caravaners, particularly if storytellers joiner their ranks. She devoured their stories, listening time and again to tales of pirates, giants, and dragons. But her time eventually came to be spent among the guards. They laughed at her and with her, as they taught her to use weapons around a campfire. She didn't mind as they were full of stories and robust language and she liked to laugh. Her parents watched her change, but know there was little they could do. The caravan was too small for their daughter. They went through the world but did not experience it. A weaver's wagon served as a nice nest, but it was a profession she would never take too. She would not sit still long enough before designing some new game to race the shuttle through the disastrous results.
But she could not catch them all. Her parents could not find her in the aftermath, until her distant whistle was heard. She twisted her ankle in the rapid pursuit in the dark. When no more bandits were heard fleeing, and no one from the caravan came by to give chase, she blew the whistle, sure that they just needed to know where to come to continue the chase....but only her father came. He helped her back to the caravan. The trip was silent as she was angry and confused. Upon reaching the camp she exclaimed that it was not too late to continue the fight, the bandit camp must be close, it would stop the raids on other caravans, but her mind refused to see the wounded and the dead and the broken in spirit. There was no more fight in them, the caravan was ready to limp to the next town, hire more guards and keep moving. The bandits will be the next caravan's worry, or the caravan might not come back this way untill the local authorities do something. They felt their goods and coins will bring change.....Looking into their downcast faces, including her parents, as Nessa urged for bravery and action, she felt it. Nessa knew she had to move on. Nessa left the caravan at the next town. Her parent and friends gave her enough coin to get a new start and wished her luck. The guards gave her a weapon, a large sword modified with a smaller hilt, they said it befitted her stature. Once her ankle healed, she hired on to the local militia. After two weeks of mindless parade marching, she led a few of the more bored and adventurous militia guards after the nearby bandits. Nessa came back bloodied and battered, but successful. Two of the four guards also made it back, so they performed much better than the lazy Captain who refused to mobilize the militia 'for a few routed bandit lowlifes'. He had claimed Nessa and the recruits would be killed outright if she ever crossed their path...well she showed him. And he showed her out of town. After two more towns full of useless soldiers sitting in taverns, talking of fights, Nessa began to suspect, most of these men's stories never occurred or were greatly exaggerated. And this realization shook her, as she came to realize these man were similar to the caravan guards who proved less than able. So all their tales too...and the story tellers?....were there no great battles in the world? No Bandit Kings? No Pirate Lords? ............................ Spending the night in a tavern, Nessa had to suffer the braggart guards and their tales and swagger toward the local females. But then she heard the conversation die as a heavily armored man entered the room. He approached a table of three guardsman, and in a gruff voice asked, "Can I join you for a drink?" The men eye each other, as he signals the barkeep and sits lightly into the creaking chair. "Free enough country I suppose, for the moment," one of the men finally says, after the warrior had taken to his chair. The corner of the warrior's unshaved cheek raises, creating an ironic half-smile, "About that....." Not ready to let him finish, all three spring from their seats, their chairs toppling backward and nearly colliding with the barman. One tips his hat, "Thanks for the drinks," as they each lighten the tray and move to another table. Nessa was shocked at the rudeness and also very intrigued. She thought she knew what a soldier was, but those balding pot-bellied men carried weapons, but this...this was a warrior.
"Free enough country I suppose,.......for the moment,", he says, his ironic smile growing wider. Nessa sits on the back of the chair, and watches the man closely as he signals to the barkeep to bring another, but motioning with his hands for a smaller one. Nessa smiles and shakes her heads and makes motions indicating a bigger one. She watches the man closely as she awaits her drink. The barman brings a pint and Nessa give her thanks to the barman and her benefactor. But she then gets a determined look on her face "Let me ask you something. If I told you there was a bandit cave a mile out of town would you get up and come with me to raid it and shut it down." The warrior grabs his pint, she can see the scars on his knuckles, "No." He lifts the tankard and closes his eyes as he takes a long satisfying pull. When he opens them again, Nessa is already climbing down off the chair. "Wait, wait. Let me finish." She pauses, "Why? I am not going to sit here and watch you get drunk." With a shrug, "You could join me." She rolls her eyes and then shuts them, smacks her lips with an "Ahhhh" Then the eyes snap open, looking the warrior right in the eyes, "No" and hops the rest of the way off the chair. He reaches a hand out toward her, "Alright! Wait! You still didn't let me finish. No, can I at least get some dinner and sleep first? Tomorrow we get your Bandits." Nessa breaks into a big smile as she climbs back up. She takes a big foamy mouthful of ale and laughs quietly. He raises his eyebrows to share in the humor. She giggles, "There are no bandits. It was a test. To see what you were made of." "And did I pass?" He waves to the bar signaling to the barman for two platters of food to be brought. "Enough to share a drink...and dinner by the looks of it. But I ain't seen you fighting bandits yet, just chasing beer down to the bottom of a cup. I have seen a lot of that going on around these parts and you don't do it any different than them." "Are bandits a thing with you? I am hearing a great deal of bandit talk...I see the sword, quite impressive, so I take it you have used it against these here bandits." Nessa nods the affirmative . And here he leans forward and lowers his voice. "What if I told you I fight things much worse than bandits. Things that make grown men cry for their mothers at the sight of them...." But he stops and watches her face. She furrows her brow and rolls her eyes upward in thought, "A test, huh? Trolls...naw too stupid. Vampires? wait...Dragons? That's a burn on the back of your hand. You fight dragons, dontcha?" The whole time, she is leaning in closer, until she falls off the chair back, landing clumsily on her knees upon the chair seat. The barman swings his tray wide to avoid her antics as he approaches with their supper. "He fights dragons, he does." she says as plates of roast chicken and potatoes are set before them. "Don't be daft girl. He's a Crusader. Fighting the cursed demon folk. He is here to drag you off and set you on a castle wall so the host of hell don't have to go so far to drag you the rest of the way. Beer and dinner seems a small price to pay to lure wide-eyed fools like you up there. The price on his conscious has got to be great." "Wait. I'm paying for this? What? Oh you meant.." she looks momentarily confused in the rush of information, the stories she had heard. Demons and the Worldwound were real? Not just idle gossip of drunken mercenaries? The barman waves her off with disgust and mutters something about fools and their heads. She turns back to her companion, while still standing on the chair now. Having ignored the barman's outburst, and not making eye contact, he was shoveling in the first of his food like he might have forgotten what food tasted like. Hands on her hips she demands, "Why would I have to be dragged there? The Worldwound, right?" The warrior sets to choking on his potatoes, and it takes a large mouthful of beer to dislodge the obstruction to his mirth. He give a full smile, giving her the sense that it was something he did not do often, so smiling, he wipes the foam off his lips. "Thanks for that image. but no, there is no dragging. But you saw those men earlier. You saw them run. They know what I am. Most sane people run. Most prefer a comfortable bed to the daily fighting and struggle against a horde of demons. I bring those foolish enough or desperate enough to join the crusade" "Ain't there another group, because I ain't neither? "Crazy? We get a lot of crazy....There are the brave. but...." "Yeah, that's what I am. If you got the brave... "Listen" and all laughter drains from his face and eyes. "We don't like the brave up there. Brave don't hang around. One wants to be smart. Being smart means avoiding being killed. "But you kill them, right? You're smart and brave, I can tell. You fight them, and kill them, the Demons right? So they don't come around here and hurt people, right?" You see, that's the part that most people don't like. It is really difficult to kill a demon, and to kill one permanently, well that is even harder. So a lot of the time it feels like fighting and killing the same demon.....there are planer laws mumbo-jumbo that say how long a demon stays in hell when slain, but it feels like an endless fight against a horde of endless enemies. Everyday we square off against Soul Bandits, as it were. Let me add, in fairness, I am a recruiter. The pay is not bad, but no one reti...." Nessa picks up the large chicken leg, laughing, " AND you get paid for this? You had me at horde..." and takes a big bite of the roasted bird, letting the grease travel down her chin. ................. Of course it was not so easy. After a mildly rowdy night of drinks, where Sgt. Merlton tried to explain the duties and actions of a crusader, diminutive Nessa had to prove to him her skill in battle. It was a hard session, the hardest she ever faced. She did land some blows, but they were few and far between. She felt he pushed her harder than he would have any pot-bellied town guardsman. He kicked, shoved, and tripped her on several occasions until she learned to start avoiding not just his weapon. He then gave her the painful news that she was skilled but just not ready for someone her size....but he quickly added the slightly selfish suggestion that she travel with him and hone her skill...(and share drinks and stories in the evenings). He helped her realize her size was not a disadvantage, but actually pretty useful in a scrum, she just needed to keep her feet under her. Nessa also found she could entertain the sergeant and others at the bar with all sorts of tales she learned over the years. She saw they didn't care if they were true of not, but only that brave knights fought dastardly trolls. She saw her own story starting to roll out in a similar fashion. It was not long before Merlton deemed her ready. He wrote a letter of introduction, something he did not do for the average recruit, beyond the typical enlistment papers. He explained ...twice...where to travel north, and sent her on her way...along with two other recruits, who could keep her on the right path. His route would take him further south, but he would be back in time when his recruitment shift ended. "Leave some bandits for me on the way or as I make my way back I am going to be bored," he says as he waves her off. Race: Just a Halfling, although she does not see herself as just half-anything. Personality : Nessa is a vibrant Sanguine. She exudes a personality that far exceeds her small frame; short in height but large in stature. Brave to the edge of foolhardy, she will give it all to do what is needed to be done. Quick to laugh at a joke, even at her own expense, but quick to anger when others shirk duty and responsibility. Loves the Stories of Olde, and is ready to write a few of her own. Competitive to a fault, as she learned to enjoy pushing the skills of larger folk by increasing her own ability. Character Traits: Bloodknight – Nessa enjoys the thrill of combat, the ultimate competitiveness of it. There are those that need to be fought, and she is more than willing to step up and fill that gap. In fact. she has difficulty understanding why everyone does not share this feeling. ”There can't be more than fifty of them. I'll be fine.” Thundarr of Thundarr the Barbarian Action Girl – Nessa has struggled from a young age to prove herself equal to the larger races, well she wasn't going to let the fact that a boy was racing her mean anything. Growing up as a lone halfling, she learned quick not to get hung up on a human boy, which translated to any boy. She has also been more disappointed by older men in positions of duty and trust being either just incompetent or just simply not good enough. Hudson: “Hey Vasquez. You ever get mistaken for a man?”
Vasquez in Aliens Unfettered – Growing up pushing herself, Nessa has learned to ignore boundaries, be they social or physical. Devoid of apprehension or indecision in their actions: Nessa learned being quicker, stronger, led to her not being smaller and weaker. Decisive action and the quickness to back it up has gotten her this far. She pushes so hard, that her friends growing up grew to apprehend and avoid her. Her games and travels grew to an intensity that the other children grew to want to avoid after numerous injuries just trying to keep up. ”Do you want to live forever?” Valeria in Conan the Barbarian Born Unlucky – Nessa seems to have gotten the short-end of the storied Halfling Luck. It is never the small things, if Nessa is going to experience bad luck, it happens in spectacular fashion, sprained ankles, falling from trees, falling in holes, no ignobility is beyond her experience. She is frustrated but such events, but in the end tends to shrug (or even laugh) them off as she knows she did everything she could to perform at her best and if fate wants to interfere, well there is not much she can do about it. “You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help.” Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes Boisterous Bruiser /Pint-sized Powerhouse – THIS. Enough Said. The Boulder: "The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young, blind girl. "
Toph Beifong from Avater: The Last Airbender No Sense of Direction – The act of getting somewhere is usually beneath Neesa attention. Despite a caravan up bring...or because of it, Nessa feels every town looks alike. Her father drove the wagon, Nessa read stories or watched the landscape. Nessa carries a whistle for those often times that she wandered out of visual range of the caravan camps. "I knew I should have made that left turn at Albuquerque." Bugs Bunny Class: Nessa is tenacious and will bring the fight to the enemy with no hesitation. It is not about the Demons and what they represent; It is the fight. They are evil and need to be fought. You need warrior who want to fight, and aren't afraid to fight. What does she bring unique to the fight? Her size. For so long she has tried to over compensate for it, now she has learn to use it to her advantage. She is used to opponents underestimating her strength and speed to their detriment. Nessa is a Two-Handed Fighter. Cavalier / Cleric / Inquisitor / Paladin: Not that that wouldn't be nice, but it seems a whole lot of hand-waving that gets in the way of sticking it to the enemy. Not that Nessa perhaps wouldn't make a great Paladin of Chaldira Zozaristan, whatever form such an avatar may take. But who is to say Nessa isn't already and that is how Chaldira Zozaristan rolls. Appearance and Composure: Barely topping out at 3 ft, Nessa displays a force of personality that suggests she is no fragile doll. She wears thrice-mended, but well taken care off, clothes. Very long brown hair she keeps in a ponytail, and unknowingly helps provide a counterbalance during big swings, with the long thin blade she wears on her back. Her skin is tanned and freckled from a childhood in the sun. Her bare feet are well calloused, but also show the marks of numerous scars. Nessa is a extravert. Growing up in the caravan with so much time in markets and fairs interacting with strangers, has left her with no compunction of shyness. She is playfully competitive, and while she may take a contest to a crazy boundary, she does not do it out of a need to win, but a need to push herself. If bested, she is quick to laugh and congratulate the winner, because she will know they truly earned it. She loves stories (telling and listening) and the rough talk of soldiers. She sees carousing as the reward for good soldiering, and is quick to look down on those with unnotched swords, empty tales and full beer mugs. Significant Item: Her whistle. A gift from her father, for the times she gets lost, or stuck, or strained, or trapped, or....... Her father built a shrine to Chaldira Zozaristan and asked the Goddess to look over his child. Nessa continues to carry the whistle for its usefulness and connection with her father. She grew up listening to his stories of Chaldira's great battles at Desna's side...some nights her father really regrets telling her those stories, and he would get up and relight the candles in his shrine. Traits of Experience:Two traits that I came across that are perhaps not the most useful but best express her personality are Reckless (+1 Acrobatics and class skill) and Competitive (+1 to skill check if someone just tried a similar check). Others I considered were Courageous and Irrepressible. Experience with Divinity: She does not share her father's deep seated religion in the Halfling gods. To Nessa they were nice stories, especially Chaldira Zozaristan's exciting exploits. Nessa knows her whistle was dedicated to the Goddess, but is not sure that it does that much as bad luck still follows her (she does not contemplate that she always came through in the end). Nowadays she will give the whistle a small kiss before a big endeavor. She tells herself it is for luck, but subconsciously she may be ensuring that she has it at hand if needed.
Hello All. My head is breaking water on my self-imposed exile. Sorry for any disruption that has caused. I am back in my house, and the sanding floors and painting has died down in intensity. The move back in sapped my nighttime energy so no home improvement tasks this week, thus it is giving me a chance to catch up. I have managed to poke along in a few of my on-line games, but I was unable to commit to the high level of play this game of Kingmaker demanded. You guys are just too good and involved for my part-time schedule. Too many days of seeing 20+ posts to catch-up on, and not enough time for meaningful posts. It started an unfortunate shame cycle It was already showing in Taisper's Mist game that he restarted recently, as I was already falling behind, especially in posts involving conversation. But I am back now with a stable work load at work and more importantly a stable home environment. So if I can be forgiven, and Zander still has a purpose, I would like to take up the reins again and un-bot Zander. I will need to do some catch up reading and figure up who some of the new faces are, but good to see everyone. Dave
I just reread (or maybe read for the first time) Pathfinder's incorporeal rules and found I have been playing them wrong for a number of years now...I have been applying the 50% miss chance on all attacks (like invisibility), and I see that only applies to spells. Magic weapons do 50% damage with no miss chance. Huh. I learned something new (or old as in this case). "And knowing is half the battle"
Gods, you found that video....look, I was in college, broke at the time, having a tough time.... ....some guy offers me a little glitter....said it was free...little did I know he meant this time...soon it all fades into a blur of Techno and Sparkles....soon I was doing sparkle for money, showing up at client's home for a "Sparkle Party"....movies were made that I never saw a dime from...or did I spend it all on glitter? ...I am so ashamed of what I had become...
There is the classic...Car Wars by Steve Jackson. Pretty weak on the RP but there is a way to improve stats over time...if you survive. Hint: Never leave your car. The pedestrian rules are brutal, as they likely should be. But were written before the days of people jumping cars or this: Venture Brother's Brock Samson. |