Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed
Game Master
Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?
Lol, and I forgot to add the masterwork bonus for my shamisen... Whoopsie daisy!
Also DRA looking forward to the response and this is a lot of fun! I didn't know though if there were minuses or not for the Tail Flourish but I thought I'd ask and leave that to your discretion. ;)
That was all fine, Chu. Nice post! I wish I could give you more for the HP and all, but the "play back" rolls are just to stay in the game. :-/
Everyone: note that the map is pretty big, so if you don't see yourself on there immediately, make sure you scroll around so you get the whole picture. Also note the legend in the upper-left corner.
No problems DRA! I was just afraid of a low roll so I thought why not~ on the HP expenditure. Chu is giving this all he's got and failure is really not an option, besides he/I am assuming that a bad performance means the door may reverse or reset back to the beginning. Right now CHu is just hoping things are going his way and that they can retreat from this death trap soon.
I hope as well that earth Ele doesn't pound me flat... >.<;
Totally lost my dot on this. Kept scanning my list of games an didn't notice this flurry of activity.
Yeah, dots have been disappearing a lot lately, I myself have had a lot of problems with it, despite checking my games every day Since Friday. Dunno what's going on.
I have to check every game manually now. Not a single dot has been staying for the last week. =/ It is rather troublesome. :(
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
Unfamiliar with PbP mass combat ettiquette... I know I'm right at the bottom in initiative, should I wait 'till it's my turn or at least near my turn to post my intended action?
Yeah, in general you should wait until it's your turn. You can, of course, feel free to talk or make witty rejoinders anytime you want, coordinate tactics, that kind of thing. If your turn follows a fellow PC who is being pokey, you can post your action as long as it doesn't stomp on anything they might do.
The main thing is that if bad guys go before you, you should at least wait for them to complete their turn as it'll affect the tactical situation.
Also: since I can't remember if I went over it with you before, here's a reminder post of how I'd like to see combat headers done. Basically Kyras' current post is an excellent example of how a combat post should look.
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
I'm gonna have to post after work tonight... Will try to before if possible, but i can't promise anything.
Gotcha DRA, I will post the Concentration check once its my turn again to avoid causing too much confusion. Unless you wanted it now. :)
You can just roll on your turn, that's fine.
K Roger that boss man! :)
Not good. Right, errr... time to get that door open. >.>;;;;
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
I know what you mean, I'm not looking forward to my rolls when it is my turn. >.>;
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Death imminent? Might as well banter. Looking forward to seeing how all of this turns out.
Lol, at least you won't die alone! I love the banter by the way. :) So funny!
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Go out in a big way is the motto. Unfortunately, that probably means Kyras biting her head off for being a sarcastic snot.
Well, I only got 4 elementals between me and all those in need. Will be working on getting over there...but can't get there and heal this round.
Can the big door be closed to keep the golems out? Might give us time to deal with the elementals and get a door open.
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Yeah, Azami and Kyras haven't really looked around at what other people are dealing with so much. Can't see y'all up front. I'm more worried about Tokine and Chu, oocly.
Hopefully that Profession Soldier check might give me any information about shutting the big door. I'm not terribly clear on how that whole part of the room looks.
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Why didn't I notice that before when you suggested it?
@Tokine: Your spiritual weapon rolled a crit fail, which cancels its one hit, so it did no damage.
@Chu: Nice work, you made the concentration check, now all you've got to do is get your instrument back out and play the song. >:-D
Yeah I was going to pull it out but I took your above post as It was a full round action for the con check. lol xD It's coming out and i'm gonna crush the playback. :D
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Would like some head's up on which Elemental Wei hit and whether it's shaken or not?
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
I was punching #6, I believe. It would be nice if it was shaken.
@Chu: Apply that 13 damage to your next Perform check as a neg.
In one round, the door by Chu will be open enough for medium-sized creatures to go through single-file. In three rounds it'll be completely open all the way.
Talk about lucky! A crit when I need it most xD! Still used a HP but it's well worth it. :)
Now to take down the pest punching me in the face... D:<
To close the door, Azami and Wei need to get to M22 and 23 and push. Normal pushing will take three rounds to close the door, but if you go full-guns and make DC15 STR checks, you can do it in one round. Be warned, though; if you blow a STR check by more than 8, you run the risk of slipping and falling and/or hurting yourselves.
This same door mechanic applies for Chu if he wants to attempt to force his door open in one round, but he'll need a DC20 if he tries pushing by himself.
@Kyras: Do I have you in the right spot on the map?
Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11
Since the pull failed, Kyras should be one square up (P24/P25/Q24/Q25). It would be enough for them to close the door halfway - but not enough for the golem to block it. He'll jump out of the way before Azami closes it the rest of the way.
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
We still need to move into place to push the door, I think, Wei, and through rough terrain. As a monk, that probably doesn't bother you, though.
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
@Azami: Indeed, it does not.
@Kyras: Don't forget, the golem will get to try and grab you again before you can jump through the door, or Azami can start closing the door.
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11
Kyras is doooooooomed. Unless somebody helps out before he gets beaten into unconsciousness.
Wish i could help but I've got my face punched so much that i am more then likely concussed lol. So um good luck!
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
I'm trying to help, but you gotta stop rolling 3's!!!
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Hope that can do....something....for you, Kyras.
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
I dunno, smells of plot device, given the damn things CMD stats. Damn DM's, trying to have a plot or something.
M Human Gamer 5/DJ 10
Curse you! Drinnen will suffer for this! Minus 5 Million XP, Dan!!!
Tokine's got this...(at least stopping the getting dragged off part) as long as the elementals don't do anything crazy. Stopping the pummeling is a whole other issue
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Woo hoo! Wei's turn! Good show Tokine!
I'll be moderately around this long US Holiday weekend, checking in periodically. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving who celebrates it, and a good weekend for those that don't.
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
Azami Ito wrote: Woo hoo! Wei's turn! Good show Tokine!
I'll be moderately around this long US Holiday weekend, checking in periodically. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving who celebrates it, and a good weekend for those that don't.
Thanks! You too...
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
Instantly, Khangzhi knows a lot of useful information about all the terrible things going on in the land... Oh wait...
AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12
I believe Kyras still needs to act....
Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11
Just waiting to ensure that I have Initiative. The last post from DRA only listed Tokine, Chu, and Wei. I asked Dan over Facebook.
Hey guys, apologies for my spotty attendance lately. Been having rough health issues this past month, and some related complications ended up landing me in the ER this weekend. Trying to get back in the swing of things in all my threads now, and, well, in life in general as well.
Quick Recovery thoughts are heading your way.
Okay, to be clear on the tactical situation here:
Chu is blissfully unaware of anything
Everyone sees the statues' eyes and the doors
Only Wei (in terms of PCs) knows about the possibility of the bridge, the River Kraken, and the attack in the corridor.
Tokine, Kyras, and Azami have one standard action to use before the doors are shut and Chu is trapped in the cavern with the statues. DC17 Acrobatics to get to him before the doors shut.
I look forward to seeing how you solve this!
Tokine Nagano wrote: Quick Recovery thoughts are heading your way. Thanks, Meowzebub, I really do appreciate it. It's a bit of work, and work that I'm not used to doing. Damn "change", always catching up with us...